Miscarried 1st baby over Christmas 2012.Share positive stories of conceiving again.

Hi Karry

Im in N.Ireland. You? Thanks for the well wish. Im so sorry for your loss. Can't believe you are going backbrobwork already. You are so brave. Im starting to feel a bit of a wimp here. What were you told about getting pregnant again? My heart goes out to you xx

Charlie - I know what you mean about getting back to whatever normal will be now. And my hubby went back to work yesterday. Just try to keep yourself busy. And the D&C is nothing to be worried about, I promise. I've had two. They put you under for it. When you wake up you'll feel like you have bad period cramps for a few minutes & then they pass. You may be crampy on & off for a couple of days but nothing more than normal cramps.
Hi Karry

Im in N.Ireland. You? Thanks for the well wish. Im so sorry for your loss. Can't believe you are going backbrobwork already. You are so brave. Im starting to feel a bit of a wimp here. What were you told about getting pregnant again? My heart goes out to you xx


I'm in Meath, not far from north Dublin. I'm back in work on Monday. I'm not exactly looking forward to it but it has to beat sitting at home. You're not a wimp - you need to take time for yourself x I didn't actually ask about getting pregnant again. I didn't think to ask as I was probably still in shock. But I had a D&C before & I was told that we could try straight away so I'm guessing it's the same again? Hopefully you can find out tomorrow for both of us! My heart goes out to you too & I'll be thinking of you tomorrow x
Charlie i m really sorry about your loss. I dont think i trully belong in this thread as i m not ttc but i would still like to share my story with you in the hope it will give you hope. In april 2011 i had a mmc at 11+1. I was devastated but ttc soon after. I got pg again in july only to mc again at 6+5 on my b day 23rd august. I wanted to hide away. But i was determined to make it happen. I got pg before af arrived (despite my doc warning me not to) and even though i stayed on strict bed rest for 5 months and gave birth prematurely i now have a happy bouncy n healthy almost 8 month old girl.
Stay positive girls and just believe IT WILL HAPPEN! The pain from our lost angels never goes completely away but we learn to live with it and our angels are looking down on us and will send you your rainbows.
Hi Karry, sorry for your loss, seem so many of us are going through it atm :(

I'm a receptionist and work completely on my own most of the time, its been so quiet today I've found myself getting really upset. Part of me think I should give it more time but I've got over the worst bit of the first day so I may as well just carry on now. Once it picks up at work I think I'll be ok, its the silence at my desk that kills me!

Charlie, don't feel like a wimp! My OH went back to work on Monday so I've spent a lot of time on my own which I wasn't enjoying. Plus work are struggling to cover me now and I need the money, they have been good enough to give me holiday pay for the time I've had off but I'm totally out of holiday now so I didn't feel like I had much choice. I wouldn't be going back if I was still miscarrying but I'm sure most of my ill feeling is just in my head now lol.

Thanks Chistiana, it definitely helps hearing positive stories.
Thanks for getting in touch. Your story does help a lot. Especially how quickly you hot pregnant again. Thanks for getting in touch xx


I think you are stronger than you think honey!! I am still miscarrying so Im going to ask advise from hospital as to when I should go back tomorrow. Are you going to start trying again? Are you going to wait or try straight away?

Charlie x
I just wanted to say good luck to all of you ttc and I hope you get your rainbows very soon! I miscarried August 2011 at just shy of 8 weeks. I believe my problem was low progesterone. I convinced my Dr. to give me a prescription for progesterone supplements and I conceived again in January of 2012 and my little boy is 3 months old :) I know it feels so depressing and hopeless, but it isn't. I hope 2013 brings you the babies you long for and deserve!

I think you are stronger than you think honey!! I am still miscarrying so Im going to ask advise from hospital as to when I should go back tomorrow. Are you going to start trying again? Are you going to wait or try straight away?

Charlie x

Thanks :)

I would definitely get advise about returning to work and if you're not ready don't go, stuff everyone else at work they will have to cope until you're all better! Good luck with your hospital appointment, they wont know whats hit them with all the questions hehe.

When I got into work I had an envelope stuck to my computer screen, all pretty colours saying 'To the lovely Lou' and inside was a letter saying 'welcome back, I've missed you' and a few other little things. Really brightened up my day, this is one of the other receptionists that I get to see for approx 20 mins a day on a quick break.

We've decided to try again straight away, I don't expect to ovulate this cycle seeing as I haven't taken clomid but I'll be using opk's just in case of a miracle so I know my dates etc. Then if/when af shows up i'll be straight back on those little pills.
I probably should be waiting, I'm getting married in just under 6 months and I've already ordered and paid for my dress but I see it as a small price to pay if we did get our miracle.

Have you come to a decision yet? Seems you may have luck on your side if you got pregnant without trying, hopefully it will all happen soon for you :)

Don't you find it frustrating they wont do a few little tests to find out a possible cause for the miscarriage? Could prevent a lot of heartache, I can't imagine going through this again.
Thanks Twinkie. Im so happy you had your happy ending! :)
It's gonna happen for all of girls x
Hi Loup89

Aww bless her! That was really lovely! And Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!! Your right about the dress...I sincerely hope you have to buy another one!! ;)
We are going to try straight away yes! Not banking on getting pregnant straight away but Im thinking that might be the secret...letting fate take control.
My OH has says the same to me about work too. They will manage.
Is that an ovulation kit you are going to try so you'll know your dates?
Didn't even think about getting one of those although I have seen them and wondered their use...silly me!!!!
I haven't ask for tests to find out why but again I'll ask tomorrow!! God love them lol My OH said they will be saying "Sorry but we actually have a queue of patients we need to see." But I will be asking and getting the answers and to be fair Ive been there twice now since Christmas Eve and they have been amazing!! They have fully answered any questions Ive asked and made me feel like what I asked was important so let's hope I come away feeling the exact same tomorrow.

Charlie x
Thanks :) My friends keep saying how I must be one of very few brides who don't want to fit into their dress :p

I remember everyone saying that when you stop trying it will happen or when you least expect it and I got so mad thinking how could I do that? But when I thought I hadn't ovulated I really did just get on with life and then it happened!

Yep I'll be using ovulation tests, they're quite new to me too so don't worry. I bought loads of cheap test strips online and plan to use them until I get a faint line and then use the clear blue ones with smiley faces so it's a definite yes or no and you're not holding it in every angle trying to see if you can see a line or not lol.

I'm so glad they're nice to you at the hospital, I went to a different one than my usual and they were not very nice at all. Makes all the difference being treated with respect and dignity.

Let us know how it all goes.

Lou x
Why are you waiting on a faint line? I don't understand Lou?

Charlie x
Hi girls, I am glad to hear the hospital were good to you, mine were amazing aswell. Really seemed as though they cared about what I was going through. Makes do much difference to be made to feel important.
I have been signed off work as I'm still bleeding and crying a lot and my job involves taking on a lot of other peoples problems. I just know I'm not ready for that.
I told my boss on the phone today and she was amazing x
elleff - don't blame you for taking some time off especially dealing with other peoples issues, that's the last thing in the world you want to do when you get to work right now. I'm glad you both had nice staff at the hospitals, I had 3 ladies watching me undress with nothing to cover me for my internal ultrasound which was bad enough as I was bleeding too but then when they told me of miscarried I just said 'oh' as I was in shock I guess and she turned the screen and said 'look, there's nothing in there' I don't think I'll forget that moment.

Charlie, sorry I'm terrible at explaining myself sometimes! With the ovulation test strips they have the control line that shows up and then you're basically waiting for another line (same as pregnant test) except with ovulation the test line must be same or darker than the control line. If you get a faint test line sometimes it gets darker over the day or so. It's only when it's the same or darker that it can be classed as positive and you should ovulate 12-24 hours after this.
I'm confusing myself now, think I need some sleep :p x
First day back to work today! Although can't say I'm doing much as I'm on this site :p I really didn't want to come back but suppose it has to happen sooner or later. Feels so weird sat at my desk knowing the last time I was sat here I was pregnant and so so happy.

I'm not feeling well today either, my arm is so bruised from all the blood tests nearly 2 weeks later and still have shooting pains in it too. My chest hurts and I feel really crampy and dizzy but not had anymore bleeding.

Has anyone else returned to work yet? I feel a bit pathetic for not just getting on with things, I haven't done a scrap of work all day!

ttc moon - I didn't realise that metformin was also good to help get pregnant just thought it reduced mc, well now I know what I'll be saying when I have next appointment :p

I am so sorry for you,hope you feel better soon.
I am dreaded to go back to work as well.i feel the same, last time I sat on the desk, I was too excited, thinking I am pregnant.It is like being slapped on face.
I am not yet back to work.Half of my team mates knows that I miscarried, and half knows I got some ligament issues, and doctor advised me to take rest.This is what I told them when I had spotting during pregnancy.As I was not ready to disclose the news.But anyway I had to tell my manager, as I opted for leave, as doctor suggested me bed rest.Seems he leaked the news to few people.Now the problem is I do not know who knows and who doesn't know the news.
It is too hard to meet their eyes again, I have hardly any girl in my team.We are 15 and I am the only lady.But around me there are whole bunch of pregnant ladies and nursing moms are there.Some of them are even younger than me.Each time I meet one of them she asks "Not planning for a family?".It is too odd.I feel like crying on her face. :(
My work is boring, I never liked it, but always gave my best as I wanted to rise.now because I took too many leaves hoping for my pregnancy to survive, I am sure I am not going to get the rating I deserve.I worked on most of the weekends to be here.But few weeks changed my life upside down.
I left a good opportunity, as it needed travelling world for 6 month,coming with good perks and everything.But as I was desperate to become pregnant then, I left it.Now some one else has grabbed it, and mail boxes are flooding with his appreciations.I am feeling bad.
I feel like a total loser.Neither I am being able to take my family.I am getting depressed over everything.Though stopping people from having baby doesn't solve my issue, but still I feel so jealous.Nor I am being able to become a top career woman.God knows what to do now?I am dreaded if I get pregnant again and miscarry?Mentally I will be too too devastated to even stand.This is already me 2nd time.And besides that I would need more leaves, making my career worse.What do I do now?Which one should get priority?
Charlie - I'm from Ireland too! Where abouts are you & which hospital are you going to? Good luck tomorrow with your scan :hugs:

Loup - Fair play to you for going back to work! I'm back on Monday. Not looking forward to it at all. I'm on reception that day which can be quite boring which will give me time to think - I don't like that! I'd rather be kept busy.

My story - (I thought I posted here before but apparently not!) We lost our little boy at 13+4 on St. Stephens Day. We buried him on New Years Eve. I still can't believe this has happened. I'm so devasted but eager to try again. I just wish the bleeding would stop so we could get on with it!! It had stopped but I think I over did it today & it's started again. Sick of it.

Oh My God, Loup I feel too bad for you.Hope your bleeding goes away soon and you catch the egg again!
elleff - don't blame you for taking some time off especially dealing with other peoples issues, that's the last thing in the world you want to do when you get to work right now. I'm glad you both had nice staff at the hospitals, I had 3 ladies watching me undress with nothing to cover me for my internal ultrasound which was bad enough as I was bleeding too but then when they told me of miscarried I just said 'oh' as I was in shock I guess and she turned the screen and said 'look, there's nothing in there' I don't think I'll forget that moment.

Charlie, sorry I'm terrible at explaining myself sometimes! With the ovulation test strips they have the control line that shows up and then you're basically waiting for another line (same as pregnant test) except with ovulation the test line must be same or darker than the control line. If you get a faint test line sometimes it gets darker over the day or so. It's only when it's the same or darker that it can be classed as positive and you should ovulate 12-24 hours after this.
I'm confusing myself now, think I need some sleep :p x

Hey Loup, Congratulations for your wedding!Hope you to fit in that dress but with a Bump :)
Your hospital experience sounds awful.Same thing happened to me.At first doctor tried to find the baby using abdominal USG, then asked me to pee and come back, as she couldn't see much.
I went to pee and came back, she called someone else inside.I waited there for long.Then she called me and did vaginal USG.Then without turning towards me she said "Your pregnancy is not growing, it is not viable".Then she didn't say a single word.Not even a sorry.She din't look at me even.
Then I went to my doctor, who sits in the same building.She was very good.She said " Don't cry, its ok,it happens sometimes.You will get pregnant again.Good thing is you can get pregnant at least.We will work together so you never get a miscarriage again".
She asked me to wait for a cycle, both for dating purpose and I need to reduce some weight.She says PCOS/Thyroid gets controlled if 10% of the total weight is lost.I am planning to start my yoga and treadmill again after tomorrow's scan.Once she confirms everything is out.Not taking the risk before that as I dont want to start bleeding like mad, after running.
Ttcmoon, it seems like you really want a baby and although a career is important, is it really as important as having something you've always wanted? If they can find no reason for your miscarriage, I hope that means you won't have anymore and next time your little baby will grow to be the baby you want so much.
I think if you put your career, and fear of what your colleagues think of you in front of your own happiness you will regret it forever.
Maybe you do need some time before you try again but if you are willing to take the risk and try again it might just be so worth it this time.
Loup89 - That was so nice of your colleague! We're hoping to start trying again ASAP too. My bleeding had stopped but has started again (think it's easing off again). I think I just over did it yesterday. Congratulations on your wedding!! Hopefully you'll be pregnant by then AND the dress will fit - a friend of mine got married at five months pregnant & she wasn't showing for the wedding. The bump appeared practically overnight after the wedding! And I totally agree with things happening when you least expect it - I had a laparoscopy, hysteroscopy & D&C to examine why I wasn't getting pregnant. I was waiting for the next cycle to start the OPKs & temping & all that but the next cycle never started! We got pregnant before I ever got back to all the stressing out! Fingers crossed that happens again.

ttcmoon - I'm kind of in the same position with work. I'm only on a temporary contract & they were going to make me permanent a month after I got pregnant but never mentioned it once I told them I was pregnant (I had to tell them early as I had such bad morning sickness & needed to cut my hours until I was over it). Now I guess it's just not going to happen as I guess she'll know we'll be trying again. It's an awkward situation.

How is everyone doing today? :hugs:

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