Im in... currently (maybe) 3dpo. Expected (well, not expecting!) AF is Jan 24th (will not test until then... cant handle anymore disappointment in early testing). Currently having no "symptoms" besides dull consistent aching/ cramping and slight, very slight globby cm (TMI but Ive been obsessed w/ checking for anything via the finger/ tp test). Oh I was starving yesterday and also quite tired lately but I cant consider tired and hungry "symptoms" since its a part of life

I really did not have any "symptoms" of ovulation as I had creamy/ stretchy cm, then, ewcm for 2 or so days, and finally nothing (maybe some wetness) when I was "supposed" to ovulate. (can you have some cm (esp. ewcm) a few days before and then, nothing- I was (am) worried I missed out chance this mo.)? I really need to chart/ temp and use opk kits next cycle if need be! (I hope not though)! Anyone else around 3dpo??
Been ttc since Oct (faint pos test which resulted in either chem or mc), took Nov off due to sciatic nerve/ back issues, neg for Dec and now, onto Jan and a new yr!! (bday is Jan 15th- would be a great bday mo! I will be 33).