Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Naw girlies i missed you! i was happy when i seen youd all been on here :flower:

Loulou- I have an appt next monday to go see my gp about further testing and my pap is next tuesday! im due af in 5 days, just having the same typical sore boobies bla bla bla so im trying to just expect af! yaaay for double digits :hugs:your house full of little ones sounds crazy! i bet your bump is lovely, we need some updated pics :winkwink:

Miranda :hugs: to you. i agree, maybe have a sit down chat with Brett and explain how your feeling, he might have no clue. I think men just think us woman give birth and then its all over, not that we have to deal with major hormone changes, a total change of life, complete exhaustion! big big to you, depression is awful, even just mild depression, i think talking to him will help. you know where we all are when you need to chat with us, dont keep anything bottled up! :hugs::flower:

Fairy- you look gorgeous in your facebook fotos and you can clearly see youve lost weight!:winkwink: i hope you get your bfp ready for a new year! Im glad your dh seems to want it just as much as you now!

Wanabe- i think thats a good relaxed approach, your body has been through a lot lately too!

Aww thanks Jessie. You look stunning btw in this avatar pic. :) So pretty in blue.

I am really hopeful that 2015 is going to be the year of babies and bumps :baby::flasher:
:hugs: to everyone!!

Ciara - Happy 26 weeks! And yay for double digits!! :happydance: Yes, I do take a multi with iron (it's surprising how many multis do NOT have iron!!) I admit I haven't been the best at taking them lately, and perhaps that's why this last AF was much worse than the previous few. I will try much harder to take them each night after dinner (I notice they give me slight nausea otherwise). It has everything that a prenatal has except only 400mg of Folic Acid and then I have another gummy vitamin with Fish oil/DHA (or something?)

Miranda - :hugs: You have been through a lot, emotionally and physically in the past few months that it's completely understandable to be feeling a bit down (unfortunately). Also, the change of seasons tend to make a lot of people have more depression than usual - It might be beneficial to add some vit D to your diet? I would definitely let Brett know how you're feeling and that since you're home with the baby all day that maybe HE should be the one to do more cleaning? Is it also possible that maybe he didn't mean his comment the way that you heard it? Sometimes guys like to just say stuff and they don't really think it through, or completely mean it. Either way, I hope things settle soon!!

Fairy - Awwww :cloud9: That is SO sweet of your DH :cloud9: I LOVE when guys want to be daddies, ugh it melts my heart!!
I do really think that 2015 is going to be our year, girls! First it was Kristi & Miranda, now it's Dream, Ciara, DD & PB, next will be you, me, Jessie & (hopefully!!) Pickle :kiss:

Jessie - I will continue to cross my fingers for you this month, but I also love how you seem to be ok with working on another cycle.

Hope everyone else is doing well!!

AFM - I have started a new workout routine and am focusing on portion control and so far so good! I feel hungry after my approx 400 calorie meals (I just googled it so who knows how accurate they are exactly haha) for a little bit but then my tummy registers that it's full :) I have more energy and just a more positive attitude already! :happydance:
I finally feel like I have my priorities in order (realistically speaking)
1) Lose 20lbs; better myself & be more prepared physically to carry a baby
2) Move in with OH; better our relationship as a couple and take things to another level
3) TTC; start the family OH and I are yearning for :cloud9:
I've suffered from mild bouts of depression since I was a kid - stems back to something I won't mention. I really think I'm just having a rough time with all the hormone changes and lack of sleep. It's so stressful to want to get stuff done but not being able to.

Wannabe, I don't think its the season change for me...FL doesn't really go through any seasons :haha: I'm just feeling sorry for myself...I'm sure I'll snap out of it soon.

I semi talked to Brett, but it could take a bit to get through to him...so guess I'll be patient ;)

Sounds like some positive things are taking place, so hopefully a whole slew of bfps are right around the corner!
Aww :hugs: Miranda. Sorry u r going through depression. Caring for a new born is stressful enough without having depression or a not so understanding and supportive DH :hugs:. I would look for the best time and try and bring up the subject of how u feel and u might be surprised that he has no clue :shrug:. Just try and take it 1 day at a time and u will be back to ur old self in no time x

Loulou :happydance: Happy 26 weeks and double digits :happydance:. Next stop is 3rd tri woow. Having all those kids over the weekend would have been heaven for ur kids and hectic for u. At least now u can rest x

Jessie gorgeous pic :thumbup:. Good luck at ur appointments next week and hopefully af will be a no show x

Wannabe luv luv all ur positivity and plans :thumbup:. Good luck hun and hope everything works out for you x

Pal hun that was so sweet of ur DH. Hope ur dreams come true, good luck xx

DD, kk and pb hope u ladies r k?

Well Afm going on maternity in 4 weeks and I can't wait. It has been hectic over here trying to get everything sorted before I go yikes wish me luck ladies xx
Aw Girls I'm havin a proper down day today, think my hormones must be getting ready for af. Just havin one of those days where you want to bury yourself in the duvet. I was just thinkiing how odd it is, the emotions we go through whilst trying for a baby. Me and dh talk about having a litle one so much and even call them by the names we like so its almost like I have an ache in my heart as I just want them in my life so badly! and its literally like everyone around me is pregnant!:cry:

just needed a rant!

dream- good luck preparing for maternity leave :happydance:
Natasha- Happy 31 weeks! I'm so glad that you go on leave in 4 weeks! Being home isn't exactly relaxing, but it's good time to prepare for your little guy :)

Jessie- it's ok to have a down day love...get it out today and have a better day tomorrow. Ttc is not easy, esp when there are so many ppl around you that are pregnant. We all go through/went through those same emotions, allow yourself to feel them without feeling bad about it, just don't let them consume/control your every day. You will get your LO, every day is one day closer! I know right now it seems like it won't happen, but know that it will because you and your DH will do whatever it takes to get there and you will be fantastic parents when your LO arrives :hugs:

I hope af is a no show for you and you get a big surprise next week!

Pal- I'm glad to hear that DH will do the tests (if needed) and that he is so optimistic :) it really sounds like he is getting more on board and just doesn't want you to stress out, and that's so sweet! You guys will get your LO and he knows that :)

Congrats on the weight loss! I bet you look fantastic! :) and I agree on keeping the clothes because you will need them! :)

Wannabe- that sounds like a great plan! :) it will all be worth it and you will be very proud of yourself :) as will we of course! I love your attitude towards your plan and it will all work out :)

Miranda- :hugs: I went through a bit of this with my OH not too long ago and it was hard so I can only imagine how tough it may be for you pp when everything is multiplied by 100. First I tried to step away from it and look at the situation like he would, and I still felt he was being unreasonable. He wasn't abusive or anything either but made hurtful comments just like your DH. So i tried talking to him several times which didn't work, and finally I exploded (which probably wasn't right) but I ended up telling him if I was that worthless and he was so unhappy that he needed to keep making comments then he knew where the door was and was free to leave. Fortunately things have been way better since then, I think he had a hard time understanding how much he was really hurting me and pushing me towards depression. I can't say Brett is the same or would react the same but I think I would start with asking him if he wanted to switch roles on his days off. Have him take care of James and have certain tasks to complete and try to clean the house while you leave for a few hrs and you can clean when you return home while he's still caring for James. And it would probably take several times of doing this for it to sink in to him. What you are doing is hard work! Just because you're home working doesn't make it any easier, I think it actually makes it harder, because you can't focus on one thing, your attention is constantly divided! And please, please, please if you feel yourself just feeling down and staying that way talk to the dr, don't hesitate, you don't deserve being miserable! Take care of yourself hun and try to remember that men can be insensitive because most don't have the emotional capabilities we do and they don't deal with hormones like we have to. I hope that he comes around soon! :hugs:

I hope the rest of you ladies are well! ♡ and :hugs: I'll let you all know how my appt goes :)
Oh pickle (((((huuuuuuuuggggggg)))) you take all the time you need! We just want the best for you and your hubby.

Dream - happy 31 weeks!

Lou - I forget where you are...happy twenty-something weeks! ;)

Jess - I hope nothing is wrong. How bad is the pain?

Fairyy - I'm glad you and your husband are connecting...that is so important! I'm sorry about the headaches...I wonder what it could be? I had terrible migraines for a long time, but realized later they are affected by birth control pills (which I know you aren't using) and gluten. I rarely even have a headache now, which is amazing because I lived with month long migraines for years. I hope they find a reason.

I'm 16 weeks today! No real bump yet. Nausea has been not as bad, and I've had times of hunger, which is nice. It's strange being hungry...lol. I'm still taking the zofran. I tried to wean off the other day, but ended up feeling ill, so I will try again this weekend. Admittedly, I'm scared to go off of it. I also caught a cold, so that sucks. I'm not taking anything for it because I didn't want to take anymore pills, but have taken some extra C, D, and E. I hope it lets up soon.
Thank you ladies for all your kind words and support. Brett stays home once a week with James for around 6hrs...and he hardly gets anything done. So he should know how it is, I think he was having a bad day. I'm feeling more optimistic atm.

Happy 16 weeks DD, I think I was a week off. I totally get the fear of not using zofran. I ran out at 17/18 weeks and decided instead of refilling my prescription I'd brave it without. Hope the nausea leaves soon!

Lots of love to you ladies, sending positive thoughts to you all!
Jessie: Sorry that you are feeling down. Somedays I feel the same and want to hide. But I think I am slowly overcoming from these deep TTC emotions. TTC is crazy. I hope you don't have to TTC for long hun. :hug:

Natasha: Good luck preparing for maternity leave :thumbup:
You are getting so close to due date :cloud9:

DD: Happy 16weeks :)
Sorry that you caught a cold. Hope the vitamins you are taking would help. Feel better soon :hugs:

My headaches are caused by overuse of ipad I think. Actually DH think ipad is the culprit. But surely I need an eye exam. Last 4/5days have been good, without headaches. I am taking dome precautions though.

Wannabe: :thumbup: for taking a step towards active healthy life and your goals seem great. I am sure you are going to conquer them. :flower:

AFM: Thanks ladies for all the support:hugs:. Yes, DH is optimistic that we will get our little one and not going to be childless. Better late than never though. :)

I am excited for this weekend. We have Lesmills launch party (all new releases) on Saturday @YMCA and Sunday is DH's b'day. So lots of exercising, eating out, some of DH's favorite home cooked meals and tons of fun. We have to wear pink on Saturday to Y in support of breast cancer awareness month. So going for pink shopping shortly :)

:hugs: to all of you.
Fairy - It's very true that headaches can be caused from too much computer/ipad time and strain on the eyes. It helps to look across the room every once in a while to help your eyes learn to regulate. Obviously an eye exam would benefit you also :thumbup:

DD - I actually was unaware that headaches and gluten were connected. That's very interesting to me as I also think that gluten is what causes me to have such bad IBS episodes. I wouldn't say I am "gluten free" yet, but I definitely try to eat natural foods :thumbup:
Happy 16 weeks!! :happydance: I have another friend who is 16 weeks also, and then another who is 15 weeks! Are you planning on finding out the gender?? Have any guesses?

Miranda - :dohh: I didn't realize you are in FL, how silly of me! Well I am glad you are in a better mindset for the time being, and I hope you can continue to be happy and enjoy motherhood to its fullest!

Ciara & Natasha - Hope all is well!

Jessie - Have your pains gotten any better?? Maybe what you were experiencing was implantation - They say that can be painful sometimes :shrug: Interested to know the outcome! Hopefully AF forgets to come for a while!! :thumbup:
:hi: lovely ladies!

DD- happy 16 weeks! I'm glad the sickness is easing up and I hope you kick that cold super fast! I meant to ask the dr about things like emergen-c and airborne to see if they're ok to take, but of course I forgot! :dohh:

Miranda- I'm glad you're feeling better hun, we all have bad days and sometimes weeks! Be kind to yourself :hugs:

Wannabe- it is amazing how so many things can cause reactions in our bodies! And most of the time we don't know what it is so we just shrug it off...

Pal- it definitely could be iPad use!

Sounds like you have a very exciting weekend planned :) have a great time at the release and happy bday to your DH! :)

Afm- dr went well :) bubs is 2lbs and on track :) he was head down during my scan and dr confirmed that placenta will not be in the way :) all good news!

I hope the rest of you ladies are doing well! :hugs:
:happydance: Happy 17 weeks DD :happydance:. Hope the nausea start fading now x

:happydance: Happy 27 weeks Loulou :happydance: and Welcome to 3rd tri x

Good luck tomorrow Jessie and hope ur dad is feeling better x

Pal hope you had fun over the weekend x

Wannabe how r u? Hope k?

Phb hope you are doing great and hope nausea is not kicking ur butt x

Kk and Miranda hope you are both fine and hope lo's are doing k x

Pickle thinking of u :hugs: x
Hi Girlies!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Loulou- glad your scan went will and baba is happy in there!

Af arrived on Friday, however I have my doc appointment in 1 hour so im going to go in there and beg for help haha, im gonna explain my mum has pcos and needed clomid to get pregnant etc so fingers crossed by the end of today i should have a plan, ill let you all know how it goes

:hugs: to you all xxx
Hi girls :flower:

I've been pretty busy but just wanted to let you all know I am thinking of you!!

AFM CD 10 or so today and we BD a few times in the last few days :happydance: My sex drive is coming back and we both love it! Haha :)

Headed to work now - Will be working overtime again this week :happydance: :coffee: :sleep:
Hi Girls

So the GP has referred me to the hospital, Ive sent an email to the Obs and Gynae Consultant as I work in the hospital so i should be moved up the list, so just going to bd as much as possible whilst waiting for that, I have my concieve plus and opks for this month!

Hi Girls

So the GP has referred me to the hospital, Ive sent an email to the Obs and Gynae Consultant as I work in the hospital so i should be moved up the list, so just going to bd as much as possible whilst waiting for that, I have my concieve plus and opks for this month!


Sounds great Jess :) FX!!
Hi Girls

So the GP has referred me to the hospital, Ive sent an email to the Obs and Gynae Consultant as I work in the hospital so i should be moved up the list, so just going to bd as much as possible whilst waiting for that, I have my concieve plus and opks for this month!


Sounds great. Good luck hun :thumbup:
Happy 27 weeks loulou!

Happy 32 weeks dream! (incase I don't get on tomorrow)

Happy 16/17? weeks DD!

Hope the hospital gets you some answers Jessie!

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