Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Oh, Pickle!! :hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm sorry you are having to go through this :nope: I agree though keep :sex: as much as possible because you just never know - I always hear stories of miracle babies :cloud9: I wish you and DH the best of luck sweetie as the TTC journey continues :hugs:

Miranda - My cycles can be anywhere from 28 days to 32 days normally. Usually the 30-days but I'm not so "clockwork" anymore lately lol I found it weird to start having 28 days again :shrug:

Today I'm CD29 I believe - and still no AF. I had brown spotting yesterday and we also :sex: and nothing happened afterwards (usually it encourages AF to come out lol) I've noticed when I struggle to have a BM is when I tend to have the spotting so who knows!

OH says that apparently I do seem to say my boobies hurt before AF, but I honestly don't rem them being so sore; I don't even have to touch them and they are aching soooo badly. :shrug: But again, my cat decided to scratch the heck outta my chest so maybe that's contributing to it? We will soon find out lol.

I'm not very hopeful for this cycle as not much :sex: happened but then again I didn't track my ovulation so who knows if we happened to do it at the right time! Either way I'll be okay though :)

Got my typical migraine before AF today too so I'm pretty sure I'm out
Well god knows whats happening with me- but something is defo not right, Ive had af pains for around 5 days now, the have been awful the last 2 days. Now im 11 days away from af so god knows! but im just really glad my pap smear is next week as i have a feeling something isnt right!
Thanks for your support ladies. It's hard to think positive right now. I just feel a constant ache in my heart and lungs like if I let go I won't be able to stop crying. Trying to hold it together for oh as I've already broken down and he feels bad enough. I will only be doing opks now but the doctor didn't give us anything positive to think about apart from NHS ivf doesn't have a waiting list. But it will take us past Xmas to go through more testing just to get the go ahead for it.

I'm really sorry but I don't feel like I can come on here for a while and read symptoms in tww etc (but jess that is a massive sign of implanation) so I don't think I will even lurk. It just hurts. So I wish you all the luck in the world you all mean so much to me. I will be back, and who knows I might feel better and return in a few days :haha:

I love you all. Thank you so much. :dust:
Pickle- :hugs: there are no words to stop your hurt right now :hugs: I wish I could give you a proper hug and a shoulder to cry on. Don't hold it in, it's important that you both release your emotions and love each other through it. Please give your OH a hug from me and ask him to give you one from me too. I am in tears for you and I want you to know that you have a lot of from us here :hugs:

I know they say that there aren't a lot of things that treat low sperm count, but I have heard really good stories about horny goat weed in supplement form. There was another and I will look into it so I can leave the info incase you decide to check back.

Again, I love you and am sending giant :hugs:

I will be back to catch up with the rest of you ladies when I compose myself ♡
Kerry, sweetie.:hugs::hugs::hugs:
They say to save :spermy:BD around +opk if a man has low count. Did your doctor say anything like that ? One way or the other, but we all will get there and have our babies. [-o<[-o<[-o<

Wannabe: Sorry you are going through a not so good phase :hugs:
We are here for you no matter what. Hope things get better for you soon.

Jessie: Don't feel so down hun. Your BD days sounds good to me. You never know, this might be the month and the pain your are getting are implantation pain. If not next month will be better. But talk to your doctor about these pains. My AF is always painful too and I get PMS a week before AF. I get some odd pain each month around 7/8dpo and I don't know why I get that!

Ciara, Kristi, Natasha, Pb, Miranda, DD...hope you all are doing good. I am good too. DH and I are more connected and loving towards each other as we are not bothered about TTC. We will put everything into it around Feb/March if this relaxed approach don't give us a BFP. Btw my headaches are bad again. So I will be going for eye exam soon and then for physical exam to see if there is some underlying issues !:shrug:

Love you all :hugs:. Do post Hallowen pics.
Pickle, take all the time you need! We'll be here waiting when you feel up to coming back.

If you just want to chat, feel free to pm me anytime or I can send you my email or facebook if you have one.

In the meantime, treat yourself to something nice, you deserve it!
Pickle :hugs::hugs: I totally understand, we will be here waiting for you when you are ready to come back, pop in and let us know how you are from time to time as we will all miss you :hugs::hugs: sending you major love and hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:hugs: Aww pickle I am so sorry hun. I know that it wasn't the result that u were hoping for but at least u know what you are working towards. I understand if this place is all too much for u and u want to step back and clear ur head :cry:. We will always be here for u if u need a chat or update or just to say hi. I don't want to play down ur OH' s problem but Ivf is not the only way, it is definitely fixable with vitamins. U can still follow all ur doctors order but start doing few things of ur own on the side. I know a lot of ladies on here who put their partners with the same problem on vitamin c and zinc and there was significant change in matter of months. If ur oh is up for it, lifestyle changes can make a huge difference like cutting down smoking (if he smokes) or drinking. While waiting for doc's appointment, u can look into different vitamins online to boost count. I can look into some if u want me. Once again hun we are here for u and some day when u have ur gorgeous baby, u can tell him or her about ur journey x
Wannabe so sorry about what u r going through. I am happy now that u have sought help, hopefully u will be back to feeling like ur old self x
I am so sorry if I have forgotten anyone. I hope the rest of the ladies are fine. I have been so busy with work but will keep checking in as much as I can x
Jessie: Sorry about your dad sweetie. How is he doing now ?

Kerry: Praying for you hun. Do drop in if you want to chat, it doesn't have to be TTC related.
Hi Girlies

How are you all doing?

Fairy- He came home last night so just a case of resting now and change of lifestyle so we'll see! How are you doing hun?

Im on cd26 today so af due in around 6 days. ive had cramping on and off for 2 weeks but that seems to have stopped now, sore boobies are back, but with our grand total of 3 bd sessions im not holding out much hope! just looking forward to starting properly next month!

have a good day alll xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jessie - :hugs: So glad your dad is back home and seems to be doing well, how scary!
As for TTC, sometimes I have AF-type cramps for a while during my cycles also, and I'm not sure if maybe DD is right in the sense that maybe we are conceiving and just not implanting properly a lot of the times? :shrug:
I've only had this cramping when I believed to also have a chemical, so it could be a good sign for you - along with the achey boobies. Depending on when your BD sessions happened, it only takes once!! :dust:

Pickle - Biggest :hugs: I do hope that you come peek back on here, or keep us updated in another way (FB, e-mail, etc.) because talking it out is likely to help you more than avoiding the subject altogether. I completely understand it's too difficult right now as the wound is still very sore, but I do hope you don't stray too far!! We will miss you WAY too much! :hugs:

AFM - I am now CD3 (I think?). Having a pretty yucky/painful AF this time, but I'm actually glad it decided to fully come. I've been spotting for almost a week before actually starting to have a flow, so in that sense I'm a bit relieved. My achey boobs have stopped pretty much right when AF officially started, which is super strange to me. They are still a bit sore but not near how they were before and I would almost cry when OH touched them!! :shrug:
I had my normal CD1 headache/migraine also, so I am definitely thinking my headaches are related to blood loss or something along those lines. I also felt dizzy/lightheaded the first day and TMI but it was on the heavy side, so OH thinks I am slightly anemic when on AF anyways.
I am actually okay with just NTNP and I mentioned to OH that we shouldn't actually TTC until probably this time next year, after we are living together and engaged/married then it would be perfect. Until then we will continue what we are doing and obviously if it happens that's wonderful but if not then that's fine too :coffee:
:hi: to all you lovely ladies! Please excuse my absence, I wanted to do some investigating for Pickle before I came back so I could send her a pm.

Jessie- I hope you're ok hun, are you feeling better? I'm glad your dad is home and I hope there is someone to make sure that he is resting/recouping.

There is always hope, even with only 3 bd! We only had the 3 bd the month we caught and I didn't think we were that close to o. You never know hun, and it only takes one :)

When is your pap again? Or did you have it? There was so much I wanted to respond to before and now I've lost it! Sorry!

Wannabe- it sounds like you have things sorted and I'm happy for you :) I still think when your insurance kicks in you should get some simple hormone tests just so you know all is well incase you do get a surprise bfp while ntnp. Just my thoughts :)

Do you take a multi with iron in it? If not, definitely start. Always check the contents, some have little to no iron, and if you feel like you need more take a prenatal, I get the spring valley big bottle at walmart. :)

Pal- I'm so glad you and your dh are lovey dovey :) and it sounds like you have a good plan in place :) do you think he will be willing to do testing at any time in the future? I hope it doesn't come to that, and I hope you don't mind me asking :)

Miranda and Kristi- how are the kiddos? And yourselves?

DD- happy 15/16? Weeks...I lost track again! Anyways, I hope you're doing well :)

Natasha- did I ask if you have a name picked out? If I did I'm sorry, if not, I meant to lol. I have a feeling I did but I may have just been thinking it lol. Crazy brain! I hope you're getting some time to relax too! :)

Pb- how are you feeling hun?

Oh and Jessie I love your avatar! :) stunning!

I'm sorry if I missed anyone/anything!

Afm- I forgot last week that the kids had a 4 day weekend and their bday party this past weekend. It's been crazy, busy, hectic lol (at least for me since I was the only adult not drinking :haha: ) all went well, had an extra 6 kids spend the night Sat, and I think my house is finally back in order lol.

I am officially in double digits as of last Sunday :happydance: I have an appt coming up tomorrow and I am definitely going to ask if bubs size is on track because I'm not gaining still and i feel like my bump has gotten smaller :dohh: his movements are definitely more apparent though as it shakes my whole belly and you can see it through my shirt :haha: and he always seems to have a part shoved under one of my ribs lol. I just worry, but we all do, I'm sure all is fine :)

I want you ladies to know you are always in my thoughts and prayers regardless of how little or much I'm on here! I love you all and wish I could give you all a big in-person hug! ♡
Happy 26 weeks loulou! Hope all is well with the little mr, he could just be sitting farther back and that's why your bump seems smaller?

Happy 15 weeks DD!

Wannabe - Sorry AF is being difficult for you this cycle! I agree with loulou about going in for testing, even if you're only NTNP, as it sounds like you may have some underlying issues..and perhaps a simple fix will help you feel better in the meantime.

Jessie - has AF shown, if not, have you tested? Fx'd for you!

I hope everyone is doing well, I keep meaning to respond, but by the time I get a chance it seems there is so much new stuff to read over :haha: If I missed anyone/anything I really do apologize!

Happy 31 weeks (tomorrow) dream!

AFM - I seem to be borderline depressed lately. I can't quite put my finger on what's sent me into this downward spiral, but I'm finding it harder and harder to be positive about things. And I've just been so cranky and irritated, and I think Brett's been picking up on it, as he's been acting hostile towards me. It's strange, as he's so loving one minute and the next it's like a switch flipped and he's just angry with me. I wish I knew how to bring up the subject without upsetting him, but I can't handle him throwing tantrums when I have a screaming baby I'm trying to calm. He doesn't raise his voice at me, or get physical at all...he just says things he knows will get under my skin...like going on about how he's been doing all the cleaning and if I'm home all day why I didn't touch any of it. He doesn't seem to understand between a fussy baby and working from home I really don't have much time to clean. James is doing well other then is screaming last night...I think he had bad gas as he was hardening his tummy and kicking his legs like crazy.

I posted a ton of new photos of him, he got to experience his first 5K run and first hockey game this weekend :)

Have a great day ladies!
:hi: Ciara. I am sure bub is growing strong in there. :)
:happydance:yay you are in double digits now. Seems you are doing good and had a great kids b'day party. Eat well and take rest when needed. :hugs:

About DH's testing. Yes, he said he definitely would go for it if needed, but not now. I hope 2015 would bring us our much awaited baby.

I kind of lost 10/11 pounds and apparels are not fitting me. So I wanted to return unworn new apparel but DH said that I don't have to return those and when I asked why, he replied because "You are going to gain weight soon''. I said no, "I am not going to get bulky again". Then he said, "You are going to gain weight because you are going to get pregnant soon."Seems he wants a baby soon and being hopeful, finally ...:cloud9:
Jessie: Great news Jessie [-o<. So happy to hear this.
Don't worry about only 3 BD sessions.Its enough to catch a eggie. :thumbup:

Miranda: :hugs: hun. I would say talk to Brett about how you feel. Once you have a discussion with him, you would feel better and his reaction might change. Men need lecture from time to time. lol. Feel better sweetie.

Wannabe: As Ciara suggested, plz take some multivitamin or iron tablets. Talk to your doctor also about this. And I think what you have decided about NTNP is good. Its definitely not worth putting stress onto yourselves now. Good luck for all your future endeavors.

Love you ladies :hugs::flower:

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