Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Natasha- Happy 33 weeks! Have you settled on a name yet? It's been bloody hard for us to agree on anything and we're still on square one :haha:

DD- Happy 18 weeks! I hope your wiggly bean cooperates with you for your scan :) the movements are strange at first but so cool! I'm excited that you are feeling bubs in there and I'm super excited to see if your boy vibe works out like mine did :) I'm glad that most days you're feeling better, it must be such a relief for you! :happydance:

Wannabe- I love your optimistic mood :) i hope your headaches are better and you're able to get some down time soon! And you are so correct that symptoms can be so similar that it's hard to symptom spot. There should be at least one sign for every woman that is an indication! :haha: you'll get there hun, just keep living your life and pma :)

Jessie- I second (or third or fourth lol) that you guys should go to Disney! Even if you were preggers it wouldn't be a waste because you'd still have the experience and you would have a great story for your bubs :) I firmly believe that it's very important to keep living your life no matter the situation and it would be such a fabulous thing to look forward to! I still went to the amusement park preggo and though I couldn't do much it was still fun :) and I love rides so that was kind of tough but I'd go again :) hopefully your DH will come around to the idea, just keep at him :) I've never been to Disney (mostly because I do the whole "what if" thing) and it sucks and I wish I would have gone when I had the opportunity, because there will always be "what if's". And just one more point to that is if you hold out now and end up preggo then you're going to want to wait until baby is old enough to enjoy it and then you may fall with another and another and that's the cycle I fell into, don't be like me! :haha: ♡

Kristi- I want to see those costumes! :)

Miranda- are you dressing James up for Halloween?

I hope the rest of you ladies are doing well, lots of <3 to all of you!

Afm- doing good here. Fell with a stomach bug early this week, but feeling better today :)

I am definitely excited about going to an indoor sport, but not excited about driving to the games in snow and crappy weather lol. Snow could start here as soon as Friday (can't wait to trick or treat in the possible rain/snow mix :haha: ) so back to basketball, it works out well because our neighbors DD is also playing so we'll take turns getting the girls from practice (yay!) And Idk much about the sport but I know there are 24 (yes I said 24) girls on their team! I think that works out to be like 3 teams (if there were no subs)! I didn't know it was such a popular sport! So basically they split the girls into an a team (advanced) and a b team (beginner) but they split them based on grade, not skill?! So almost all of the 7th graders are on b team (except the really tall ones are on a team) even though some of these girls have been playing for years...not so fair considering half of the 8th graders have never played, but such is life and school sports I guess :shrug: I'm excited and anxious to see how that split works for the coaches this season lol. Anyways, I'm done rambling! :)

Have a great day ladies! :hugs: and &#9825;

Happy 33 weeks, Dream!! :happydance:

Happy 18 weeks, DD!!! :happydance: It must be amazing to feel bubs moving!

Happy 28(?) weeks Ciara!! :happydance:

Jessie - I agree, there will always be "what ifs" in life and you should just go for it now while you can!! Then go again when your kids are old enough to enjoy it ;)

AFM - CD20 today?? Wow that went by fast lol. OH and I are doing very well - he surprised me with a nice date night and treated me to dinner last night!! :cloud9: It was the sweetest :happydance:
Feeling a slight headache coming on today :nope:
Still have leg cramps (like growing pains) at random times :shrug:
Diet/weightloss seems to be going well...Down 3lbs since Oct 13th!
yea KK i am soooooo excited that I am getting closer to meeting him eeks can't wait.

Loulou no names yet , we decided to wait till we meet him before choosing lol

Miranda for the life of me i can't quite find ur journal anymore to view the pics. Please how do i find it?

DD yeaaaaa it has gone soooo quick, can't wait for the scan pic and for gender reveal. If it is a boy , then poor willow will be outnumbered lol.

Wanabe hope all these signs turn to bfp for u x

Jessie I totally agree with loulou, what if's never end, so just go.
Oh Jessie, Lou is so right. Don't put it off. I have like at least 4 years before our kid will even begin to enjoy disney. Mama might have to go without baby. &#128521; lol

My pregnancy is picking up speed now...it was dragging for so long. Especially when I was sicker. It's nice,but then I'm like, crap, I gotta start getting on this baby stuff, birthing classes, etc etc etc.

Lou - driving in snow is no fun, but the games sound fun. I hope she likes it. &#128522; why does it always get cold on Halloween? Even here where it's still like 88, it always turns cold on Halloween. Lol

Wannabe- just relax and enjoy the time! I hope this is it!
Thanks girls - I hope this ends with a nice surprise, but not getting my hopes up! (Really - I'm not!) :thumbup:

This thread has gone awful quiet lol it's spoooooky! :haha:

Happy Halloween lovely ladies!
Hi Girls!

Hope youve had a lovely weekend and halloween!

Im on cd 18 today, I havent done an opk since friday, which was a faint positive so im assuming i o'd somewhere between then and now, we have bd'd every other day since cd6, including friday and sunday so hopefully the little swimmers will be on their way. I have heard from the obs and gynae consultant and im on the waiting list so i imagine i wont be seen until at least christmas. I have been going through ttc with one of my friends who had been trying a few months more than me, she was given clomid a month ago and is already pregnant, she keeps saying i should pay and go privately like she did but im not sure whether to just keep plodding along the way I am as maybe going privately (costing a lot) will add more pressure. Also she was told she wasnt ovulating but I have been told I am. Hmm decisions decisions!:dohh::wacko:

DD- Its so exciting! How is your morning sickness now?

Dream - do you have any names on your list or will you just decide totally once baba is born?

Wanabe- fingers crossed for you! how are you feeling?

How is everyone else doing?

:happydance: Happy 29 weeks Loulou :happydance: l can't believe that u will enter home stretch next week eeks x

:happydance: Happy 19 weeks DD :happydance: I can't believe that u will be halfway next week wow.

Jessie I personally would wait cos I wouldn't want to add money pressure to ttc pressure. Besides December is only a cycle away and u don't know what is going to happen btw now and then. Good luck whatever u decide x oh and OH would like jack or Mark or something traditional . I want something a bit modern.

How is everyone else doing?
Jessie - you are close enough with the holidays...I'd just wait. Time flies this time of year. While you are waiting, you can go to Disney!! &#65533;&#65533;yyyaaaaayyy!!!!! &#65533;&#65533;

Dream - thank you! I'm starting to feel pregnant. I can't button some pants that used to be loose! Boooo hiiissss. I worry so much about being a giant melon ball.

My MS is ok. Some good days, some bad, but overall, I'm taking less pills, so that's great! Friday was killer because I ate too much at lunch. Otherwise, this weekend wasn't too bad. It can get worse if I do too much - like yesterday I cooked a lot and got so tired...the afternoon and evening were a bit tough. Now I got up at 3 am and I'm starving. Lol there is really no winning. &#55357;&#56841;
As promised Halloween pics...Rand was not having any of it.

We could never find a gnome costume his size so he went as Toad from Super Mario brothers. He just is not a holiday kid...I just force it on him :p

Then me and 2 of my co workers did the Sanderson sisters. I was Winifred.


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Omg willow is super cute. Luv rands costumes as well and u ladies aren't looking bad :thumbup: x
Adorable pics!

Jessie - I'd just wait it out; it's only a cycle away like mentioned :thumbup:

I am CD24 today and noticed some tiny bit of spotting, so could go either way. I also had AF cramps and still get pains in my left leg (like growing pains)...I have cold sores under my tongue now, too :nope: Super exhausted...I literally went to bed at 6:30pm last night...And that was after a 4-hour nap during the day (!?). :shrug: I literally couldn't keep my eyes open.
Starting to have a good feeling but trying SO HARD not to get my hopes up!
Well, same thing as yesterday...CD25 today, still have cold sore under my tongue, growing pains, AF pains, not as exhausted today for some reason actually, had bright red spotting while straining for BM :blush: and was sure I was out but then it went away completely. Still slight AF type cramping; just enough for me to notice it's there but definitely not bad. My legs are still feeling achey at different times of the day...
I also feel pretty nauseated tonight, but I deal with lots of tummy issues so not counting this as a symptom at all.

I'm just so confused...I'm CD25 and yest and today I've had random bouts of spotting, today I had stringy CM with a flesh-coloring to it? Like grayish brown maybe? :shrug: What could cause this if not pregnant? I typically have 30-day cycles, pretty much on the dot. 24/25 seems WAY too early, even for pre-AF spotting?! :shrug:

I do think it's SO strange that I slept the day away on Sunday...And then I was telling people at work and they were like "oooh you know what that means" and that's when I first thought hmm maybe??

I do think I ovulated early this month like maybe CD10 so that'd make me 15DPO so perhaps it IS just an early AF??? My body is SO confusing!!! :nope:
Wow all those symptoms would have had me tearing my hair out. Either way good luck hun, hope that this is it for u x
Wannabe- I have my fx'ed for you! I hope your symptoms turn into a blazing bfp!

Jessie- I'm with the other ladies on waiting until December. Since this time of year is so busy and money consuming already, it'll fly by and you'll have a FREE appt before you know it! Especially if it's only a cycle or 2 that you have to wait. I know things work a little differently there than they do here, but when we pay out of pocket here I definitely don't feel like we get the same level of treatment. When you have insurance the $ is pretty much guaranteed for them. I know your system is better than ours and since you can get the specialized care paid for I'd try and wait it out. From what I've read Clomid can also be used for a stronger ovulation. Soy isoflavins are called nature's Clomid that you can get yourself. I believe they're taken the same way as Clomid, cd 2-5 or 3-7. I'm sure you can search it in bnb or Google if you want to know more about it. I am definitely not a dr, so idk what the right answer is, but I know it's hard to feel helpless. I'm hoping and praying you get a nice surprise very soon! Eod is a fantastic idea and doesn't put a ton of pressure on you like every day would, fab job! :) and congrats to your friend!

Natasha- Happy 34 weeks! I've also thought about waiting til bubs is born, but then I think it may make it harder for me lol. I'm with you on liking more modern names and so is my OH, we just can't agree on one :haha: I keep saying we're just going to have to make him a "jr" lol.

DD- Happy 19 weeks! Almost halfway! I had a pants struggle for a while, I used a rubber band for a bit, switched to maternity pants for a while, and now I'm back into regular jeans lol. I am now in the shirt struggle, nothing seems long enough lol. I have a long torso (short legs) to begin with, so shirt length has always been an issue, but with a bump it's even worse! Half of the cute maternity shirts I bought are no longer cute and make it look like I'm trying to be a belly dancer :haha: I told my OH that instead of buying anymore clothes I'm just going to start wearing his t-shirts and hoodies lol.

Miranda- love your avatar! He's so precious! How is everything going with Brett?

Kristi- the kids are adorable! I love the costumes :) Willow looks like she should be a little princess! :) and you ladies look good too :) I had such a struggle finding an appropriate costume for Sarai, all of the adult sized ones were very racy! She settled on Alice in wonderland with shorts underneath to please mom :haha: Blake wanted to be scary, so he was some skeleton zombie thing. I'll post a pic if I can ever get my computer to cooperate :)

How are the rest of you ladies?

Afm- Halloween was fun and frigid! It rained the whole time and was freezing, but that didn't stop us from making the most of it :) the kids had a blast and were so beat by time we got home that they weren't even worried about candy :haha:

I'm having issues with my insurance only covering some of my appts so I'm getting increasingly worried about having to switch dr's before my dr goes on his mission trip. I try not to worry about it but the daily phone calls are a constant reminder. I tried to call and get everything sorted again yesterday (for about the 10th time) and after sitting on hold for 30 mins I got disconnected. The worst part is I keep getting told everything is fine...how is it fine when I'm getting the bills saying insurance is refusing to pay? Anyways, I just have to have faith it'll all work out :)
DD- how did your appt go on Monday? I knew you had one this week, but had to go back and look when lol. Did bubs cooperate? I'm so excited for you!
Happy 29 weeks loulou!

Happy 19 weeks DD!

Happy 34 weeks Dream!

Wannabe - sounds promising, are you waiting to test until AF is late?

loulou - thank you! Brett has his good days and bad days, and I can't figure out if he's just being cranky cause he's tired, or if he's bringing his attitude home from work. I think he realizes he's being a jerk at times though, as he has apologized a few times after an outburst.

James is such a fussy baby, when he's happy it's great...but he just gets in these moods and just wines or cries :dohh: I think he just isn't entertained, which is surprisingly hard to keep up with, with a baby :haha: I can't wait until he can entertain himself.

I posted more photos for the week on my journal - in a flipagram :)

How are the rest of you ladies? Hopefully well!
I'm not sure if I really have a chance or not this month, but that spotting sure was different. Nothing since.
Some cramping, like AF but not...It just seemed different, and my pelvic area was actually sore to the touch, which I thought was odd. :shrug:
Exhausted. It's only 7:22pm and I'm sooo ready for bed. :sleep:
I woke up in an awesome mood today lol it seemed random but felt great, the day seemed to go by nicely and then OH made me upset and I almost cried over something pretty silly.

Is it even possible to ovulate around CD10? So then I'd have only a 24-day cycle??? Seems super strange.

Oh and I looked through my notes and re-read what I wrote for July and was nearly in tears at work as I read on July 9th I had a faint but noticeable BFP, July 13th I had a spell of extreme nausea, dizziness, sweats/chills, vomiting, etc. and then on July 15th had a terrible AF with pea-size clots and some even as big as nickles (or thereabouts) :cry:
Why won't my babies stick?? :cry:

I want to wait to test until I'm late, but I actually don't know if I'm already late or not lol. I'm CD26 so I guess I'll wait till after Sunday or so :shrug:
Hi Girls!

Loulou-- oooooh thanks for your advice, ive never heard of those before, I am currently looking to buy them!! I'm glad you had a lovely halloween! I cant wait til I have kids so I have an excuse to enjoy all these holidays! That sucks with your doctors, we do take for granted the NHS over here thats for sure! I hope it all works out for you! You dont have any names either then?

Miranda- Im glad things are ok with Brett, men just dont think sometimes do they! James is getting cuter in his pics everyday!

Wanabe- :hugs:

DD- how are you?

Wannabe - I hope this is it for you. I also had a problem with early miscarriages and it's very hard. Have you been tested for clotting issues?

Jessie, Lou - I'm doing well. Thanks for asking! The dr thinks the baby is a boy! So monday was a fun day! The past few days I have had cramping and I'm hoping that was due to my growth spurt this past week. I might call the dr just to ask.

Miranda - I hope james learns to entertain himself too. That sounds rough and exhausting. You are a good mom!

Kristi - those costumes are so cute! I disn't see rand's for some reason before...he is adorable!

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