Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Hi Ladies,

Sorry I have been out of the loop. I'm so tired during the week that all I do when I get home is sleep. All is good. excited that my little bean has stayed put so far. Having a hard time going through my daily routine with the nausea, headaches, and over all tiredness weighing me down. I don't know how other women have worked during their whole pregnancy. I have so long to go and already it's a struggle to get out of bed and get going everyday. Mornings are hard. Although I feel miserable, I'm afraid for the symptoms to go away because feeling miserable makes me more optimistic that baby is sticking.

Pickle - were you able to talk to your doctor about your iron levels affecting TTC? I wonder if it would be possible to see another doctor. When I was having issues it was comforting that my Dr. seemed just as concerned with my troubles as I was.

Jessie - Huge Hug going your way. :hugs:

Loulou - happy late 24 weeks!! How exciting the the crib is up and your bump is gorgeous!! Hope your DD recovery is going well. I agree with you, its a very tough choice between wanting to keep your daughter from worsening her injury and wanting her to enjoy playing with her team and having fun.

Dream - So sorry that the vaccines have you down. It's been since my schools years that I've had to do any so I'm not familiar how long these things last, but I hope you are feeling well soon!

Miranda - I LOVE your stories of James. He such a cutie pie and I so look forward to those new baby woes :)

Wannabe - Hope you get things figured out with OH. Its sounds like a frustrating time. Wishing for the best for you!

Fairy - sending baby dust your way to hopefully scare off :witch: :):dust:
Lou - I have no trouble getting my fats in! Lol...sunflower butter, butter, avocado...I have a problem. Lol. As for Sarai, honestly she needs to rest her knee. She's a stubborn little thing and is pushing herself, which is a great quality, but can be detrimental to her health (I know this because I am just like that!). There is a big chance that if she keeps going, she will hurt herself further and not be able to play at all... She needs 6-8 weeks off of the knee, with rest, ice, and rehab exercises when she's ready. A sprain is nothing to laugh at. Once she's better, she can work on building up her muscles around her knee to prevent further injury. I know it's hard to not let her play, but it might be what's best for now. Just my 2 cents. I hope she gets better soon...that head injury is no laughing matter either. She needs to rest that as well...did you guys to get her checked for a concussion?
:hugs: Hi girls -
You are all very correct in saying that moving in is nothing compared to having a baby with him, I totally get that but I guess I never thought of it that way before? :blush:
We have decided that I will continue going back/forth until winter is over as I have been having issues and then we will end up moving somewhere slightly closer to my work.
I will update more later, going out with mom now

And no we are not married yet but have discussed it all.
Glad to see my preggies are doing well but not happy to see AF making the rounds...Grrrrr!!

I got Willows Halloween costume ordered she will be Snow White, and I am looking for a Garden Gnome costume for Rand. As for mine...Im still up in the air and running out of time! Eeek!
Pb- with symptoms or without I think it's totally normal to worry. Sometimes I still can't believe I'm pregnant, until my little guy kicks me in the cervix :haha: Happy 6 weeks to you! I can't promise you're going to feel better, but I do hope that once your hormones start to stabilize that you will have some more energy. I worked until my due date with my first 2 and I never felt exceptionally tired or sick or any of the other not so nice parts of pregnancy...this time I am so thankful I'm a sahm, this pregnancy has been so different and a lot harder than my others. I hope you get some relief :hugs:

DD- I don't have a hard time getting my fats in either :haha: I just need to work on getting the right (healthy) fats in :)

As far as Sarai goes, they don't think she actually got a concussion, and didn't order any further testing for it. She seems to be healing up well, but I really wish I could tie her down with some ice lol. She rested for the most part over the weekend but did volunteer to help with a make-a-wish fundraiser (which I have to be proud of her for)...she's a very stubborn girl and I understand because I'm the same way. At her age I never let anything get in the way of what I wanted lol.

Kristi- I want to see pics once you get them in their costumes! How exciting :) and so freaking cute! My kids still haven't made a concrete decision on costumes, but Sarai wants last leaning towards being a bum and Blake wants to be "something scary" lol...

Afm- I'm off to get my car inspected and pick up invites for the kiddos bday party. I'll check in soon!

Hope the rest of you ladies are well! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Hi girls!!

So much has been going on in my life, I haven't had time to properly update - Sorry!! :hugs:
I have been going through a lot of personal/emotional issues lately, and OH and I finally sat down and cried/talked it all out and have decided that I really need to get into counselling (again...). My depression is worse than I thought it was and I'm finally reaching the point of no control :nope: This, paired with my extreme (untreated) anxiety levels are adding to the stress of our relationship :cry: I have just signed up for insurance through work and it should be effective soon but even if I can get an appt in now I will pay out of pocket for the help I need because this is bad.. Luckily my OH is fabulous and is sticking by me through this God-awful time (Wintertime makes me 1,000 times more depressed than I typically am...)
But after our talk and everything I feel a huge weight has been lifted, and I can't wait for our next step! First thing is to help myself, and I told him I'd like to move in together once this is controlled, which will likely be after snowfall and all that terrible nasty stuff! It just seems to be WAY too much to add on my plate right now, and we've talked it through :)
I think AF is slowly arriving (early?) but honestly it's not phasing me at all, since I know we barely had a chance this month anyways and I've accepted the fact that I should be more patient and not really TTC but just NTNP as it's just added stress that we don't need, especially right now.
:hugs: Just know that I stalk this thread all the time so even if I get quiet I'm still lurking about :haha: Love you girls!!!
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Wannabe

I can't even imagine the emotions that you must be going through, but it sounds like you and OH are on the path to finding solutions and working together to get through it. :flower:
Hi girls!!

So much has been going on in my life, I haven't had time to properly update - Sorry!! :hugs:
I have been going through a lot of personal/emotional issues lately, and OH and I finally sat down and cried/talked it all out and have decided that I really need to get into counselling (again...). My depression is worse than I thought it was and I'm finally reaching the point of no control :nope: This, paired with my extreme (untreated) anxiety levels are adding to the stress of our relationship :cry: I have just signed up for insurance through work and it should be effective soon but even if I can get an appt in now I will pay out of pocket for the help I need because this is bad.. Luckily my OH is fabulous and is sticking by me through this God-awful time (Wintertime makes me 1,000 times more depressed than I typically am...)
But after our talk and everything I feel a huge weight has been lifted, and I can't wait for our next step! First thing is to help myself, and I told him I'd like to move in together once this is controlled, which will likely be after snowfall and all that terrible nasty stuff! It just seems to be WAY too much to add on my plate right now, and we've talked it through :)
I think AF is slowly arriving (early?) but honestly it's not phasing me at all, since I know we barely had a chance this month anyways and I've accepted the fact that I should be more patient and not really TTC but just NTNP as it's just added stress that we don't need, especially right now.
:hugs: Just know that I stalk this thread all the time so even if I get quiet I'm still lurking about :haha: Love you girls!!!

I suffer from Anxiety, and when my depression sneaks up on me it cause horrible attacks. Very sorry to hear you are dealing with all that. But talking to a counselor is good ((hugs)) if you ever need to talk about anything FB message me. Been there, done that so I know talking to someone who understands that stuff is a great way to help with the mental healing. I've been back on Welbutrin since July since I had horrid postnatal anxiety and I feel much better. You'll get there girl!!!

Lou how do you pronounce your daughters name?
Hi Girlies!

Sorry I havent been on here much, been busy the past week. My dad isnt too well at the mo so hes in hospital, Ive been going back and forth to visit. We have been rubbish this month with ttc, weve literally bd on cd10, 13 and 15 and that is it! No opking or anything! I think its been a mixture of tiredness (the dh has been working non stop) and loss of motivation! So ive decided to forget this month and try properly next month, ive bought concieve plus, ovulation tests and booked an appt with the docs on 20th oct. so for now Ill give myself a break!

Wanabe- Im sorry that you are going through an awful time, im glad you have a plan ahead and seeing a counsellor! Your oh sounds very supportive too!:hugs:

PB- im glad you have a sticky bean, :happydance:hopefully your symptoms wont last too long!:hugs:

Loulou- Im glad your dd is ok! sounds worrying! kids are resiliant little things arent they!

Pickle- how are things?

Fairy- I hope your doing ok and AF hasnt been too bad! :hugs:

KK and Miranda- Love your gorgeous baby pics on fb!

xxxxxxxxxxxxx to you all xxxxxxxxxxxx
loulou - happy 25 weeks

Pb - happy 6 weeks

DD - happy 15 weeks

I've been meaning to reply to all you ladies, as I have been reading updates...but I'm finding I've hit a bit of a low and lack motivation to do much at the moment.

Jessie - so sorry to hear your dad isn't well, I hope it's nothing major and he recovers quickly! Big :hugs:

Wannabe - Glad you're looking into getting help, anxiety and depression are so hard to deal with alone. It's great that you and your OH talked about it, and hopefully your spirits will pick up soon!

Pickle - where are you in your cycle? Any symptoms? ;)

loulou, DD, dream and pb - hope you ladies are doing well, and your pregnancies aren't being hard on you!

pal - hope life is treating you well!

Hope I didn't miss anyone! Big :hugs: to all you ladies, and hope you're all doing well.

afm - I don't know whats gotten into me lately, but I'm just feeling out of sorts. James will be 2 months tomorrow! I'll be posting pictures soon in my journal, so check back in later today to see them :) He's got his 2 month appointment thursday, he'll be getting his first round of shots. I took the day off incase he reacts badly to them.
Happy 6 weeks PB!! :happydance: Hope all is well!
Happy 15 weeks DD!! :happydance: Hows the nausea? Bump starting?
Happy 25 weeks Ciara!! :happydance: Any name ideas??

Miranda - Happy 2 months to baby James!! :happydance: I think it's a great idea you took the day off just in case - chances are he will be cranky and/or need tylenol or something (can they even have that so early?)

Kristi - Can't wait to see pics of these costumes!!

Pickle, Pal & Jessie - Where are you girls in your cycles?? Throwing some :dust: your way!! :flower:

AFM - I noticed today that my boobies are hurting me a LOT! suddenly? I'm not even sure this happens before AF or not? I've noticed every now and again my nipples will be tender (TMI but when OH sucks them) but never seemed to notice if it was around AF time or what. Hmm. :shrug:
My cat also happened to scratch me right on my boobies lol so perhaps that's why? Just find it pretty odd like they hurt even when not being touched. I've been super gassy (and constipated :growlmad:) which is unusual before AF too but apparently I'm CD27 I think. I've been having AF-type cramps off/on but I feel that's also my bowels :( Ah well; looking forward to starting a new cycle actually. Either way, we need to have more :sex: :haha:
Jessie - So sorry to hear about your dad :hugs: sending well wishes and thoughts your way

Miranda - hopefully James isn't too cranky after his first round of shots, poor baby. And he is too cute. took a moment to check out his updated pics and he is just adorable!

Hope everyone else is doing well!
:hugs::hugs:Thanks girls! He's got a clot on the lung and cardiomyopathy, which is basically heart failure so they are looking at ways to keep his heart regulated at the mo! He's ok in himself just very breathless! but hes in the best place!

Wanabe- Im on cd 21, but i have no idea when i ovulated and we only bd on cd10, 13 and 15 so Im not holding out any hope this cycle!

loulou - happy 25 weeks :happydance:

Pb - happy 6 weeks :flower:

DD - happy 15 weeks :hugs:

Miranda- I hope your feeling better soon! I bet your exhausted! :hugs:

Afm- Im just looking forward to getting onto the next cycle and start ttc properly again! also to getting some tests started with the docs! Im going to mention also that I get a lot of af pain, like they literally make me think im going to pass out and also throughtout my whole cycle i get pains, Ive had af pains the last 4 days which is odd!

xxxxxxxxxx to you all xxxxxxxxxx
Happy 30 weeks dream!

Wannabe - how long are your cycles usually? Those symptoms seem promising, but if they turn into af glad to hear your not taking it poorly.

Jessie - oh no, how awful for your dad. I hope they're able to make him comfortable.
Bad af pains doesnt sound good, hope the drs can help!
Hi ladies!

So sorry for not replying or posting at all in a while. I have been lurking and checking in on you all but I've been a little distracted. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I ovulated between yesterday afternoon and last night. I can't be bothered to stress about bd timing anymore.. Also, just got the boys results. "Low". :cry: we have an appointment with doc later. What now :( :(

Wannabe - good symptoms, hang on in there :)

KK - gonna take pics when your kiddlets are all dressed up for Halloween?! Would love to see!

Lou - your girly seems to get knocked about a lot! Tough cookie! Great for her future but the poor thing needs to know when enoughs enough. Your bump is lush so cute, hope you're feeling good :)

Jess - really sorry to hear about your dad, hope he picks up. Your bding sounds good to me :hugs:

Miranda - 1dpo I do believe but after hearing oh's results, who's counting :(
Can't believe James is two months already! That flew! He's too cute.

Hope everyone else is doing well and our preggos are growing nicely ;)
Back.. The count is under 1 million (should be 15).
Looks like we are on the road to ivf.

Oh pickle, big giant :hugs:

Is IVF your only option, or is there still a chance of natural conception or possibly increasing his sperm count?
Our doctor (we changed drs) is sending him for blood tests and another SA but he says it's highly unlikely the SA will be any different. Then we will be referred to a urologist. And then the urologist will refer us to ivf. The way our doctor was speaking to us, it looks like this could be our only hope. I'm devastated. We both are. We are both going for more bloods on friday and he will doing his SA on tues.
Big big hugs Pickle, I know this was not the results you both were wanting. Please never loose hope though. Even though they may tell you the % chance is low, any %chance is still a chance. I have my fingers crossed for you!!
Pickle- :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: dont fret and think too far ahead, just take it step by step and see if there are other options! still bd as much as u can as u never know! :hugs::hugs:

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