Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Wow, it's been what feels like forever ladies!

DD- happy 20 & 21 weeks to you! :happydance: over halfway! Time seems to be flying :) any luck with the gender? I'll keep my fx'ed that baby cooperates for you :)

Natasha- Happy 35 & 36 weeks! Yay for maternity leave and being able to kick back a bit :happydance: I am so excited for you, you're almost full term! Eek! :)

Miranda & Kristi- how are your gorgeous babies? And the mama's?

Jessie- that is fantastic news! :happydance: I'm sure it is such a huge piece of mind knowing that you are doing all you can! Please let us know how your appt goes tomorrow :)

Wanting- welcome :hugs: good luck to you this cycle, hopefully your body is all sorted for your bfp :)

Wannabe- I'm so glad you are going to the dr hun! And the psychic sounds so fun! I've always wanted to go but for some reason never have lol. You have a good plan, don't stress lovely, just bd when you want and enjoy each other :)

I hope the rest of you ladies are well :hugs:

Afm- I don't really know where to start, feeling a little crazy and a lot of extremely busy! Between the kids and myself we've had 4 dr's appts in the last week, along with a bunch of other stuff! My kids both got physicals and have now both come down with their second rounds of colds (along with my OH), I'm trying to avoid getting it as well as I did the first time they all had it! I had a regular ob appt and ended up having to go see a perinatologist about an hr away for some concerns my ob had. Thankfully it's nothing with the baby, just more weird skin stuff, so the perinatal dr ran a bunch of blood tests to check for any autoimmune disorders since I've had so many skin issues. I should be getting results back today or tomorrow, but either way he said it shouldn't affect the baby. He did put me on a low dose topical steroid that seems to be helping :) other than that, we had our first basketball game last week and they lost, but not for lack of trying! Sarai made 3 of the 5 baskets, I'm so proud of her! In our teams defense, the girls from the other team were a lot taller and had quite the advantage :haha:

It decided to start snowing here and it seems to be accumulating pretty fast. I have to get my grocery shopping done today since I didn't have time last week, so I need to head out before it gets any worse (I suck at driving in the snow!)

Lots of <3 and :hugs: to all of you!
Thanks dream! Happy 36 weeks to you!

Wantingagirl - I hope it all works out for you!

Lou! You are so close now too- you and dream feel so far ahead. So exciting! Are they testing you for psoriasis? I have psoriasis...hope you don't have it...or any other autoimmune diseases for that matter.

It's a boy for me! Baby was super squirmy and active so it was hard to get a lot of the shots she needed, but he cooperated for a second. It was nice to see him up on the big screen again and he was so much bigger...crazy! My sickness has been ok and I'm down to 1/day, sometimes none! It may be replaced with colace everyday (lol), but it is nice to only have occasional nausea. The weather is gorgeous here right now ad I'm just enjoying everyday.
Happy 36 weeks dream!

Happy 31 weeks loulou!

Happy 21 weeks DD!

Wanting - I hope you won't have to wait too long for a BFP!

Wannabe - I dunno if I believe in psychics or psychic mediums - but I hope what she told you holds true! My mom likes to think she has a sixth sense where things appear in her dreams, but she was definitely mistaken when she told me she thought I was having twins :haha: How are you and Oh doing?

loulou - so great to hear from you, could the skin issues be hormone related? My feet dried up so bad during the end of my pregnancy - I'm still attempting to fix them :dohh: I know everyone up north is hating getting snow, but I'm a bit jealous! We're getting a small cold front today/tomorrow but its supposed to be in the mid 80's again by sunday, I want cold :haha:

DD - congrats on a baby boy! Have you started thinking of names yet? I saw you announced on facebook, made me giggle when I read the caption ;)

Dream - hope you're enjoying your maternity leave! You're in the last month now! so exciting! I hope you'll share some photos with us!

KK - Hope you and yours are doing well!

Pickle - if you happen to pop in, hope all is well with you!

Jessie - hope your appointments go well and you get on the path for your BFP real soon!

Hope I didn't miss anyone!

AFM - James is already 3+ months! Time is just flying by. At his 3 month checkup he weighed in at 15lbs 1.5 oz! In the 75th perctentile for weight. his head is in the 90th percentile :haha: For all his super genius brains ;) And coolest thing yet, he's begun to roll belly to back! I'm so excited, he's becoming such a fun kid. He's much happier and less needy/cranky. Only bad thing is he's a morning person, and I'm not. He chatters and sqeels in his crib starting anywhere between 6 and 7 am EVERY MORNING! Hahaha.

Hope everyone is well, can't wait to here from everyone!
Hi Girls!

Wanabe- oooh that's mad isn't it! Im glad it all made u positive!

Loulou- Everything sounds mega busy for you! I hope things have calmed down and you get to rest a little!

DD- :crib::blue: a little prince! are you excited? I loved your facebook announcement!

Miranda-James is so gorgeous, I love the photos you upload of him and you seem really happy :hugs:

Afm- I had my appointment today, it went really well! I had an internal scan and cd3 bloods done. I have swabs booked for next Thursday and a pelvic scan for next Friday. Then I have to have cd24 bloods for the next 3 cycles. if im not ovulating strongly then I get clomid, if I am ovulating fine then ill have to have a laprascopy (does not sound nice) so im praying that I either catch within 3 cycles or I need clomid! Im on the hunt for my bfp!

Sounds like its all going very quickly for you now Jessie! 3 months is nothing if it gets you on the correct path for a bfp!
DD - :happydance: YAY for a baby boy!! :blue: :cloud9: Any ideas for names??

Ciara & Dream - I'm still waiting on name ideas for your 2 little men also!??! Haha the wait is killing me!

Jessie - 3 months!! That's exciting! I wish you the best of luck that everything goes according to plan before going the laproscopy route (I agree it sounds invasive and scary as opposed to Clomid)

Miranda - OH and I are doing well, thank you. :hugs: how is your little family doing?

AFM - I am getting sick! Runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, clogged ears, headache, tummy pains...:nope: Just yuck!
Still don't know which CD I'm on (lol) and havent really been BDing much at all, but that's ok! The other day we went out to brunch with another couple, it was lovely to go out and do something!
DD- your mommy radar was right! A huge congrats to you on your little boy :) it is amazing how fast they grow, mine is currently practicing pushing off of my ribs and head butting my cervix :haha: oh how I love lightning crotch :haha: you will be enjoying it soon enough :) I'm so glad the sickness has eased up for you! :) and I do hope you have an easier time with a name than Natasha and I lol.

I've never been checked for psoriasis, I don't think they're considering it since it's not itchy or dry at all. I still haven't heard back on the tests, but it's definitely due to the bad weather, hopefully soon :)

Miranda- I would gladly trade climates with you right now. I have another friend in Florida who was complaining about it being cold, I had to laugh since yesterday it was about 1 degree here and we got more than 2 ft of snow :haha:

It could definitely be hormones for the hives that I had, but the rest is probably just a circulatory issue (I'm hoping as opposed to autoimmune). Either way, not too much longer to go! :)

James is gorgeous and growing fantastically! It does get easier (as you see now :) ) and they grow up before you know it!

Jessie- I'm glad your appt went well :) you sound so relieved to be on the road to answers and it makes me so happy for you :) you will have your bfp before you know it! :)

Wannabe- no name yet lol. It's driving me nuts too! I'll let you ladies know as soon as I know :)

I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, have you been taking any emergen-c or airborne? It really does work wonders getting all those good vitamins in! I hope you feel better soon!

Congrats on the weight loss, that is fabulous! :) great job hun! :)

I hope the rest of you are well! :hugs:

Afm- so I was telling you about the snow Monday...it didn't stop until this morning and this is just the calm before the next storm! It's not nice here and there's no way I can actually put into words how bad it really is. My car is buried under several ft of snow and that's not bad compared to right down the road. Schools, businesses, and roads are on the 2nd day of being closed with several ppl still trapped in their vehicles on the sides of the roads. There is 5-6 ft of snow by the schools my kids go to and a few miles from that some poor guy died in his car buried under 15 ft of snow :( the national guard is here to help clean up some of the snow before the next storm hits tonight/tomorrow and brings us another 2 ft of snow. I feel so bad for the ppl that are stuck and have been for a long time now, hopefully they can get them out soon and safe! That is why following travel bans is so important! They couldn't even get plows through due to all of the vehicles and semi's on the sides of the roads, thankfully it has stopped for now to give them a chance to clean up!

In less monumental news my family has definitely shared their colds with me. Yay...not lol. I'm taking emergen-c at the moment, and hot tea with honey, I don't think there's much else I'm allowed to take and I can't get to the store to get anything else anyways lol. Hopefully it passes quickly :)
Wannabe - hope you feel better, colds suck!

loulou - wow, I hadn't realized the snow was that bad up there, I'll have to ask my brother how it is in the city (although the city usually doesn't get as much snow) - it's currently in the 50/60s here and rainy, which makes it cold and damp and I was not prepared :haha: Hope you and your family stay safe and warm! Although I love snow, I can't imagine those conditions!
Lou Lou - are you near buffalo? I saw those pics online. They are crazy!! At least you still have heat/electricity. I hope people are saved from their cars soon. Did you stock up on food and supplies??

Wannabe - feel better!

Jessie- so glad they have a game plan for you. It is nice to feel like you are getting stuff done, isn't it? Keep us updated!

I'm glad you guys liked my announcement. I have a weird sense of humor, I know. I couldn't help it. We have two names in mind and a middle name picked out. I like one name better and joe likes the other better, so we are waiting until he's here and then we will see what he looks like. &#55357;&#56832;
Oh yikes Ciara!! That is a ton of snow! I am surprised CT didn't get hit with it yet, actually, since everywhere around us has a ton. Ewww I HATE snow....Despise it! lol I totally need to move down to FL with Miranda!!

I have been taking alka seltzer cold or benedryl...I did just make a smoothie with 100% vitamin C, and will probably have a few vitC drops too just in case ;) I think what I really need is to just SLEEP. I feel absolutely EXHAUSTED! :sleep:
It's weird - I only have sneezing and runny nose. Some clogged feeling in my ears, but nothing else that's really cold or allergies, so finding meds without extra stuff is super hard!! I don't have a fever....My temp is actually only 97.6 so a degree less than "normal"; but that happens from time to time.

TMI but I think I'm getting another YI :nope: Hope not!! We did BD last night though, which was great because I have TONS of stretchy EWCM today!!! :happydance: Still not sure of my CD (too lazy/busy to look, lol) but last night OH was like "Isn't today THE day?" and I'm like "Huh? I don't even know what CD I'm on babe" and he's all "Aren't you like CD13 or 14? You had AF about 2 weeks ago didn't you?"
:cloud9: I had NO idea he was keeping track of anything!! I think he's probably right...I'd guess between CD12-15 today; signs tell me I am/approaching O day
Ladies- we are close to buffalo, about 30 miles. Unfortunately we usually fall in the lake effect snow bands that they get there. We're on snow day #4 for the kids today! They can't seem to get the buses out of the 6ft or more of snow they're buried under! I am very thankful that we still have power and heat and thankfully I went grocery shopping on Monday so we have plenty of food :) sadly, the death toll continues to rise, but they are working really hard to make sure everyone is safe and get to anyone in an emergency. We didn't get as much snow here as they have had a few short miles from here, but from the totals I've seen on the news some ppl have seen 8+ ft of snow! They cancelled the buffalo bills game for Sunday since the stadium is buried and there is still a driving ban in that area. This is crazy and tragic for so many ppl, but it's so good to see everyone trying to help each other! Moving into next week we have a severe flood warning from Sunday to Wednesday since it's supposed to warm up and rain. This could potentially be more hazardous than the snow that has fallen, but everyone here is hoping for the best! I'll keep you ladies posted when I can, we have a lot of preparation to do before the rain comes since we are prone to floods because of the creek in our backyard. Lots of <3 and :hugs: to you all and I hope everyone is well!
Hey ladies. How are you all ? I am posting here after weeks.

Ciara: Oh you are so close to Buffalo. I am glad that you & family are ok. I really hope the situation stays under control next week. Flood sounds scary.

Jessie: Great that your appointment went well. But why laproscopy if you are ovulating well ??? Have you gone for HSG before ?

Wannabe: Feel better hun. Take care.

DD: Yay it's a boy. Boys are dominating our thread:blue::)

Natasha: You are almost full term. :happydance:
How do you feel now ?

wantingagirl: Welcome hun :flower:
How is your cycle progressing so far ?

Miranda,Krsiti: I know you are fine and your babies are just adorable. I love their pictures on FB.

AFM:Baby isn't the primary focus for us right now. I have taken a backseat. We talked about it. We want certain things and a trip to home before TTC. DH seemed really serious this time and said we are going to give it all to TTC in 2015. He is going to apply for a full time job in Texas after our trip to India in March. Then we can TTC happily. So we hope by next time this year I should have a baby belly:cloud9::cloud9:

Now we are :sex:when we want to. No pressure at all.
:flower: welcome ellahopesky!! I am guessing I ovulated a few days ago as well, but I am not really keeping track anymore as we are trying the relaxed approach, but we did :sex: on Wednesday so we're in this time!! :thumbup:

Ciara - I really hope you and your family continue to be safe in that disastrous situation! :hugs:

Fairy - I think that's a great idea to take a step back so that you can have your trip and enjoy you and OH time - maybe a relaxing trip is all you need to catch a bean!? :hugs: It's so much nicer to not have to plan when to BD anyways, and then you'll just happen to do it at the right time, sooner or later ;)

AFM - I feel terrible with this cold..I didn't think I was going to make it through the day!! I am absolutely EXHAUSTED and feel like I can sleep for days - so that's my plan for this weekend (how fun lol).
Oh, I finally checked and I am CD13 today, so OH was only a day off, bless him! :cloud9: I definitely think I already Od, either on CD11 or CD12. We BD on CD11 & CD8 this cycle, so not that great but it only takes once, right?? :dohh: Here I go again lol
Welcome ella! The two week wait is maddening, huh? Good luck to you!

Lou- that is so crazy! I'm so glad that you and your family are safe and have heat, water, and food. I hope the warming trend and rain does not create more problems for you. How is your pregnancy going?

Fairy - I think what you guys are doing is perfect. You are enjoying the "you" time and reconnecting. It will be so important later on when you don't have the time you have now.

Wannabe - I hope you feel better soon! I had a cold a few weeks back and it was miserable. An ice pack on my face made me so happy. Lol

We are on vacation right now. I'm enjoying some rest, while being extremely busy- have to see as much as possible!! Lol it's a curse I have. Pregnancy makes me get tired quickly and apparently sea sick, dizzy, and quite intolerant of the heat. I've never had the sea sickness problem before...ever. Baby Godzilla is moving around a lot and enjoying the trip (but not the sea...lol).
DD::haha::rofl: Baby Godzilla lol
Enjoy the vacation, rest and relax :flower:

Wannabe: Here we go again. I am also in the TWW. But my chances are slim as usual. Good luck to you. :winkwink:

Ciara:How is the situation there in NY ??? Hope you are fine :hugs:

Hey ladies hope you all are doing well and ready to enjoy the holidays. :flower:
Hi Girls! :wave:

Fairy- argh the dreaded tww! How are you doing? Its nice that you have decided to take a back seat with it all, im sure being relaxed will help!

DD- I hope your feeling better and having a lovely vacation!

Wanabe- :hugs: hope you feel better soon!

Loulou- The weather sounds horrendous! i have seen pics all over the news!I hope your all safe!

Afm- Im just plodding along, I have my swabs tomoro and pelvic scan on Friday xxxxxxxx
Hi ladies!
Just checking in to make sure everyone is doing well. There is a rain/snow storm heading my way this afternoon/evening and I just hope Ciara and anybody else living on the coast is doing ok?!!? :flower:

It is possible to have ovulation spotting, right? Would it be literally 2 pin-sized drops when wiping? OH saw it too and then I had noticeable cramps/pinches so hoping it was really strong/good ovulation?? :shrug:
My nipples have been sore since O and I have been noticing pinching pains here and there by my ovaries/belly button. I have also been craving chocolate - but then when I had some last night it just didn't cut it. I want something like a snickers or something really "not-so-good" for me lol. I also drove by McDonalds and just really wanted a burger randomly.

No craving for cream cheese or eggs; which happened to me in all of my chemicals so who knows lol
Happy 32 weeks Loulou :happydance:

Happy 22 weeks DD :happydance:

Loulou hope there wasn't much distruption ur side and hope u and ur family are safe :flower:

Pal welcome back :hugs: really missed u. Good luck in this tww. Hope u get ur bfp :happydance:

Jessie glad things are moving along now for u and u will get ur bfp in no time. Good luck at ur appointments x

wannabe those are all good symptoms, good luck.

Welcome :hugs: ella x

:flower: hey KK and Miranda, how are our cuties? Hope doing well ?

Hope I haven't forgotten anyone x
Happy 32 weeks loulou!

Happy 22 weeks dd!

Happy 37 weeks dream! Only 3 weeks left til your due date!!!

Fx'd and babydust to you all!

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