Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Jessie: My fingers are tightly crossed for you. I am happy to know that they are planning to put you on clomid in January. Yay :happydance: Enjoy the holidays and New Year will surely bring new joys :)

Natasha: :happydance: Down to single digits :happydance:
Can't wait to see the :baby:

Wannabe: If it's AF then I hope it's her last visit and then she gives you a break for 9months starting this New Year :flower:

I am so excited for 2015. I am going to make it a productive one, not only baby wise but from other perspectives too :dance:Thinking positive!!!
I'm not sure how I managed to skip over posts when I was reading through them, but here we go:

Dream - Almost 39 weeks! Hopefully your little man doesn't make you wait too long!

DD - Happy 24 weeks! V-day! Are you feeling him move lots yet?

Loulou - Happy 34 weeks! Hope the snow has settled down up there and no more freezing rain either!

Wannabe - How are you feeling today? Hope af stays away and you get your bfp!

Jessie - So close to getting clomid! I hope it's the little extra boost you need for a bfp!

Pal - 2015 will be amazing! I love your positive attitude, fx'd for lots of bfps!

KK - Hope you are well!

Pickle - if you happen to pop on, hope you are well too!

Did I miss anyone? I'm so bad at responding lately :haha:

AFM - James is 4 month old! That's 1/3 of a way until a year! I uploaded a bunch of pictures in my journal, so feel free to pop in and take a peak (they're the same ones from facebook, so if we're friends on there, nothing new. I moved all 1400 photos from my phone to my computer yesterday and need to sort through them still)
Miranda - james is adorable! I can't believe its been 4 months already!

I am feeling him move lots and lots. He punches the waistbands of my pants all day long. lol. I think he rolls a lot too - that feels so strange.
James used to hit my waist band too haha but only on a certain pair of maternity pants that always felt too tight because of how low I carried
Well...Looks like I will never understand my body, because every month I have ALL of the symptoms and then end up with AF.

OH and I :sex: last night and then I started spotting after. I thought ok, maybe it just irritated something. Went away after 10mins, went to bed, woke up and slightly heavier spotting with cramps. Guess it's officially CD1 now? :cry:

Just goes to show that my body is really messed up lol.
*AF 3 days late.
*Incredibly sore nipples. Swollen bbs. (OH noted they look/feel swollen too)
*Absolute exhaustion...Wish I could sleep for days, then STILL sleep more..
*Nausea, especially in PM (am now taking Nexium as perhaps its acid...)
*Slight pink spotting when wiping for the last...week...randomly!
*Cramping/odd sensation in abdomen randomly
*Emotions gone haywire - Feel I could cry/yell at the drop of a hat!
*Huge craving for McDonalds (still). Maybe it's time to indulge. Big time!

:nope: Why oh why do I get myself all excited, each month....Only to be hit with the stupid witch!! Now my dreams of a BFP on 12.13.14 are forever gone, and honestly that makes me really upset. :cry:

What's worse is I still have all the other symptoms too...:cry:

I wish I could call out of work and hide in bed all day. I feel incredibly gutted. And stupid, for believing it actually was my month (A.G.A.I.N)
Well...Looks like I will never understand my body, because every month I have ALL of the symptoms and then end up with AF.

OH and I :sex: last night and then I started spotting after. I thought ok, maybe it just irritated something. Went away after 10mins, went to bed, woke up and slightly heavier spotting with cramps. Guess it's officially CD1 now? :cry:

Just goes to show that my body is really messed up lol.
*AF 3 days late.
*Incredibly sore nipples. Swollen bbs. (OH noted they look/feel swollen too)
*Absolute exhaustion...Wish I could sleep for days, then STILL sleep more..
*Nausea, especially in PM (am now taking Nexium as perhaps its acid...)
*Slight pink spotting when wiping for the last...week...randomly!
*Cramping/odd sensation in abdomen randomly
*Emotions gone haywire - Feel I could cry/yell at the drop of a hat!
*Huge craving for McDonalds (still). Maybe it's time to indulge. Big time!

:nope: Why oh why do I get myself all excited, each month....Only to be hit with the stupid witch!! Now my dreams of a BFP on 12.13.14 are forever gone, and honestly that makes me really upset. :cry:

What's worse is I still have all the other symptoms too...:cry:

I wish I could call out of work and hide in bed all day. I feel incredibly gutted. And stupid, for believing it actually was my month (A.G.A.I.N)

:hugs:Aww hun. I know the exact feeling and I know nothing I say will make u feel better. Just indulge and treat urself to whatever u desire now to take ur mind off it. It will happen hun , it is just a matter of time. Don't give up x
Thanks Dream. Hope you are doing well...can't wait to see your precious baby boy!! Its so bittersweet knowing so many pregnant woman. It's truly a beautiful thing and you all are just so incredibly blessed. I know my time will come, just really getting impatient to be honest. The wait is really killing me.
I will be a depressed mess for a few days but will jump back in the game again next cycle. OH made a good point once I move in with him we will get to :sex: more and will have a better chance each month.
AF sucks and cramps are getting stronger. Just makes me more sad being in pain. Other symptoms kinda disappeared randomly.

Hope you girls are doing well...I really miss the updates!!! DD and Ciara how big are your babies in reference to fruit?? Curious to know!!
Well...Looks like I will never understand my body, because every month I have ALL of the symptoms and then end up with AF.

OH and I :sex: last night and then I started spotting after. I thought ok, maybe it just irritated something. Went away after 10mins, went to bed, woke up and slightly heavier spotting with cramps. Guess it's officially CD1 now? :cry:

Just goes to show that my body is really messed up lol.
*AF 3 days late.
*Incredibly sore nipples. Swollen bbs. (OH noted they look/feel swollen too)
*Absolute exhaustion...Wish I could sleep for days, then STILL sleep more..
*Nausea, especially in PM (am now taking Nexium as perhaps its acid...)
*Slight pink spotting when wiping for the last...week...randomly!
*Cramping/odd sensation in abdomen randomly
*Emotions gone haywire - Feel I could cry/yell at the drop of a hat!
*Huge craving for McDonalds (still). Maybe it's time to indulge. Big time!

:nope: Why oh why do I get myself all excited, each month....Only to be hit with the stupid witch!! Now my dreams of a BFP on 12.13.14 are forever gone, and honestly that makes me really upset. :cry:

What's worse is I still have all the other symptoms too...:cry:

I wish I could call out of work and hide in bed all day. I feel incredibly gutted. And stupid, for believing it actually was my month (A.G.A.I.N)

I'm sorry sweetie :hugs: I'm going to need a refresher, but how long have you been trying?
I'm sorry sweetie :hugs: I'm going to need a refresher, but how long have you been trying?

:hugs: Thanks hun. Technically I was trying with my ex boyfriend back in 2012 and had 2 chemicals with him (unconfirmed though).
With OH we have been NTNP since February 2014 so 10 months? And I believe I had another chemical with him...Possibly 2. :shrug:

So actually we are almost at the 1 year mark and can get tests done...I am going to find out if I have endometriosis too as my periods have always been awful when not on BCP.
I also have been spotting before (sometimes after too) AF which I think might mean my progesterone is off? Maybe that's what's not allowing babies to implant properly?

I am feeling much better today, emotion-wise, and the pain isn't so awful physically anymore either. so that's good. Up and onwards!
Thanks Dream. Hope you are doing well...can't wait to see your precious baby boy!! Its so bittersweet knowing so many pregnant woman. It's truly a beautiful thing and you all are just so incredibly blessed. I know my time will come, just really getting impatient to be honest. The wait is really killing me.
I will be a depressed mess for a few days but will jump back in the game again next cycle. OH made a good point once I move in with him we will get to :sex: more and will have a better chance each month.
AF sucks and cramps are getting stronger. Just makes me more sad being in pain. Other symptoms kinda disappeared randomly.

Hope you girls are doing well...I really miss the updates!!! DD and Ciara how big are your babies in reference to fruit?? Curious to know!!

I'm sorry you got bad news this month, wannabe. I was hoping for you. Just keep your head up. Like you say, your time will come! We all have had our struggles, so we understand. :hugs: and I say, why wait the full year? If you've had 4 chemicals, you need to tell your dr that and get started on testing. It takes awhile to get to an RE - why not just make an appt now?

Funny you should ask about fruit...I just looked it up the other day. My uterus is the size of a soccer ball and baby is a cantaloupe. That's kinda what it feels like when he moves around too - a cantaloupe rolling around inside a soccer ball. Lol
I'm sorry sweetie :hugs: I'm going to need a refresher, but how long have you been trying?

:hugs: Thanks hun. Technically I was trying with my ex boyfriend back in 2012 and had 2 chemicals with him (unconfirmed though).
With OH we have been NTNP since February 2014 so 10 months? And I believe I had another chemical with him...Possibly 2. :shrug:

So actually we are almost at the 1 year mark and can get tests done...I am going to find out if I have endometriosis too as my periods have always been awful when not on BCP.
I also have been spotting before (sometimes after too) AF which I think might mean my progesterone is off? Maybe that's what's not allowing babies to implant properly?

I am feeling much better today, emotion-wise, and the pain isn't so awful physically anymore either. so that's good. Up and onwards!

At least you are nearing the point where it can be looked into and get some answers. If you knew what your body was doing and why it would make the process a little easier to understand. If you are having chemicals it does seem like an implanting issue. You'll feel much better once a game plan is in place. Till then lots of :hugs: It's going to happen for you!
Thanks so much girls!! :hugs:

Yeah I think I will mention it at my appointment on the 29th and see if they can refer me. I don't have an obgyn yet but know they offer those services at my regular doctor in a different area so I'll have to ask for sure.
Do you think they'd take my word for having chemicals? There is no record of any of them so I feel it's going to be difficult. But then again Planned Parenthood didn't seem to even know what a chemical was when I called last. Can they know that I was pregnant before?

DD - wow that's awesome; a cantaloupe inside a soccer ball - what an amazing feeling that must be!!!
Wannabe I would mention it if I were u and they have to take ur word for it. Their job is to help you get pregnant not investigate to check if u r lying (if u get what I am saying )
Hopefully they listen and start the ball rolling for u, good luck x
Nope. Just occasional bh and lightening crotch ( both painful ). How are you and lil miss Willow. Hope you are both fine? Thanks for asking
So how are all you lovely ladies doing?? I got sick this morning very randomly...Not sure what that's all about
no other news from me
Nope. Just occasional bh and lightening crotch ( both painful ). How are you and lil miss Willow. Hope you are both fine? Thanks for asking

I'm so ready for him to be here so we can all see that cute face!

We are doing well, Willow had her 6 month check up today. 15lb 9.5 oz and 25 1/4 inches long. :)
KK - oh man, James (at 4 months) outweighs Willow by over a pound :haha: she's so adorable though! I was showing off her 'monthly' photos the other day to my husband, he thought they were really cool.

Wannabe - So sorry your symptoms didn't lead to a bfp! Seeing a dr about it would definitely be a good idea!

Dream - happy 40 weeks! He could be here any moment now!

Loulou - happy 35 weeks!

DD - happy 25 weeks!

Jessie - Your appointment is right around the corner, hope it's not too long before you get your BFP!

Pickle - if you happen upon this, hope youre doing well!
I have been horrible about checking in! I hope you ladies are all doing well!

Natasha- happy 40 weeks! :) how exciting that your little man can make his debut any time :happydance: I'm totally with you on the bh and lightning crotch :haha: my OH thinks the second part of that is hilarious lol. So are you all ready, bags packed, nursery set up? I can't wait to see him! :)

DD- happy 25 weeks! I felt the same as Miranda, my little guy disliked certain pairs of my pants lol. The movement is awesome either way though! How have you been feeling?

Jessie- January is almost here love, I have everything crossed for you! :hugs:

Wannabe- I agree that it is their job to help you get pregnant, whether there is proof of chemicals or not! I hope if you need a referral that the ob can get you in soon, and I would just tell them it's been a yr already. I also had spotting before af and after af, actually I had more days of spotting than actual af most cycles. The estrogen and progesterone should be among the first tests they do for you, and if it is a progesterone issue then it's an easy fix. I also have everything crossed for you and I also agree with your OH that bd will be easier once you live together! :hugs:

Miranda- happy 4 months to your handsome little man! It seems like yesterday I was watching the video of him doing the wave in your belly :haha:

Kristi- happy 6 months to beautiful Willow! I bet you have an awesome xmas dress picked out for her ;)

I'm not sure if I missed anything, but if so I'm sorry!

Afm- I'll check on fruit once I post and then I'll edit, it's in my spoiler. It's been so crazy busy! I really have no idea how I would be doing all of this if I was still working! I will try and remember as much as I can from the last cpl of weeks...my bff delivered last Friday after being induced on Wednesday for high bp, it was a long process but I was able to be there for all of it thanks to my mom coming to stay at my house :) Lucas is beautiful and perfect, 8lbs 1oz and 20.5 in long <3 she hemorroraged after and they got it to slow down just before requiring a d&c and blood transfusion, they are now home and doing great! :) we're still in bb season, so been busy with games and practices, Friday is the last day of bb/school! With that said I've been trying to get everything ready for xmas before school lets out, my OH and I are supposed to go shopping together Friday (I've done all shopping/decorations/rearranging by myself so far) to finish up. We also have Blake's school xmas party Friday afternoon. My dr's appts have gotten on a weird schedule due to my dr going on vacation, so I have one tomorrow and then not again for 2 weeks, and then I think I have 1 more and get signed over to the midwives if need be. My bp keeps coming back high on first check though I feel fine. My weird red ankles are getting worse, but still no discomfort/itching. And I am sick again! I felt pretty good last week and then (probably due to lack of sleep being in hospital with my bff) I started feeling yucky again on Saturday, hopefully it doesn't last as long this time! I'm sorry I've rambled on and I could keep going, but this is already a novel lol.

I hope you all are well and all ready for Xmas! I usually am not this excited for it to come so fast, but this yr I can't wait (just don't look forward to wrapping all the gifts lol). Lots of :hugs: and &#9825; to you ladies!

Edit- bubs is a coconut! :) and so far the only name we've agreed on is Chase/Chace, but that is subject to change :haha:

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