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Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

I've also heard the digitals aren't as sensitive. So I'm going to stay positive :) I didn't test with my digi till I was at 17 dpo I think. and got the 1-2 pregnant, but got my faint BFP on IC at 10 dpo.
Pickle u r still definitely in. Cb digis i think r like 25ml while ic' r like from 10 and frer r like from 5ml..i think. But cb digis r not sensitive. Any more spotting?
Temp drop and pink spotting last night and dark but more of this morning.
I was really excited. I tried not to be but I've never seen a line before on a pg test and I guess I enjoyed the hope..

It's heavier now almost full AF. Such a let down. I really felt I was pg this cycle too. Silly me.
Oh Kerry:hugs:
I think I am hours away from AF.

Oh God, hope you are seeing our misery. [-o<
I know how you feel. I have never seen the second line on pg test too.
I think I should put a pad on for safe measures. If not today :witch: might show her face tomorrow.

Kerry :hugs: hun. Hate that witch.
Pickle- I'm so sorry you had such a shitty day yesterday and that damn :witch: got you! Big huge :hugs: to you love! I think I'm with you on not charting or opk's this cycle :hugs:

Natasha- please post your lines! They are brilliant! :) and we love it! So, so happy for you :hugs:

Pal- I hope the :witch: doesn't come to visit you! FX'ed for a surprise bfp for you! :)

Lesli- I hope this is your lucky cycle hun! FX'ed for you! :)

Kristi and Miranda- how are you ladies feeling?

Afm- started lightly bleeding last night, but I didn't start a new cycle on ff until today because I know I o'ed at night, it's kinda hard to record, but my lp was 13 days to the dot and I wanted my chart to reflect that (if that makes any sense lol). I think I'm ready to give it all a break this cycle and just go with the flow :) I'm leaving for Indiana in a few hrs (8-9 hr drive) and I'll be there until Friday, so that'll be a welcome distraction :) my OH isn't going so that's going to suck, but we'll be ok, I told him I want to hear lots of sweet stuff from him when I get home lol. I'll check in with you ladies tomorrow :) lots of :hugs: and <3
Sorry for the crap day you had and the witch getting you pickle! Sending lots and lots and lots of babydust your way for this next cycle!

Pal- hope the witch stays away, and you get surprised with a BFP!

Lesli- Sending babydust your way for a BFP this cycle!

Loulou- hope you have fun in Indiana! It'll be nice to have a break from the everyday stuff :)

Afm- I'm doing well, rooting for all you ladies! And sneaking in some babydust, hopeing to see more BFPs!
Temp drop for me today, so I'm 50/50 on my chances this month. Just have to wait and see if AF gets me. I'm CD28 today, 9DPO, and not seeing symptoms either way.

:hugs: to Pickle and Loulou, so sorry about AF. :cry:

Fairry, I hope AF stays away and you get your BFP.
Sorry for :witch: got you Ciara. She got me too. It's red now. Thanks ladies for all the support. I think I am not going to try for few months. No point in trying and stressing and getting disappointed each and every month. But I love all the ladies on this thread. I will keep an eye on you all. :hugs:
Sorry AF is making the rounds ladies :(

I hate that you had to deal with that Pickle, I still am happy you had the longest no spotting LP phase this cycle.

AFM doing good...super tired. Killing some fried chicken right now.
Sorry for :witch: got you Ciara. She got me too. It's red now. Thanks ladies for all the support. I think I am not going to try for few months. No point in trying and stressing and getting disappointed each and every month. But I love all the ladies on this thread. I will keep an eye on you all. :hugs:

I'm sorry AF got you, Fairry. Give yourself today to feel awful, but maybe you'll feel better about getting back to TTC in two weeks. :hugs: You know what's best for you; if you need a break, then definitely take a little vacation from TTC, and come back stronger for your next round. We're awesome, we can do this. We're going to get our BFPs!!!
This month I have plans for wisdom tooth extraction and that may coincide with fertile time. And next month or month after we are moving to a new apartment. Our leasing is getting over soon. So may be two/three months of NTNP.
loulou, pickle and fairy :hugs: i am soooo sorry the witch got u ladies :hugs::hugs:

pickle that test got me going and like KK said at least less spotting.

loulou i hope u get ur new year baby .

fairy sweety take all the time u need and i hope that when u r back in the game that u will get ur deserved sticky BFP x

mrshan u r not out until the hag shows and i hope she stays away from u x

Good luck and baby dust to all x
Just wondering is it ok to bd the day if first +opk and the next day and day after for BFP !!! Is that enough ? I am going for extraction and DH had some reviews. So if we decide to TTC this month then would this be enough ?
Just wondering is it ok to bd the day if first +opk and the next day and day after for BFP !!! Is that enough ? I am going for extraction and DH had some reviews. So if we decide to TTC this month then would this be enough ?

that should be enough hun cos it only takes one :spermy:

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