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Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

I am fine thanks. I feel absolutely normal. I have my first appointment today with the nurse to register for antenatal.
Hello. I talked to DH about TTC and timing and testing etc yesterday. He wants us to try couple of months and then go for testing. Hopefully we don't have to. He said it's better to act smarter rather than having sex like bull. Lol :haha:
I never say about my opk thinking of it might spoil his mood. But now he wants to know and have sex on the most important two/three days. But I have one question ladies. Last cycle my opk looked like these. The left one was on cd16 and right one on cd15. We had sex on cd15. If same things happen again to me, what you suggest when to have sex ? Shall I wait for a opk like left one to have sex ? Which one looks positive to you ?


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Huge temp drop for me, so I'm waiting for the:witch: to show. Temping and charting are kind of a mixed bag for me- I'm glad to have the information I guess, but it's really hard to just see the bottom drop out of all my hopes. I've been on a crying jag off and on all day, which is completely unlike me. Stupid hormones, making me crazy. :cry:
Huge temp drop for me, so I'm waiting for the:witch: to show. Temping and charting are kind of a mixed bag for me- I'm glad to have the information I guess, but it's really hard to just see the bottom drop out of all my hopes. I've been on a crying jag off and on all day, which is completely unlike me. Stupid hormones, making me crazy. :cry:

It's only 10dpo hun. Please don't be sad. You are not out till AF shows and hopefully she won't. :hugs:
Thanks, Fairyy, I appreciate the :hugs:

AF got me this afternoon, at least with pink spotting. If I don't start in earnest today, it will be tomorrow, so at least I'm thankful that I don't have to wait for her to just hurry up and show. I'm not too worried about a 10 day LP because I was probably stressed with the job interview, which made my O late. The 29-day cycle length is normal for me, so on to the next one.

I wish I could give you advice on the OPKs, but I just got my first batch in the mail today. I probably won't test next month since DH and I will be living long-distance, and it'll be too hard to BD at the right times since we'll only see each other on the weekends. I'm glad your hubs is on board with going all in and getting the timing as close to perfect as possible! GL and FX for you on your next cycle!
I am so sorry mrshan :hug:
Just relax and try next cycle if this one isn't suitable. We are also not trying this cycle. DH has some work and I am going for wisdom tooth extraction. So will try next cyle with opk and pre seed. Hope to see you then. :thumbup:
I actually feeling better since I actually started, so cd1 for me. But I'm starting my new job in another state in 13 days, and hubby has to stay behind and keep working at his job until my benefits kick in for us on June 1, so timing BD is going to be too difficult. We'll just do what we like and not stress about it until we're living together full-time again. :)
Lesli and Pal- I'm so sorry the :witch: got you ladies! Big, huge :hugs: to you ladies! If you need time, take it, but don't be strangers, we'd miss you!

Lesli- I'm sorry you have to be away from DH, I hope the time flies for you! :hugs:

Pal- I hope you aren't in too much discomfort from your teeth, wisdom teeth are a pain! As for your opk's, I'd say cd 16 (the left one) was definitely closer to +. Whatever you decide to do this up coming cycle, we're here for you :hugs: I hope that you do what is best for you and things will eventually fall into place for all of us :)

Our bfp's will come ladies, probably when we least expect it lol. It's a long road whether it takes a few cycles or many and it helps me knowing that I have you ladies and I wish I could give you all the biggest hugs ever! I'm so happy to have you and it reminds me to keep my chin up, it will happen (as Kristi, Miranda, and Natasha have proven :) ) we'll get there girls :)

Natasha- hopefully you will stay feeling normal and just grow a bump :) keep us posted on your appointment please! :)

Kristi- you're going to be tired for a while to come lovely ;) you're getting so close, I'm so excited! :)

Miranda- how are you feeling hun?

Pickle- how are you hun? Hopefully you cracked a bottle of wine and had some relax time :hugs: things have to start looking up soon :)

Danielle- how are you doing hun? I hope everything is good :)

Afm- I had one heck of a drive! My GPS got confused on some newly constructed roads and had me driving around in circles and down dead end roads lol. It went from pouring rain to snowing like crazy, so I was glad when we finally got here at 12:30am lol. The kids are loving the freedom they get here and I'm relaxing :) I took a nap today (it was fabulous!) and I've done a whole lot of nothing ;) I'm taking the kids to look at a puppy on Thursday night, so we may go home with a new family member :)

Keep your chins up ladies! I'm sending all of you lots of love and :hugs: from Indiana :)
Ciara you are simply amazing. :hug:
I love the way you write your post including everyone. I am touched. <3
I will definitely be here no matter whether TTC or NTNP. Got awesome group of ladies again on BnB after a long time and don't want to lose this group.

You have fun and enjoy your stay there. And hello to your new family member :dog: if you decide to bring one :hugs:
Loulou - you are such an inspiring lady! I love coming on and seeing how positive and upbeat you are, not just for yourself, but all the ladies that stop by our threads!

Pal- I dread the day I need to have my wisdom teeth removed...I've managed to put it off for a few years now ;) but I know eventually when they start coming in, they'll have to go...I got a small mouth :haha: Hopefully it won't be too bad for you, and you never know, even if you get some BD in, it could still happen ;) The month I got my BFP I was sure I had missed my opportunity!

Lesli - Hopefully the time will fly by that you're going to be away from your husband--it'll be a mini vacation from TTC, and hopefully when you two get back at it, it'll bring some good luck and a BFP!

Dream - hope you're doing well and your appointment went well! Are you going to be sticking around bnb? I'd love to have updates from you :)

Pickle - I was really hoping that was a start of a BFP for you, hopefully this next cycle is it!

KK - You're little girl will be here before you know it! So exciting! Have you gotten all the baby items you need yet? And how's the nursery coming along?

AFM- I'm doing well. I would say I've gotten the not so glamorous end of pregnancy (I'm still getting sick occasionally) but, I take the bad with the good, and am incredibly thankful to be able to feel my little guy moving around now! And now that I'm definitely showing, I'm getting all the nice attention that goes with it ;) :haha:
Thanks Pal, Ciara, and Miranda, and all the other ladies who are in this crazy TTC boat. This thread is so great, and I hope to see all of you around all the time, especially after we all get our BFPs!

Ciara, glad you had a safe trip! Are you in Southern Indiana, or Northern? I'm from/going back to Ft Wayne.

Miranda- Yay for showing off a cute baby bump!

I'm definitely feeling better and more positive today, so apparently I just had to get it all out of my system. Whew! DH is finally more excited about upcoming changes instead of worried/nervous, so the energy is our house is better too. :thumbup:
Hello ladies. How is everyone today?

Pal ouch about the tooth extraction, hope it goes well and i definitely think that if u are up for it, then bd around o....don't forget it only takes 1 spermy :spermy:

Mrshan i am so sorry that the witch got u :hugs:. Hopefully this cycle will be the cycle for u x

Pickle :hugs: hope u are k. Missing u and hope to see u back here when u are ready.

My sweet sweet loulou, U r an amazing lady. I admire ur strenght and positivity. U kept me going these past 8 cycles. And i really really hope u get ur :bfp: soon hun cos u totally deserve it . Enjoy ur mini break x

Miranda :wave: hello hun. How are u feeling? yea about ur bump showing. I am definitely sticking around until all my ladies get their much deserved :bfp:. U ladies can't get rid of me that easily lol x

kk ur DD will soon be here ...wow how time flies. Hope u are good though? Have u packed ur hospital bag yet?

Afm had my first appointment ...nothing much just filled antenatal form , asked me to do a urine test and ring on tuesday for the result and they will fax off my form the same day.

Really hope this is the last time u all see that hag :witch: x
Miranda: Yay you are now showing your bump. Any pics for us ? :)

Mrshan: :thumbup: for that positive energy.

Natasha: You can't get rid of us either :haha: We will be stalking you wherever you go. lol :winkwink:

Ciara: Hope you and kid are having fun. :flower:

Kerry: You are on a new cycle now. Sending you all the positive vibes and :dust: your way.

Kristi: Only few weeks and baby will be here. :baby:

I am not sure about this cycle. But already have plans for next cycle. We will use preseed and opk and if possible I will add temping too. Instead of starting early and wearing ourselves out soon. We will start BD as soon as ewcm appears and then ED on the days of +opk (may be 3days). So basically BD when it counts the most ;) That's the plan. But you know I always leak semen, I am afraid that I am leaking most of it. Have any of you experienced the same thing ???
I always leak after bd...I've heard some ladies suggest soft cups, but I know little about them-it seems some swear by them though!


I put my bump pic in the spoiler ;)
Definitely you are showing now and showing a lovely bump. :thumbup::flower:
Thanks for all the love ladies! :) I am inspired by anyone that has to ttc, and all of the ups and downs we all have to face, it gets us down, but we don't give up because we have the best support system ever! :hugs: I hope everyone sticks around and I can't wait until we all have our bfp's!

I'm looking forward to relaxing this cycle, I've decided to stop my b complex and progesterone this cycle too and go all natural :) nothing has helped up to this point so it can't hurt ;) it's nice not worrying about remembering to temp for right now too :)

We are in southern/central (I think) Indiana lol. It's a town called Anderson and it's definitely south of Fort Wayne (I think Fort Wayne is closer to Ohio and we're closer to Kentucky, but I suck at geographic location :haha: so I may be wrong)

I hope you ladies have a good day, take good care of yourselves :) try and smile even if you don't want to, it'll help a little :) I always try and remember something really dumb I've done or something funny when I'm feeling down just to get the smile going :) anything to help!

I'll check back on you ladies later or tomorrow. We're going out for Mexican tonight (I know there's some ladies here that love Mexican ;) )...can't wait! Yum!!
Miranda: Yay you are now showing your bump. Any pics for us ? :)

Mrshan: :thumbup: for that positive energy.

Natasha: You can't get rid of us either :haha: We will be stalking you wherever you go. lol :winkwink:

Ciara: Hope you and kid are having fun. :flower:

Kerry: You are on a new cycle now. Sending you all the positive vibes and :dust: your way.

Kristi: Only few weeks and baby will be here. :baby:

I am not sure about this cycle. But already have plans for next cycle. We will use preseed and opk and if possible I will add temping too. Instead of starting early and wearing ourselves out soon. We will start BD as soon as ewcm appears and then ED on the days of +opk (may be 3days). So basically BD when it counts the most ;) That's the plan. But you know I always leak semen, I am afraid that I am leaking most of it. Have any of you experienced the same thing ???

i leak as well , so i tried softcups last cycle and i also used it this cycle . they are so easy to use and keeps everything inside. I highly recommend softcup and preseed combo :thumbup:.
Miranda, I love your bump! And not in the creepy way :haha: so adorable! :)

Pal- I always leak too, but I have 2 kids so it's still possible to conceive when you leak :) I used to go to the bathroom right after bd and still managed to conceive :) I just read a story where a couple had been trying for a while and were on a break and dtd in the shower one day and bam, she got preggo! Anything is possible, it just takes one little swimmer to get to a healthy egg (they just make it sound easier than it is). That's why I'm not going to stress anything, even bd, for a while and see what happens :)
I know we all will conceive when time is right. But I hope that time comes real soon. lol ;). Also I have been thinking of slowing down a little bit on the exercise front during TWW ((no high impact bodyattck (crazy cardio)). Do I sound sane or stupid ??? :wacko:

But this month I am going to give it all to workout and lose 2 to 4pounds at least. Last month I lost 2 to 3pounds. I am not over weight. But just trying to tone myself and get rid of that fat around my stomach. :growlmad: And I would like to test early from next cycle instead of waiting till AF. Last few days of TWW are crazy. So it would be better to know early rather than driving myself mad. :haha: Need to stock up on those pregnancy tests and opks. ;)

Let's enjoy this cycle ladies (mrshan and ciara) and then board on crazy train again after few days :winkwink:

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