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Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Loulou - you are such an inspiring lady! I love coming on and seeing how positive and upbeat you are, not just for yourself, but all the ladies that stop by our threads!

Pal- I dread the day I need to have my wisdom teeth removed...I've managed to put it off for a few years now ;) but I know eventually when they start coming in, they'll have to go...I got a small mouth :haha: Hopefully it won't be too bad for you, and you never know, even if you get some BD in, it could still happen ;) The month I got my BFP I was sure I had missed my opportunity!

Lesli - Hopefully the time will fly by that you're going to be away from your husband--it'll be a mini vacation from TTC, and hopefully when you two get back at it, it'll bring some good luck and a BFP!

Dream - hope you're doing well and your appointment went well! Are you going to be sticking around bnb? I'd love to have updates from you :)

Pickle - I was really hoping that was a start of a BFP for you, hopefully this next cycle is it!

KK - You're little girl will be here before you know it! So exciting! Have you gotten all the baby items you need yet? And how's the nursery coming along?

AFM- I'm doing well. I would say I've gotten the not so glamorous end of pregnancy (I'm still getting sick occasionally) but, I take the bad with the good, and am incredibly thankful to be able to feel my little guy moving around now! And now that I'm definitely showing, I'm getting all the nice attention that goes with it ;) :haha:

Cute bump :thumbup:
I have no symptoms , so for reassurance i took a test this morning and here it is. I think that i am getting excess saliva again already yuck x


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The test line is getting darker each day. Nice progression :)
I didn't get real symptoms until about 6 weeks, when my hormones kicked it up a notch, :haha:

But those lines look great dream! Your test line is getting darker then the control!

Pal- I don't think it hurts to exercise during the TWW, but it also doesn't hurt to be cautious either! I'd say do what you're comfortable with
I go crazy when I am @my cardio class and try to give it all. :)
I may opt for treadmill instead of cardio class in the TWW. Again I am more than a month away from that. Till then I am happy exercising. But scared for wisdom tooth extraction next Saturday. Hope it goes well. I emailed them( dental office) but had to call them tomorrow to schedule it.
I've been in and out of the house all day and FINALLY had a moment to sit down.

I know AF has been making a harsh round lately, but there is so much positivity still radiating from you ladies! I love the PMA, keep it up :D

Dream your lines are looking better and better. I cant wait for you to get to see that bean!!

Miranda that bump is coming along nicely, I only now feel not so glamorous, my face is rounding out more and my ass seems to have its own zipcode /ugh

Lou I hope to see some new furbaby pics soon :D I refuse to go even look at puppies cause I always end up wanting one, puppy breath :D

Pal I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed. It wasn't so bad, I think everyone recovers differently so I hope yours is as smooth as mine!

Pickle and Mrshan I am throwing glittery BFP dust for a positive next cycle :)

AFM we went for my 2nd 4d scan today, I took all the grandmothers and greatgrandmothers (there were 4 of us total) and had a girls day. We had a blast just around 9ish weeks left...can not believe it.


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As chunky as her cheeks are and her little wrist and legs were I'm expecting she's gonna be a big one! I should find out in about 5 weeks our C-section date.
Clearly without knowing anyone can guess that its a baby girl. The picture is so clear and she is so girly adorable. :)
I've been in and out of the house all day and FINALLY had a moment to sit down.

I know AF has been making a harsh round lately, but there is so much positivity still radiating from you ladies! I love the PMA, keep it up :D

Dream your lines are looking better and better. I cant wait for you to get to see that bean!!

Miranda that bump is coming along nicely, I only now feel not so glamorous, my face is rounding out more and my ass seems to have its own zipcode /ugh

Lou I hope to see some new furbaby pics soon :D I refuse to go even look at puppies cause I always end up wanting one, puppy breath :D

Pal I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed. It wasn't so bad, I think everyone recovers differently so I hope yours is as smooth as mine!

Pickle and Mrshan I am throwing glittery BFP dust for a positive next cycle :)

AFM we went for my 2nd 4d scan today, I took all the grandmothers and greatgrandmothers (there were 4 of us total) and had a girls day. We had a blast just around 9ish weeks left...can not believe it.

Aww look at her KK, adorable. It is so sweet of u to have the girls out. Did u say 9 weeks??? I remember seeing ur pee stick not long ago :haha: lol. Guess you r ready then. Is ur hospital bag packed?
Thanks Ladies :)

I have nothing done lol! We are painting the nursery this weekend, and getting all that set up. I've always been a last minute person. We just now got registered for baby showers.

This has really flown by, I feel like we just analyzed my pee sticks :p
Natasha- your lines are fantastic! I can't wait until you have your appt to hear a heartbeat and see your little bean on an ultrasound :)

Kristi- Willow is beautiful! I can't wait until you get to meet her :) are you waiting to have your baby shower until after she's born? Lol...I'm always last minute too!

If...big IF, we get the puppy, I will post pics when I get home (probably sat, it'll be too late fri ;) ) the funny thing is my OH all of a sudden wants me to get her (after being opposed since I started talking about it), I think he's trying to distract me from the crazy ttc train :haha:

Pal- we'll get this hun! I'm not going to track my cycle, but I have a rough idea of when I'll o anyways, and I know me, and I can't help but try :haha: sometimes I wish I could just forget everything I've learned ttc related and just wait patiently, like I did with my kids (I didn't have to wait this long though!). I'm going to try my best to just push it from my mind and focus on spring stuff like flower beds, gardening, and cleaning up my yard :) we'll see what happens :) I'm keeping my FX'ed for all of us! :)
I get it what you said Ciara. Its hard to ignore the fertility signs and forget about it. I don't know what I will do when I enter my fertile period. But I don't even like to bother about it this cycle and enjoy everything else life has to offer. I am already set up my game plan for next cycle. But definitely we are going to put some shots here and there this month. But trying to not worry about that. I hate this TTC anxiety.
Shower will be before baby, my grandmother is throwing one and his god mother is throwing one. I'm like as long as there is cake...I don't care.

I don't think there is any really good way to not think about it and ignore signs lol! I know that I tried that on one cycle and still every little feeling, pain or odd bowel movement my mind went there first. Its totally normal, all we can do is try to reduce how often we think about it and stopping OPKS and temping is a good start. It's just its so much damn fun to track lol
Hey ladies. haven't posted here since the first page shame on me, how is everyone?
Natasha- your lines are fantastic! I can't wait until you have your appt to hear a heartbeat and see your little bean on an ultrasound :)

Kristi- Willow is beautiful! I can't wait until you get to meet her :) are you waiting to have your baby shower until after she's born? Lol...I'm always last minute too!

If...big IF, we get the puppy, I will post pics when I get home (probably sat, it'll be too late fri ;) ) the funny thing is my OH all of a sudden wants me to get her (after being opposed since I started talking about it), I think he's trying to distract me from the crazy ttc train :haha:

Pal- we'll get this hun! I'm not going to track my cycle, but I have a rough idea of when I'll o anyways, and I know me, and I can't help but try :haha: sometimes I wish I could just forget everything I've learned ttc related and just wait patiently, like I did with my kids (I didn't have to wait this long though!). I'm going to try my best to just push it from my mind and focus on spring stuff like flower beds, gardening, and cleaning up my yard :) we'll see what happens :) I'm keeping my FX'ed for all of us! :)

you ladies will definitely nail those suckers. i remember last cycle i didn't temp cos it was stressing me out and that cycle kinda flew by for me but i used opk still. Whatever u ladies feel comfortable with just go for it.
Ladies let me know when u want me to start a new thread or just modify this one to mission impossible new year bfp? assuming u want me to carry on lol. Name suggestions r also welcome. let me know what u ladies want, I am happy either way x
I'm doing pretty good, af was due today but no sign of her at all just small brown discharge from this morning. Havent tested all cycle lol

I like the name Mission Impossible: 2k15 Baby :)
I find temping way more stressing than opk. But this time I need break from opk too and just BD whenever we feel like. I just want to close my eyes to those ewcm around fertile days. But I know I can't do that.

Kristi: Baby shower is fun right. :)

Natasha: How are you doing today. Btw I have one question for you. Did you use preseed with the applicator ? We just can use it for 9times only with the applicator ???

hunni: hello lady. :)

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