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Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Oh sorry Kerry that your mom couldn't keep the secret. :( My mom does that sometimes, letting the secret out.:growlmad: But glad that you had a nice b'day. :)

Wow we have two Easter BFPs. :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I am enjoying this TTC free cycle. No worries at all. :happydance:
Happy Easter ladies! <3&#9825;&#9829;

Congrats oregoon! H&H 9 months to you! :happydance:

Pickle- I'm glad you had a good birthday! :) sorry your mom couldn't keep her mouth shut! It drives me crazy when my mom says stuff when I tell her not to! Hopefully everyone will not bug you about it :hugs:
Hi ladies. Hope everyone is enjoying their easter.

Pickle glad u had a lovely birthday, but shame ur mum told everyone. Mums don't know how to contain themselves when it comes to prospective grand children lol. Hope u get that BFP soon hun x
Do u ladies want us to carry on with this thread but i just change the name or do u want me to start a new thread?
Might as well stick to this one as we are all here already and got you guys BFPs to give us luck?? :)
Love keeping this thread.

CD7 today, trying not to think about it too much. This is my last week home before starting the new job on Monday, and as much as I want to TTC, it's really best if we don't get preggers until this fall. Then I'll be able to be at my job for a year and qualify for FMLA before going on maternity leave.

Oregoon, congratulations!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Stick, bean, stick!
Oregoon: I think I forgot to congratulate you :dohh:
Congrats dear :flower: :happydance:
Happy and healthy 9months to you. :)

Hunni: Waiting for your update !!!
Lesli- it'll be fall before you know it hun! Maybe your body was waiting for that "right time" to make tgings easier for you :hugs:

Good morning ladies :) how is everyone today? I hope everyone enjoyed Easter and is doing well!

I'm going to work on posting some pics today since the kiddos are back to school :) it was beautiful weather yesterday and we spent the whole day outside playing and working on flower beds :)
I find it funny how because we have all synced our cycles up, as we try to get the witch out our house and until near o, this thread goes reaaaaaaally quiet :haha:

I had a great bday/Easter (I can't remember a time when my bday fell on Easter weekend kinda, so I felt doubley spoilt!), back to work now and not enjoying it :coffee: but only 3 more work days and I'm off until 15th of May and jumping on a plane next tues! Super excited to just relax.. And also be rabbits for a week :winkwink: what more could a girl need??

Also just want to add something from someone else's perspective: as my secret was out and so were the drinks, I had a girly chat with my brothers oh (mum to my little niece) and she said all the usual stuff, it's normal to take so long, relax, stop thinking about it (impossible, right? After you've figured out when you ovulate, you can't forget!) etc etc, but also that she's envious. I was like huh :wacko: ?! She said she wishes she had that build up, the goal, and the excitement I will someday feel when it happens. Their little one was a welcomed shock/surprise, but not planned. Obviously I was like, I'm doubley envious of you! "That's how fucked up this world is" :haha:

So yeh.. Different view.
As they say "the grass is always greener on the other side" --everyone will always view things differently, but I do admit, its nice knowing people envy the "challenge" of getting pregnant (even if weird that they do!)

My easter was nice, got some lovely gifts :)

Dropping off some baby dust to you ladies---keeping everything crossed for lots of BFP these upcoming weeks!
Hallo ladies,

Can I join?

I am at cd12 and we are going with SMEP, well, SMEP extreme since we dtd for the past 6 days in a row. Lol and I still have 6 days left!! I should ov on cd17. We didn't plan on doing it everyday, but just so happened. Lol I am definitely in for a 2015 baby now although I hoped for a 2014 baby.
Hi ladies! :)

Welcome angel! GL to you for a good start to 2015 :hugs:

Pickle- I guess I understand where she's coming from, but I can't see myself envious of anyone in this situation! We would gladly welcome some "surprises" here! :)

It does get quiet waiting for o to happen :haha: I have really just been super busy! I forgot I had company coming on tues and I met my best friend for a lunch date yesterday (and I'm finally excited for her, yay! :happydance: ). I'm working on uploading some fur baby pics for you ladies, but of course my computer decided to restart for updates in the middle of it :haha:

I am wondering if you can pack me in your suitcase for your holiday? :haha: I would love a real vacation! :) you are going to have such a nice, relaxing holiday! I hope it's just the recipe needed for your bfp!

Afm- well, I'm not sure what cd I'm on lol, but I do know that we haven't bd'ed in about 3 1/2 weeks! :dohh: I guess we're really on a break :haha: my OH makes sexy little comments but can't seem to stay awake to follow through lol. I get an average of about 2 hrs of seeing him before he's sleeping after work and at least 30 mins of that is dinner! Oh well! :) I do feel nice and relaxed and just enjoying the puppy :)

How is everyone doing? How are our preggers feeling?

Have a great day ladies! Pics to come shortly! :)
And these are some pics of artic wolf cubs :) I thought she looked like a little fox until I saw these :haha:



Aw she's adorable! I love the one of her cuddling with the older dog! (My husbands dog never wanted to cuddle/play with my puppy so I don't have any cute pics like that :haha: )
Miranda- thanks! I just love her to pieces lol :) the boys were very reluctant at first, but Bo is warming up to her and gives her some cuddles and plays with her (a little rough still, but we're working on it ;) ) Luke is terrified of her and gets as far away as he can :haha: Big chicken!

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