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Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Pickle- I hope you have a fantastic time and your dream comes true! :hugs:

I think I may have o'ed last night :/ it's so hard to ignore these things I've worked so hard to keep track of over the last 9 cycles :haha: I really wanted some :sex: last night but my OH wasn't feeling good at all, poor honey! I'm hoping he feels better tonight ;)

I hope all you ladies are doing great today :) :hugs:
Have fun Pickle!!! Lots of baby dust to you while on Vacay!!

Well Lou, even if you did O last night you still already had soldiers on hand waiting to escort the egg out the tube :) So no BD last night is A-ok!

Had my 32 week appointment yesterday, all is well measuring on time. She wants me to watch my sodium cause I am a little (ok a LOT) in my legs and feet. So incoming lots of grilled chicken and veggies for me. Food is Food and I love it all, just hard to not eat French fries everyday, its been my major craving!
Have fun Pickle!!! Lots of baby dust to you while on Vacay!!

Well Lou, even if you did O last night you still already had soldiers on hand waiting to escort the egg out the tube :) So no BD last night is A-ok!

Had my 32 week appointment yesterday, all is well measuring on time. She wants me to watch my sodium cause I am a little (ok a LOT) in my legs and feet. So incoming lots of grilled chicken and veggies for me. Food is Food and I love it all, just hard to not eat French fries everyday, its been my major craving!

:rofl: to the French fries! I never craved anything good for me, mostly high sodium stuff (like Chinese food and french fries :haha: ) so I understand! Hopefully the grilled chicken and veggies will suffice for you :)

I'm glad your appt went well other than that :) I can't believe you're 32 weeks already! Time has crawled in so many ways, but is flying by in other ways! Not too long to go and you'll have your beautiful little Willow :)
Happy hump day ladies! I got mine in this morning :haha:

Hope you ladies are safe and not close to these tornadoes :hugs: please let me know you're all ok :hugs:

I decided to input my noticeable cm and :sex: into ff. Just so I know cycle days if I need to look back :) I really have no idea if I o'ed yet or not, had ovary pain again this morning before :sex:, so :shrug: I like not knowing at this point, it makes sex just sex and no pressure, usually I lose a little of my drive after o and at this point my drive us full force ;)

Have a great day ladies, I hope you are all ok! Lots of <3 and :hugs:
Happy hump day ladies! I got mine in this morning :haha:

Hope you ladies are safe and not close to these tornadoes :hugs: please let me know you're all ok :hugs:

I decided to input my noticeable cm and :sex: into ff. Just so I know cycle days if I need to look back :) I really have no idea if I o'ed yet or not, had ovary pain again this morning before :sex:, so :shrug: I like not knowing at this point, it makes sex just sex and no pressure, usually I lose a little of my drive after o and at this point my drive us full force ;)

Have a great day ladies, I hope you are all ok! Lots of <3 and :hugs:

yeaa to extra bding Hun. Ur relaxed approach might be all u need. I wish u ladies all the best and sticky baby dust ur way x
No tornados here! I live in FL, so if anything major is gunna hit--itd be a hurricane.

Glad you're getting some pressure free BD in loulou!

Hope you have a great holiday pickle!

Sending lots of babydust to you ladies and hoping to see some bfps soon!
We missed the bad weather Sunday, but Mayflower and Vilonia AR are about 2.5 hours from us, I have family there and thankfully they are ok.
Thanks for checking in ladies! :hugs:

Pal- still waiting and hoping your ok hun! :hugs: I heard parts of Texas got hit, hopefully not your part!

Danielle- want to make sure you're ok too hun, it's been a while! :hugs:

Kristi- I'm glad you and your family is ok :) I get nervous with stuff like that since knowing a lot of friends that went through the devastation of hurricane Katrina, so just like to know that all you girls are safe :)

Miranda- I am glad you don't get tornadoes there also, hurricanes are enough to worry about! Lets hope that this year has a mild hurricane season :)

I may just worry too much girls, so thank you for putting up with me :) I'm sure that ppl that have never dealt with large amounts of snow think the same way about our blizzards and snow storms here lol, at least that's what I tell myself to make me feel better about worrying so much :)
Happy hump day ladies! I got mine in this morning :haha:

Hope you ladies are safe and not close to these tornadoes :hugs: please let me know you're all ok :hugs:

I decided to input my noticeable cm and :sex: into ff. Just so I know cycle days if I need to look back :) I really have no idea if I o'ed yet or not, had ovary pain again this morning before :sex:, so :shrug: I like not knowing at this point, it makes sex just sex and no pressure, usually I lose a little of my drive after o and at this point my drive us full force ;)

Have a great day ladies, I hope you are all ok! Lots of <3 and :hugs:

yeaa to extra bding Hun. Ur relaxed approach might be all u need. I wish u ladies all the best and sticky baby dust ur way x

Thanks hun :) I obviously hope so, but I'm ok with it if not too :) I'm just enjoying the relaxed approach and not feeling pressured to bd :)

How are you feeling?
We are absolutely fine, Ciara. I am touched by your concern. :hugs:
I am glad that all our ladies and their families are safe.
Happy hump day ladies! I got mine in this morning :haha:

Hope you ladies are safe and not close to these tornadoes :hugs: please let me know you're all ok :hugs:

I decided to input my noticeable cm and :sex: into ff. Just so I know cycle days if I need to look back :) I really have no idea if I o'ed yet or not, had ovary pain again this morning before :sex:, so :shrug: I like not knowing at this point, it makes sex just sex and no pressure, usually I lose a little of my drive after o and at this point my drive us full force ;)

Have a great day ladies, I hope you are all ok! Lots of <3 and :hugs:

Your BD timings looks perfect for BFP (though not planned intentionally ;). :flower: Good to NTNP and get a BFP. Sometimes I feel like not to TTC at all. But time is running out.
Happy hump day ladies! I got mine in this morning :haha:

Hope you ladies are safe and not close to these tornadoes :hugs: please let me know you're all ok :hugs:

I decided to input my noticeable cm and :sex: into ff. Just so I know cycle days if I need to look back :) I really have no idea if I o'ed yet or not, had ovary pain again this morning before :sex:, so :shrug: I like not knowing at this point, it makes sex just sex and no pressure, usually I lose a little of my drive after o and at this point my drive us full force ;)

Have a great day ladies, I hope you are all ok! Lots of <3 and :hugs:

Your BD timings looks perfect for BFP (though not planned intentionally ;). :flower: Good to NTNP and get a BFP. Sometimes I feel like not to TTC at all. But time is running out.

We still have time love :hugs: but I always feel the same way, I'm not getting any younger! Hopefully all this relaxing will bring our bodies to where they need to be :) the past couple of days I've been thinking about when I had my kids and I came to this realization-your body is a marvelous thing that operates on it's own schedule, trying to force it to do something (or not do something) is like trying to force the wind to blow or not blow (bad example, but it was the first thing I thought of lol). I'll explain more in another post and tell you some of my story :)

Thank you for checking in and I'm glad you are ok :hugs:
This is some of my story:

To start off, I have an ob/gyn, not a midwife, so that may make a difference. I was pressured into being induced with both of my kids, dd at 41+2 and ds at 40+5. At the time I didn't know I could refuse induction, all I knew was the ob said it was my only option and if I didn't my babies wouldn't be safe in my womb anymore. With dd labor was awful, the contractions were on top of one another with no breaks and I was not progressing at all (because my body wasn't ready). I went through almost 24 hrs of labor and 2 hrs of pushing before she made her arrival! Along the way I had to have her pushed back in numerous times (she had her hand on her face and elbow extended out), an episiotomy, and 2 tears, further evidence that she, nor my body was ready. I was threatened with a cesarean multiple times because she was so distressed from the induction and getting stuck. She ended up being delivered with forceps and has a permanent scar from them :( like I said, I thought induction was my only option because the ob said she wasn't safe anymore. So 5 yrs later with my ds and my ob tells me the same line about needing to be induced, but sooner, because it's not safe for the baby anymore. This labor wasn't as bad or as long (dd was back labor and ds was front), but it was the same with contractions right on top of one another and very slow progression from my body. I opted for an epidural both times (it didn't work with dd), and with ds it relaxed my body enough that I went from 4cm to 10cm within 15 mins and had him 5 mins later, so much better than with dd. He was pretty blue and not breathing great, with a low body temp for a couple days. I also attribute this to him not being ready to come out and my body knew that! Both times I fought against what my body is designed to do and forced it before it was the right time for that to happen. So naturally our bodies just know when timing of this is right and this explains why so many women get pregnant on breaks and when they give up on trying. Our bodies don't like to be forced into something that occurs naturally :) I'm going to try and remember this when I start feeling discouraged or stressed :) and at my first ob appt with #3 I will tell him that I refuse induction until I hit 42 weeks by my own dates, because his always seemed early anyways, and if he doesn't agree, I will find an ob or midwife that will :)

Sorry this is so long! :hugs::
Sorry that you were forced to deliver your babies and scar on your daughter's body. That's not good. You are right. Our bodies know what to do and when to do it. But our mind sometimes tries to force things on it. I don't know why I get surprised when I hear some woman got pregnant. That's the natural thing but I am taking it as a science project and treating ourselves like Guinea pigs. Lol :dohh:
My dad is a firm believer of both good things come to those who wait and everything happens for a reason...

Part of what makes ttc so challenging is the stress we put on ourselves, now I admit, for me I got lucky...it took two cycles (one ending poorly) to concieve this baby, but I know a lot of woman struggle. I am here rooting all you ladies on, for many reasons...and can not wait to see more bfps!

I'm sending lots of warm wishes and baby dust to you, in hopes soon will be your time!
Loulou that was absolutely awful what they did to u and scar on DD. But glad everything went well.

My Dh is also a firm believer of God's time. Ladies if it can happen for me after 8 months, then it will definitely happen for all of u. It is just a matter of time. I wish you all very best and can't wait to see more bfps here xx
Good morning ladies :hi:

We all have to keep the faith that it will happen when it's time :) easier said than done, I know :dohh: we put our minds and bodies through so much stress wanting this so bad and I know how hard it is to "forget" everything we know and just go with the flow. I'm trying my hardest to do that and I keep reading bfp stories where the moral is "just stop trying". I have enjoyed not temping or opk'ing, so I think I'm just going to continue like that :) it's kind of hard not knowing when o actually happened, but I think that part will get easier :)

Ton of glittery, sparkly baby dust to all of you lovely ladies! :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
(That should cover all of us, right?! ;) )
Good morning ladies :hugs:

Just saying :hi:

Not much going on at the moment, have had some pretty intense cramping for about 6 days :dohh: I know some of it was related to ovulation, I'm hoping the rest of it is from a corpus luteum (sp?) Cyst pumping out some progesterone :) it's been on both sides though, I've felt it before on both sides, but usually only for a day or so. Who knows :shrug: lol

I decided on testing on CD 28 if no spotting by then :) since I'm not sure where I'm at dpo-wise, I figured that'd be a good start!

How are all of you ladies? I'm hoping everyone is good and feeling ok :hugs:
I just realized my cd 28 in on the 11th which is Mother's Day :) that would be an awesome surprise, but I'm expecting a bfn :)
That would be an awesome surprise Ciara. Everything crossed for a Mothers's Day BFP for you. And that baby dusts surely cover all of us. :)

Happy weekend ladies. Hope you all are fine.

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