Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Loulou- just make sure you take care of yourself and dont over do it! :flower:I'm looking forward to the weekend now too, funny what our minds are like as women ttc, last night i didnt wanna exist, then we got a bd in and now i feel positive again! All in the mind i know but when i see a positive opk im like a women posessed! :haha:

Dream- hahaha hopefully! Im glad your doing well.

I<3 you all too, last night when i was upset i straight away thought 'I need to speak to the girls!'

Jessie: Great that you and DH made up and got to BD. I am happy to know that you are feeling good now. Stay that away and get ready for B'day fun. :) :hugs:

Ciara: Praying for you and the little snugly bean. :)
Now that almost all of you are in the TWW, I can't wait to see some BFPs!!! Sending truck loads of sticky baby dust to ensure some 2nd lines ;)

Pickle - brilliant temp shift, hopefully that means one strong egg waiting for the sperm army ;)

Jessie - Glad to hear you made up with your DH! I hate fighting...although it seems my husband gets over things pretty quick

Pal - What dpo are you? Any symptoms?

Bomma - Nice to see you again, hoping this cycle brings you a bfp!

Loulou- I only know about 5th disease because of the August group I'm in, I hope you test negative for it, and that you already have an immunity built up! Keeping you and the little bean in my thoughts!
Lou, I have my fingers tightly crossed for you until you get your negative results (although, forgive me, they will be crossed in my mind mostly as this girl has to look normal in public..) :hugs::hugs:

Afm I feel like I have a uti, slight cramping (barely there) and all sorts of twinging. Not gonna lie, the pg thoughts do cross my mind! But I'm 2dpo. Two. D. P. O.! Eggy wouldn't have even made it there yet! I know a lot of people say about the uti feeling, but honestly ladies, I think it's due to the constant freakin' bding we do just before. That's a logical explanation. I don't know how pg would even cause that feeling :dohh: anyway, cramping is different, let's leave it at that :)

(But still - 2dpo!)
On another note, the boy has said the past few bd's "I just don't feel like much came out". Has anyone else had this? I assure him enough came out as it bloody gushes from me later on (sorry tmi!), and that it's probably less because we are keeping it fresh by doing smep and before when we started this cycle he was getting rid of a lot of dead :spermy: so obviously there would be more. Was I right to say this?! The info I palmed him off with must have come from somewhere? He took the bait anyway.
Pickle- you never know what those feelings mean, some people do say they feel things after ov when they are pg! I know what its like tho to not wanna get your hopes up! I hope u have lots more pg symptoms until u get ur bfp : ) i have a good feelin this is ur month!
I wud defo say ur explanation makes sense, like u sed ur doin it so regularly that ur not havin a build up of other swimmers!
Miranda: I am 9dpo and from yesterday I have started PMS type cramps and bloating. That's normal for me for this point of my cycle. I am having watery+creamy kind of cm. I am leaking it. How are you ? :)

Kerry: I don't know about those symptoms. But I think your chances are great this month. :)
Good morning ladies <3

Pickle- yes, yes, just mental finger crossing please! :rofl: taking that in the literal sense would definitely make menial tasks tough! :haha:

I had cramps from o until, well, I still get them ;) my fingers are MENTALLY crossed for you! Sometimes it's just intuition!

I think you were right on with your OH. I'm guessing on the smep schedule all you have is the fresh swimmers and that's the difference he's noticing :) we can only hold so much inside, so we don't need them to produce gallons at a time :haha: :thumbsup:

Jessie- I feel the same way anytime anything happens! You girls always make me :) and feel better!

I'm glad you're feeling more positive! It's amazing how we need to feel like we did enough even though we all know it only takes one!

I hope you have a great time this weekend and a very happy b-day! Don't hold back, enjoy yourself :)

Pal- a lot of women feel like af is coming before a bfp. At least for me there wasn't too much of a difference, just little things I would have never thought twice about if I didn't get a bfp. I'm keeping everything crossed for all of you girls! Wednesday is creeping up and I hope af is a no show for you! :)

Miranda- I hope whoever in your August that may have had to deal with fifths is doing well with a healthy bean! It's a scary thing!

Afm- so someone hacked my bank card from an acct I have and barely use. I spent all day yesterday trying to get it sorted out and I think I have it all fixed now thankfully :)

As always, thank you for your support ladies!

Have a great day ladies! :flower:
Oh no Lou!!!!!! I just recently had to clean up a $1600 Verizon bill that someone opened in my name!!!! It's so maddening to know that there are people out there shamelessly using people info for themselves. Get a job and pay for stuff with your own money. Argh!!!

Around 6dpo here. I've been really relaxed lately, but now I'm starting to get a bit anxious. I just wanna know! Looking forward to getting back to school at the end of summer, will help keep my mind busy lol. (Hopefully I'll be preggers by then! We are on cycle 10, DD was finally conceived on cycle 12!)

I actually made a fertility appointment, but canceled. I don't know why, but I'm just no ready to dive into the medical fertility world. I feel like I'll stress even more than I do now. Does that make sense? I was thinking if we don't get preggers by cycle 12, we'd go in. I'm kind of in a time crunch, because I want our 2nd baby to be as old as possible when I start the respiratory program at school, and can NOT be pregnant during the program. (Which would be Fall 2016. Right now I'm working on my prerequisites.) I just know that I won't have the heart to leave a newborn with my inlaws all day everyday. (The program can be super intense. Like a full time job plus overtime kinda thing, and it's 20 months straight through.)
Pickle - I've heard a lot of woman on here talking about feeling like that have a UTI the month they get their BFP, so really hoping this is a good sign (and not an actual UTI ;) ) Also, if it's leaking out, it's enough...no need for bucket loads of spermies :)

Pal - Excess CM could be because of a BFP...so don't count yourself out unless the witch shows! I had horrible gas pain and cramps before my BFP and lots of CM, thought every time I ran to the bathroom I'd see AF had started!

Loulou - The lady in my August group ended up being immune to it, thankfully. She's actually carrying twins, so it would of be doubly horrible if she had caught it from her DD.

Must be something going around with the bank card hackings, both my husband and my mom had an acct hacked...someone used my husbands card at a gas station in Colorado, being as we live in FL, quite impossible for us to have done it :haha: and the person who got my mom's info bought cigars from spain at like 3AM our time :dohh: Such a pain to deal with that.

Bomma - A $1600 Verizon bill? Yuck! Do you have any symptoms so far this cycle?
Can I join in? I'm 4dpo right now. Too early for any pregnancy symptoms, but my back is hurting like crazy the past 2 days. Progressively worse today than yesterday. I'm trying not to symptom spot, especially since I'm a fitness enthusiast so I strength train, and my sore back could easily be from working out.. but I just have never had it be this uncomfortable before.

I'm not incredibly hopeful about this cycle because I'm not exactly sure when I ovulated. I got my peak reading, on the Clearblue advanced digital, on the evening of CD15, but then got positive Dollar Tree OPKs the next 2-3 days. However, I was using FMU and I know that can give false positive readings. The last time we DTD the morning after my peak reading (so, CD16). But if I didn't O for 2 more days (if I were to believe the Dollar Tree OPKs), I doubt my chances are that good.

Sorry if that was confusing. Suffice to say, if this cycle is a dud, I will venture into temping so there is no more guess work as to when/if I really ovulated.
Can I join in? I'm 4dpo right now. Too early for any pregnancy symptoms, but my back is hurting like crazy the past 2 days. Progressively worse today than yesterday. I'm trying not to symptom spot, especially since I'm a fitness enthusiast so I strength train, and my sore back could easily be from working out.. but I just have never had it be this uncomfortable before.

I'm not incredibly hopeful about this cycle because I'm not exactly sure when I ovulated. I got my peak reading, on the Clearblue advanced digital, on the evening of CD15, but then got positive Dollar Tree OPKs the next 2-3 days. However, I was using FMU and I know that can give false positive readings. The last time we DTD the morning after my peak reading (so, CD16). But if I didn't O for 2 more days (if I were to believe the Dollar Tree OPKs), I doubt my chances are that good.

Sorry if that was confusing. Suffice to say, if this cycle is a dud, I will venture into temping so there is no more guess work as to when/if I really ovulated.


Even if you didn't O for 2 more days after you BD, you still have a chance! Sperm can live up to 5-6 days inside :winkwink:

Is the back pain more of a cramp?
Oooppsss the hackers. Target also had some issues recently.Target experienced unauthorized access to payment card data from U.S stores. So our bank send us new bank cards just to ensure we are safe and wanted us to get rid of the old card.

BommaMomma: Sounds like someone tried to steal your identity. Identity theft ! $1600 bill, that's crazy right !!!

Ciara: Good that you got it sorted. My husband creates some card number to mask our original card number when we shop online to be safe and secure. I don't remember what it is called though.

Miranda: Yes it is really pain to resolve these kind of card issues. Once I had been charged on my debit card for the purchase I didn't make. But I called the bank and they resolved the issue and I got my money back and got a new card. It was not a big amount but its the matter of safety from future unauthorized purchases.

bdb84: Welcome here. Don't count yourself out based on the bd timing. Sometimes couples BD almost everyday of their fertile window and still get AF and sometimes get BFP with one shot. So you never know. We can hope for the best. :)
$1600 Bomma? I would've freaked! I'm glad you got that sorted! We usually only keep enough money in the acct to cover the monthly fees, it was only a business acct that we used to cash checks. Thankfully they didn't let the big charges through and they were really good about reversing the others :) it's just strange because I have never used that card online, actually I think we've only ever used it for gas and pizza one time forever ago! It probably hasn't been used since last summer! I just have this happen a few months ago with one of my credit cards that I never used. Idk how they get the info but it definitely sucks that so many ppl have to deal with something like this! I also got the notice from target but I haven't had any problems with my red card thankfully!

bdb84- welcome hun! :hugs: just like what was already said, sperm can live inside you for several days, so you're still in with a good chance :) I hope your back feels better soon! Mine has been terrible since having my kids and I have my days in this pregnancy where it bad, but I'm sure the best is yet to come with that lol. I hope its a good sign for you!

Miranda- oh goodness, I'm sure that was terrifying for her! I'm glad she's immune and her babies are ok :) I'm hoping to follow suit with the immunity, but trying to be prepared for any outcome.
Ladies my uti feeling is def a uti, it's painful today :cry:
I don't want to go on antibiotics while in TWW, and I've read some TWW stories (as you do) where they experience a uti from 1dpo too, and it fades around 5dpo so here's hoping. If not, onto the drugs I go :(

Since I'm feeling crappy I'm thinking about going against the last bit of smep. Ironic because I said to the boy that even though I know I've ovulated, I want to follow the plan to the T. But come on. Eggy has passed. Am I ok to skip?
I don't think the last day of smep is needed. I think its for those who don't bbt chart. You know your cycles and know you have ovulated. Hopefully the egg has been already fertilized. So don't bother. :)

Sorry for UTI. I have heard that cranberry juice can help. Once I had it when I was into my masters degree and staying with friends. It was no fun. Every three to four minutes I had to pee. It was difficult for me to go to the doctor as it was 20minutes drive. My pee was red pinkish all the time. It was a bad uti and I had to take antibiotics and injections to stop it. Go for cranberry juice or something and try to prevent it.:hugs:

If its pregnancy related then it should stop in next few days and won't go bad. I hope its conception related in your case and not that bad uti.
Thanks fairyy. It's getting worse the more I pee lol. I've read so much about uti symptoms and pg, but I truly feel this is just an intense uti as it's progressed so quickly. I will give it as long as I can, but obviously if the pain is too bad I will go docs as it can spread to your kidneys I do believe. Fx it goes away! Thanks for your support :) I'm also hoping it's conception related hehe.
Well since I've dealt with them before i know it's literally just a feeling not a need, so I just go when I know I need to. But I'm gonna drink a glass of water every waking hour now so I can try to flush it out. Wish me luck!
Thanks fairyy. It's getting worse the more I pee lol. I've read so much about uti symptoms and pg, but I truly feel this is just an intense uti as it's progressed so quickly. I will give it as long as I can, but obviously if the pain is too bad I will go docs as it can spread to your kidneys I do believe. Fx it goes away! Thanks for your support :) I'm also hoping it's conception related hehe.

I just got over a horrid UTI not too long ago. Drink tons of water, cranberry juice (I even took cranberry pills!) and it subsided. Thankfully I never had to visit the doc. It cleared up on it's own. Try the pills!

And Miranda, afm, not much going on. I think my nips look a bit dark, but that about it. A little crampy...I'm boring lol.

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