Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Wanabe- I hope you get your bfp! Ill be thinking of you :hugs:

Pickle- Any symptoms yet?

I have af pains constantly and very sore boobs. this isnt anything new from each cycle though. the only new symptom i have is i am starving constantly but this might just be because af is on her way. i hate the tww! trying so hard not to symptom spot but you cant help it and just waiting for either the best news ever or your hopes being dashed!

I am trying so hard to think of all the positives so that weds im not devastated agen! Then i think should i stop trying and just let it happen, but then surely without doing all you can its gonna take even longer! Everyone keeps saying 'you want it too badly, your young' bla bla bla but i think because me and the dh have been together 9 years, weve done all the holidays, weekends away, moving in, getting married, so we are kind of just waiting for the next chapter! I find it so frustrating that you cant control ttc! Argh! Thats my rant for today! haha!
No symptoms for me.

I feel your pain J, I've heard "just relax/forget about it and it will happen" a million times, I don't agree with that and neither does smep book! Its impossible to forget. And I've relaxed - nothing. I think trying is the best option to continue with and knowledge is key. Chin up, but I do have my head down too :haha:
Pal- I'm here thank you :) had a busy day and company all day yesterday. I'm excited for your appt, and the 6 months of being more fertile :) come on cd 10!

Wannabe- wow, have I missed a ton! I bet you're going crazy right now! :hugs: opk's can definitely make an hpt look positive if they touch or if hpt is dipped in the same cup after opk. I hope that's not the case for you and that your urine has just been diluted! Looking forward to your next test :) I always found 2mu and evening after a 4 hr hold better, but everyone is different and some women only do well with fmu. And I definitely think you have a chance! Our bodies do crazy things and the only way to know exactly when you o'ed is to temp, so you could have o'ed early or those swimmers could have stuck around :)

About the weird taste, it started before af was due and nothing fixes it! Some days I brush my teeth so many times it hurts and the taste is still there an hour later :dohh: my other things were cramps, from o time until over 6 weeks, feeling like af was going to show, and my boobs hurt different. That one is hard to explain, but they're usually sore every cycle from o on, but that one they started hurting later and hurt different, like ached and throbbed instead of just being sore. I'll have to look back at my chart to see when and if there was anything else.

Being afraid af was going to show definitely lasted for a few weeks. I still worry :dohh:


Jessie- I always couldn't wait to get to the tww and then I hated it and it seemed like it lasted forever! Every day is one day closer and I am praying for all of you ladies! :hugs: I wish there was a fix to that feeling, the only thing that helped me was letting go and very frankly, not giving a shit anymore. That led to my bfp cycle, even after there were other cycles that I took a "break", I never really took a break until that last cycle, but at that point it wasn't even a break, I knew it wasn't going to happen and I wasn't going to let myself care anymore. I'm sorry for how terrible this sounds, but I want to be totally honest and thorough. We had sex 3 times because we wanted to, but*1 of them was way too early (cd 12) because I o'ed consistently after cd 15 (usually 16-19, but before temping, sometimes 20-23). Anyways, the other 2 times were cd 14 pm and cd 17 am. One of those times was absolutely awful and left me feeling less than satisfied and totally pissed lol (I think it was the last time since I didn't have any sex after that). I had o cramps overnight between cd 15-16, but I really have no idea when I actually o'ed. My whole point of that long story was that my "relax, it'll happen when it's meant to" wasn't me just being able to relax (I found that impossible), it was me getting fed up and saying eff it, it's been almost a yr, OH refused any testing, and I was just done trying. I now agree that it'll happen when it's meant to, but I never felt that way before. I feel like the stress we put on ourselves to try and control ttc really may prevent it from happening. :shrug: it doesn't work the same for everyone, that is just my experience. I really hope all of you ladies have bfp's coming this cycle, so you can get off this crazy ttc train! :hugs:

That last post covered some other ?'s that were asked too, i just have a problem remembering sometimes who asked what, so I'm definitely not ignoring anyone, I just may include my response to you in a response to someone else :haha: please forgive me! :hugs:

Anyways, I have completely forgotten anything else I had to say and this is probably long enough! I'm rooting for all of you!

Congrats snow! H & H 9 months!
I am on CD30 today, out of typical 30-day cycles on average.

I did dip the hpt in the same urine as the opk, so that could be all it was...

I feel like I'm out, but I do still have these symptoms the main one is this taste in my mouth that just WON'T GO AWAY!! nausea, now having slight cramping but who knows. :shrug:
I'm tired of getting my hopes up only to be let down, so when I saw the BFP the other day I really just stayed calm thinking it could be a fluke or could end up being a chemical once again.
I also think the surgery is messing things up with this cycle, and I'm just looking too much into things.

I'm really okay either way because I didn't even think I had a chance this month. It would be really shocking if it happened that easily and at crazy circumstances for me, lol.

Wannabe - so sorry for the BFNs! It's heartbreaking, regardless of whether you thought you had a chance or not! Still keeping my fx'd for you!

It's definitely hard to "just relax" and be in the mindset "it'll happen when it's meant to" when you've been trying for so long (or in my case, you have a very early loss). It's amazing the amount of hope we put into one little test, and the disappointment and anguish we feel when it doesn't come out how we'd like!

Although I do agree full heartedly believe that TTC is extremely stressful, and in some cases may be stressful enough to prevent the body from allowing pregnancy (if that makes sense). I honestly think people say to "just relax" and "it'll happen when it's meant to" because they either 1. don't understand because they've never experienced struggles with TTC, or 2. They think it's helpful to say/they don't have anything else to say.

Just want to send massive :hugs: and lots of :babydust: to you ladies and let you know I'm here rooting for you all! Just know, even though the journey is long and hard, you have support from us all here! And one way or another it WILL happen, just try and stay positive in the meantime (and if you can't, I'll send some positive thoughts/energy your way ;) )
Loulou - you can try lemon juice. The acidity in it is supposed to help neutralize the bad taste. It helped me occasionally, but honestly...the taste only ever went away when I was eating :haha: and was made worse by crackers and bread!
Miranda - I tried the lemon juice (ewww lol) and it really didn't make much difference, if any. It does help when I eat but as soon as I finish my last bite it's back! Water, brushing teeth...nothing helps! I'm just getting used to it now, but I'm REALLY hoping it's because I'm growing a "cootie" (I now have OH's cooties lol I think it's super cute)
I gotta admit, the thread on here called March-Mallows really makes me want a little Marchmallow :cloud9: So stinkin cute!!
Any thoughts on why I'm having some brown stringy CM mixed with more EWCM type stuff? It's only when I actually check inside. Sometimes this happens before AF but I also know it could be IB possibly, right?
The yellow tinged CM a few days back was pretty promising to me too.

I keep going back and forth with "I might be! :cloud9:" and "I can't be :cry:"....It's sooo annoying being in limbo like this lol can't wait until tonight/tmrw AM I will be with OH and probably testing like a mad-woman until I either get a strong BFP or AF shows...
Jessie I can feel what you said. It's really hard each month trying and getting AF each month. But I am sure BFP is not that far from all of us TTC ladies. We will be blessed soon. Rant as much as you want. We are here to listen to you and support you. :hugs:

Wannabe: I get brown cm before AF since we started having unprotected sex. Before that I never spot before AF. But theses days my AF starts with spotting and turns heavy within 12 to 24hrs. That's a regular thing now for me. But I hope it's not AF for you. :hugs:

Ciara: I try to relax, but seems I can't . So I want to give it all and get a BFP soon. I know if I try to relax and not think about TTC then we might end up missing entire fertile window with no BD at all. Sex is the last thing on my DH's mind. He is so occupied with his office work all the time. So I am thinking of trying and mixing it up different BD plan till next 6months or so. After that my plan is to totally give up.
Pickle- Yeh im the same, i think feeling like im doing all i can helps me relax more than trying to forget ttc as that would make me feel like its never going to happen.

Loulou- Thank you for your kind words :hugs: hopefully im just in a bad mood today and tomoro i feel happy again. i think its just because i feel like af its defo on its way!

Wanabe- Aww i bet your full of all emotions, ive been thinking of u today, i hope u get ur bfp within the next couple of days! :flower::hugs:

Miranda- I agree, i think people do just say it as they dont know what else to say. Thank you for your babydust! I hope you and bump are doing good! Its flying by!

I swear someones out to get me today haha, i just sat down with a nice cuppa and though aw ill watch glee. so the whole episode was about will and his wife ttc and went on about ovulation bla bla bla and how they were trying really hard and by the end of the episode she was preggers haha, you can imagine me... Aw F@*$ Off!! :haha:
Fairry- Aww dont feel so hard on yourself! I think you should go for this hsg, that'll be good for your chances! And then just try and bd as much as you can on ur fertile week! It wont be long hun, dont give up ! :hugs:
But Jessie, isn't that the bit where after she actually realises she isn't and fakes the pregnancy?! :haha:
I love the movie "What to Expect when you're expecting" as it covers everything. The easy pregnancy, mc, adopting/infertility, ttc concieve giving up then getting bfp - and how pregnancy actually is for most people (not glamorous haha)
I really wish I could give all you ladies big :hugs: and I'm really sorry if I've said anything offensive to anyone :hugs: please know that at no point do I ever mean to be insensitive and I truly am rooting for all you ladies and I wish I could make it happen for you today! I know how great of mommy's you will all be! :hugs: and you will all appreciate what you put in to make your darling little bundles :)

Miranda- I'm going to try adding a little more lemon juice :) I'm hoping this goes away soon! I just feel like I always have horrible breath and that mortifies me when talking to people :haha:

Jessie- I probably would've thrown something at the t.v. :haha: seeing that stuff got to me so much while ttc! Granted it's all fake, but it definitely didn't make it hurt any less :hugs: I remember crying through several shows :hugs:

Pal- my OH has a low sex drive too. I basically feel like I have to force him all the time and it was the same way while ttc. Have you tried cooking dinner for him almost nude? Or lingerie? Or starting with oral? Just throwing ideas out there, I know how frustrating it is when it's such an important part of ttc! :hugs: on a good note, your hsg should make a clear path even if you only get one good round of swimmers :)

Pickle- she faked it?! I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that! Lol

Wannabe- I have my fx'ed that you get a blazing bfp soon! If not, we're here for you and you are so ready for your next cycle! I hope that's not something you have to worry about though. Please keep us posted and enjoy your time with your OH :hugs:

I don't think I've ever seen what to expect, I'm going to have to now!

Lots and lots of :hugs: and <3 all around and loads of sticky baby dust :dust:
Pickle- I think that was his first wife, but this is the new wife :haha:

Miranda- Oooh i have that recorded, i mite watch it this eve then!

Loulou-:hugs: right back at u!

Fairry- I agree with loulou, could you do something to get him going? dress up in something sexy etc xx

So i woke up this morn feelin sicky and thort id do a test, just a normal one, BFN, dont know why i did it as i know im only 9/10dpo and its not an early response. So i dont know how i feel now. im just going to wait for af now i think. I just had sharp shooting pains in my womb las nite so i thort it could be a symptom. obv not!
J, oooooh! I haven't watched glee in a long time. It's probably far too early for POAS Hun :hugs:

Ladies little help here - so we went drinking last night as it was my friends leaving party (though only had about 3 glasses cider not pints, like wine glass size, as I'm too wary while TTC) and went to bed around 2am. Took temp at 5 as usual. So usually my temp would be up after alc and not much sleep. But it took a tumble to below cover line! Do you think that's because of the stuff mentioned, or.. Dare I say.. Implantation dip? I know all I have to do is wait for tomorrow's temp but I'd like some opinions so I don't go mad?

Also please bear in mind my cover line is usually much lower than this cycles, just one temp threw it higher. But still a dip right?
Pickle it could very well be implantation dip cos it too early for af dip and too late for corpus luteum dip, so all in all perfect timing for implantation. Let us hope for a spike tomorrow yikes. Good luck Hun xx
Thank you dream :) I've read up on it, as you do, and it's most likely to be due to alcohol as it lowers your core temp. Oh well we will see. You never know :hugs:
Pickle- I agree with Natasha. I've also never had a temp drop after drinking, I thought most ppl got a temp rise, but everyone is different. I'm keeping my fx'ed for a spike tomorrow and a + hpt in a couple days! :)

Jessie- sounds promising :) could have been implantation cramps, if so, it would take at least a couple days after for a + hpt. I really hope this is it for you ladies! Fx'ed! How are you feeling today? Anymore cramping?

Wannabe- how are you hun? Any news? :hugs:

Pal- are you getting excited for your hsg? I'm excited for you!

Kristi- how are you and your family?

How are the preggers ladies doing today?

Afm- definitely starting to feel movement more consistently :) I can actually see it better than I can feel it at this point lol. I was showing my OH yesterday morning and he was just amazed :)

I hope all you ladies are well :) have a great day! :hugs:
Hi girls :hugs:

I am still in limbo I guess. I thought I was out as yesterday at Walmart I noticed some pinkish/red spotting/CM when I wiped and I just figured AF was coming, so I put in a tampon (as it was not good circumstances to use a pad lol) and then we went to fireworks and everything was fine, then had to go to the bathroom (TMI but diarrhea again?!) and nothing was on the tampon...Not even a tiny spot of red :happydance: So I told OH that now I don't have AF and who knows what's going on.
I keep getting very sharp, random pains (on both sides) that make me wonder if it's AF or just stretching. This metallic taste is STILL here, as is the slight nausea (esp after eating), exhaustion...I kept getting BFNs even with FMU yesterday but then this morning I figured another BFN and went back to bed, OH got up and was like babe there's a faint line again...Sure enough there was, but almost fainter than that one days ago :shrug:
I am now CD32 which isn't crazy for me (I've had a 37-day cycle a while back I think) but it's weird that I keep getting faint, bfn bfn now faint again? I'm wondering if it's going to end up another chemical or what...The red spotting really threw me off. It definitely wasn't much at all but I sure noticed it. OH mentioned implantation bleeding but that's super late for it, right? I dunno!! :coffee: Will keep you girlies posted - thanks so much for the :hugs: and love!!

Lou - that's amazing you can see/feel movement now!! That must be an amazing feeling :cloud9: If you find anything that works for getting rid of this taste in your mouth please share, as for whatever reason I am experiencing the same!

Pickle - sounds like it could be an implantation dip, but it could also be from drinking...so really just a wait and see game, as everything else TTC is!

Jessie - I've been having the same sharp cramping at times too and am wondering if it's late implantation or something? Hopefully this is it for you, that's a great sign!

Miranda - How are you doing? Getting so close to meeting baby James!! :cloud9: :happydance:

Natasha - Getting closer to your gender scan!! Can't wait!! :happydance:

Bomma - Hope all is okay :hugs:

KK - Hope baby Willow (and you!!) is sleeping more at night and the gassiness has calmed down a bit.
Hi Girlies!

I hope youve all had a lovely weekend!

Pickle- as you know i have no clue about temps, but i really really hope for you that its an implantation dip! From what everyone else has said it sounds very promising!! Argh! When are you due af?

Loulou- Ive had non stop dull achey af pains for about 4 days now, so 7 days before af has been due, friday night i had sharp shooting pains. i know its probably all psychological but this cycle has been worse than any other, ive had 2 days worth of nausea, those shooting pains and very vivid dreams. i keep feeling like af has arrived but nothing, im not due for another 3 days. maybe my cycles are just going to get worse, i know since ive been off the pill its made me realise how fake af is when your on the pill thats for sure!
How lush that your feeling and seeing movements! I bet that got your oh really excited! I can imagine thats a lovely feeling! Apart from that how are you feeling?

Wanabe- your still having lots of symptoms then! When will you test next? Some people dont show on tests until really late, but it must be so frustrating!

Fairy- How are you doin?

Miranda- Im just about to watch 'what to expect when your expecting' on your reccomendation!

Afm- im driving myself nuts, defo got pmt! Im not going to test until my af is late as id rather not see another bfn. quite sad really i keep checking forums to see if other people have had bfns then bfps, for some reason it just gives me a little bit of hope. even tho deep down i defo feel like af will be here!

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