Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Just got update from my OBGYN:

Roberts,Erica A, M.D. 7/23/2014 9:50:19 AM > The HSG shows tubes are working and the uterus looks to be normal. I have not seen a report re: your husband's semen analysis but I recommend this as another step in the evaluation for you to get pregnant. Please call the office if you need the number for where your husband can go for a semen analysis.

He is not ready to go for it. I know after I show this to him also, he will not be ready.
:hugs: Sorry your DH is acting like this to you, Pal. Is it possible to try BD in the morning so he can't use the tired excuse? Maybe wake up early and make him breakfast in some lingerie. Is he even really wanting to TTC fully? Maybe he feels too much pressure about that in order to preform correctly? :shrug: FWIW - BD before the actual "fertile window" could be still in there up to 7 days. And supposedly BD after O helps for a girl, therefore still a chance too (although I don't understand how)
Pal- I just stopped discussing it with mine and then attacked him on the days I knew I was most fertile. Thinking/talking about ttc took him right out of the mood, so I just didn't tell him about anything. You definitely don't have to bd for 5 days strait, that's not necessary, and not good for sperm regeneration if there are any issues there. If you could even do eod for 6 days before you o, or even twice before you o and once after you should be just fine. I know it's hard on us to have to plan all the bd and it kinda takes the fun and joy out of it! I know he's not ready to get any tests done and I probably wouldn't even bring it up to him yet. Do you think he would be willing to get himself off and save you a sample so you could try inseminating yourself first before considering iui? Maybe try and get some soft cups to try and keep the swimmers up there? Big :hugs: I wish I had the right and perfect answer for you!

Miranda- I hope you feel better hun and baby James stays put for your family :hugs: I'm sure the sickness is taking a toll on you right now, try and get some rest and stay hydrated :)

Kristi- hahahahahaha :rofl: maybe the excited comment just struck ME as super funny, but I really lol'ed when I read it!

Wannabe- Keep us posted on the new job :) I'm so happy for you that things are so great for you and OH! :)

Jessie- You sound like you're feeling a little more positive :) I know it's hard hun, but hang in there, it will be well worth it! We have plenty of shoulders for you anytime you need though :hugs:

Pickle- How are you lovely?

Natasha- How are you feeling hun? Getting excited I bet! :) Can't wait!

DD- How are you hun?

AFM- still feeling pretty good, yay! I'm posting u/s pics for you girls shortly (Ihope you don't mind). No good pics, my dr was having a bad day and in a terrible hurry, so my apt was short and not very sweet :haha:
Dr said everything looks good after giving me a heart attack saying baby was only measuring 13w6d (should be 14w3d or 14w6d based on last scan) but then re-measured and baby measures 15w1d :) Also, told me the heart rate was only 114-118 bpm (which very obviously made him nervous), so he rechecked again and it was 148 bpm, which is about what I've been getting on the Doppler :) I was sweating bullets and worried sick for a few minutes, but he thinks everything looks good. He was running an hr behind and had a car insurance emergency to tend to as soon as I left so I think he was just rushing and distracted. He gave us a gender guess, but I'll let you ladies see what you think. I know I included a potty shot and I think one of the 3d/4d ones is of a leg and belly and possibly a little between legs, but I could have that backwards and it could very well be an arm and the chest :haha:





Ciara: Lovely scan pics. I am bad at guessing but is it a boy ?

Wannabe and Ciara: I am just pissed off and I am not going to initiate at all. I tried attacking him during fertile time when NTNP but sometimes it worked to get some BD out of him and sometimes not. I am not wanting to BD all five days, I will be happy if we get good 2,3 shots at least doing EOD. But I think I had enough of struggle and now I am done. From now we are going to have sex when he is interested (that may mean once/twice a month) and if no pregnancy by year end then we have to look for some other method.
Pal- I'm sorry if upset you :hugs: I didn't mean to if I did. I can totally understand your frustration and I wish your DH could understand the same way we do! Do you want me to come smack him around a little for you? Men can be so impossible and frustrating! I hope you can find a compromise that works for both of you hun :hugs: maybe he'll notice you not trying and he'll step up his game (fx'ed). I truly hope you can find a happy medium and get your much deserved and desired little bundle! :hugs:
Pal - sorry to hear how uncooperative your dh is being. Perhaps start denying him when he wants to BD and see if that knocks some sense into him. I found when I stopped asking for it and turned it down my DH tried more often.

Wannabe - glad you seem to be clicking better with your oh ;)

Loulou - I don't think scans are accurate for gender before 16weeks...either way, I'm crap at deciphering them!

Dropping off lots and lots of babydust to help get some bfps thos cycle ladies!!

Afm - I'm exhausted, but seem to be doing better on the being sick front. I kicked butt and put away all the diapers I got from my baby shower (finally :haha: ) and I picked up most of the remaining items I wanted. Feeling pretty copathedic (sp?) about baby coming. Still lots to do, but doesn't feel as overwhelming. I do get a feeling he'll come before his due date though!
Ciara: No hun, you didn't upset me at all. In fact I appreciate you for understanding my situation. Please come and smack him :rofl:

Miranda: Definitely no sex for him until he begs for it. That might delay conception but I am ok with it. He needs a lesson. But he might not realize it as his sex drive is non existent. :dohh:

Glad that you are doing better Miranda and able to arrange things. Get some good sleeps. You are going to miss it after baby arrives. Stay rested.
Maybe their is vitamins he can take that'll help his sex drive - I could of sworn I read something about that on bnb somewhere!
Hi Girlies !

Pal- I was going to suggest the same as the girls really, to not discuss ttc and just act like you really want him but it sounds like youve done everything weve suggested! I know my oh had a few months of being really funny about it all so i had to try and not talk about opks to him nemore.

Miranda- sounds like you have everything prepared! i spose its just a waiting game now! is you oh really excited now?

Loulou- I am rubbish at the gender games, im going to guess a boy also tho? Very exciting to have all those scan pics! Im glad that everything looks good! Pesky dr for being distracted!

Wanabe- It sounds like you and oh are having a lovely time now and much more relaxed!

Afm- I am feeling much happier, wether thats the part of the cycle im in or maybe my vitamins. We started planning more stuff to look forward to so that my mind is slightly distracted so in 2 weeks weve planned a night out in a race course with other couples, so you have to dress up etc, then in 3 weeks im bridesmaid to one of my best friends and a week after that weve booked a caravan in cornwall for a week so hopefully all these things will help. Also dh went through my fone app last night ( it says % of getting pregnant on that day) and wrote down the days we will bd this month, which ended up being smep. talk about unromantic haha! its like a scientific process these days! he has been making me chuckle, he says if this month doesnt work hes going to stand outside our house and say to any passers by "mate do you wanna go in and have a go because i just need someone to make her pregnant!" hahaha
Hi Girlies !

Pal- I was going to suggest the same as the girls really, to not discuss ttc and just act like you really want him but it sounds like youve done everything weve suggested! I know my oh had a few months of being really funny about it all so i had to try and not talk about opks to him nemore.

Miranda- sounds like you have everything prepared! i spose its just a waiting game now! is you oh really excited now?

Loulou- I am rubbish at the gender games, im going to guess a boy also tho? Very exciting to have all those scan pics! Im glad that everything looks good! Pesky dr for being distracted!

Wanabe- It sounds like you and oh are having a lovely time now and much more relaxed!

Afm- I am feeling much happier, wether thats the part of the cycle im in or maybe my vitamins. We started planning more stuff to look forward to so that my mind is slightly distracted so in 2 weeks weve planned a night out in a race course with other couples, so you have to dress up etc, then in 3 weeks im bridesmaid to one of my best friends and a week after that weve booked a caravan in cornwall for a week so hopefully all these things will help. Also dh went through my fone app last night ( it says % of getting pregnant on that day) and wrote down the days we will bd this month, which ended up being smep. talk about unromantic haha! its like a scientific process these days! he has been making me chuckle, he says if this month doesnt work hes going to stand outside our house and say to any passers by "mate do you wanna go in and have a go because i just need someone to make her pregnant!" haha

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I am sorry Jessie but what ur DH said really cracked me up.
Jessie - lol your DH is too funny! But at least he's trying really hard haha bless him

Sorry I realized after I posted before that I am a day ahead of what I said, CD11 today (see I guess I really am relaxed this month lol) We were going to skip BD yesterday but I ended up giving in again!! :haha: It's seriously a world record I think!! :blush: I had odd twingy pains in my LEFT side the day before yesterday and also my cervix was very sore, which seems to mean I'm close to O? I don't really know. I've thought about using opk but then again I don't want to make this a chore as we are doing just fine right now so I'll just keep track of CD this month. I do know my cervix is high soft open and wet though :happydance:

Ciara - I am sticking with BOY even though in that last pic with the 2 lines makes me think girl, but I think it's upside-down and the nub is on the other side? I suck at deciphering what is what in u/s lol they seem so confusing to me. I also wouldn't take what the doc said as a great guess though as it's still early and he was super rushed so doesn't seem that reliable to me. Glad baby is healthy though! that heartrate indicates boy too I believe (lower than 160 is boy?) :happydance:

Ugh I had a headache all day yesterday and now today it seems to STILL be there...Not a migraine, though, so I won't complain too much but it's no fun!
:rofl: Oh Jessie, your DH sounds like a hoot! It's a great idea to plan other things to keep you busy, a lot of ladies find it really helps take the stress off TTC - I can't imagine how depressing it would be to center your entire life around it, the disappointment would far exceed anything else!

afm - It's so hard to tell when my husband is excited, but every now and then he mentions something or wants to do something for the baby and I know he's so happy the baby is coming soon! We bought the crib mattress yesterday, completely his idea :)

So, this is non baby/ttc related, but am still really irritated by the entire thing so would like a little vent, will put in spoiler so you don't have to read:

My uncle has been sick for quite a while, he had leukemia/lymphoma and that paired with heavy alcoholism severely damaged his kidneys/liver and although he had gotten better, this past week he started to take a downhill spiral - on my Aunts and moms insistence my grandmother went to NY to see my brother graduate from Culinary School (he now has a bachelor degree is culinary business!!) - so here's the issue:

I sign onto facebook lastnight around midnight like a normally do before bed, just to see what's gone on throughout the day, imagine my surprise and anger to find out via facebook my uncle has passed away! Three of my cousin's posted status about him passing! Three! Now, I'm not close with my uncle, so although I'm sad he's passed I'm not devastated - but after laying in bed for 10/15 minutes I text my dad really upset because my mom and grandmother were both supposed to still be in NY! I had a good cry to my husband about how awful it would be if they found out their brother/son died via facebook!

My dad said he put my mom and grandmother on a flight earlier that day, and they arrived home around 11pm, and just missed him passing. I can only hope they found out firsthand of his death, and that my mom didn't see it on facebook when she got off the plane!

It just makes me so angry and heartbroken at the thought they could of found out that way! I just don't understand the thought process people have when they post crap like that. Yes, I'm sad my uncle died...yes, I'd like people to keep my family in their thoughts, but never would I be okay with finding out the way I did if it was someone I was close to!

Hope today is well for you ladies, lots of well wishes and babydust!
:growlmad:Aww Miranda that is not nice. I would be fuming if i find out that way. Not on :growlmad:. You are well within ur right to be angry. I am sorry for ur loss Hun :hugs:. Take it easy xx
Miranda- I'm sorry you found out that way, it definitely shouldn't be the avenue that ppl find out about something like that :( I'm sorry for his passing also, your family is in my thoughts and I hope rhe rest of them were told first-hand and not through fb. Big :hugs: hun!

I'm glad you are feeling better and ready for baby James :) that will bring some joy back to your family in their tough time!

Congrats to your brother also :)

Wannabe- relaxed sounds like it's definitely working for you guys, I would stick with it :) fx'ed for a nice surprise!

Jessie- I'm glad for the positivity :) it sounds like you guys will have plenty going on to keep you distracted :) that is absolutely fantastic! Fx'ed! What you DH said made me lol, sorry! :rofl:

Pal- make him beg! I would purposely be wearing sexy things and then denying him :haha: I'm glad I didn't upset you and I really hopes he comes to his senses before I have to do more than smack him :haha: I might have to feel bad for beating your DH lol ;)

Afm- I agree that gender is not very accurate before 16 weeks because it's so hard to see and some babies develop slower than others. Since ours is measuring 5 days ahead we thought we'd give it a go :) it was purely just for guessing purposes and I will definitely not take mine or the dr's guess to heart :) we both guessed boy, but the baby was being quite the wiggle worm and kept closing legs when dr went to take a still shot lol. I think I saw boy parts in shots I didn't capture in pics, but I'm definitely still torn because some look boy and some look girl :) healthy is all that matters! :)

Have a great day girls! Tons of baby dust :dust:
Did you get any good "nub" shots - with girls the "nub" is supposed to be parallel to the spine and boys it's at a 30degree angle...that's part of what convinced me mine was a boy before my anatomy scan at 20 weeks!

Thankfully my mom and grandmother found out in person. I just got off the phone with her, she says they got a call from one of my aunts saying my grandmother needed to fly home asap as things weren't looking good, my dad put them on the first available flight...by the time they got home and to the hospital he was already passed. She said it was after midnight by the time all was said and done so she didn't call to tell us kids (my siblings and I) and apologized to me that I found out via facebook about it...and I'm not mad at her at all, I'm relieved she didn't find out that way, that's what matters to me. I'll be headed over to her house after work, she seems okay, but you never know when it truly sinks in how she'll react.
Lou that last 4d shot looks like a penis to me, but its still early to know for sure!

Miranda I hate you found out that way, no one should have to find out like that.

Jessie your hubby makes me laugh, I can tell its stressing him out too but he has a good attitude about it :)

Wannabe- FX's over here!!

fairyy- time to invest in some handcuffs and tie him up and just have your way with him :)

Dream- getting close to your ultrasound! Are you guys already thinking about names?

Bomma- where art thou?

AFM: Took Willow with me to work last night for a test run with our moby wrap...wanted to see how she did for a whole shift and it went good. So as long as she keeps doing good she'll just come to work with me. I am not ready to be separated from her yet.
Miranda- the only decent pics I got were the ones I posted. He doesn't believe in the nub, just the potty shot, so that's what he tried for lol. I was hoping I'd get a nub shot on accident when he was taking a profile pic, but he didn't attempt the profile. 4 more weeks and we'll know for sure :)

I'm glad they didn't find out through fb! I know what you mean about it being different when it sinks in. :hugs: to you all through the tough days ahead.

Kristi- I thought the same about the pic, but then I rationalized that whatever that is is way too large to be a baby wiener :haha: I'm sure it's part of a leg, who knows, everything looks so distorted in there!

Ya ya to being able to take Willow to work :) I remember how hard it was to leave my babies and go back to work! I hope she keeps being good for you so she can stay with her mama :)
Miranda- the only decent pics I got were the ones I posted. He doesn't believe in the nub, just the potty shot, so that's what he tried for lol. I was hoping I'd get a nub shot on accident when he was taking a profile pic, but he didn't attempt the profile. 4 more weeks and we'll know for sure :)

I'm glad they didn't find out through fb! I know what you mean about it being different when it sinks in. :hugs: to you all through the tough days ahead.

Kristi- I thought the same about the pic, but then I rationalized that whatever that is is way too large to be a baby wiener :haha: I'm sure it's part of a leg, who knows, everything looks so distorted in there!

Ya ya to being able to take Willow to work :) I remember how hard it was to leave my babies and go back to work! I hope she keeps being good for you so she can stay with her mama :)

If that is a penis, your hubby will have something to be proud of :)

I remember after the ultrasound for my little cousin.. my Uncle came home and was like its a boy! Two arm, two legs and a huge baby pecker! :dohh: He's 16 now...I'm waiting for him to bring his first girlfriend home so we can tell that story. :thumbup:
Also meant to add earlier in the 2d it looked like a girl possibly, so you really are up in the air for 4 more weeks!

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