Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Miranda- tan sounds lovely for the nursery, i love tan with white furniture!

Pickle- so far weve been doing every other day, then hoping for 3 days straight when i get a positive opk, so i suppose smep. at this point in my cycle i always think ah well if it happens it happens, then in tww i become a monster!

fairy- maybe with oh taking charge hell enjoy more and not feel that its just ttc! get him to pounce again nearer cd14 and get lots of those swimmers to that egg! :spermy::sex:

Wanabe- jeez you are on a marathon, but they do say the more sex you have the more you want!:winkwink:
Lou that's crazy! Your belly pics are so cool!

I love reading everyone's love stories. It's true - when you know, you know! Funny story - I went to my husbands first wedding. Lol.

I'm doing ok. Haven't felt much nausea. Mostly feeling normal and tired. It worries me a little, but if everything is ok, the. I hope this normal thing continues! I am bloated and quite constipated too, so that's no fun. I'm 5 weeks today. :) my scan is in 2 weeks. I started keflex for the strep b yesterday and I just had blood taken today to check heparin and immune function again.

I am very excited and hope this continues well!!!
Dd - I didn't get nausea until 6 weeks. I woke up and the puking began :haha: it was so bad I didn't make it to the toilet at one point and my husband had to clean up the hallway to the bathroom. So I wouldn't worry - I'm hoping you have a healthy stucky bean and no nausea though, as ms sucks so much!

Wannabe- that is quite the bd marathon! Hopefully it does the trick ;) the melting pot is a little on the pricier side, but its a really romantic set up, you can get a booth for just the two of you and its usually low lights and great atmosphere for couples :D besides, who doesn't love chocolate fondu? I'm lactose intolerant, but nothing horrific, just enough to cause stomach aches and bad bathroom trips if I have too much diary, yogurt is actually okay to have, the probiotics in it help break down the lactose your body would have trouble with

Jessie and pickle - eod sounds like a good plan, especially if the oh's are on board and into it. If you happen three days in a row no big deal ;)

Pal - glad youre feeling less stressed, and your dh jumped you ;) even if not the best timing, its nice to see him taking action!

Insanity killed me at first, I thought I was gunna die after every workout- but I loved the challenge and I loved how good I felt when I completed it. I actually did it twice through, but stopped when I got my puppy as I didn't have time for both. I'm gunna pick it back up after the baby if I can ;)

No signs of labor yet, was feeling quite sick a bit ago, but have been munching on ice and feel much better! My mom thinks I'll go early..my uncle keeps saying it'll be this Saturday on my grandmas birthday- I said itd be sunday during her birthday dinner :haha: she'd have a cow either way.

The rooms should both hopefully be painted by end of the week! So hoping baby holds out til then at least :)
Miranda- you should have your baby on August 4th! That's the best birthday to have! ;-)

I got bad ms last time - kicked in at 5w4d, which will be Saturday. So not out of the woods yet! I did take the clear blue on Sunday evening and of course it only served to freak me out. Pg 2-3. I hate that stupid test.
Those dont include the first two weeks drs count in pregnancy, so really 2-3 weeks would put you at 4-5weeks, which is right on track!

There are so many August birthdays! I'll be happy with any day with the exception of the 2nd (although I'm sure thats went he'll come because I don't want him to ;) )
:blue: :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: :happydance: :headspin: :headspin: :headspin: :headspin: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: I am sooooooo happy. I am 20 weeks today and my fruit ticker is banana and i think that I am going absolutely bananas lol. I am halfway there and Dh is absolutely happy we r team blue lol xx Baby is perfect and everything is fine with him and I will post scan pic later xx
Woop woop!! Congrats on your little boy announcing his manhood! I'm v happy for you dream :hugs: can't wait to see the scans
I went for my first smear test today ladies.. :blush:
Uncomfortable but fine. I spoke to someone other than my boy about TTC for the first time as the nurse asked if I was still on the pill. So anyway she said they do the first steps of simple testing with the guys there so I was quite surprised as I didn't know that (my doctors are shit and don't even do blood tests) so I asked about sperm analysing and she said no they only supply the pots. Ummm. So what else can they do "simple tests first" on him?! :dohh:

On another note we have put an offer in on our first ever place to buy and it got accepted! So that's quite exciting. Things could still go wrong in this time frame but it's fun for now :) I also just got offered a promotion in my job. Soooo now all I need is a baby in my belly. Come on!

Anddddd I found out last night that an old friend is pregnant. Successful first time. Younger than me. In my eyes not ready. I don't mean to be judgemental on my own friend but aren't we all sometimes :/ I don't feel overly jealous, just that this universe is fucked up.
Congrats dream!!! :wohoo::wohoo::headspin::yipee:

Pickle - My first ever pap smear was when I went in to confirm this pregnancy ;) If I could of put it off I would of. :haha:
Congrats dream!!! :wohoo::wohoo::headspin::yipee:

Pickle - My first ever pap smear was when I went in to confirm this pregnancy ;) If I could of put it off I would of. :haha:

I cancelled my first appointment! We were in the TWW and I had read 50/50 opinions on if it could affect TTC. And was going to cancel today's but thought.. (Wo)man up!
Natasha: Wow it's a boy :happydance::happydance::happydance::flower:
That's great, a girl and a baby boy now :dance:

Kerry: Yay for your offer getting accepted on your first place. That's quite exciting :) and you are offered promotion too :dance: Hoorayyy... Things are falling into place nicely for you. I bet you are going to see those two pink lines very soon too. :)
Oh you must of updated your post after I replied! Congrats on your offer being accepted and your promotion, such great things falling into place...a baby in the belly shouldn't be too far behind now ;)

As for the friend...trust me on this one, no matter how long or short it takes to conceive envy is always present if someone has an easier time then you! I can't even begin to explain my attitude when I found out my husbands friend was expecting a baby due the month my chemical would of been due and how his girlfriend was on the pill when it happend. All I could think was "that should of been me!" That's not to say I wasnt happy for them, but it does hurt. So I totally sympathize with how you feel about your friend. Big hugs!

Hopefully this cycle is it for all you ladies waiting!!! Its about time we got a new crop of bfps!
Congrats dream! Team blue! So happy for you!!!!

Pickle - glad you had your check up. Do you need to find a new dr to run tests?
Natasha- Happy 20 weeks! And team BLUE!!!! Hooray!!! I'm so freaking excited for you!!! :happydance: :happydance: happydance: I bet you're going bananas :haha:

Jessie- I'm so glad you DH is so involved and taking charge :) it's awesome to know he wants this as much as you!

Miranda- I love tans :) my room is two different tans, along with part of my living room and stairway to upstairs :)

I'll gladly share my bday (3rd) with baby James!

I did a lot of ice chips with DD, they are fantastic!

Pickle- I was going to take benadryl, but I'm totally out :dohh: I'll have to pick some up with some sun block! Hopefully that does the trick for hanging out at the pool this weekend :)

Hmmm about the simple test if it's not a SA? What other tests do they do? I hate smears, but I've been getting them since I was a teen, so they don't bother me so much now.

Sounds like everything is falling into place :) a big congrats on the offer being accepted and the promotion :happydance: a baby belly should soon follow :)

Pal- I'm glad to hear DH is manning up ;) definitely keep the preseed on his side lol. I had the same issue last night, which was strange since I'm usually ready to go :haha: hopefully your DH keeps this up since you've handed him control :)

Danielle- everything sounds like it's going well, I'm so happy to hear it! :) I hope the ms doesn't kick in! I still have a hard time believing I'm pregnant sometimes, until I look at my belly or feel LO move in there :) with your dr's being so proactive for you, I think this is going to be your sticky bean :)

Wannabe- me and my OH both suck at romance so I'm not much help lol. The melting pot sounds really nice though :) I've heard the cheesecake factory is really good too, but idk if they have locations near you. Come to think of it, I don't think we've ever done anything romantic :haha: once you have kids in tow things change a bit ;) I hope you come up with something nice :)

Your marathon is crazy! I think my parts would be falling off :rofl: get it girl! ;)

Pickle- I also meant to say that jealousy is normal, I went through it terribly with my bff when they weren't trying and ended up pregnant. It really does show you how fucked up this world is. There are so many deserving ppl that are desperate to have babies that have such a hard time and then these irresponsible ppl have an oopsie and are instantly preggo. It's not fair at all but I know what wonderful, loving, appreciative mommy's everyone here is/are going to be and I take comfort in that :) you all will never take parenthood for granted!

Afm- I know I forgot some stuff I wanted to say :dohh: I get so darn excited and forget everything!

I only get that weird baby bump when my bladder is about to burst, other than that it just looks like a normal baby bump. It's strange, I never had that with my other 2 and it totally grosses my DD out :haha:

I'm sorry if I vent a lot. I find myself super irritated with a lot of things and I really have no other outlet. Thank you for putting up with me <3 on that note, I have another bff vent lol. So I've been working on planning her baby shower for a few weeks (we were supposed to do each other's) and it's up to me to get most of the stuff for the games, food, etc. Yesterday we figured out a date for mine and she tells me that she'll do what she can, but it probably won't be much because she'll be 35 weeks when I have it, so I'll have to find someone else to help me plan. Now I understand in a way, I'll find someone less preggo to help set up and stuff, but seriously you can't help plan because you're pregnant? I'm pregnant and planning :dohh: so looks like I'm planning both showers pretty much by myself...grr! I know I'm being semi-irrational and hormonal :haha: but don't tell me you're going to do it (3 weeks ago) and now recant. I didn't even want a shower and she talked me into it! Rant over :) I'm better now lol. I'll try to make this my last vent for a while ;)

I hope you ladies have a great day! Lots of :hugs: and <3
Natasha- I can't wait to see scan pics!

I think I'm going to have to have a girl to even things up here :haha:
:blue: :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: :happydance: :headspin: :headspin: :headspin: :headspin: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: I am sooooooo happy. I am 20 weeks today and my fruit ticker is banana and i think that I am going absolutely bananas lol. I am halfway there and Dh is absolutely happy we r team blue lol xx Baby is perfect and everything is fine with him and I will post scan pic later xx

Whoo hoo!!! Gratz on your little boy Dream :D!!! :blue::blue::blue::crib::hugs2::hugs2::hugs2::drunk::drunk::drunk::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:
CONGRATS DREAM! That's so exciting!!

Hope you don't mind that Im joining you ladies. if Im pregnant this cycle my EDD is April 8th 2015. I had what I suspected was implantation cramps at 10dpo Im 14 dpo today. Im just holding off testing as long as I can. I dont have any impending AF symptoms. I dont have really any symptoms. Im hopeful but im afraid I may be out this month. Wont know until I test, I know that! :D
Welcome to the group, crave! How long have you been TTC?

Dream - time to gt thinking about names ;)

Miranda - I don't want to feel jealous. Like I don't feel jealous of you ladies. But I guess knowing how hard we are trying/tried makes it better. But she lives at home with her mum with a small job and no responsibilities and jumps to the biggest responsibility ever with no stepping stones. If that makes sense. It just bums me out :(

Lou - vent as much as you like, that's what we are here for right!

I use the sensitive soltan range by Boots. I don't know of you have that but look for a sensitive one with highest UVA, I think 5 star. The factor doesn't stop me getting a rash, not even block.

As for your friend.. It's a tough one. Yes she might feel like a whale but how exactly does that stop her doing things? She can still do all the tasks needed. I think she's being a tad selfish. Especially if she pushed you into it in the first place!
Hi girls!! :hugs:

Dream - WOW a boy!!! :blue: Congrats!! Super exciting, and sorry I thought he was a girl (please don't let him know that!! :haha:) That's perfect now you will have one of each :cloud9:

Miranda - :happydance: super excited for baby James, but hope he doesn't come on the 2nd as you don't want that day - let's hope he has his listening ears on lol

Pickle - pap smears are so strange aren't they? lol I hate them but have been getting them since I was 16 or so, so I guess I'm pretty used to them :shrug: Always good to get yourself checked tho ;)

DD - I am so happy you are doing well! Happy 5 weeks!! :happydance: that's worth celebrating!! I don't want to wish you ms but it does usually start around 6 weeks for most ladies. I don't think ms=healthy baby though, so I'd just be excited you're not suffering!! :thumbup:

Ciara - Hmm now I am wondering if yours is a girl since I was wrong about Dream's baby :haha: Oh yeah Cheesecake Factory is a nice suggestion, I'll have to check that out also as I've never been, but do believe there is one in CT!
I'm sorry your bff seems to be acting like this now...Perhaps she feels like at 35 weeks she won't feel like hosting a party (but it can't be that hard?) and maybe she is just thinking about herself. Every woman handles pregnancy differently, and while we may think it's silly to back out of something at 35 weeks, maybe she just knows her body won't be able to handle that stress?
Sorry bout your rash, too, I think I forgot to comment on that before. My aunt is allergic to the sun too and gets a rash/hives similar to your pic. Unfortunately she hasn't found a solution that works but I'd suggest seeing a dermatologist if the sunscreen/benedryl doesn't help.

Fairy - It's good your OH is initiating BD now, even if he has the timing off...The spontaneity is the fun part!! ;)

Jessie - EOD is great, and 3 days in a row when you get opk would be wonderful but not the end of the world if you can't manage that!! Just do what you can and have fun with it!! It makes things more exciting anyways haha

Crave - :hugs: Welcome to the group!! Hopefully you will see 2 pink lines soon!! :dust:

KK - Hope all is well with you and Willow!! :hugs:

Bomma - :shrug:

AFM - Well OH totally shocked me last night when we were having :sex: afterwards he told me to "hold it in" (as I did when TTC) so I did, but then he wanted to do it AGAIN and I asked him why he wanted me to hold it in and he goes "Well I just woke up this morning reeeaaally wanting a kid" ha! :cloud9: I also told him about my darker-yet-still-neg opk the other day and assume I O'd yesterday as I had sharp sudden pains that only lasted a few seconds. Oh, and the little boy I babysit for said again today "You are going to have a baby" and I said "Why do you think that?" and he said "because your tummy is big" lol, but I think/hope he may be on to something FX
Crave - welcome and good luck! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Loulou- rant away, this is the best place to do so! Sorry your friend is acting like she is, I'd be upset/mad if my friend convinced me to do a baby shower then backed out on me! Hopefully she gets over whatever she seems to be holding against you and decides to help out more!

Wannabe-hope the boy you babysit is on to something! ;)

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