Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

I just took a test and it was BFN. I think I may still be in though. I just got pain tonight in my abdomen. doesnt feel like AF but its more like a sharp twinge. Im hoping its implantation.

As long as the witch is not there, then there is hope :hugs:. Good luck hun x
Thanks girls!! Booked a doc appt for physical/TB on Tuesday and need the results back before officially starting, along with paperwork and training but I'm assuming by Aug 11 as an official start day??! There's currently only 3-6 babies anyways so they don't really NEED to have me just yet but I'm sure since summer is fading away babies will come back!

Miranda - I told you he's waiting until August, which is tmrw ;) haha!

Natasha - I doubt they guessed boy incorrectly as they had to have either seen a penis or 3 lines which means vagina. I would plan for a boy :thumbup: If a sonographer isn't 100% they should admit that it's only a guess, right?

On a (TMI?) side note - My IBS seems to be under control these last few days!! I am trying to avoid cheese and milk and see if that makes any difference. I do think it's just that really. Although I do get diarrhea when I get nervous/anxious too??

Good luck at ur appointment hun x
Miranda- it looks like he's doing the wave in there for a min! :haha: that was awesome and made my day :)

Labor signs are different for everyone imo. Some women don't know until their water breaks and some definitely feel it. It's something I worry about (like knowing that it's happening) because I've never been in natural labor lol. If in doubt just ring your dr, that's what they're there for andthings can definitely change in a matter of hrs :)

I never bled with the internal checks until I got a sweep when in the hospital. It was more uncomfortable than anything and the sweep was definitely a little painful. Let's hope you need none of that and James makes an easy entrance! :) I can't wait to meet him!

Natasha- did the tech say 100% ? For the most part at 20 weeks they're usually right and I think it's totally normal to question and think what if they're wrong. If you get you pc working definitely post scan pics and we can give you our opinions :) I know it's not a huge piece of mind, but the more that agree maybe the better you'll feel about it :hugs:

DD- I forgot to say happy 5 weeks! I hope your ms doesn't get too bad hun! :hugs: can't wait for the scan :)

Wannabe- Congrats on the job! Yay! It seems all is falling into place :) your OH is cute lol. I hope this cycle brings you 2 sticky pink lines! :)

As for the ibs, I forgot to post it the other day sorry! It sounds like you're doing good controlling :) my dr recommended mylanta and a daily prilosec to get it in check (which worked well) after I felt better I stopped that and just did tums after meals. I don't do a lot of dairy, so the tums helped with the tummy and calcium :) I just bought the off brand at Wal-Mart :) you need to make sure you're getting enough calcium, esp if you fall preggo, because the baby takes what it needs and you may get left with bad teeth and weak bones. I worry about you girls! :)

Crave- welcome! I hope you just have a shy bfp! Gl and fx'ed for you hun! :)

Jessie- I feel the same way about having you ladies! It definitely helps us not make our OH/DH'S too crazy :haha: and we all understand each other and the ups and downs as women.

I hope you get a blazing opk and some good loving! ;)

Pickle- how are you hun? I thought you might o early by your chart, but it looks like it may be coming real soon :) bring on the sexy!

Kristi- how's miss Willow? Are you still able to take her to work?

Pal- how are you hun?

Afm- the shower thing did tick me off, but I'm not going to stress it :) I have no other close friends so I talked to my mom and OH'S sister and they will do what they can :) my bff was never expected to host, just to help plan, but what will be will be! We'll work it out :) thanks for listening and all the input ladies, now I know I'm not just crazy :haha:

Thanks for the suggestions Pickle! I'll look for some of that when I go to the store today. They have to have some kind of sensitive block. If not I'll just get baby sunblock :) and some antihistamines for the itching! I'm sure it won't stop the rash/hives but hopefully it will prevent it getting too bad :)

My dr's office mentioned a dermatologist wannabe, but said it usually takes a couple months to get in! By that time it will be getting cold and I won't have to worry about it :haha: I'll try the sunblock and benadryl and if that doesn't work, I will definitely get a referral to a dermatologist :)

Have a great day ladies! I have a ton to do so we can leave for the weekend :) I'll try and check in tomorrow :hugs:
:flower: Hey girls!!

Miranda - I'm super super excited for James' arrival!!! You should tell him that baby Willow is waiting for him too :haha: It does sound like you're having contractions whether BH or not but that means your cervix should be dilating soon (right?) and James will be here before we know it!! I know I haven't been on here for your whole journey but I must say it did seem to go by quickly and I can't believe he will be here so soon!!! :happydance:

Ciara - Thanks hun, I had no idea how important calcium is in TTC!! Tums honestly don't do much for me and can actually make me sick somehow, but I know there's also chewy chocolate calcium supplements and whatnot and I think my multi has calcium in it? I'll have to look into Mylanta...I've heard it mentioned before but not quite sure what it is/does so gotta check that out. It's really strange because when I research it it seems to separate constipation IBS and diarrhea IBS yet mine goes back and forth quite randomly.
OH pointed out that I usually have a headache when my bowels are off too (or vice versa) which I thought was odd, but after looking through my notes he's pretty correct. Diarrhea seems to be accompanied with headache/other way round. I just read that 2oz dark chocolate a day can help prevent diarrhea which I thought was worth a shot as headaches seem to be worse around AF when I don't care about my dieting habits as much lol
I hope things settle down in terms of your sun rash and that you don't need to see a dermatologist! This might have no connection but do you think it could have something to do with your hormones and being pregnant that you're suddenly getting such a rash?? Have you changed/added any medications?

DD - :hugs: Sorry you have MS now sweetie; but hopefully it's for the best and just means little beanie is snuggling in super tight!! :happydance: Hopefully it eases quickly!!

So glad to know I'm not alone with anxiety bowel issues!! It's such an odd/slightly embarrassing topic but good to know it's "normal" for a lot of us. Do anxiety meds help this issue? Or any natural supplements/foods seem to help?
OH is still getting terrible headaches/migraines after sex (right before he orgasms) to the point where we kinda don't want to have sex anymore because it's terrible seeing him in that much pain and then we can't get our after-sex snuggles that I love. Our marathon has ended btw lol we went 12 days I think it was and then tried last night but I was too red/sore that I just couldn't follow through, which was upsetting but he still finished ;) If this continues I'm making him go to the docs about it because apparently it's common and there is a medication to help this. He said he will cry if this is just a new thing every time he gets off...Poor guy :nope:

Wow I seem to be super talkative today lol sorry for rambling!! Hope everyone is well!!
Lou I'm good thank you :flower: you?
I also thought about super early o due to calm temps then rollercoaster dip! But I always get a random bit of EWCM then. And the ride is still going!

I've been focusing on the gym and slimming my tree trunks :winkwink: we have been keeping up on smep quite happily but the other night we errr.. Slipped, and hurt each other :blush: he actually got a bit injured and we thought it would stop us at such a crucial time, but we tried last night and he was ok :happydance: hoping his little dude gets better lol.
Oh no, Pickle!! Your poor DH!! Sex injuries are the worst as it's not like you can tell many people what happened lol Glad you still got to do your smep though, yay!

Crave - any update with bfps or any signs of AF coming later?? :dust:

So I'm pretty sure I have an infection or something as it's now itchy along with red :( So we haven't had sex in a few days now which kinda sucks as we were having so much fun lol. OH is upset our marathon came to an end as he wanted to continue every day until AF/BFP! He REALLY wants a baby suddenly, lol. I mean, it's not that surprising it's just the fact that we wanted to take a few months off and now he's all "I really wanna have a chance this month!" and I'm like aww sweetie we already have a great chance and can take a break lol his headaches are no fun (mood killer really) so he has an appt on Tuesday also (same day as mine haha) I'm hoping just monistat will make it go away but if not I might have to make THAT kind of appt :wacko:

Miranda - How are things going today?? I hope he waits until tmrw as you said today is the one day that wouldn't be good for you. :thumbup:
Oh no pickle, poor dh! I giggled a little as it reminded me of an episode of Grey's Anatomy ;)

Wannabe- hope the drs are able to figure out whats causing his headaches, that's definitely a mood killer. And hopefully your irriation down below is an easy fix as well!

Loulou - maybe give your friend a little space, it sounds like she's being jealous....if she's having a difficult pregnancy compared to you that could be why....or maybe she feels you've stole her thunder, since this is her first? I know when I found out a few of my husband's friends were pregnant same time as me I was a bit put off about it.

I'm doing well, no baby yet ;) although I have noticed more cramping now and again since yesterday. Like I stand up and wince kind of cramp, and last night it was the oddest feeling like my hip bones were pushing apart- the best way I can describe is it wasn't painful but felt like someone was pulling on both hips and stretching them out.

Sending positive energy for some sticky eggs!
Thanks wannabe, he's doing ok! Just minor but still not fun for him. I'm just glad he wants to keep up smep :)

Miranda I love greys, I know what you're talking about :haha: :haha:
What you're describing definitely sounds like you're very close. I predict your waters going sooner rather than later, like in the night before contractions. Very exciting! Bag packed? Man on hand and ready to go? :D
Doing laundry today to finish packing my hospital bag :haha: been trying to clean all day, but I'm exhausted!

Good thing his injury wasnt as bad as Sloans ;)
Oh pickle hope OH is k now yikes. Wth were u doing :haha: (just kidding).

Miranda hope you are k? I am not going to ask you if labour has started cos i am sure u will be getting a lot of text and calls asking u the same thing and it can be annoying and frustrating. Just hope it happens when you want it and how u want it. Good luck x

pal how are u? I haven't heard from u in ages. Have u O'd yet? Glad DH is taking charge now hope he accidentally gets timing right this time. Good luck xx

Loulou how are u feeling? Hope the hive or burn is gone now?

DD hope ms is gentle with u x

Jessie and wannabe have u ladies O'd yet?

cravemyheart any update?

KK how are you? How is Miss Willow? Bet she is getting cuter by the day x

I hope i haven't forgotten anyone :shrug: xx
Hey girlies!

Pickle- that did make me chuckle, i hope his little fella is fine now :haha: have you o'd yet?

Wanabe- sounds like you needed a few days off, 12 days straight wowzers! but at least your having fun with it :happydance:

Miranda- So excited to see your little james, it doesnt sound like itll be long now!

Dream- i did an opk on weds i think it was and it was on its way to positive, i didnt get chance to opk on thurs and on fri when i did it was light so im hoping thurs was o. we managed to bd on monday, weds, thurs and today so hopefully thats enough to get one swimmer to the egg!

Pal- how are you doing hun?

DD- ms cant be much fun, i hope its gentle with you!

Afm - i suppose im now in the tww again, it comes round so fast! doing ok though, dh has made it pretty clear he is desperate for a child now, im hoping i wont be ttc for much longer! these past 10 months have been hard! i suppose i just gotta wait it out though!

Hope your all good xxxx
Miranda - I can't wait to see pics of that baby! I hope he comes soon. :)

Dream - I can't believe you are having a boy! :) yay!

Lou- do you have a guess yet? Any intuition?

Pickle - I'm sorry, I laughed a little too at the sex slip up. I've had that happen and I always feel terrible, but at least he shook it off pretty well.

Good luck to all the ladies in the TWW! I am looking forward to lots of poas! :)

Thanks for all the well wishes. MS has been strange so far...kicked in earlier than last time, but it is sort of on and off, and sometimes more heartburny than nauseous. I can handle it better because, at least so far, I've gotten a few moments of not feeling like puking at any moment. I hope it continues that way (if it must continue ;-)).
I am assuming I O'd either CD15 or CD16 and am on CD20 today so either 4 or 5DPO? Not sure but this would make sense with a 30-day cycle so maybe I was off in previous months?

Miranda - I'm super excited!! I've heard of BH going on for weeks and I've also heard of it not lasting more than a few days so just hang in there!! Maybe your hips are adjusting to giving birth and that's why they feel like it's stretching? 8 days till EDD right?? So you know it's soon!! :happydance:

I am feeling a lot better down below lol treated it with Monostat which is awkward but whatever got rid of it I was willing to try haha. OH has a bit of a rash down there too so I likely gave him it too :( but we will be fine in no time!!! We can't wait to dtd again lol we are insane these days :haha:

Hope you're all doing well!!
:hi: ladies!

Just dropping in quick :)

Wannabe- I hope you and your OH heal up nicely and quickly!

I have the same kind of ibs, was different day to day and idk if anxiety meds would help :shrug:

Miranda- hang in there Momma! :) soon! We made it past the 2nd, so he's welcome any day now!

DD- glad ms isn't too bad :) hopefully it stays that way if it must continue!

I feel it's a boy but I could definitely be wrong :haha: my OH is expecting baby to be a girl, so we'll see on the 21st :)

Pickle- that gave me a laugh too, sorry! :) glad you are still able to keep up with smep, sometimes those injuries put off dtd for a while!

Natasha- how are you? Are you still feeling uneasy on the blue?

Jessie- yay for tww! I know its torture, but it's one day closer to the illusive bfp! Your DH is awesome for being so on board! :)

Pal- where are you? How are you? Missing you love :hugs:

Afm- doing great :) enjoying myself and can't wait for my bday cookout today! Doing a southern style crawfish boil :) hopefully it doesn't bother baby too much as we've not been handling spice very well :haha:

The rash is definitely from hormones from baby! Been doing good as there's been little sun to speak of this weekend lol.

Alright ladies, I'm off to shower and party down (as much as a preggo can :haha: ) and eats lots of food :) I hope you all have a fantastic day! <3
Quick drop in - Lou is it your bday?? Happy bday have a great day! Its my boys bday too! :hugs:
Miranda - I can't wait to see pics of that baby! I hope he comes soon. :)

Dream - I can't believe you are having a boy! :) yay!

Lou- do you have a guess yet? Any intuition?

Pickle - I'm sorry, I laughed a little too at the sex slip up. I've had that happen and I always feel terrible, but at least he shook it off pretty well.

Good luck to all the ladies in the TWW! I am looking forward to lots of poas! :)

Thanks for all the well wishes. MS has been strange so far...kicked in earlier than last time, but it is sort of on and off, and sometimes more heartburny than nauseous. I can handle it better because, at least so far, I've gotten a few moments of not feeling like puking at any moment. I hope it continues that way (if it must continue ;-)).

I can't believe it toooo :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: I am soooo happy x

Glad ur ms is calming down now .
:hi: ladies!

Just dropping in quick :)

Wannabe- I hope you and your OH heal up nicely and quickly!

I have the same kind of ibs, was different day to day and idk if anxiety meds would help :shrug:

Miranda- hang in there Momma! :) soon! We made it past the 2nd, so he's welcome any day now!

DD- glad ms isn't too bad :) hopefully it stays that way if it must continue!

I feel it's a boy but I could definitely be wrong :haha: my OH is expecting baby to be a girl, so we'll see on the 21st :)

Pickle- that gave me a laugh too, sorry! :) glad you are still able to keep up with smep, sometimes those injuries put off dtd for a while!

Natasha- how are you? Are you still feeling uneasy on the blue?

Jessie- yay for tww! I know its torture, but it's one day closer to the illusive bfp! Your DH is awesome for being so on board! :)

Pal- where are you? How are you? Missing you love :hugs:

Afm- doing great :) enjoying myself and can't wait for my bday cookout today! Doing a southern style crawfish boil :) hopefully it doesn't bother baby too much as we've not been handling spice very well :haha:

The rash is definitely from hormones from baby! Been doing good as there's been little sun to speak of this weekend lol.

Alright ladies, I'm off to shower and party down (as much as a preggo can :haha: ) and eats lots of food :) I hope you all have a fantastic day! <3

I had a private gender scan on sat just to confirm and it is indeed a beautiful baby boy with potty shot and all lol :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: . I will post the pic as soon as my pc lets me. I am sooooo happy and can start my blue shopping :happydance:
Finally here are the scan pics :happydance::happydance:. First is baby's profile and second is potty shot lol


  • Baby 1.jpg
    Baby 1.jpg
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  • Baby 2.jpg
    Baby 2.jpg
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Ciara - Happy Birthday??!?! :happydance:

Pickle - Happy Birthday to your boy!! :happydance:

Miranda - Apparently this is the month of birthdays lol so come on baby James, we're waiting!! :cloud9:

Natasha - I'm glad you now know 100% bubs is a BOY!! That's super exciting!! Boys are so much fun I think (as are girls, just different) but I think everyone should have at least one boy and one girl :cloud9:

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