Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Great scans dream, I think we can definitely say that's a boy in there ;)
Ciara: Is your b'day today ? If yes, then a Happy a Birthday hun with loads of love and luck. If not then I will wish you again on the right day. :)

Natasha: Now you are sure that it's a boy. Nice scan images.:blue:

Jessie: Welcome to the exciting and symptom spotting TWW :winkwink:

Wannabe: Congrats on getting the job :flower:
On the baby making front, I think you have great chance this time. But what about your DH's after BD headache ? Have you been to doctor with him to discuss this issue ?

Kristi: Hope mom & daughter duo is having some lovin time. :cloud9:

Miranda: We are waiting to meet our little prince. Btw he is dancing and racing there in your tummy, I saw in that video. Amazing :)

Kerry: How is the SMEP going ? Have you ovulated yet or waiting to ? Loads of luck to you.

DD: I am glad that MS has not been that bad as it was day or two before. :hugs:

AFM: Thanks ladies for thinking about me. I am fine. DH is in definite control of our sex life :winkwink: I am glad that he is making his moves on his own. :) Seems our romance is back and we are enjoying each other. We are also going to exercise classes on Saturdays together. Plus I am trying to overcome my fear of driving. Life is good.

Like Ciara you said our bodies know what to to and when to do it. So I am just trying to enjoy our sex life and I am sure it will lead to a baby for sure sooner or later. Worrying about it was just making my life worse. Thanks ladies :hugs: for being there for me.

Natasha: Yes, I have ovulated more than a week ago I think. Not sure exactly when I ovulated though but must be between cd15 to cd17.:shrug:
:hugs: Thanks Fairy, I'm so excited to start working in an infant room again! :happydance: OH and I both have doc appts tomorrow (Tuesday) and that's when he is going to ask about his post-BD migraines. Perhaps TMI but it happens even if he finishes by himself, and it lasted ALL day yesterday regardless of doing it in the AM :nope: I really hope they figure out something that helps because we haven't had sex in a while now and we kindof don't feel like it anymore because we know he's going to be in pain afterwards. I am still having symptoms of yeast infection also regardless of doing the Monostat the other day...It's not really itchy/burning much anymore but GOSH is it red!! :nope: :blush: I'm going to just hope it gets better with the cream in the next few days but if not I will have to go to an OBGYN...ugh!
I do think we have a HUGE chance this month, and I'm actually pretty sure a yeast infection can be a symptom of hormones changing due to pregnancy? :shrug: That sure would be exciting but then I'd have the worry of maternity leave at a new job...ha oh well! We'll figure things out ;)

Hope all is well with you ladies!! :hugs:
:hi: girls!

Wanabe- aw no lets hope its not a yeast infection and that the ph can get sorted. so you in the tww wait now?

fairry- i am dreading this tww, ive told myself no symptom spotting but you know what its like! im glad you and dh are happy again, so are you ntnp? thats bound to be less stressful for you!

dream :happydance: on a baby boy! did you say you had any names in mind?

loulou- hope you had a fab day, sound like you had lots planned!

Pcikle- hows things?

afm- im a bit of a grump atm, i have lots planned soon so i know i should be happier, i just lie in bed at night thinking omg how much longer will i be ttc! the dh speaks about the future now referring to the kids with the names we like, and i just think what if it doesnt happen for months and months. driving me crazy! but onwards and upwards i suppose! just get through the tww now!
Happy 16 weeks loulou!!

I read through the posts this weekend, but hate replying from my phone as it's reached that age in phones where it lags so bad when I type, and it's frustrating :haha: I'm gunna try and respond to everyone, but if I miss someone, please don't take it personally, I got baby brain bad and can't remember crap :dohh:

Jessie - Good luck in your TWW, I've got fingers majorly crossed for you this month, and sending lots of babydust and good vibes for a sticky bean!

Pickle - you're in TWW too? Lots of baby dust and good vibes for a sticky bean as well!

Dream - That is definitely a boy - very obvious potty shot ;)

Loulou - Hope you had a great birthday!

DD - I think I remember you saying your birthday was today? If so, happy birthday!! Sorry the m/s is being odd, hopefully it stays away for the most part, if anything (as bad as it sounds to say) I hope you have it bad only once during the day and not the constant nausea and no vomiting. I had the constant sick feeling for the 1st tri, and wanted to just hibernate until end of pregnancy :haha: When I hit 2nd tri and was sick every morning but okay the rest of the day I was totally okay with that!

Pal - so glad your DH is taking charge and you have the spark back in your relationship! Hopefully you have a good chance this month, loads of babydust and positive vibes your way!

Wannabe - I've never had a yeast infection (knock on wood) but it sounds like a big downer, hope it goes away quickly for you and your OH! And hopefully tomorrow your OH gets some answers on the migraines, that really has to be awful. Maybe he's sensitive to hormones or something, I'm not sure if any surge for men during 'peak' time, but I imagine something chemically happens in the body for them.

Bomma - hope youre doing well!

KK - Hope you and your family are doing well with little Willow! She's so cute, I love seeing pictures of her pop up in my newsfeed on facebook :)

afm - My living room is currently my bedroom :dohh: my husband and I moved our bed into the living room so we could start on the nursery! So far he's sanded the walls and we both painted primer on them! I'm gunna tape off everything today while I'm home so he can begin painting tonight! Today is my first day working from home until baby comes!!

I've still no clue as to when this kid will make his appearance, I have been feeling more uncomfortable and more pressure down low, but I think it's mostly trapped gas :( lol. It was so bad last night I was just praying for a big fart ;) Which is totally gross to say, but it would of felt so great.

Only symptoms I can maybe put towards labor starting are: increased acne (I assume a surge of hormones in the end plays into this), pressure in my hips/lower stomach (could be gas), increased movement from little guy (I've read this could be a sign), decreased appetite, increased nausea/vomiting (my husband asked if it was normal, and was concerned I didn't tell my dr last week...I think it could be my "clear out") and that's basically it. But all those things could just be normal end of pregnancy stuff, so I'm at a loss. When I finally go into labor, I'll be just as surprised as everyone else ;)
Happy 16 weeks Ciara!!! :happydance: Getting closer to gender time!!

Happy 39 weeks Miranda!!! :happydance: Not much longer!! It definitely sounds like you're getting close but I really know nothing about signs of labor :haha: sorry. I think it's quite rare for 1st babies to come before their due date, honestly, but I have nothing to back me up on that either. I'm thinking he will come around the 9th for some reason. And just for fun I will guess that he will weigh 7lbs 12oz and be 20inches long! (watch how far off I'll be :haha:)

DD - Happy Birthday?!!!!? :happydance: (I think?) Hope you have an awesome day!! Also hope the MS is not lingering on and on for you and passes as quickly as it started ;) Apparently bad MS from early on indicates BOY ;) (but as we know I seem to be awful at guessing :haha:)

Girls in TWW - What DPO are you and are you starting to have any possible symptoms yet? I think I am 5-6DPO and been nauseated the last 2 days and dealing with this awful infection thing :nope: Who knows if they are related to possible pregnancy but it's fun to hope!
There's a full moon the 10th, and his due date is the 11th - I've heard full moons can induce labor, so here's to hoping ;)

I forgot to mention before, but I've heard the same about yeast infections possibly being a BFP sign, so keeping my fx'd for you!
Yes Dream, any names yet?? Naming is so much fun but can be just as stressful as a TWW lol!

Miranda you are getting so close!! I am keeping a watchful eye on your page now as we start counting down. I'm a gentle stalker though :p

Jessie I may be in the minority here but I think talking about your future with kids can be healthy for you guys. Especially since he seems to be as excited about starting a family as you are. Some guys are just stand backish and you know they are excited, but its so much fun when you have someone to share the excitement with. You are getting close to the year mark TTC right? what are you plans when you get there? Stay strong, you are doing everything right, the stars will align soon to catch that eggy!!

Wannabe-I hope your OH finds some relief...I imagine that does put a damper on BDing. And I had a yeast infection with both my babies when I got my BFP's so FX that's a good sign for you! I loved TWW symptom spotting but man was it a tricky thing when whats good for one person isn't for the other. There needs to be a symptom that is ONLY associated with getting knocked up that we can all go by so you know for sure lol

Fairyy-I'm glad to hear you have rekindled that spark <3 Nothing makes trying to have a baby more enjoyable then mutual, relaxed no expectations sex!

Lou- yay 16 weeks!!! On pins and needles for your scan :D I bet your kiddos are just as excited! Your daughter is going to be one awesome baby helper she's at a good age for it :D

Pickle- TWW here you are! ( I love that you ladies all hit it pretty close together, but it sure makes it quiet while everyone is gearing up for the BD marathons lol) Take it easy and relax this week!!

AFM: I started back to work last weekend and it went great, Willow was perfect while we were out there so it made it much easier on me. We've been working on night routines the last few weeks..she's been doing good around 4-5 hours bottle then 4-5 hours. Last night I put her on her belly ( which they are supposed to back sleep at this age ) since she has gas issues and she slept 7 straight hours. So I say Dr's be damned she gets more restful sleep this way. And she has good neck control so I am not worried about her turning her neck from one side to the other. She's 7 weeks today...time is flying!
DD I always forget to include you in my catching up post, but since we chat everyday I know you forgive me :p
Whose birthday is it :shrug: DD or Loulou? ANYWAY Happy birthday to u ladies :happydance::happydance: :yipee::yipee::yipee:.

Wannabe hope you and oh feel better soon :hugs:

Kk glad you and willow are getting on well at work X

Afm no names yet. We still haven't decided x
I always read this all and plan what I'm gonna say to who, and when I reach the post box I forget everything and who I was replying to! I'm gonna have to address my reply to all of you :haha:

I'm not in my TWW just yet! Hopefully I'm o'ing tonight. I do think I o the night of my pos opk, my surge seems really quick. Today: 6am very faint 'everyday' kinda line, 3pm a little darker, 6pm half way there, 9pm positive! And then I o really soon after. Maybe this is why I'm never successful? Maybe my eggy never lives long either. We had planned to do smep but as oh said about not liking so much planning, we have just been going with the flow. But it's working out really well! Hoping for a rise in temp in the morning as I feel a bit of o pain now :)

Jessie I'm in that frame of mind too and the longer it's gone on the more I think like that. I've had many crying sessions. There's nothing we can do but try. And as long as you're doing that, you're doing your best. And if we have problems they're usually fixable. :hugs:

Wannabe I've heard things like yakult "Good bacteria" drinks are good for lady bits ;)
Also cranberry juice! It's suppose to help with urinary tract infections, but I imagine it can also help with a yeast infection too!
Thanks guys! It is my birthday today. I took today off work and I'm just resting. Joe called in sick and is home with me..just relaxing. I'm tired and nauseous...pretty lame, but happy to be off work!

Things that help with yeast infections - probiotics and oregano oil. I take both daily. Also cut down on consumption of yeasty breads and sugar - every kind of sugar.
KK - Yay that's awesome that it was a sign for you both times! I've heard it goes either way as does everything else symptom-wise lol. You're right there should be one specific sign you only get when pregnant, but that would be hard to actually make possible :haha: Each baby is different so I think that's why symptoms are so different!
Yay for Willow sleeping 7 hours!! That's amazing!! Tummy sleeping is "okay" (not Dr advised) but as long as you keep checking her and know she has strong neck control then she should be fine ;) Mommas know best!! :thumbup: I definitely wouldn't put a blanket on her if she's on her tummy though...that makes things scarier IMO.

Natasha - Let me/us know if you want help with names! I quite enjoy throwing out cute names to expectant mommas! Most people find boy names hard but I actually find them easier?

I think it was Ciara's Bday yesterday and DD's is today? :shrug: I remember in a previous post talking about when baby James will come and there were a few August birthdays.

Jessie - OH and I have been talking baby names and whatnot forever also. I think it has brought us closer together, but it did also stress us out with TTC (but maybe that's because I talk about names non-stop lol) But I'm pretty sure we have our boy name set and definitely have a few contenders for girls :happydance: it's exciting!

Pickle - Yay for O'ing today!! Better get busy :haha: I think as long as you BD a lot in the days before O then even if your egg doesn't last too long the spermies will be out there waiting ;)

I'll have to look into good bacteria drinks - this is super annoying!! Cranberry juice is a good idea too, although it tends to make my bowels go haywire so I haven't tried that yet. I read somewhere that Desitin actually works well on women also, so I'm gonna give that a try also. I'm pretty desperate :haha: Google tells me that some women have gotten YI before BFP and then continued to have them the entire pregnancy and you're not supposed to use Monostat?! :nope: I hope it's not the case for me. I will welcome a BFP but I already used Monostat and I don't regret it
Thanks DD!! I haven't had one in years so hoping this one leads to BFP :cloud9: I definitely should take probiotics - that would help with IBS too wouldn't it? And is oregano oil in a pill form? Never heard of it :shrug:

Sorry you're not feeling that great on your bday :hugs:
I'm going to try and remember everything, but I'm not making any promises :haha:

Yesterday was my bday, thank youfor all of the bday wishes <3

Danielle- Happy birthday! Off of work is definitely good, boo to not feeling good! It will all be worth it :)

Wannabe- I hope the appt's go well tomorrow and there is an easy solution for your OH'S headaches! That would definitely put a damper on bd, esp paired with a YI! Get some Azo cranberry pills (they work fantastic) and lots and lots of water! Hopefully you both feel better soon and the YI is for a good reason ;)

Natasha- I'm so glad you went to ease your mind :) beautiful scan pics and congrats again on being team BLUE :)

Pickle- you do whatever works for you and your OH as far as bd goes. It can get so clinical and loses the fun, so do whatever you have to do to keep it hot ;) I have my fx'ed for a lucky o!

Jessie- keep your chin up hun :hugs: I know it's tough and easier said than done! And definitely keep talking about baby names and your future children, it's positive thinking :) try and stay away from the what if and how long of it happening, it'll help with your positivity :) fx'ed hun!

Pal- so glad to hear from you! I am also ecstatic to hear that you and DH are getting your spark back! :) that is awesome news and it sounds like you are really enjoying your Saturday classes together :) yay for being happy!

Miranda- Happy 39 weeks! I hope you don't have to wait too much longer :hugs: it does sound like you're getting a lot accomplished though :)

I really think there should be one thing that every woman has that signifies labor, just like I think it should be the same for being pregnant. You have some pretty good (maybe not "good" but could definitely be indicative of labor) signs going on! Our bodies are crazy and I wish I could give you a better answer! I hope you're not feeling too sick!

Kristi- 7 hrs at 7 weeks is amazing! Yay! I'm glad she is doing so well :) and I would've loved to take my babies to work! I'm so thankful I get to stay home this time around :)

Afm- I had a wonderful weekend with lots of yummy food :) and not one but two dang cakes! :haha: one was a peanut butter cup ice cream cake and the other was a cookie cake, both really yummy :) the best part was the birthday song sung by 4 beautiful (and not so vocally talented :haha: ) children ;) I also got to spend a ton of time with an almost 2 yr old little girl and I was totally smitten :) goodness I can't wait!

Have a great night ladies! <3
Happy Birthday DD :cake:

Ciara: Sounds like you had a great time and some yummy cake. Ice cream cakes are to die for :)
Hi Girls

Miranda- sounds like its all systems go at yours with the decorating!
I bet you cant wait to meet him now! Pics of nursery when its done please :flower:

Wanabe- I think I o'd on Weds, which would made me 6 dpo, im trying not to symptom spot as i was told last time that sickness wouldnt start until a few weeks into pregnancy, that my womb wouldnt stretch yet and that basically i wouldnt get symptoms for weeks in so im trying to ignore my head! Today though i do feel really unwell, debating going home from work, but i know these are not pregnany related! (thats what i keep telling myself) I hope your YI is sorted out! and your oh gets some relief from the headaches!

KK- thanks hun, im trying my best to stay positive! It sounds like you and Willow are loving life :hugs: ill have to have a look for you on facebook so i can see her again!

Pickle- im glad your bding is going well! fingers crossed for you hun, catch that eggy!

DD- I hope you feel better soon, happy birthday for yest! Being off work is a bonus!

loulou- sounds like you had a lovely day! the cakes are making me hungry, they sound lush!

Fairy- where are you in your cycle now then?

Jessie - I am either 6 or 7DPO I think, so we are pretty much the same!
I have heard lots of people say it's "impossible" to have symptoms yet, but I do believe symptoms after 7DPO are possible, as you can implant anywhere from 6-12dpo and hence would feel some stretching, pulling, etc and your hormones are clearly changing. In all 4 of my losses I've had symptoms before AF was due so I do think it's possible. I technically think before 7dpo your hormones are adjusting for implantation and if you're really in tune with your body you can notice things that are off.

It's good to try not to symptom spot though as it can really drive us crazy! But I just wanted to share that I do think it's possible and not crazy :thumbup:

I have been feeling somewhat nauseous the past few days...Same time I got this YI too so not sure what that means...? I am going to mention things to this doc today, even though it's just for a physical and not my "real" doctor (I took whoever was available the soonest!) But I am going to ask about IBS, having elevated temp 99.2 since surgery pretty much, how long to wait this YI out after Monostat...Fun stuff

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