Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Hi girls :hugs: I am feeling much better as far as the emotional part goes, I guess I just got overwhelmed and my body was screaming at me to relax and take a break! So really I've just had spotting in place of AF, and it went away completely for a day or 2 and then returned for one last day (TMI but after BD it came back?) :shrug: I'll just wait to see what happens this next cycle. I can't really think about being pregnant anymore lately, it's quite strange. I just get too emotional/uncomfortable knowing I've been able to get pregnant quite easily but for whatever reason it just doesn't stick. It's so strange, I just basically live each month thinking I'm pregnant and then one day I will just give birth, unexpectedly :haha: like that TV show "I didn't know I was pregnant". I now have no time to make any appts which kinda sucks but I'd rather be working and making money rather than spending it lol. I'll have to look into doctors in the area of my work; seeing as my current doc is 40 mins in the opposite direction from my work :nope: so that's not gonna work out very nicely.

Aaanyways - Miranda - James is gorgeous!! :cloud9: Glad things have been getting better
DD - Glad you finally got something to help you not be confined to the bed/toilet all day!! I hope it eases for you, but seems like bubs is doing wonderfully!!
Jessie - Sorry AF got you too :hugs: but it's good you've got your head up high and a nice outlook for this next cycle!! :thumbup:
Pickle - :hugs: AF sucks!! it's such an exhausting roller coaster! I am really going to just ignore things and see what happens. It's just too much on me emotionally that I need a break!
Ciara - 6 days right?? :happydance:
Natasha - Hope things are going well with you and your growing boy!
Krissy - Willow is so incredible gorgeous and I love seeing pictures of Rand with her also :cloud9: That's precious!
Hi Girls!

Hope your all doing well!

KK- Your pics of willow are gorgeous!

Wanabe - im feeling all over the place to!

Im back to being an emotional wreck and have decided i gotta change something because im making myself ill. its like ive lost all focus on anything other than getting pregnant, ive become quite miserable at work because there are 4 of us in the office and 2 are on maternity leave and one is ttc also. i used to be such a happy person but its like i cnt think about anything other than getting that bfp and this approach is clearly not working for me. i dont know whether to stop doing all im doing or to maybe try more this month before we go for more tests, i dunno. Im going to try and focus on a week at a time at the moment, this weekend i have my best friends wedding and im bridesmaid so im going to try and focus on that this week. I need to change my mindset so that im enjoying everything and a bfp would be a bonus rather than focusing on just that bfp but i just dont know how to do that! i feel like im banging my head on a wall!

Sorry for my rant, i just had to vent!
:happydance: Happy 18 weeks Loulou xx

:hugs: Jessie I am sorry u r feeling that way hun. Just follow ur heart and do whatever you r comfortable with. I really hope that u get that bfp sooner rather than later xx

Love the attitude Wannabe, hopefully it happens before u know it xx

Pickle how are u hun?

Pal where r u?

Kk love that pic of willow :thumbup:. She is a real cutie xx

Afm I am well thanks. Baby is definitely moving and kicking more now. No names yet, I think we might wait till he is born and then decide lol.

Loulou not long till ur scan now eek . I am well excited. Boys r winning on this thread at the minute, let's see if you even it out or add to boys. Any intuition from u?
Jessie - :hugs: I've been feeling pretty similar these days. I figured after our BD marathon of 12 days in a row before O time you'd think we would have caught the egg? But apparently not. I'm still having off/on AF cramps too so it's really strange, and the spotting comes and goes so I'm not sure what's happening with that lol it's annoying and everywhere I look there's a newly pregnant woman and it's just depressing. Working in the infant room is only making it worse because I want a baby to be mine and really call me "mama" (not just because they're confused).

As of right now I don't have a plan for this cycle. I don't really see how it's going to work out anymore since I barely see OH anymore except for weekends. I was really hoping we already caught the egg at this point so this wouldn't be an issue. We will BD when we can and hope for the best, I suppose?

Dream - There are some awesome boy names out there...I think it's good to have a few to try out on baby and then when he's born you can fully decide. I'm a planner though and not having a name until baby is here would drive me mad! You still have plenty of time though, I'd just keep bugging OH about it :haha:
Hi ladies, I've been reading all your posts but havnt had the brain power to reply to everything as I usually get on to find several replies ;)

I love that all of you are here for eachother! I'm sorry to see though that AF has hit all of you, I was really keeping my fingers crossed for lots of bfps this month!

Loulou - happy 18 weeks!

Wannabe - hopefully you and your oh can find the time to fit some bd in (and not just the ttc kind ;) )

Jessie - ttc can be all consuming, definitely try and make time for other things. Hopefully it won't be too much longer until that bfp makes its appearance!

Pickle - hopefully with the testing you get answers and a bfp soon!

Dream - so great to feel kicks! You still have plenty of time to decide on a name!

Pal - hope you are doing alright!

Kk - love that 2 month picture of Willow!

Dd - hope you're feeling better and the m/s remains tolerable with the zofran!

I hope I didn't miss anyone! Lack of sleep is worse then baby brain :haha:

Afm - James bili levels went down, so no more blood draws! It was a gigantic mess Saturday getting them done, I went into more detail in my journal but basically I was given the run around because the hospital doesnt accept Brett's ins for the blood draw and outpatient services was closed so the admitting office was denying me the blood draw, even though James was born at the hospital and had already had several follow up blood draws through outpatient services . Needless to say, their complainy department is getting an ear full from Brett.

And more exciting news, my birthday is in 11 days!! :)
Do you have any hobbies you like to do Jess? Maybe indulge heavily in one of them so your focus isn't 100% TTC. Or a little NTNP for a couple of months to give your brain a rest :) However you decide to go about it, I wish you the best. TTC is a monster sometimes! And you will get inside your head about it a lot, very normal. <3
Thanks girls! :hugs:

Wanabe- sucks doesnt it! Maybe just bding when you can will work for u! I give up on knowing whats best these days!

Miranda- oooh dear, i dont blame you! how are you finding being a mummy? Dyou have anything planned for your bday?

KK- I dont really have many hobbies if im honest, i tend to come home everyday after work, see the rents or my girlfriends, usual stuff, im not into the gym and stuff, but i am trying to think of what i can fill my time with. theres a promotion at work coming up so im going to apply for that. Im hoping now i have a busy september that itll take my mind off it all, maybe im just hormonal as af is here!

Thankyou for your support girlies :hugs:

Pal - how are you doing hun? I hope your ok!
Ohh good luck with the promotion Jessie!

I love being a mommy, it can be exhausting but its worth the wait.

No plans yet, I would love to have a nice dinner somewhere, but I'm also content with just being home with James. He's so chill right now I could easily take him out with me and not worry about him fussing.
Sorry ladies for not being here for days. Ladies so sorry for AF. Hope we all get our BFP's soon and don't have to go through all these again and again. :hugs:

I am fine. Just trying to stay away from TTC stuff. We are now jumped to NTNP. I am trying not to worry about BD when fertile, checking for fertile signs and all. Just BD when we want to and love and enjoy each other. it may take long but I know deep down in my heart that we are not going to be childless forever.
Girls. My period never came on properly. Just light bleeding brown. I'm now 15dpo with temps still up and I think its actually stopped. I'm cramping though. If AF doesn't get heavier or red by 5:30pm UK time I'm testing with cb. I'm so scared for AF to come and crush me. And excited that it might not. I don't know how I feel!!!!
Girls. My period never came on properly. Just light bleeding brown. I'm now 15dpo with temps still up and I think its actually stopped. I'm cramping though. If AF doesn't get heavier or red by 5:30pm UK time I'm testing with cb. I'm so scared for AF to come and crush me. And excited that it might not. I don't know how I feel!!!!

OMG! OMG! OMG! :happydance::happydance::happydance:. Please af stay far away from pickle PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! I was just going to comment on ur chart. Please let this be it. Good luck.......I cannot wait for ur update :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
I'm going to do my best to remember everything/everyone in my replies :hugs:

Pickle- have you ever made it to 15dpo? I remember you spotting before af but I thought af usually came by or on 14 dpo? I have my fx'ed for your bfp in a few hrs! Are you using cb line test or digital? I'm really hoping this is it for you and not even more cycle confusion. Either way you will have a good reason for a dr appt! I'm just babbling now and I'm sure you're already nervous/anxious, so try and relax and fx'ed for a beautiful bfp for you! Btw your temps still look fantastic (you definitely didn't get the drop you predicted!) :hugs:

Jessie- :hugs: !!! I know the frustration you are feeling and I know there is nothing I can say to fix it and the only answer is within you. Maybe take a month off and only bd when you want to and just enjoy your life and DH to see if it helps to clear your mind :shrug: that's the point I got to and ignoring ttc really helped me to be happy about the rest of my life and all the positive things that were surrounding me. Big :hugs: hun to you and we're always here for a vent or rant!

Wannabe- I'm sure it must be hard working in the infant room :hugs: I have no answers to why you've been through what you have or to how to find more time for you and your OH. I know it's hard though but you will find a way! Keep the faith hun :hugs: I definitely think finding a dr close to your work is a step in the right direction.

Kristi- I hope you and Willow have a great appt today! :)

Pal- I'm happy to hear from you and know that you are enjoying your love for your DH. I also feel that you will not be left childless, it just may take longer (or maybe not!). Just drop in occasionally and say hi and let us know how you're doing :hugs:

Miranda- any big bday plans? A nice dinner out sounds great! We definitely don't get out enough but I am also content just hanging out at home and having meals together :) the sleepless nights will be gone before you know it and you'll wonder where the time went!

Natasha- I'm glad you're doing good hun! I can't wait until I can feel all of bubs movement and not just a couple times a day :) as for names, you have time and you'll figure it out :) my aunt was telling me with their daughter they couldn't decide and didn't decide until she was born :) as for intuition with my bubs I've felt boy for a while now but I could very well be wrong. This pregnancy has been way different than my other two and those were completely different from each other :haha: we'll see in a couple days :)

DD- you need a ticker for me to stalk and remember where you're at week wise :haha: I hate not being able to remember anything, but I know Tuesday is your week change day :) I hope you're feeling ok and able to eat!

Afm- I'm doing ok. I think I'm going to see if I can have my iron tested early because I'm pretty sure I'm leaning towards anemic. I am so so tired all the time and I just feel blah. It's definitely not like me and I don't like feeling physically and emotionally exhausted just from simple things like deciding dinner :haha: I also broke out in a totally random rash all over my bump, sides, back, and underside of arms that started Friday and is just now starting to go away :dohh: I've never in my life dealt with rashes until now and it's so hard to believe it's all from hormones! I'm done venting lol and this will all be worth it :) on a better note 2 1/2 more days! :happydance:
Thanks girlies!! I didn't wanna say anything cause I feel like I would jinx myself. But I just had to update you. I'm still fairly sure my body is fucking with me and about to crush my dreams as I'm cramping worse as the day goes on and I just felt my cervix (been closed I thinkkkkkkkk for a couple days though still light bleeding dunno how that works I'm not entirely sure what it's supposed to feel like) and I got quite a bit of brown mucusy blood on my finger sorry tmi. I kept bringing it out until I had no more. Gross, but I feel like if I left it to drip out lol then I would see it later on a pad and think oh no here it comes. Anyway, even though that was a bit more blood after I thought it had stopped, it's still brown.. So I still have a chance.. Right?

Lou I think I've made it through 14dpo and got my period on 15 but I would have got it last night. Idk, I just have so much fear and excitement in me. Cb digi xx

Sorry I haven't replied to others and asked anyone how they are I just can't think straight. I hope you're all really well xxxxxxx

Oh and how long should I hold my pee for?! I can't test at 5:30 I accidentally pee'd after checking cervix.. Like.. Ffs!!!
OMG hun. Praying hard and crossing my fingers tightly for you. I hope this is BFP for you :hugs:
Loulou - being anemic would be awful in pregnancy, its already tireing enough! I was a bit anemic leaving the hospital, was supposed to grt an iron supplement but never got around to it. I'm not so pale now so I'm guessing my body fixed itself

Pickle - I think its recommended for 2-4hr hold. But really as long as you havnt been guzzling water it shouldn't be too diluted if you can't make it that long. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
I have to wait til 8 dream :( I accidently peed at 4 lol I will update ASAipee xx

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