Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

I guess :( time will tell if I wake up with AF I will feel very silly.
Me and the boy were hovering over the digi like it was Christmas Eve, and then Santa never came :(
I guess :( time will tell if I wake up with AF I will feel very silly.
Me and the boy were hovering over the digi like it was Christmas Eve, and then Santa never came :(

:hugs: Santa is right around the corner with ur :bfp: nicely wrapped. Have faith xx
Pickle - :hugs: I really hope you get your present really soon...I agree that a digi is not as sensitive though and clearblue isn't really that reliable; I had it say "No" but when taken apart it was very clearly a BFP on the strips. I'd say you still have a chance, but as we all know, it can still go either way...I am wishing you the best and have FX tightly for you!! :hugs: PS - I also do the cervix checking thing and keep sweeping it out lol it's gross but it needs to come out sooner or later :haha: Maybe this month AF is getting farther away, as I only had spotting this cycle also but mine turned pink/red so I'm just assuming AF :shrug:

Jessie - How are you doing honey? Hope all is well!! What CD are you?

Ciara - Yayyyy for 2 more days!!! :happydance: :happydance:

DD - :happydance: Happy 8(?) weeks!! Is the MS getting any better for you hun? :hugs: Any other symptoms?

Natasha - Hope all is well hun!! You're so sweet with your support to us TTC :hugs: The Santa comment made me cry a little! :cloud9:

Pal - Glad you and OH are enjoying each other! That's what it's all about :) Don't stress about TTC and just see what happens...That's where I am at this point also. It's not worth the heartache of trying 110% only for AF to arrive 2 weeks later, so I give up on that for a while.

Hope Willow & James are settling in well - Glad Willow's appt went well and sorry James pooped on you, Miranda! Be cautious about him peeing everywhere too...It'll happen at least once lol :hugs:

AFM - I am really getting settled into the full-time routine and work is just wonderful really! It definitely pulls at my heartstrings being around so many babies, but I honestly love babies so much and already feel a bond with a few of them - one in particular who seems to have some developmental delays but in the short amt of time that I've been there I'm already seeing an improvement with him sitting up better and using his arms more (he's 7 months). :cloud9:
I again don't know what CD I am on lol I'm not even sure if I wrote down my first day of LMP lol I think it was the 11th? So somewhere around CD9 maybe? I keep getting AF cramps on/off and my incision from appendicitis keeps hurting every once in a while.
My headaches, I think, are from caffeine withdrawal. I decided today to have a 2nd cup of coffee at like 2pm and *knock on wood* no headache tonight!! It would make sense as my schedule has changed so much and I used to wake up around like 11 and have my coffee lol so now I have it like 630 and then need another one in the afternoon :thumbup:
That's all for now...Will be waiting for an update from Pickle!!
:dust: :dust: :dust:
Pickle I am really hoping this turns positive for you :)

Wanna when was AF due?? Could you have O'd later than you thought and that be IB?

I'll be back by tomorrow to get fully caught up with everyone else, today was just one of those day where when it rains crap on you its continual. All you can do is smile and hope the next day is better!!

Willow's appointment went great, she is now 9lb 8oz 22in from her 6lb 5oz 19 3/4 2 week check up. Said everything looked good and she is right on track for her age. It feels so odd for me to have her hitting her milestones on time after having my son who has always been way behind. She got 3 sets of shots so has been cranky tonight but went down with her nighttime bottle just fine.
Hi Girlies!

Pickle- im too excited for your next update!! :hugs:

KK- aww im glad Willow is doing well! poor thing i bet she isnt a happy bunny about the jabs! the pics of her on fb are so sweet!

Wanabe- as lush as your job sounds it must be hard when thinking of having your own baba! Im on cd6 at the mo, so just finished af and still feelin down but give it a few days and itll pass!

Loulou- aw love you, you must be feeling exhasuted with low iron on top of everything else! i hope your feeling better soon, take it easy!

Girls, ive got a smear booked for next Friday and I o next Sat- dyou think this will be ok? i do wanna keep my appt because they are hard to get and obv r important- i wouldnt have thought it could harm anything- or am i wrong?

Afm- im ok just plodding along taking it day by day. im going to try and take it easy this month and not be too hard on myself. this is the last cycle now though before dh has his sa and we can search for help so fingers crossed. Yesterday our close friends announced they were 16 weeks preggers, bare in mind they had a baby 5 months ago so they could the month after she gave birth! crazy!

:hugs::dust: to you alll xxx
:hugs: pickle I am so sorry. I hate it when our bodies play such cruel tricks on us. I know exactly how you are feeling now cos the exact same thing happened to me in November. I tot I got it with all the new symptoms that I got and as soon as I peed on a frer, the witch showed. I felt devastated but now I can laugh about it and soon u will too. Whatever you decide to do is k. Just take good care of u and have faith that it will happen, it is just a matter of time xx
Kk glad willow is doing well and measuring on track

Wannabe it must be difficult to be working in ur work place while ttcing. I am glad that you are enjoying it though

Pal good to have u back. Do pop in as often as you can to say hello to us and when u do get that bfp, please let us know so that we can celebrate with you and I can go mad on emoticons lol

Loulou tomorrow eek, can't wait for ur update

Jessie hope u r cool and hope DH ' s sa goes well and u get the result that you are hoping for x
Big :hugs: pickle!

Happy 23 weeks dream!

Pal - yes please do pop in often if you're able. We all love updates, even if not ttc related!

Jessie - I dont think getting a papsmear will affect anything as far as ovulation goes. Hope your dhs sa comes back good!

Wannabe - working in the infant room must be both rewarding and depressing while ttc. Don't stress too much about bd with your oh, it's always more enjoyable if you can sneak it in ;) and I hate caffeine headaches, hope they don't frequent often!

Loulou - can't wait to find out the gender!

Dd - hope the m/s is better for you!

Afm - I ate food that didn't agree with me last night and was up at 3am throwing up and glued to the toilet from the other end :( poor James was hungry and Brett was trying to comfort him but he jus wanted mommy. Feeling tired but better today and thankfully no cluster feeding today!

Hope I didnt miss anyone!

Dropping off some babydust and keeping things crossed for all of you ladies this cycle!
Oh Miranda :( how awful, but glad you are feeling better today! Whatever you ate don't do it again lol

Dream, Have you started buying clothes yet? I couldn't step into a store without buying something...still cant I'm horrible.

Lou, hope that rash has all cleared up for you! I hope you aren't anemic and its just pregnancy tiredness kicking your ass. Although I'd rather nothing be kicking your ass :p

Pickle- so many hugs, I was really hoping this was it this time. And I know you were too. It's going to happen and I know we all want it to happen sooner than later. I've been cheering you from day one, and I am not going to stop!! Keep your head up and stay positive darling!

Fairyy- Yes even if its not TTC related drop by and chitter chatter with us! I love knowing all you ladies are doing well.

Jessie- I am sending lots of positive vibes for your hubbies SA. One step closer to nabbing the eggy. Btw meant to tell you I love your wedding dress...it was so sweet and simple, just perfect :)

Wannabe- I know being around all those babies while you are ttc must be hard. I wonder if you could rub one of them on your belly for good luck :) Make sure no one is watching or they make think you are really weird! :p

DD- Good luck tomorrow!! You better message me asap! I will be patiently waiting.

Bomma and Minuet- If you are out there, we miss you! Updates :D

AFM- Rand started back to school Monday, so my morning/afternoon routines are a little more relaxed now. And with Willow sleeping through the night about 7-8 hours I am a lot more energized.
Pickle- huge, huge :hugs: lovely! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I would give you an even bigger one in person if I could!

Jessie- I don't see any reason why a pap would interfere with ttc. You may spot some but nothing too bad. I definitely think it's worth getting it done now so that way it's done :) fx'ed for this cycle!

And holy moly to your friends! That's some quick baby making and kids close together! Idk if I could do it lol. Keep your chin up hun, you will get your lo :hugs:

Wannabe- I'm glad you're falling into a good routine :) it makes things a lot easier to deal with! And I hope you can cure the headaches with an afternoon cup of coffee! That would be an easy enough fix :) the 7 month old sounds sweet :)

Natasha- happy 23 weeks!

Miranda- that sounds awful! I really hope you know what didn't agree with you so you don't have to go through that again! Feel better hun :hugs: sometimes it's hard being the only parent with booby milk :haha:

Kristi- I hope tomorrow is a better day! :hugs: I am glad to hear that Willow is doing so well :) if you don't mind me asking, do you find yourself expecting something to be wrong sometimes? I know you didn't expect it with Rand and it was a surprise to you after birth, but do you think that has changed the way you think at all, or expectations? I hope I didn't go too far with that! Is Rand happy to be back at school? I know my kids are so excited to go back (sept 3rd, and we are all counting down :haha: ). I know it made it so much easier when I had DS that DD was in school and you get to have that individual bonding time with baby :)

DD- let us know how your scan goes tomorrow! :) I hope you're still feeling a little better!

Afm- thanks you for all of the well wishes ladies! :hugs: I can't wait until tomorrow! My appt isn't until 3pm (us time) so I'll update as soon as I can :)
Pickle- huge, huge :hugs: lovely! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I would give you an even bigger one in person if I could!

Jessie- I don't see any reason why a pap would interfere with ttc. You may spot some but nothing too bad. I definitely think it's worth getting it done now so that way it's done :) fx'ed for this cycle!

And holy moly to your friends! That's some quick baby making and kids close together! Idk if I could do it lol. Keep your chin up hun, you will get your lo :hugs:

Wannabe- I'm glad you're falling into a good routine :) it makes things a lot easier to deal with! And I hope you can cure the headaches with an afternoon cup of coffee! That would be an easy enough fix :) the 7 month old sounds sweet :)

Natasha- happy 23 weeks!

Miranda- that sounds awful! I really hope you know what didn't agree with you so you don't have to go through that again! Feel better hun :hugs: sometimes it's hard being the only parent with booby milk :haha:

Kristi- I hope tomorrow is a better day! :hugs: I am glad to hear that Willow is doing so well :) if you don't mind me asking, do you find yourself expecting something to be wrong sometimes? I know you didn't expect it with Rand and it was a surprise to you after birth, but do you think that has changed the way you think at all, or expectations? I hope I didn't go too far with that! Is Rand happy to be back at school? I know my kids are so excited to go back (sept 3rd, and we are all counting down :haha: ). I know it made it so much easier when I had DS that DD was in school and you get to have that individual bonding time with baby :)

DD- let us know how your scan goes tomorrow! :) I hope you're still feeling a little better!

Afm- thanks you for all of the well wishes ladies! :hugs: I can't wait until tomorrow! My appt isn't until 3pm (us time) so I'll update as soon as I can :)

Not too far at all Lou! I am very open to talking about things like this. I know I didn't have an ideal situation happen to me, but I know I was given him for a reason. It really opened my eyes to the stigmata that is placed on children with special needs. That being said, I do think I am very paranoid that Willow will have something pop up. Even though I am drinking in every moment with her there is a small part of me that gets terrified when she does something that I'm not sure is normal. She zones out now and then and wont look at me when I am talking so I asked the ped about it yesterday and it just so happened she zoned while we were talking about it and he said what she was doing was normal and not her having seizures (which sometimes is what is happening when a baby zones out.) he said her "zoning" seemed very normal. It doesn't help that I am a hypochondriac anyways :p With Rand he is such a sweet loving child, but he doesn't get into holiday type stuff...opening presents, trick or treating, dying easter eggs, ect, ect that even though I have been a mom for the last 11 years it sometimes doesn't feel that way and I have always felt sort of cheated. I wouldn't trade him for anything so please don't take feeling cheated out of context. So with Willow I am looking at actually having a child who will want to do all those things and I am almost afraid that I will be cheated again. The doctor keeps telling me she's perfect, but I don't take that as comforting, cause to me in his own way Rand is perfect...he is who is supposed to be. I hope that seeing his little sister enjoy things like this will open him up to wanting to enjoy them as well.

He is happy to be back in school though, he loves being there and I think its cause he is the center of attention lol all the teachers just love him, and the girls that are mainstreamed in his class adore him and just momma bear him. Its cute :)

Good luck at your appointment tomorrow....show the goods little baby Lou!!
Hi Girlies

Miranda- :hugs: I bet your exhausted! Your poor body!

KK- Aww thankyou hun! I did love my dress! Im glad youve got into a routine and that Rand is so happy about being back at school, I have to say from you fb fotos you have a beautiful family. He also seems smitten with his baby sister!

Loulou- I cant wait to hear about your scan! Good luck!

Pickle- :hugs: I hope your doing ok!

Afm- Im going to try and relax a bit more this month, i know easier said than done but i just cant carry on being as emotional as this. So im going to keep having regular bd sessions and with the ov sticks but try and have more fun with it all. This month is our 1 year anniversary month so im gonna try and make it more about us. DH sa isnt until 23rd sept so im going to try and not focus on that. We have my best friends wedding this weekend (im bridesmaid) and we are staying at a hotel, the week after we have a party and then we have a whole week away at the coast together so im thinking ill be distracted by all that! :winkwink:
Hi girls!! :flower:

Let's see if I can remember everyone/everything I was thinking as I read the responses lol...

Pickle - Lots of :hugs: honey. I've had my share of cycles like that also and it's actually "fun" to be in limbo with the "maybe I am pregnant!" feeling but then it just adds to the heartache when you see only one line :nope: It's god-awful! You will get through this though..Give yourself a few days or a week to just cry, sleep, scream, laugh, bark, whatever to just get yourself back to square one again. It's not an easy process but it can't last forever :) The :witch: will get scared away soon enough!!! :hugs:

Kristi - AF was due about the 13th or so (being 30-days) but the spotting/light AF started on the 11th and was off/on for the normal 3-4 days but the weird part is it left and returned for a little while on like cd6. I suppose it could've been IB but it seemed to be too much for that yet a super light AF and I have light AFs lately as it is. I'm not complaining, haha! I've been itching to take a test but then remind myself I'm likely not preggy yet and just going crazy.

Jessie - :hugs: Pretty soon it will be O time again and the whole circle of emotions begin again :haha: Supposedly I am about to O in the next few days already, but I don't really feel like it? I feel different. :shrug:

Miranda - :hugs: Sorry you had such a rough night!! Definitely don't eat whatever it was again!! :thumbup: Poor thing that's no fun for anybody but having a newborn just makes everything more difficult I'm sure (in the sense of having to breastfeed...I obv didn't mean that in a rude way lol babies make things better really!!)

Ciara - Tomorrow is the day we find out right?!!? :happydance: I'm stickin with BOY!! Either way let's hope for happy and healthy :thumbup:

DD - Hope all is well honey! :hugs:

Natasha - Happy 23 weeks!!!! Wow!! :happydance:

AFM - I've just been feeling different lately. A lot has changed though with my schedule/new job and everything, which is great but it's quite odd about my last AF and I've just been having some "symptoms" (I really didn't want to symptom spot but it always happens). I've been absolutely EXHAUSTED. Yes, my days are longer so less sleep than I'm used to but I am really having a hard time staying awake these days!! I've been having AF-type cramps/twinges since the 11th that come and go :shrug: Sometimes I think I'm imagining it but really I'm not. My tummy has just been sore-to-the-touch. I keep getting "dizzy" for a minute I see spots while getting up too fast from bending over (clean up time). The weirdest thing is I just feel so different. But who knows. I think it's all because of the job really messing with my body, but it'd be nice to get a surprise....Things happen in threes:
1. I got a new job!
2. OH got a raise & bonus!
3. ?????
Sorry that post was meant to be sent last night but OH came over and I got distracted :haha: We had some (amazing!) BD haha sorry if TMI but I totally jumped his bones! Gotta get some in in case I am about to O! CD11 today :thumbup:

Kristi - Rand is a perfect little boy just the way he is, and I'm so glad he has such a loving and caring momma like you! :hugs: It must be different to experience Willow hitting her milestones and everything and I don't think you should worry about anything! You've already got the experience with Rand anyways so I think you'll be more than prepared should anything pop up. I'm sorry you feel cheated out with the holidays and such :hugs: Hopefully Willow will LOVE holidays! :happydance:

Ciara - Good luck today!! I won't be back on till after 6pm (US time) but I'm excited for results!!! :happydance: I hope baby cooperates and is a good little boy! or girl! :thumbup:

Jessie - Wow you have so much going on! When is your anniversary?? Mine is next Thursday!! 1 week from today!!? I think focusing on other things and sneaking in BD when you can is the best option to not make you/us go out of your mind! Things will work out eventually, and if you're able to try to keep track of your CDs then just be more mindful about BD around CD10-15 or before whenever you think you O. It's funny how me and OH had time to BD last night and I was CD10 - we weren't even planning that it just happened so now we have a chance for this month! It seems like you will be busy enough not to let TTC take over :thumbup: Just stay positive no matter what! :hugs:

DD - Good luck at your scan today!! I must've missed you saying that before! Hope your MS is better?
:hi: ladies!

Kristi- I totally understand what you said and I would never think that you would wish things differently with Rand :) I know how much you love him and he is definitely perfect being who he is supposed to be! :) that being said I think girls naturally tend to get into holidays more than boys and I think you will be able to have that in abundance with Willow <3 as for the worrying, I think it's totally normal anyways, but esp in a situation like yours. I would have to agree with the ped though, I remember my babies just zoning sometimes, my DD more than DS, and it was totally normal :) I think all kids have their own "thing" whether it be a medical or behavioral or even just habitual "thing". My DD was born with 2 heart murmurs and that was scary, esp when she was hospitalized after being given a certain medicine for a respiratory infection. I always feared going through the same with DS but the scares he gave me were infant asthma, an awful seizure when he was about one, and now the fact that sometimes idk if I'm being the best parent I can with his adhd. All in all we all have fears and always will as mommies (it just happens to be our job :haha: ) and regardless of anything else my kids are now both very healthy and loved for being who they are <3

Rand sounds really, really sweet :) I'm glad he loves school and gets doted on <3 I think all kids need that from someone! Esp when you have more than one lol, mine are both crazy jealous of each other :haha: I'm sure you don't have that issue but I am super glad he has school that he loves and gets to be the sweet, special boy he is :)

Jessie- I think your plan sounds fantastic! Have fun! Distractions are wonderful :) I'm kinda jealous of all this good stuff you have planned, it sounds like so much fun and a great opportunity for some well needed, stress relieving, just because you want to :sex: ! Could you talk to my OH and tell him I could use some of that? :haha:

Wannabe- I'm going to state the obvious here :haha: but if you aren't sure it was af then TEST! no really, do whatever you are comfortable with hun, but I think I would have to know and make sure, and if bfn with all the different stuff going on, I'd work on getting a new dr and try to get an appt. I really hope you get a nice surprise, whether it be soon or at the end of this cycle :) and you get it girl, fun :sex: is the way to go! And idk if there's such a thing as tmi here :haha:

Afm- I'm so freaking nervous/anxious! 4 hrs and 15 mins!!! Idk why I feel so nervous, but hopefully I can calm my nerves soon :)

Lots of <3 and :hugs: and :dust: to you ladies! I'll update later :)
OMG Miranda hope u r k now.

Wannabe I agree with Loulou to test but it is up to you

Jessie enjoy ur bestie's wedding

Loulou good luck. What r u secretly hoping for? Can't wait xx

Pickle how r u sweety? Keep ur chin up hun. That bi**h will get what is coming to her soon.

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