Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Happy 24 weeks Natasha!! :happydance: What a relief to have gotten to this point!!

Miranda - I would go in for a blood test but now that I'm working full-time I actually have no time, and Planned Parenthood doesn't do bloodwork (they told me their urine tests are just as sensitive :nope:)
So I'm just gonna wait it out. OH made me promise not to test until AF is due again lol only I'm not sure technically when I'm due on? I doubt it's going to come although I do have AF cramps on/off STILL....And nausea, bloating, headaches...Not making this stuff up lol it's not going away this time!! OH just doesn't want to get his hopes up again only to be let down, but my hopes are already up :haha:

Domara - Wishing you the best honey! Welcome! :hugs:

Ciara - How are things going for you??

I guess next AF would be around Sept 7-9th? :shrug: We will see!

PS - I did the math out the other day (lol) and if on 8dpo I had IB then that spotting/light AF was at exactly 4 weeks, and today would be 6+1. It also said we would have likely conceived on July 29th which happens to be when I marked "O day?" in my notes, and we had sex for 2 weeks straight before that. Tell me I'm not crazy!!!
Thanks ladies. Wannabe I think that u should just wait it out for another week and if symptoms persist then test again. I really hope that this is it for u hun x
Natasha- Happy 24 weeks/6 months! :happydance: :blue: :happydance: :blue: :happydance:

I never heard the term v-day before until the other day (other than Valentine's day :haha: ) it took me forever to figure out what it meant! :rofl: I'm going to guess it's a term used more in the UK :)

DD- Happy 9 weeks! Hope you're doing well hun! :)

Wannabe- I wish I could give you answers! It's hard to not know and keep wondering :hugs: do you think your body could just be reacting because you want it so bad? Just a thought, I know our bodies can do some crazy things! I definitely think at least finding a new dr now so you can go when your insurance kicks in would be a good idea. Of course I'm hoping you just have a shy bfp, but I would think it would show any time you tested with any concentration of pee after 6 weeks. I have heard stories where it doesn't though :shrug: idk hun, but I hope you find answers soon! :hugs:

Jessie- keep your chin up love, I know it's hard, but either way you are on your way to answers or bfp! You can't do anymore than what you're doing and you will get your bfp hun :hugs: and I know you aren't supposed to bd for 24 hrs before, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. If they do say anything just tell them you didn't want to miss an opportunity! :)

Pickle- I guess it means something like that. I definitely feel bubs further up more than I feel him down low. When he's low I can just tell he's there but not really feel him if that makes any sense.

I really hope they'll let you talk to another dr! They can't all be as ignorant as her! Regardless of how dumb she was I'm glad you're going to start testing :)

Pal- I'm glad things are going so well and that DH's contract got extended! Yay! I hope he gets another one really close! What day is your anniversary? I have my fx'ed for you!

Miranda- it can definitely be exhausting! It'll pass before you know it and you'll be chasing James around and still be exhausted :haha:

Kristi- I hope all is well :)

Sorry if I forgot anyone/anything!

I've decided to refinish the crib I have, so I've been doing that the last few days. It's hard work but I can't wait until it's done :) I started trying to figure out how I'm going to arrange my bedroom to fit a crib and changing table, it seems impossible at this point :haha: we won't have a nursery until spring when we put an addition on so we have to make it work :)

Have a great day ladies! I have a busy couple days ahead but I'll stop in and say hi at some point :)
Yay 24 weeks!! and Boo Glucose test lol :D Best of Luck Dream!!

Wannabe, I hope that this is just a shy BFP..and even though he wants you to wait till AF is due again, maybe test again secretly at the end of the week ;)

Wishing all you ladies a happy Wednesday! <3
Happy V-day Natasha :)

Kristi, your new pic is just beautiful.

Wannabe, are you waiting till next AF to test ?

Ciara, are you asking about my b'day ! It's on 8th of September. Do post us a pic of that crib when you are done with it.

Hope you all ladies are fine.:hugs:
Lots of birthdays these last 2-3 months :) Mine is this friday, and my year wedding anniversary is the 7th of September.

Wannabe - some ladies never show positive on pee tests, but will on blood tests; no idea why, but happens to a lot of the ladies on the show "didn't know I was pregnant". Worse case scenario, you wait til next AF should be due, test again, and if positive, you can get a dating scan on an OBGYN office :)

Pickle - did you book dates for your testing?

Jessie - Glad your friends wedding was a good time, I saw some great pictures of facebook! :)

Pal - glad to hear your husbands contract was extended and that his next might keep you guys in the same place. Hope you are enjoying yourself, so nice to see you stopping in still!

loulou - I refinished a glider chair and a changing table, can't wait to see how your crib turns out! They end up being huge projects...my suggestion is if your sanding and staining, plan for it to take a loooong time :haha: I ended up just spray painting the glider, and it was so much quicker and turned out great! I only know what V-day is from this site, haha...I had to google it cause I was thinking Valentines Day too, and I was so confused cause when I first saw the term it was in like January ;)

DD - happy 9 weeks! Hope you're doing well and the m/s isn't so bad anymore!

Hope I touched base on everyone! If not, my apologies. Dropping lots of baby dust!

AFM - This boy is making it very difficult to get things done right now. He went from sleeping ALL the time, to fighting it ALL afternoon. Last night I didn't get him to sleep until after midnight, and this of course included tears of my own as I was exhausted. He's cluster feeding and acting like a little piggy :haha: he just wants to eat and eat and then eat some more. If I'm lucky, he'll sleep for like 20 mins inbetween feedings, and these usually begin anywhere from 12-2pm and ends anywhere from 10pm-12am! He is sleeping longer at night though, so that's nice :)

I did want to punch my husband in the face last night though, I put James in his bassinet and he was okay, so I went to go to bed and my husband said he'd watch him...and like ten minutes later the kid starts crying and ten more minutes later Brett comes in the room and says "Miranda, he won't stop crying. I tried feeding him but he just pushes the bottle away. and I picked him up but he kept crying" I was so frustrated, I started crying and he has the nerve to say "this is my first baby i don't have any experience, I don't know what to do" - as if I have this wealth of knowledge since I have a vagina. Psh, men. I cuddled James to sleep and brought him into the room with me and slept for 4 glorious hours. I woke up cuddling the breast feeding pillow :dohh:
Aww Miranda bless ur heart. I remember the cluster feeding part and it sucked. Glad u got some sleep in the end though. It will get easier hun, just hang in there xx
Thanks girls! Yeah I am going to try to wait until next AF time (Sept 7th or so I guess?) and re-test if I'm still having symptoms. I have thought that maybe I just want it so bad so I'm making myself this way but I really don't know. This is the one month we weren't even really "trying" although it happened we had tons of sex at the right time :shrug: I would have thought nothing of it if my last AF wasn't so bizarre!! But that, and the fact that I keep having this jelly-like globby CM and no sign of ovulation....and cramping like AF is about to come any moment, makes me wonder, and my hopes are pretty high at this point. Usually after a BFN I just realize it's over and to try again but this time I still don't believe it for some reason and my mind is screaming at me that I'm preggie. :baby: Gahhh! I am going to be completely heartbroken if I'm not, because since I've had it in my mind that I am, we haven't even really had sex at all this month really? And I'd be CD17 today. Haven't really had the urge? :shrug:

In the meantime I will be thinking happy thoughts and tomorrow is our anniversary, 1 year!! :happydance: and this weekend we are going on a mini-vaca to VT (if all goes well).

KK - Willow is so precious in that pic!! :cloud9: Hope all is well. Is Rand adjusting to school okay after that rough day? :hugs:

Jessie - I would just BD whenever you can, regardless if before an exam lol I wouldn't want to miss a chance!!

Miranda - Yeah that's the plan. If I can wait that long, lol. I have also heard of people who never showed BFP on an HPT but did on a blood test so who knows...You would think since I've had chemicals/faint positives I'd show early on an HPT but then again maybe this is a good sign that things are different :)

I'm exhausted. I am going to make myself crazy looking up other reasons why I'd be having these symptoms if I'm not pregnant, and then head to bed :sleep:

Hope everyone is well!! :hugs:
I'm really curious to see if you are or not....you don't have funky cycles do you? It may have been asked somewhere already but I don't remember lol

And yes he is doing much better, thanks for asking :) Were you like :O when you saw I had a son named Rand? Cause I was like :O when I got your friend request LOL!
My cycles have stayed pretty "normal" - 30-32 days, medium flow, cramps, 3-4 days long.
This last one is the only one that's been REALLY weird in the sense that I did have that pink spot on 8dpo (wtf was that?!) then on CD27&28 had more spotting; I honestly wouldn't even consider it a period? I did have cramps on CD27 though like AF was going to be terrible but it wasn't. Makes me wonder if that was true IB or early pregnancy spotting or something.
I've had "symptoms" in past cycles, I admit, but they always go away when AF comes - mine have gotten stronger since CD27 so that makes me really think it's something else!
I've had this jelly-like globby CM before also, but it's usually only for up to 3 days MAX...This is going on 2 weeks?!
CP is high, firm and closed also (as far as I can tell)

YES!! I was like :saywhat: lol :haha: Is that his full name?? I've never heard it before unless it's like Randall or something, but even that is uncommon in my area. I also came to this thread later than you guys so when I saw all these comments about Rand I was like "umm...?" haha but I think it's awesome!!
Lou - a boy! I had a feeling it was a boy! Congratulations!

Dream - congrats on your 24 weeks! I didn't realize that was a milestone...pretty cool! I look forward to it now! Oh, and I don't have a ticker cause I tried to make one and paste it in, but it didn't work. I'm compustupid. :) and I think it's a boy. ;-)

Wannabe - you just need to take a test now, girl! I know you're trying to be patient, but I think it's important!

I am 9 w1d today. Morning sickness still going although now I'm back at work. The meds help, but I still have lots of food aversions and nausea. I'm still losing weigh too, albeit at a much slower pace. Up to 13 lbs now. But, At least I'm up and about and eating some stuff. :) looking at my Fmla paperwork, dr did diagnose hyperemesis gravidarum, which is what I thought.
DD :flower:how r u? Good to know that the med is working and that u r back to work. 9 weeks already :shock: :happydance:.

Kk glad to know that rand is settling in k. Did I tell you how precious ur profile pic is?
Wannabe- Happy anniversary! :happydance: I hope you have a great weekend and all goes as planned :) relax and enjoy yourself! I still have my fx'ed!

Miranda- men can be so daft :haha: the other day my OH told me he wants the crib on his side of the bed and I asked if he was going to get up change his diaper and bring him to me and he says that's the plan, but I know that will last all of a few days until he gets used to the sound of him crying and he'll sleep right through it :dohh: if he can sleep through our dogs barking then why would he hear the baby? Lol...men!

This project is definitely bigger than I expected but it will definitely be worth it :) i would much rather paint than stain, but I know both are better than sanding lol. I have 1 1/2 of the 4 pieces sanded and I'm on hold for the moment because we have a ton of stuff going on with school meetings and sports, I just want to get it done! ;)

Happy birthday tomorrow if I don't get on :) I hope you enjoy it and maybe DH will give you an actual break! ;)

Pal- so good to hear from you! Are you guys doing anything for your bday?

DD- I've heard that HG lasts all pregnancy, but can ease up some, I really hope that's the case for you once you hit second trimester! :) I'm sure it's scary to be losing weight, but you will get it back ;) I'm so excited for you and to see if your LO turns out to be a boy :)

Kristi- I'm sorry Rand had a rough day but happy to hear he's better :)

Natasha- thanks to you I will be celebrating 24 weeks :haha: 20 is next week and I'm so excited!

I also love Miranda and Kristi's profile pics! :)
Wannabe - Happy anniversary! Hope you have/had a wonderful day with your Oh!

I've no idea about the "jelly-like globby CM" as a symptom, I had increased CM in my pregnancy, but it was more like whitish like around ovulation. (I don't/never have tracked CM though, so I'm clueless on the subject)

Could you have possibly O'd later then you thought? Either way, it should be about time for AF to be due soon?

I definitely think if AF doesn't come and still have a BFN that you should find a place that will do a blood test or an u/s to check for pregnancy, as if you're not pregnant, there's definitely something odd going on. Good luck though, and fx'd for a BFP!

DD - Oh wow, yuck about having hyperemesis gravidarum! Keeping everything crossed it doesn't remain bad for you and you gain some of the weight back - although baby will get what s/he needs no matter what, just make sure you take your vitamins and eat whatever/whenever you can! M/s is the absolute worst, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!

Loulou - Funny story about diaper changing, so James has pooped on me a few times now...I just laugh it off, cause I mean, how else should I handle it? :haha: Well, this morning after I showered Brett asked if I'd ride with him somewhere, so I agreed and got James out of his bassinet and onto the changing table and as I'm wiping his butt Brett peaks his head in the doorway and James projectile poops on my hand :dohh: (I should of known it was coming when I heard the fart) and Brett says "if that was me right now, I'd be throwing up" bahahaha. Poop doesn't faze me any ;)

He hasn't changed a single diaper since the hospital, he has a poop phobia or something. Or maybe he's still afraid he'll get peed on :shrug:

Sanding takes absolutely forever! I'll post a picture of my changing table so you can see how it turned out, and one of the glider. One I sanded and stained, the other I just spray painted ;)

KK - Willow is so adorable. And I love seeing pics of her and Rand on facebook :)

Hope all you ladies are doing well, where is everyone in their cycles? I always lose track! Lots of baby dust and keeping everything crossed - BFPs are past due!
Before pictures of the changing table:

After it was sanded and stained. Don't mind the giant dog, he wouldn't move while I was changing James, so I sent this pic to Brett as James almost peed on the dog :winkwink:

This is the glider (without the chair cushions)

This crib is a dark cherry, so that was my goal with both. The staining I gave up on, it'll just be lighter, haha and the glider is actually pretty close. :)

And for giggles, one of the few pics of Brett and James - Brett was afraid to hold him the first week and a half.
Thanks girls!! OH is on his way over soon to snuggle for a bit, but I am absolutely exhausted!! :sleep:

DD - Yeah trust me I'm dying to test lol but I do think OH is right that I should just wait, especially seeing as I've had 4 chemicals already - but I keep mentioning it to people at work!! I'm going to be devastated if I'm not!!
I know it's important to know either way, but most doctors don't do the first appt till 8 weeks anyways and I'm taking vitamins, eating right, exercising, etc. I don't drink alcohol/smoke and I don't eat seafood! I think I'm doing everything right if I am so I'm not worried in that aspect.
What is making you think you're having a boy? That would be awesome if you guessed it right so early on!

Symptoms today: Cramping, globby CM, EXHAUSTION!

Miranda - Happy Birthday tomorrow!! :happydance: I'm not sure if I'll be on because OH and I are going to VT for the weekend, but I hope you have a terrific day!!! Brett sounds too funny/cute - maybe he will give you a break and actually hold and change James for you :haha:

Ciara - I'd definitely put the crib on your side of the bed...He won't be able to feed baby for you anyways and you'll prob end up waking regardless. I could sleep through anything but for some reason I'd be able to hear that cry of a baby (while babysitting this has happened). It's like mother's intuition I suppose? Perhaps guys get that too? :shrug: It's so sweet that he wants to be such a big part of everything though!! Kudos to him!!

Hope everyone else is doing well! Sorry I am too tired to reply to everyone :haha: It's terrible how tired I am... :sleep:
Quick update - OH says I can test this weekend!! :happydance:
And he's forcing me to get to a doctor because apparently I am PMSing really badly (and I usually don't) but I feel myself snapping at him and other people too, and I feel like I can cry any second. I literally feel cramps like my period is coming but still have that globby CM that I've read is a sign - I've also had that before with my chemicals.

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