Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

:happydance::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: I am finally down to double digits (less than 100 days to EDD). I am so happy. Pointless thread but just tot I would share. ....Next stop 3rd tri next week :happydance:.
Hi Girlies!

Dream- eeeek! on countdown now!! :hugs::happydance:

Wanabe- it is pretty hard to stop thinking about ttc! i dont even know what day i actually od as i didnt test, it was meant to be saturday which would make me 10dpo. im trying so hard not to think about it or symtpom spot. the only odd thing for me this month is saturday just gone, (7dpo) i had terrible nausea and cramps all day and night, it was our anniversary, i was so annoyed as we stayed in a hotel, i couldnt eat anything as i thought i was going to be sick, it eased off sunday night, then yesterday and today i just cant stop burping! i still feel slightly nauseas but not as bad as the weekend, i know deep down i wouldnt have this so early on but im trying very hard not too let it play with my mind!
Jessie - FX that it was implantation you experienced on 7dpo!! I also had a day where I felt extremely nauseated, dizzy, etc super randomly and it left as quickly as it came! The lady at Olive Garden asked my OH if I was pregnant since I had to run to the bathroom and had to get our meals taken home! I'd have to look back as to when that was for me, but I thought it was worth sharing. Best of luck to you!!

Lots to celebrate today!! :happydance:

Happy Birthday, Pal!
Happy 21 weeks Ciara!
Happy 11 weeks DD!
Yay for double digits, Natasha!!

AFM - I am starting to get pretty crampy on/off. My CM is still super stretchy and globby (even OH was shocked lol) We tested last night and think one had an evap line and the others were definite BFN. I need to just convince myself I'm out and AF will be here sometime this week. I'd be on CD30 today also, so just assuming she's right around the corner :nope: Still pretty nauseous today too though so who knows :coffee:
Happy 21 weeks loulou!
Happy 11 weeks DD!

Yay for double digits dream!

Jessie - the excess burping is the first symptom I had with my bfp! I hope this is it for you!

Wannabe - so sorry your body is still confusing you! I hope you either get a bfp or AF soon so you can either continue forward or move to the next cycle. I can't imagine how stressful this all must be for you!

Pickle - hope you're doing well, glad you've been able to fit EOD, even if by accident.

Pal - Happy birthday! I hope you have a great day! Having AF is a huge bummer, I've been having pp bleeding for both my birthday and anniversary, so I completely sympathize!

I feel like I'm missing someone/something! If I am, I apologize, my sleep deprived memory is crap haha.

I'm actually back at work part time for my uncle, and pretty unhappy about it. But it's only 15 hrs a weeks, so at least it's not all day shifts. James is with my aunt today and tomorrow while I'm here, and Brett is watching him thursday. I in a way welcome the break though, as I'm exhausted and he's stubborn and wont go to sleep half the time anymore.

I feel like I jynxed myself when i was bragging about how good he was and how much he slept, cause now he refuses to sleep and eats like a cow haha. Good news is he's now 22inches and weighs 9lbs4oz. My big boy :)
:happydance::flower::cake::dance::wine: Happy Birthday pal!

Happy 21 weeks loulou

Happy 11 weeks DD


Thanks Miranda! I hope to god its a sign for me but we all know how this tends to go haha! James looked gorge in the last pic you put on facebook! Aw love you, your back to work pretty soon! but like you said 15 hours isnt too bad and hopefully you'll get a break haha!

Thanks Wanabe for sharing! I hope you get some answers soon!:hugs:
Well I started spotting (brown/dark red) yesterday only when wiping. It never reached my pantyliner even! I was so sure I was out and then it's completely gone this morning so far?? I think my body is super confused.

How common is this "light period" stuff when AF would really be due? I would have been exactly 8 weeks yesterday, just as I spotted at exactly 4 weeks too...?? Going to make a thread about it in first tri I think. I have no clue why I'd still get a BFN though. OH swears the line we did see was an evap. Even so, it was super light. Wouldn't it be blazing positive by now?? :shrug:

I'm losing my mind!!
:hi: girlies!

DD-Happy 11 weeks! I hope you're feeling better :)

Natasha- Happy 26 weeks and double digits! I have a little over a month lol :) I'm glad you're doing good and I know those aches and stretching can be uncomfortable, put your feet up when you can :)

Jessie- the best cycle I had was not knowing exactly what cd or when o day was, it was so much less stressful (and ended in bfp), I hope the same happens for you! Early symptoms are possible, just usually aren't too noticeable for ladies that don't know their bodies/tww symptoms. I have my fx'ed for you and the burping I still have now! Even water causes it lol. Fx'ed!

Wannabe- my heart goes out to you hun! I can't even imagine how you're feeling, frustration can't come closing to describing I'm sure :hugs: I really think a trip to the dr for a hormone level check is a must for your sanity. Have you ever had your thyroid checked? An imbalance in hormones can cause light/absent af along with a huge array of other symptoms. I really hope you can get some answers soon so you can stop wondering :hugs:

Miranda- James is growing great! :) hopefully he'll let you get some much needed sleep very soon :hugs:

Pickle- how are you hun? Hopefully you got nice and rested :)

Kristi- how are you and the family?

I hope I didn't miss anyone/anything!

Afm- while you are/were preggo did the dr ever give estimates on babies weight/size? All my dr will say is baby is big with long, muscular legs (idk where those came from cuz we're both short) :haha: I'm going to ask at my appt next week for an estimate on weight/size. I know both baby and me have measured farther and farther ahead at every appt :)

I decided against a baby shower this time. It was too much hassle with all the ppl that were supposed to be involved being too busy or having no money to help. I figured if I was going to have to throw myself a shower, I might as well just put the $ towards baby stuff :haha: I think I have bought just about everything except a tub, stroller, car seat, swing, baby wash, and lotion :) as long as he turns out a he we'll be all set :haha:

I think that's all for now! Have a great day ladies!

Pal- I hope you enjoyed your bday and DH was super good to you! <3
Wannabe - I would think if you had a faint line, it'd be darker by now with a pregnancy. I'd see a dr to find out what's going on, a day off work would be well worth it!

Loulou - the only time I ever got a weight estimate was in the hospital before they started the induction process. The u/s tech had taken a bunch of measurments of different body parts and it calculated a weight based off of that. They estimated James at 7lbs 11oz, and he came out 7lbs 15oz, so pretty close :)
Happy 11weeks DD, happy 21weeks Ciara and Happy 26weeks Natasha, :happydance: less than 100days. :)

Jessie: I am so excited for you. Few days left till you know the outcome. Praying that it turns to be a beautiful BFP.

Miranda: Nice weight gain for James. :thumbup: Enjoy work and break from daily chores.

Wannabe: Sorry for AF hun. :hugs: Hope she never visit again for next nine months.

AFM: B'day was good. DH definitely pampered me. :) Next is his b'day next month. We are planning to go to Dallas then for State fair of Texas.

AF is over now. I am not sure of what to do. Just BD when in mood or remind DH of my fertile time again. I can't relax completely if I won't let it go completely. :help:

Btw I am getting some headaches pretty frequently these days. Almost every other days or so. I used to get some headaches but not more than 4 to 5 times a month. Then it has stopped when I got a new specs. But what's I am getting now isn't normal. Seems I have to schedule a doctor visit soon.
Absolutely NO spotting today so that definitely wasn't AF (again). I was about to call the doctor to make an appt but the cramps were pretty noticeable on my lunch break and I could have sworn AF had arrived but nope, and now no cramps but nausea is back full force!! :nope:

I'll probably give it a few more days to see if it will end up coming but I just don't know. I know I keep putting off the doctors but I am just going to feel so stupid if I end up with a late AF and it was nothing the entire time. I just can't understand why I'd have these things happen if no BFP. Everything else points to :baby:

:coffee: I was SUPER irritable today, so I was sure AF was coming but nope. So who knows. I feel like I'm going to get sick again tonight, the nausea is soo bad and worse at night! :nope:
That was not AF. Great news, Wannabe. Please go to the doctors and ask for blood test. Hope you get a positive on blood test and feel better soon.

My headache turned real bad this evening. Somehow I managed to eat dinner without throwing up. I was badly nauseated with headache. Then took ibuprofen and now I am somewhat ok. If the headache continues then I am definitely making doc appointment next week.
:hugs: Fairry! I think you need to go see a doc, headaches are awful! Im glad you had a lovely birthday and DH spoilt you! Do you think if you remind dh of fertile time hell feel pressured? Maybe just keep it in your head and try and bd at that time often?

Wanabe- I would defo be making a trip to the docs now if i was you!

I have 2 days until af, no pains yet but im sure theyll start soon! im really hoping i dont take it too hard this weekend when af does arrive!:shrug:
Fairy - Headaches/migraines are AWFUL! I get them way too often myself. Things that help me are Excedrin Migraine (I take the full dose of 2 pills), laying in bed with all the lights/TV off, trying to sleep it off, eating SALTY foods (not sure why but it usually works for me!), Cold/warm washcloth on your head, taking a hot shower (but sometimes this makes it worse)
I always use tylenol rather than ibubrofen as I have stomach problems as it is, but also because I'm usually nauseous and you need to eat when taking ibubrofen yet it's not necessary with tylenol :hugs: I hope you feel better! I feel your pain - They knock me right on my butt and I am confined to the bed until it goes away. Getting them while at work is another story! :nope:

Jessie - :hugs: Just plan for AF so that way if (hopefully) she doesn't show, you can celebrate. That's what I try to do because in my mind it's more likely AF will show but you never know! I'm always a bit negative about this TTC stuff lately. I think you have a good chance for sure!! :hugs:

Dream - :hugs: Thanks sweetie!

Yeah it's so weird how I seriously feel like AF is here, go to the bathroom and NOTHING. :shrug: I woke up thinking I was going to have to clean up a big mess (lol sorry TMI) but nope. Not sure why it feels like that so extremely? I don't even really have much CM anymore I don't think. Still cramping like it's going to come so I am trying to be realistic and just prepare myself for an awful AF but I dunno now since it hasn't continued spotting at all. I checked last night and had some brown/dark red stringy CM again and thought that was the start of AF but I guess not?
Hope you all feel better soon!

Jess just gotta take it as it comes. I cry every time now about 2 days in, I don't think the hormones help, but I just think realisticly now. It either comes or it doesn't.. I really hope it doesn't for both of us. :hugs:

Fairyy belated happy birthday!

Progesterone test on Monday will have to be 8dpo as 7 is on Sunday. Nothing else really to report.. Just the usual TWW symptoms. Such wacky lower temps this cycle and slow o rise so can't really tell when I ovulated (cd18 temp is a lie as I didn't temp that day and want my chart to look normal lol. I also think it was then anyway).. See how it goes as the days pass.

Well, I am finally out of limbo. Not the outcome I wanted, but at least I know where to start again... :coffee:

Still feel nauseous and exhausted, so my body just hates me.
So sorry Wannabe. Hugs hun. I hate when our body acts in such a strange manner.

Thanks for the tips. I tried to sleep last night after taking pain killer ( without any light & sound) and it worked. Today no headache so far. Had not gone to gym too today. My eyes are tired all the time. I think it's time for eye exam.
:hugs: Fairry! I think you need to go see a doc, headaches are awful! Im glad you had a lovely birthday and DH spoilt you! Do you think if you remind dh of fertile time hell feel pressured? Maybe just keep it in your head and try and bd at that time often?

Wanabe- I would defo be making a trip to the docs now if i was you!

I have 2 days until af, no pains yet but im sure theyll start soon! im really hoping i dont take it too hard this weekend when af does arrive!:shrug:

Everything crossed for you Jess [-o&lt; I am keeping a close eye on your and Kerry's update. We need some BFP's.

I told DH about fertile window. Let's see how it goes. Now a days he is the initiator. I am hardly initiating. So I thought better to let him know. But he gets bit annoyed if I mention about TTC BD more often. So no more mentioning till next cycle begins (hopefully not).
Wannabe - I'm sorry that it wasn't the outcome you wanted...the one we all wanted for you. At least, you know where you stand now and can start fresh. But, with all the nausea you are having, you might want to make an appointment with the dr though. I don't think it's normal to feel that way. I hope you feel better soon!

Pickle - good luck with the progesterone test! I hope it all goes well.

Jessie - fingers crossed for you! I think those are all promising symptoms. I had definite symptoms during the TWW and I burp so much now, it's so annoying. I've never been a burper...they are more like hiccups because my body just doesn't do that.

Fairyy - feel better soon!

Dream - happy almost 3rd trimester!

Lou - I'm so happy to read your updates. :)

Thanks everyone for wishing me a happy 11 weeks! Still pretty ill and getting quite tired all the time. But, doing ok all in all and we got to see the baby again on Monday and all was well. :)

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