Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Happy V-Day/24 weeks loulou!

Happy 14 weeks DD! Have you started to show yet?

PB - I would ask your dr about nausea medication, it's a real life saver. Even if it just takes the edge off! I was on zofran up until 17/18 weeks, I started out with something not as strong around 6 weeks, but had it changed around 9 weeks to zofran.

Pickle - I don't know why drs think birth control is the answer to every problem females have - and you'd think he'd of checked what the bloods were for before he mentioned it. I would see about getting some kind of iron supplement for the anemia, I'm not a dr, but did a quick google search and it seems anemia can be linked to trouble getting pregnant. Hope your OH's SA turns up good.

Jessie - so sorry you're feeling down. Big :hugs: Are you going in for further testing? I hope that dream is a good premonition that you'll get your baby soon! Good luck getting some BD in!

Wannabe - Hope the drama passes quickly! Moving in with your OH under the circumstances may not be ideal, but it could relieve some of your stresses.
Jessie just have makeup bd tonight :) and I know how you feel but do remember it only takes one.

Dd & Miranda, I've had anemia since I was a teenager. I do take iron but he prescribed me a higher dose. However I have trouble swallowing pills and these are def a no go. So I'm gonna get some more of a lower dose and take a few if that makes sense.

I was wondering if it was linked to TTC. Maybe this is my answer all along. Why didn't the doc tell me that?
Pickle could you break the pill into smaller pieces? I used to do that with my prenatal vitamins as they were too big and made me gag.

I googled "can anemia affect getting pregnant" and got a whole bunch of articles relating to it, I'd ask your dr specifically if he didn't mention it
Could it really have played such a big affect on this whole time TTC? I feel a bit stupid.

I'm going to the chemist now to see if I can get smaller pills or in liquid form. If not I will just have to grin and bear it. They are capsules so not possible to break :(

And it's gonna be too late to help for this cycle if I o c19 isn't it. I'm sure I read iron takes like 125 days to get into the system properly. I havent taken my old tablets for a while :( ughhh
Oh bummer, hopefully they have something easier for you to swallow!

If the anemia is your problem, that's an easy enough solution. I've honestly no idea if that's the issue, but it does seem to be a correlation to it. I wouldn't of thought it to be a problem either, so don't feel bad!
Thanks Miranda :) I went and got the tablets. Just taken one, and although I freaked a bit (I have a phobia of choking on tablets) I just had to think "do I want a baby" and it worked lol. I really hope this is my problem. If it is I will feel very bad for making oh do a :spermy: test as he has asked before if my anemia would be the problem. :dohh::dohh:

How's your little man? Do you think he's showing signs of that growth spurt? Is there anything you think to yourself "nobody warned me about that!" :haha:

Jess - my temps are proving this is def a rollercoaster :haha:
:hi: Hi ladies sorry i have been mia.

Jessie :hugs: I am so sorry for what u are going through. It can be very frustrating but look on the bright side, U r doing something about it. Dh's sa has come back as normal and u will soon get ur own results. It will happen hun, that dream will come true, just don't give up.

Pickle i have also heard that anemia affect ttc so now u have got to start taking those iron tablets hun and hopefully that should resolve everything. 1 piece of advice though don't take the iron tablets with water, it has to be with orange juice cos the body absorb it better when u take it with orange juice. It was an advice given to me by my midwife when i was pregnant with DD and they found out that i was slightly anemic.

Wannabe good luck with moving in with OH, hope everything works out well for the both of u x

Miranda how is little james? Bet he is getting bigger and cuter :happydance:. Kisses to him x

KK how are u? How is cute little Willow? bet she is a big girl now? Kisses to her as well x

Pal how are u sweety? Hope u are cool?

Afm me i got my whooping cough and flu vaccines today and i have been warned that i might feel under the weather so i am trying to rest up.

Good luck to all ttc ladies and hope that those dreams come true x
I have to go back and catch up, but I figured I'd post these while I have my pc working :haha:

This was the same day as my last dr's appt


Changing table in it's cramped quarters (don't mind the junk, I'm still working out a place to put everything)


Crib before and after sanding


Finished crib full of baby stuff lol. I haven't gotten a mattress yet, so for now just using it as storage :thumbup:

I'm sending out armloads of :hugs: to you ladies! I just started tearing up reading through the last couple of pages!

Jessie- I like the suggestion of writing every detail you can remember now to savor it and know what you have to look forward to. And then when you have your LO in your arms you can look back at this dream and smile :) I hope you and DH get some makeup bd in hun, you still have time! I have my fx'ed for you and I'm sending tons of :hugs: !

Pickle- I never realized anemia could have such a big impact on ttc and I've been through it! If you do have a hard time with the bigger pills I would do like you said and take extra of the little ones to equal a big one. I know that when I took an iron supplement it seemed to help pretty quickly with the way I felt, but idk statistics on it. I have read that I think calcium can reduce the effectiveness of iron so avoid milk and such around the time you take your supplement. I hope you get good results from your oh's sa and don't feel bad! For all us girls have to go through it really is not that bad for them to have to do one embarrassing little thing lol. And you also still have time so get your bd on! As you just said it only takes one :) fx'ed and lots of :hugs: ! Oh and your dr sounds like an idiot and I firmly believe they don't bother to read files or communicate!

Wannabe- I really hope the drama dies down for you hun! Moving with your OH may not turn out to be a bad thing, just bad circumstances. I hope everything works out hun and you get a better shot for next cycle! Fx'ed and lots of :hugs: !

Natasha- how are you feeling hun?I hope you ddon't get too many ill effects from the vaccines! Happy 29 weeks already! :) not too much longer :)

Pb- I hope they give you some meds for the sickness! Take care of yourself :hugs:

Miranda- how is the little mr? Is he sleeping more consistent? Hopefully all is well with you and your family :)

DD- happy 14 weeks! I hope your ms is easing so you can start enjoying your pregnancy :hugs:

Kristi- how is Willow? I bet she's getting so big already!

Pal- how are you hun?

I know I'm forgetting a bunch and I'm sorry! I suck at remembering what I've read after a couple of pages!

Afm- things are going good. I've been taking advantage of being able to sleep for the past couple of days/nights since it seems to only happen in spurts lol.

My friends shower went well and I think she was pretty pleased. Though she feels like she didn't get enough diapers and the furniture she wanted but I thought she made out quite well. I'm glad it's over :haha:

Yay for v day! I tried to try it into a celebration with my OH but he just looked at me like I was crazy :haha: and then proceeded to fall asleep on the couch like he's doing right now :dohh: If I get :sex: one more time before I deliver this baby I think I'll consider myself lucky :rofl:

Anyways, to end this book I'm sending out lots of ♡ and :hugs: to you ladies!
Those vaccines r really kicking my butt. I don't know how I am going to get through today with DD.
Happy 29 weeks dream!

I chose to forgo the flu vaccine, I've never gotten it before, and didn't feel like I needed it when they offered. Hope it doesn't make you feel to bad! I've heard the whooping cough vaccine makes your arm hurt for a while - I also didn't get this one. They didn't offer it to me until after James was born, and since he's home with me most of the time, I didn't think I needed it.

Loulou - you look great! And the crib turned out very well! I considered buying a changing table like that one, I saw it at the consignment store, but decided to go with the one I have instead.

It seems for whatever reason, a lot of first time moms always feel like they didn't get enough at their baby showers. The way I see it, I'm thankful for whatever I did get...would of been nice to get more items off the registry I made, but any gift was thoughtful! And doing a diaper raffle is the best idea ever! I got so many diapers. I actually have a box of newborn diapers I never opened I plan on exchanging for a different size :) As for furniture, I expected no one to buy that for me, so the fact that Brett's parents bought us the crib was beyond unexpected and my mom bought the stroller/car seat combo...so two of my biggest items bought way before the baby shower :D

Pickle, are you going to have your blood checked again to make sure the iron supplements are working? And, if it is the anemia that's been causing your issues conceiving, your OH never has to know he did the SA for nothing ;)

KK - I'm loving all the fall photos you've been posting from your mini sessions on facebook, I so wish I lived closer so I could get some done!

Pal - hope you're doing well!

Hope today is full of positive thoughts ladies, and if not big :hugs: and lots of love sent your way! I posted a few more photos on my journal yesterday for your viewing pleasure :)

AFM - James is mostly sleeping very well at night, now that I've figured out that the swaddling blanket I bought is my best friend :haha: I change his diaper, wrap him up, feed him til he passes out, then stick him in his bassinet. He's been going to sleep between 9:30-10:30 and sleeping anywhere from 4-7 hrs. The last two nights he was up around 2am after going to bed around 9-9:30 and then up again sometime between 5 and 7. I, personally, am a grumpy mess :dohh: Sometimes I just want to sleep, and this kid has decided he wants to be awake ALL day, and eat...and if he's not eating he wants to be entertained..and I'm sitting here like, dude come on, can I just make myself lunch or vacuum please? lol
Pickle - I'm not sure if the anemia affects TTC, but I'm glad you are on the iron now. My husband has a terrible time with pills and takes them all with fruit gummies...if he pretends he's swallowing just food, he's fine. I think the iron will help. I hope you can find some answers.

Lou - you look so cute and your nursery is so cute. You did such a good job!

Miranda, I agree with you on the shower part. I don't expect anyone to get us anything. We created this bub and we did it knowing we'd have to provide for it. We are buying minimal items and waiting after birth for a few things because we don't know if we need them yet. I wanted to get started on cloth diapers though...I know they can be expensive and I want yo space out the expense. Lol
Oy vey, I've been so busy lately, so so sorry I haven't been by more often! I am going to try and sit down tomorrow and catch up with how everyone is doing. Miss you all so much and I hope life is treating you all well. All is good here gearing up for my favorite time of the year! Halloween :D

Be back tomorrow! (wait...technically its tomorrow, so be back later today lol!!)
Hi girls!!

Pickle - I had no idea there could be a connection between anemia and TTC! That's interesting. TTC is so particular lol if anything is off with your body then I think it makes it more difficult for TTC as little bubs needs the best possible environment :shrug: Hopefully now that you're taking iron it will speed things up and you will get your BFP!! :dust:

Ciara - You look adorable! What a nice job fixing up the furniture! Happy late 24 weeks!

Miranda - I agree with the babyshower thing; some people expect to get everything they ask for, only to be let down, when really it should be an added bonus to receive items, not a necessity ;)

DD - How many weeks are you now? You must be in 2nd tri already huh? It's going by so quickly! Is the sickness any better??

Natasha - Happy 29 weeks! Wow! :happydance:

Pal - Hope all is well? :hugs:

Jessie - Hope you are getting some :sex: in and things have calmed down with you and DH!

AFM - OH and I have been arguing about the best route for me to get to work from his house. Turns out, either way I look at it it is always about 15 mins longer than it is from my mom's house, and it's more of a roundabout way - whereas at my mom's it's a straight shot straight up. So I am not going to be moving in with OH just yet. He would have to be willing to move somewhere closer to my work so that we can both get about a 40min travel whereas now he is only 15mins away from his work and I am 45min (from my mom's). It's become a big problem and we have been screaming at each other for the last 2 days every time this subject comes up. He wants me to move in SO badly, but for me it's just not convenient and I am second guessing things. I have been on stress-overload and having mental breakdowns more often than I'd like to admit :blush: Needless to say, not much :sex: this month so who knows. And I'm actually okay with it now. I don't need any more added stress at the moment.
My stomach has been "twitching" - like when your eyelid twitches and they say it's from stress, but my stomach (in the same spot) keeps doing it. It's such a strange sensation lol I wonder if that's similar to how baby feels? :haha:
Ciara: You have a cute bump and great job on that crib. :cloud9:
Can't wait to see baby in there :)

Miranda: James Andrew is definitely an attention seeker and wants to be entertained :)

DD: Happy 2nd trimester :flower:. Hope you are eating properly.

Krsiti: What's the plan for Halloween ? Btw you are one beautiful lady and any costume would rock on you. :thumbup:

Wannabe: I hope you and OH decide something and come to a common point when it comes to move-in together. Don't stress much and enjoy some weekend :sex: lol

Natasha: Hope the side effect from the vaccine is gone and now you are doing all right. :hugs:

Jessie: I know the feeling sweetie. Loads of :hugs: It is hard to be positive at times when AF visits each month instead of BFP but the pregnant ladies here are the proof that it will definitely happen. It may take long. But when you get that BFP the pain would fade and joy would set in.

Kerry:I never thought anemia can affect TTC. :shrug:
But it can be fixed easily. Have you got your DH's results ? I hope everything is fine. [-o<

Pb: How are you sweetie ?

AFM: I think my next update would be an AF update. :growlmad:
CD29 today.
I'm 14+2 today. Movin right along. I think I'm eating pretty well...I have been able to eat more veggies, which is nice.

Fairy I hope it's not an af update!!
Fingers crossed for you!!

Wannabe - are you guys married? I can never remember. I hate to say it, and please don't take this the wrong way but I can see your OH's side on this. Is 15 mins really worth all of this trouble? Do you really want to live with him? I'm not trying to offend, it's just what came to mind as I read your post. Once you guys move in, you can talk about moving to a different location and it might be fun to search for a place together, but for now, he just wants to be with you. Living together is a great step to becoming closer in a relationship.
Just to add to dd's point, a baby is 10 times bigger than moving in together. What if you move in and clash? You might not want to create a life with someone you can't live with? Lots to think about hun. I do hope you guys work it out :) xx
:hi: Kerry. What's going on ?

DD: Glad to know that you are eating well :thumbup:

Btw ladies my update is surely an AF update. It's staring slowly but I am sure it's :witch:. I am losing interest in baby making. Whether we TTC or NTNP, pre-seed or not, the result is always the same(AF).
:hi: ladies!!!

Natasha- I hope you're feeling better! I've heard the vaccines can be pretty rough and I declined them. I've never had them before and I'm not ready to start just yet. Feel better! :hugs: oh and bump pic please!?

DD- glad to hear you are able to get more veggies in :) I love my veggies, it's usually my favorite part of any meal/snack! I've been trying to add in more healthy fats like peanut butter and avocados to gain some weight, we'll see what happens! Judging by my bump I think bubs is growing just fine though :)

Miranda- I agree with you girls that some moms just expect more, like to get everything they could possibly need and more at their showers. I was always thankfully for anything I was given and definitely didn't expect anything. She text me yesterday and said they took over $300 of stuff back to exchange for a car seat/stroller combo and was complaining that she couldn't get more and didn't have enough diapers, wipes, soaps, etc. :dohh: I just want to say REALLY??? We make less $, have a family of soon to be 5, have more bills, and have bought everything ourselves without any of the $ complaints that she has for just the 2 going to be 3 of them. I told her yesterday that they need a budget to control their obvious over-spending. Sorry for venting! Lol, that was a lot longer than I intended! ;)

James is testing you already, you're in trouble Momma! :) he's so precious!

Kristi- good to hear from you! I can't wait to see/hear what you come up with for Halloween! :)

Pal- I'm sorry about af hun :( I know you've had a long road and I wish I could do/say something to help! Lots of ♡ and :hugs:

Wannabe- I'm sorry you and your OH are fighting :( that's never pleasant! Could you possibly try it for a week and see what you think? I think I told you before that I think living with someone is the true decider on if you can live with someone for the rest of your life. A week would give you an idea but not be a permanent commitment. I hope it all works out hun! :hugs:

Pickle- how are you?

Pb- how are you feeling?

Jessie- how are you?

Afm- what a week! I thought most of the craziness was over, boy was I wrong! Soccer keeps us pretty busy with daily practice and 2 games a week, but with plenty of time to spare...usually lol. Sarai hurt her knee in gym class (playing soccer of course) early in the week. At first we thought it was just a bruise or something minor and just iced it until her game Wednesday and then all hell broke loose! She ended up down on the field and in tears (and she never cries over physical pain). She couldn't walk, even with a brace, and she got kicked in the head, poor honey! So needless to say we've been back and forth between the sports trainer, doctor, and coach for the past couple of days. She has a pretty bad sprain in her knee and her head seems alright. We've been icing it constantly and she seems to be doing better and was even able to play in last nights game for a bit. That was some scary stuff and a reality check as to why some parents don't let their kids play sports. She is stubborn and determined to finish the season and I am so torn on that! I want her to be happy, but not if her knee gets worse. They tied the best team in the league last night and have a record of 3-1-1, which I think ranks them at 1st or 2nd in the league right now. This is the best team they've had in yrs and I get their excitement but...It's still my baby girl and I don't want her hurt!

Alright, sorry this is so long again, I have a really hard time keeping it short! Have a great day ladies ♡

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