Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Hello everyone! I am doing well. I think my high from seeing the HB is wearing off and I am beginning to worry again. We have our nuchal ultrasound on 3/11, so at least we'll see the baby again in a few weeks. I am super sleepy all the time. I don't remember being this tired when pregnant with Luc, but I guess that's because I wasn't chasing a 2 yr old that time!

Jamaris Mum, it isnt long now at all! I hope you get your BFP on this first cycle! Dan is right, you have been so positive about waiting from what I have seen!

Clo, your baby will be here before we know it! Do you have any feelings either way as to what you are having? Are you nesting yet?

Dan, I see you have a wedding coming up. Congratulations!

Just want to say I am so glad to have found this board and you ladies! Its been so comforting to speak with people who have gone through what I have! Thanks!
AmandaLucsMom I felt just the same as you - I saw the heatbeat at 6 weeks and felt great, but by nine weeks I was as worried as ever and paid for a private scan. I was convinced it would be bad news and sat and cried my eyes out in the waiting room, but everything was perfect, and that helped me get to my 12 week scan. I think its normal honey :hugs: I was SO tired in the early days with Oliver! I worry I would cope with that and Oliver when we have another!

Dan-O I just noticed your wedding too! Congratulations, not long to wait either!!

Jamari'sMummy Wow - you have done SO well!! We are all crossing our fingers for a speedy BFP and perfect pregnancy :hugs:
OOhhhh Dan-O I just realised you have your scan on Monday!!! How exciting! Do you have a feeling as to if the baby is a boy or girl? In the early days with Oliver I thought he might be a girl, and then at about 7 weeks I just had a huge feeling that he was a boy and I really couldn't imagine that I was having a girl, it was very odd. My OH though he was a girl, but I was sooooo sure he was a boy!
Thanks for the wedding congrats amandalucsmom & sarahwoo :hugs:
We're both really looking forward to finally tying the knot. We've lived together for 9 years now, but never got round to it fro one reason or another!
Only trouble I'm having is trying to find a dress to fit over a 28 week bump.. and big boobs!!! Nightmare! Gotta find one asap now though, the invites are sent and church is booked! eek!

Yep my 20w scan is on monday, getting nervous again now, in case something is wrong with baby. I'm still worrying about it being another PMP to be honest! Hoping that everything will still be OK though & maybe I can finally start to relax then! :)

I've always had a gut feeling it's a girl, but in the last few weeks I'm not so sure! If we don't find out the gender on the NHS scan, we are going to have a private one done in the next few weeks :flower:
Dan-O just popping on to say good luck for tomorrow! I'm sure everything will be fine :hugs: and its completely normal to be nervous :hugs:
oh, and Happy Valentines Day to all you lovely ladies too, I hope your OH's spoil you all and that you all have a lovely day!!
thanks ladies for your well wishes:hugs:
Happy valentines to everyone!
I actually got AF today, (of all days to get it :haha:) hoping thats a good sign even though its 4 days early!
Cant wait til feb is over 2 wks to go! so so excited.
Glad to hear all our babies are doing well..fingers crossed ladies for your scans although im sure you dont need it:thumbup: will be waiting to hear how you go!!
btw, Ive started the wedding planning, can anyone suggest any good websites etc for anything to do with weddings! Theres sooo much to think about:wacko: :haha:
Good luck with the scan Dan! I'm sure all will go well, but I hope your baby cooperates with the gender identification. For most of my 20 wk scan Luc was holding both hands over his boy parts, which was my first indication that he was a boy, haha! And not to freak you out, but I cant believe you dont have a dress yet! Get on that!

Jamari's mum, so glad you are able to try soon and that AF is working on your schedule! Must be a good sign, your body is anxious to try again! I'm sure the next two weeks will go by so fast! I used The Knot website (I am getting stopped from posting the website) to get ideas for my wedding. I'm sure there are so many new ones now! You may want to look at dress ideas on the website for Klienfields in NY. They are one of the largest bridal houses in the world! They have a TV series on here in the US called Say Yes To The Dress, great show. You may be able to watch episodes online even.

I've been dealing with a sick child lately. My poor little man is on day 2 of a fever and thats after 10 days of a cold! He was only well for about 5 days before this hit. Its so hard to see your little one sick. Actually, as long as I medicate him it isnt too bad and he is happy to play like normal.

Sarah, I am thinking of trying to beg my Dr for an ultrasound at my next appt. If I remember correctly, they cant use a doppler at 11 weeks. I'd hate to go to the 12 week nuchal test at another Drs office if, God forbid, something was wrong. I'm sure all is fine, but I'm paranoid!

Happy Valentine's Day, ladies! Hope everyone enjoys their day!
Amanda it really put my mind at ease to have the extra scan, we had it done privately and it was def money well spent.

Dan-o I used the knot too, as I got married in Vegas so all the American stuff was really useful. It wasn't a cheesy wedding btw :haha: we got married in the Bellagio, it was amazing :)

Dan-O for uk sites try hitched and confetti. Where have you tried for a dress? I should admit at this point that I'm a wedding coordinator . . . . Well I try not to do too much coordination these days so I mainly do chair cover hire and venue styling. I have got some planning tips on my website . . . I must put some more planning stuff on actualy. . . . I'm hoping to get quite a lot of free planning info on there in the end.
hey everyone, im new to this so excuse the basic messages.
Heres my story...
Im 23 years old living in west midlands. Im engaged to be married on the 2nd of April 2011 we moved it forward because of what happend i felt i needed something to focus on. We decided to try and conceive back in April 2010 i came off the pill it took around two cycles i think i found out towards the end of July by which point i was around 5 weeks. It was my first pregnancy so was excited nervous but at same time didnt no what i should be expecting in terms of symptoms etc. Everything was going fine in fact other then sore boobs i had hardly any symtoms. I did worry about the lack of symptoms a bit but then everyone kept telling me dont be silly ur worrying over nothing. Of course being my 1st i didnt know what was right, i just assumed i was lucky having less symptoms. Anyway went for my 1st scan 27th August 2010 i should have been around 13 weeks. I will never forget that day lying there waiting to c the baby moving i knew straight away something wasnt right it was tiny and then she looked at me and said have u had any bleeding, then, 'Im sorry guys its not good news today' i just broke down to make it worse we had to walk past other expecting moms outside to be taken into a quiet room, where i was given some leaflets. At that point they didnt no it was a partial molar it was just a missed miscarriage.

I was unsure whether to wait and let nature take its course or have d&c in the end opted for d&c on 1st september as i felt it had already been so long as they said it was only measuring 7 weeks. I did struggle after having it done went to the doctors a few times and got insensitive remarks such as 'these things are very common' which didnt help atall. Anyway towards the end of september i got asked to come back into hospital where i was told it was a partial molar i think i was just numb i was already so hurt it was just something else to add to the list. To top it all i told them i was still passing a few clots etc so had to go through another scan where they told me there was still remaining tissue from the d&c. Luckily they were happy that my hcg levels were dropping steadily and my body sorted itself on its own in the end. I got my 1st normal reading from blood and urine on 9th of novemeber and have been sending urine samples monthly to charing cross since then.

Im due to get the all clear 10th May. However i will be on honeymoon till the 23rd of april and hopefully ovulating at end of our stay so have emailed charing cross to see what they said about possibly trying then and they said thats fine :) Im just so nervous we want a baby so much and with it being our first i just worry all the time. trying to keep positive.
sorry 4 such a long post!
laura xx
hey everyone, im new to this so excuse the basic messages.
Heres my story...

laura xx

Laurajane, welcome and I am sorry you have to be here. I am so sorry for your loss, but glad you found others who have been through the same thing you have. I have found it very comforting just to share with women who have stepped in my shoes. The ladies here are very caring and I'm sure you'll feel the same way I have. I just want you to know you can go one enjoy a healthy pregnancy and child.

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! How nice that your honeymoon will coincide with you and your partner being able to try again. Your age and the fact that you conceived so quickly previously are totally on your side!

Big hugs to you! We all know exactly how you are feeling!
Amanda it really put my mind at ease to have the extra scan, we had it done privately and it was def money well spent.

Dan-o I used the knot too, as I got married in Vegas so all the American stuff was really useful. It wasn't a cheesy wedding btw :haha: we got married in the Bellagio, it was amazing :)

I've been rehearsing my plea I plan on giving to my Dr at my next appt! Knowing him he will take pity on me. I dont mind paying for it at all, the piece of mind is so worth it!

And I could have used you for linens for my wedding, that was the one thing that went wrong! OK maybe not the only thing.

One piece of advice to you ladies with upcoming weddings...oversee the setting up for your wedding. Everyone told me to appoint someone to oversee it so I could enjoy my day stress free. Had I been there I would have seen that the table covers were wrong and had that fixed before the linen people left AND before they were paid in full! Also, I would have been able to make sure the florist didn't put all that damn glitter all over the bouquets and I wouldn't have been pulling the mass and masses of flowers she outlined my entire cake with when I only wanted some on top. OK, rant over. I really did enjoy my wedding. Not the glitter though.

Funny thing. Sarah, your post included a URL and I quoted you. I am on a 10 minute time out for trying to post a website for the third time. So silly!:wacko:
LauraJane your story is so, so like mine :hugs: I'm so sorry that you are going through this, hopefully we can help you through :hugs: Congrats on your wedding! Fab idea about TTC a little early on honeymoon, you wouldn't believe the amount of honeymoon babies my past brides now have! Including one set of twins! :shock:

Amanda Thats good advice, the person checking needs to 100% know what you are expecting. So many brides think the groom will do that . . . . yeah except most grooms could walk into any wedding reception and not know if it was there's or not :haha: I used to do all the checking and you wouldn't believe the things I've had to sort out over the years. I mean, somethings can't be helped (like an 8ft high door once fell off the ceremony room ten mins before the wedding was due to start :shock: That can't be helped, and you just deal with it. When the worlds crappiest cake gets delivered and you know that the bride will cry when she sees it . . . well thats the time when I really earnt my money :haha:
Thank you all for your kind words girls your right it Is reassuring to speak to people who have been through similar experiences as normally when I tell people they can't fully understand, and it gives me hope that you have gone on to have successful pregnancies as sometimes I find myself just sitting and worrying it's not going to happen 4 me, although iv been that busy organising and stressing over the wedding I haven't had much chance to do that lately!! Totally agree with the overseeing of wedding set up! My partners input on the flowers was along the line of 'they will do!' and he wonders why I'm so stressed lol xx
Welcome Laurajane. Sorry for your loss hun *hugs* Congrats on your upcoming wedding xxx

Hope everyone is doing well, sorry I cant respond properly to all of your previous posts, ive only got internet access on my fone and its hard to read/respond properly!

I'm back in work tomorrow after a week and a half annual leave so (boo, was enjoying being off!) so hopefully can get online at work and respond properly. xxx
Hey Clo!
How are you and bump? Wow, 27 weeks!! How are you feeling?

Dan-o I hope everything went well yesterday :hugs:

Laurajane men are all the same when it comes to weddings :haha: I went through all the same feelings as you, worrying that it would never happen for me :cry: I still look at Oliver sometimes and just can't believe how lucky I am :cloud9:
Hey Sarah, I know I can't believe I've made it to 3rd tri! Never thought i would make it this far.

Apart from pelvic pain and bad heartburn I'm not feeling too bad thanks :) XXX
Clo I loved third tri!! I felt soooo pregnant and obviously looked it, plus finishing work was fab :haha: I had spd pretty bad towards the end and had to wear a huge support belt thing, very sexy :rofl: and I was told I would have to have crutches if I didn't take it easy. I had major heatburn too, I could never be far from the gaviscgon, esp at night! Make sure you get in on free prescription from your dr!
Welcome Laurajane. Sorry for your loss hun *hugs* Congrats on your upcoming wedding xxx

Hope everyone is doing well, sorry I cant respond properly to all of your previous posts, ive only got internet access on my fone and its hard to read/respond properly!

I'm back in work tomorrow after a week and a half annual leave so (boo, was enjoying being off!) so hopefully can get online at work and respond properly. xxx

Oh yeah, third trimester heartburn, yikes! I used to say we should buy stock in Tums, I lived on them! Good luck and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!
Hi Ladies :)

I had my 20w scan on Monday! Wow, never thought I'd get this far!
Baby looks perfect, measuring exactly right to the day & the consultant has signed me back over to the midwives at last! :yipee:
He said he's certain it's not another PMP, so there's no need for him to be involved any more:flower:

Baby was a bit naughty for the scan though :haha: it turned it's back on the sonographer! She managed to look at all the body parts fine, & was saw both feet and hands, but she couldn't get a nice profile pic for me to print off :dohh: We caught a glimpse of the face & baby was opening and closing it's mouth, soo cute!
Finding out the gender was even more tricky, as baby had it's legs crossed! :rofl:
She thought most likely a boy, but I think we will go for a private scan in a few weeks to find out properly :)

Oh and disaster has struck for the wedding, my dress is too small on the bust already, it looks rediculous!!! Agghhh!! I've just had to order a different one, hope it gets here in time!


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