Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Yay, so excited for you, Dan-o! I have been checking and checking to see how it went! I am so happy for you that you have been turned back over to the midwives! You must be so relieved! And yep, those boys are tricky when you are trying to get a look at the little boy parts! Already a stinker!

Oh no, about your dress! So sorry to hear that. Don't stress though, I'm sure you will get the new one in time and if not, hey you can get married in anything. At least you'd have a funny story to tell, right?

Anyway, I couldn't be happier for you and enjoy the second half of your pregnancy little Mama!
So pleased all went well at ur scan Dan-o! :-D Bet you are so relieved! xxx
Thanks ladies! Can't wait to get past 'v' day now, my next milestone to aim for! x
Yay DanO, so glad your scan went well! You can get 3d scans pretty cheap now and then you could find out the gender at the same time! Sounds like you have a cheeky little monkey in there, bless!!

Not long till V Day now, I found that to be quite a biggie. I felt much better after that, and also when the movements were regular and obvious. if I hadn't felt him move I could give him a poke and he'd wriggle lol! I felt like I really started getting to know him with the movements. Everyone said that babies wriggle a lot when you take a bath, but Oliver always fell asleep! So I would get in the bath and within a few mins I'd be worried that I couldn't get him moving, so I'd get out and you could guarentee that as I was getting dry hed wake up and start wriggling away :haha:
Congratulations Dan-o, thats FaNtAStIc!:hugs:

Ladies- I really need you help!
After six months of waiting we are able to try again in March this year! Just over a week away!:happydance:
Thing is, AF came early! 4 days early, and it is my last day of period tomorrow.. I dont ovulate til March 5, but wondering if we could start trying after I get my last blood test on Monday..
My sis in law says she thinks we should go for it, but I kinda feel like what if its a bad omen for us to try before March....what do you think and what would you do? Any help much appreciated:flower:
I don't want to be a bad influence, but If it were me, I would be going for it!!! :yipee:
I would totally go for it as well! What's a few days? Yay, good luck and have fun!
You think so? Want to..Might..your convincing me..:haha: thanks for responding:hugs: what do you other ladies think?
Jamaris mummy if you think you will worry even more then wait. But I really don't think there is any reason at all for you to worry and I think you should go for it too :haha: or what about not actively trying, but not using any birth control and just seeing what happens for a month? That way its like a compromise and a warm up month :haha:

AmandaLucsMom V is viability, in the uk at 24 weeks your baby is classed as viable, so if for some reason the baby was born early it would still be in with a chance and the medical teams would do anything they could do help. Before 24 weeks babies are just too tiny to survive if they are born :cry: so 24 weeks is a big milestone :)

How is everyone doing?
Oh, ok I got it. Yes, it is very reassuring to know that your baby could survive outside the womb! I can't wait to reach that point

I am doing ok, but of course, making myself worry about the baby. I hosted a Mom's Night In for a few of my Mom friends last night. We played a few games, ate some yummy food and of course laughed a ton. Towards the end of the evening I felt very tight across my belly, almost cramping-like. That made me so nervous and I am still anxious about it today. I hate that I am always telling you guys I am scared of this and that and I hate that I feel like this. I'm just so scared of losing another baby. Only 9 days until my next appt, so we'll see if I can talk my Dr into an ultrasound. I hope so!

On a good note, I've had a great weekend with my family!
thankyou Sarah:) I think we will just ntnp for a few days then actively try once march hits..I dont ovulate til march 8 anyway so its not like Id fall pregnant before then! So yes..Wednesday it begins!!:happydance:
Amanda how are you feeling now honey? Could those tightenings be everything stretching? I had some really uncomfortable stretching feelings with Oliver . . . . I read about round ligament pain and it sounded nothing like, but I think thats what it was :shrug:

Jamaris Mummy YAY for NTNP! Woo hoo! You've come such a long way since we first 'met' :hugs: Oh, and your ticker . . . . its the BB code you need for your TTC ticker honey :)

Well Oliver has been unwell for a few days, urgh I hate seeing him unwell! He's never had more then a snuffle so its been quite a shock. He started with a cough on Sunday, but he was well enough. He had his bath and went to bed at 7pm, and then at about 8.30pm he woke up so I went to him and he was sooo hot. He's never had a fever before. I did what every girl does and phoned my mum :haha: (Steve was at work) and then phoned NHS Direct. I got his temp down and he was just settling down when he was soooooo sick :sick: Urgh, it was everywhere, poor baby he was there throwing up and saying 'mama, mama' :cry: So I called my mum in a bit of a panic and they came up (they live almost an hours drive away, bless them) and I called NHS Direct back, I was in a bit of a panic by this point because he'd gone really quiet. I think now that he was just tired :dohh: Anyway, to cut a long story short he saw the Doctor yesterday morning and he has some meds, he seems brighter today and his temp is coming down, and he's back to chasing the cat around :haha:
I feel ok now, Sarah. I only felt slightly crampy for a day or so. I cant even say if it was a crampy feeling. I wonder if its just me being a pessimist. In light of what happened before, I kind of am having a hard time believing everything will be ok this time. I know that's not good for me or baby, but its so hard to just wait this early on. I do know the round ligament pain, like when you get up quickly or twist just the wrong way. Ouch!

Anyway, I see the Dr next Tuesday. Then on the 11th I have a test that involves an ultrasound. Do they do the nuchal translucency test in the UK? It involves looking at and measuring a fold on the back of the baby's neck. It can indicate if your baby has a increased risk for having Downs Syndrome. Because of my "advanced maternal age" as they call it, I am at an increased rick of having a baby with it.

Poor, poor Oliver! And poor mommy! I hope he is feeling better now and giving kitty a real workout. I know how scary it is to see them sick when they haven't been before. Luc was never sick until just before he was two years old and it was scary. Its crazy how sudden they can get fevers and it is so scary for them to vomit! Luc was recently sick and was dry heaving after vomiting and it really scared him. That was so nice of your parents to come help out. I struggle with being so far away from family.
Hello ladies:)
oh poor little olly and poor mummy:hugs: its great to hear that little man is doing better now:)
well the ttc has begun! I ov on march 8, and counting down the days..its so peaceful to be in this exciting too...and scary. I hated the waiting made me feel very anxious but looking onward and upward now:thumbup:
hows everyone doing?:flower:
Hi everyone,

I'm so glad to have found this forum. I was diagnosed with a PMP at 6.5 weeks and had an ERPC last Tuesday. I will be referred to Charing Cross hospital for samples starting soon. I have to go back for an ultrasound this Wednesday as during the ERPC the surgeon found a 'mobile lump' behind the uterus, but hopefully it will turn out to be nothing...

Bloody hell, what a scary time!

Jamari's Mummy :happydance: YAY!!!! I have everything crossed for you :hugs:

Chocogirl :hugs: I'm so sorry to hear about your loss :hugs: How are you feeling? I hope the ultrasound goes well. We are all hear for you :hugs:
Jamari's Mummy, I am so excited for you and glad you are feeling peaceful. That really is the best way to feel while trying to conceive. I was a ball of stress and I can't help but think that helped to delay conceiving. Then theirs the dreaded two week wait, I was horrible about that as well.

Chocogirl, welcome and I am so sorry for your loss. I hope all goes well with the ultrasound. I agree, how scary! Apparently there is stuff in there that my Dr referred to as uterine debris ( I passed something before my D&C that I assumed was the sac, turned out not to be). Hopefully that is what your Dr saw.

Sarahwoo, how is Oliver feeling? All better by now, I hope!

Dan, has your dress come in yet?

I got a call from the Dr office that they needed to reschedule my appt for tomorrow due to the Dr being in surgery. Grr. Then they finally called back and moved my appt up to today. Yay! My awesome hubby is working from home today so he can come with me for moral support as I plan on insisting on an ultrasound. Hope all goes well. Wish me luck, I'll report later!

Have a good week ladies!
Welcome Chocogirl, so sorry for your loss xxx

Sorry I haven't been on for ages girls, I've had a busy/stressful few weeks! One of my friends has just had a miscarriage at 12 weeks last week, and my cats been really ill so there's been a lot going on!

I hope you are all well. I can't reply properly to the posts ive missed cuz I'm on my fone again but it sounds like all the pregnancies, TTC and wedding planning is going well :)

I'm 29 weeks today and had to go for a growth scan cuz I'm measuring big! All looked ok but it sounds like peanut is gona be a big baby as they estimated that he weighs 3lb 12oz already!

And yes...I did say HE!!! Our cheeky monkey was being naughty and hiding his bits from us but the ultrasound tech thinks that it is another boy :-D

On the down side, my blood pressure seems to be going up again...they are just keeping an eye on it at the moment.

Amanda I hope everything goes well at the Dr's today! :hugs: Oliver is much better now thankyou, still has his annoying cough but all the kids seem to have it at the moment :nope: His appitite is slowly coming back to normal. Its such a worry when they are ill, I'm so thankful that he's getting so much better!

Clo Sorry to hear about your friend :hugs: How is your cat now? Awwww another boy! How exciting! Do you have a huge bump then? :) I measured small from about 35 weeks, even at 39+2 when I had him I was only measuring about 36/37 weeks and I still felt HUGE :haha: It's good that they are keeping such a close eye on you. How are you feeling? :hugs:

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