Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Hello ladies! Well, I am back from my appt today and all looks great! The baby is measuring one week ahead and has a nice, strong heartbeat! I didnt even have to beg for an ultrasound, apparently they automatically do one if you are too early to hear the HB with a doppler. I am thrilled and will hopefully relax and not worry about miscarriage so much.

Clo, glad to hear things are going well! How far along are you measuring? Towards the end every Dr in the practice told me Luc would be at least 8.5-9 lbs and was measuring big on the ultrasound, but my boy only ended up being 7 lbs 7oz. I've heard many other people say the same happened to them, so I think ultrasound estimates can be off quite often.

Sarah, glad things are getting better with Oliver! Luc was sick nearly a month ago and has just fully gotten his appetite back in the last week. It sure does take awhile!
Thankyou Ladies:hugs: Its nice to know I have some well wishes floating about!
YAyyyyyy Amandalucs!:happydance: Thats fabulous news about bubby, hang in there:hugs:
Choco, welcome hun, and so very sorry for your loss:hugs: it is such a scary, tense, upsetting time!! I hope we can all be of great help to you here:)
Clo, so very sorry about your friend, Im sure you were a great support for her during that difficult time. How adorable that your little guy is growing so well, keep us updated hunny!
And thankyou Sarah! I have everything crossed also!
I have a lil embarrassing question to ask- has anyone got any good ideas or experiences they can reccommend for ttc and getting the man in the mood:haha: it just feels like the sparks flying out the door already because we know what we have to scared the fun of it all will dissapear!:shrug: Ive been racking my brain trying to think of some things we could do to jazz things up a lil:winkwink: lol...bit shame asking..any help i would be very appreciative!!
Might I add its so great to hear from everyone!! Ive been checking on here for days for updates lol love to you all.
Amanda thats wonderful news! I'm so pleaseed for you! :happydance:

Kate I know just what you mean! TTC can be difficult to make sexy :haha: To begin with I would tell Steve when I was due to ov but I found tht he seemed to think that was the only reson I was so keen :blush: so I made a point of not saying 'right, we need to dtd today' but just gave him some encouragement on those days :haha: I also made sure it was a regular thing - ie so we didn't just go crazy when I was due to ov. Keep it fun too! I'm sure you know all those tricks :haha:

Those were the days eh . . . . . . with a baby and a husband working nights its a rare event in this house :blush:
Hi everyone, my name is Jo and after yesterday I'm terrified and feel so alone. I started spotting yesterday morning and phone my doctor who got me into the EPAC for an early scan. After waiting for hours we went in and they did a transvaginal with how early I am. There on the screen was my baby at 3mm big with a nice heartbeat. The woman started looking around to see where the spotting had come from and wasn't saying much at all, we had asked for photo's of the scan and she said that the doctor would give them to us when she seen us. Well what a shock we had when we seen the doctor as she told us that I have a suspected partial molar pregnancy and that if it is? That the pregnancy can't continue. They have taken beta's and I get the results later today and I have to go back tomorrow for more beta's and another scan. She said not to worry yet as they aren't sure if it is a pmp yet and it could be just a hemorrhage area from the spotting? She said that my HCG should be through the roof if its a pmp too, but I've been researching all night and its not true in all cases so I've read. Any advise would be great as I'm going out of my mind with worry. Thank you for reading and I'm so sorry for everyones losses xxxx
Hi everyone, my name is Jo and after yesterday I'm terrified and feel so alone. I started spotting yesterday morning and phone my doctor who got me into the EPAC for an early scan. After waiting for hours we went in and they did a transvaginal with how early I am. There on the screen was my baby at 3mm big with a nice heartbeat. The woman started looking around to see where the spotting had come from and wasn't saying much at all, we had asked for photo's of the scan and she said that the doctor would give them to us when she seen us. Well what a shock we had when we seen the doctor as she told us that I have a suspected partial molar pregnancy and that if it is? That the pregnancy can't continue. They have taken beta's and I get the results later today and I have to go back tomorrow for more beta's and another scan. She said not to worry yet as they aren't sure if it is a pmp yet and it could be just a hemorrhage area from the spotting? She said that my HCG should be through the roof if its a pmp too, but I've been researching all night and its not true in all cases so I've read. Any advise would be great as I'm going out of my mind with worry. Thank you for reading and I'm so sorry for everyones losses xxxx

Sorry just to add on....... there was an area next to the gestational sac that looked like about 5 little dark circles. I will post pics later today of the scan.
Hi Joejoe
sorry to hear what you are going through..all i can say in reply to your post is that it is true that if you hcg levels are through the roof that is one indication of a pmp...mine were 430,000! Which is nearly double what they should be. Wishing you all the very best...keep us updated..stay strong honey:hugs:

thankyou for your advice lol.. i will take it on board and see how i go! :haha: did you do the every other day method? My fertile time starts on the 5th and I am due to ov the 8th, but we are going to start doing it regularly from now on in... gosh i am PRAYING it happens for us first time around! How many cycles did it take for you to fall?
Hi Jo :hugs: I'm so sorry to hear about your situation :hugs: My pmp was only discovered after my ERCP so I never found our what my levels were. What I would say though is that if you have questions which your hospital can't help with, or if you are not happy with the answers, please call Sheffield and chat with the lady there. I can get you the info. You would be reffered to Sheffield since you are in Nottingham, and they really are the experts.

Please let us know how you get on, thinking of you :hugs:

Jamari'sMummy we tried the 'Sperm Meets Egg Plan' one month and OMG, its TIRING! Talk about a passion killer :haha: It really was such hard work and we both agreed that we wouldn't try it again, it was really no fun. Obviously when you're TTC you want to get pregnant, but its got to be fun too!!
Hello again ladies,

Well, looks like I won't be joining you in this forum after all. It turns out I didn't have a PMP after all as first thought, but had a miscarriage. Had my follow up ultrasound today and I have a 13cm cyst on my right ovary so am on the waiting list for surgery.

You all seem like a really, really lovely bunch of ladies and I wish all the best and lots of love on your journeys.

Welcome, Jo. I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through and I know how easy it is to feel like you are the only one in the world going through it. Its so hard to just wait. I hope they end up finding that it isnt a pmp. In my case my hcg levels weren't super high, only in the 27,000 range, but we discovered the pmp earlier, at 8 weeks. I dont think my baby made it much past 5 weeks or so and we never saw a heartbeat. The ladies here experiences were new to me, as I thought my case was more typical. I think its encouraging that your baby has a strong heartbeat. Please try, as hard as it is, to remain positive. And please keep us updated as well. All of the ladies on this board are very sympathetic to what you are going through and very helpful as well.

Choco, I am sorry for your loss, but good news that it wasnt a pmp. I hope your surgery goes well. Good luck to you!

Jamaris, good gracious, ttc is so not a sexy thing! For us, in the beginning it wast an issue, then it got to be that we were only trying when it counted and my husband started to feel like a sperm bank. I agree with Sarah, I wouldn't remind him that its "time" and try to do it regularly trough out the month. I think its just as hard to make sure you are in the mood, so you may want to do things to make yourself feel great, too. Like get your hair done or go buy some new lingerie, whatever makes you feel good about you. And try to just have fun with it.

WARNING EMBARRASSING COMMENTS HERE!!! In my opinion (and warning this is probably TMI as I blush), I think the big O is key in conceiving. I think its important that he does before you do. I (as I am sure many of us) have done tons of research and it appears as the cervix dips down into the sperm that pools just beneath it as you have one. I cant believe I am even saying this as I am kind of a modest person, but the month I conceived my hubby was a bit quick to the punch (so to speak) and did other things to finish the job. And what do you know, it worked!
Chocogirl I'm pleased it wasn't a pmp :hugs: Good luck with your surgery, and I hope you get a new sticky BFP very soon :hugs:

Amanda I'm glad its not just me who found that TTC wasn't sexy :haha: Good advice there though, and I know what you mean about the big O :thumbup: I've read the same thing too. Oh, and lube is another good thing to use - but you have to buy the special sperm friendly kind as normal lube is bad news for spermies :spermy: :haha:
Grrr I wrote a big response on my fone earlier and it wouldn't send! I'm trying again from my pc at work!

I'm feeling very emotional this week. A year ago tomorrow we discovered Frazer's heart had stopped beating and a year on Sunday will be his first birthday. :-( We can't go and visit where we scattered his ashes either as it is at the top of a fell and I can't exactly go climbing while nearly 30 weeks pregnant! Were going to set off a chinese wish lantern on his birthday tho.

Clo Sorry to hear about your friend :hugs: How is your cat now? Awwww another boy! How exciting! Do you have a huge bump then? :) I measured small from about 35 weeks, even at 39+2 when I had him I was only measuring about 36/37 weeks and I still felt HUGE :haha: It's good that they are keeping such a close eye on you. How are you feeling? :hugs:

Thanks Sarah, I feel really bad for her. THey have sent the placenta away to check if it is a MP/PMP so im keeping my fingers crossed for her that it won't be!

I don't have a huge womb cuz at my last appointment at 28 weeks my fundal measurement was only a week ahead, but my midwife said that from looking at me I look like i'm 34 weeks pregnant so it must look bigger than it is! The only reason they sent me for a growth scan was because it felt like I had a lot of fluid in there (but I dont!)

I'm starting to feel exhausted, sore and hormonal, but it will be worth it!

Clo, glad to hear things are going well! How far along are you measuring? Towards the end every Dr in the practice told me Luc would be at least 8.5-9 lbs and was measuring big on the ultrasound, but my boy only ended up being 7 lbs 7oz. I've heard many other people say the same happened to them, so I think ultrasound estimates can be off quite often.

By my fundal measurements I am only measuring a week ahead but baby is actually measuring 2-3 weeks ahead!

Clo, so very sorry about your friend, Im sure you were a great support for her during that difficult time. How adorable that your little guy is growing so well, keep us updated hunny!

Thanks hun, I will do!

I have a lil embarrassing question to ask- has anyone got any good ideas or experiences they can reccommend for ttc and getting the man in the mood:haha: it just feels like the sparks flying out the door already because we know what we have to scared the fun of it all will dissapear!:shrug: Ive been racking my brain trying to think of some things we could do to jazz things up a lil:winkwink: lol...bit shame asking..any help i would be very appreciative!!

*hugs hun* We had the same problem...I don't really have any suggestions as we struggled with this, the only thing really is to try not to make it all about TTC and enjoy doing 'things' at other time too.

Chocogirl - I'm so pleased that it wasn't a pmp for you *hugs* Hope your surgery goes ok xxx

JoJo - I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through *hugs* My PMP wasn't diagnosed until after I lost my son and they did tests on the placenta and I was 23 weeks pregnant by then so I guess it's not always easy to disgnose but I really hope that it isn't a PMP in your case! Please let us know how you get on.

Clo, I really cant imagine going through the pmp like you and Kate did, as far along as you ladies were. I know it must really hurt getting close to the date that you lost him and I am so sorry you aren't able to visit the location you scattered the ashes. I know for me it was hard to get to what would have been my due date. I really do believe Frazer is always with you though and maybe he had a hand in there being another little boy in your belly. I think the Chinese wish lantern is a lovely idea. Big hugs to you!
Thankyou ladies!:hugs:
I have a bit of an urgent question as im off to the doctors in the morning and need to know something to ask her! I remember a few of you saying with your second pregnancies you had early testing to see that your pregnancies werent pmp's. At how far along were these tests and what were they called? Because the midwives where I had Jamari said to call up the hospital as soon as im pregnant to let the fetal medicine unit know that I am pregnant and we can organise testing at 12 weeks to check for a pmp,,but that seems quite far along to me and I honestly dont no i could wait that long..Can you reccommend anything? They said I would have a dating scan at about 7 weeks along, the normal routine, but Im wanting something early on that can tell me that everything is ok or not! I would greatly appreciate any help as my appointment is 8:45 am tomorrow, and its now 7:50 pm at night!

Thankyou xxx
Thankyou ladies!:hugs:
I have a bit of an urgent question as im off to the doctors in the morning and need to know something to ask her! I remember a few of you saying with your second pregnancies you had early testing to see that your pregnancies werent pmp's. At how far along were these tests and what were they called? Because the midwives where I had Jamari said to call up the hospital as soon as im pregnant to let the fetal medicine unit know that I am pregnant and we can organise testing at 12 weeks to check for a pmp,,but that seems quite far along to me and I honestly dont no i could wait that long..Can you reccommend anything? They said I would have a dating scan at about 7 weeks along, the normal routine, but Im wanting something early on that can tell me that everything is ok or not! I would greatly appreciate any help as my appointment is 8:45 am tomorrow, and its now 7:50 pm at night!

Thankyou xxx

Hey hun, I didnt have any early tests but I had scans at 6, 8, 10 and 12 weeks where they took a good look at the placenta and checked that baby was growing ok etc.

The only test they said I should definately have was the blood test at 16 weeks for downs/spina biffida (they sometimes do those as part of the combined test at 12 weeks) because that would show atypical results if it was a pmp (which it did when I was pg with Frazer, they just didn't know what it meant at the time).

X x x
Kate for me it was just a scan at 6 weeks to check for a heart beat and that everything was normal. Some uk hospitals scan at 8 weeks instead. I don't think there is a test as such I'm afraid :( But they will probably just take extra special care of you :hugs:
Good luck with you appt JamarisMum! In my case no special treatment has been done, just an ultrasound at both early appts, 7 and almost 11 weeks.
G'day ladies!

Thankyou for getting back to me girls, big help!
my gp told me that she received a letter from the John Hunter hospital where I had Jamari, stating that my specialist wants to see me as soon as my next pregnancy has been confirmed so they can organise early testing-which is SUCH a relief.
Sposed to be ov'ing tomorrow but i think it had come a day early so lots of dtd has been going on :haha:
Can I ask what were your earliest symptoms were before you confirmed your pregnancies?
I have had a constant headache and few twinges the past few days but dont think its possible for me to fall that quick after just a few weeks?

Hows everyone going!:hugs:
My earliest symptoms, which started about 2 weeks after conception (I think you need to have implantation to begin having symptoms) were the super sore boobs! And they are still killing me! I did and still have tension headaches and I felt lots of soreness in the uterus area.

Good luck, I think its entirely likely for you to conceive the first month! Be positive! I hope the dreaded two week wait flies by for you!

I'm feeling good. Pretending to be a single Mom this week with hubby out of town on business. A stomach bug ran rampant through out house last week and luckily everyone is now healthy. I have to say it was scary to have the bug while pregnant. I got so dehydrated and weak and really freaked when I developed a fever. Got it down quickly and I think all is ok. I have my NT testing on Friday, so we'll get a chance to see the little one again, yay!
Thankyou Amanda:hugs: that was a great help! Yes im thinking maybe im just tired and the ovulation makes you feel so bloated!!!:dohh:
I got my hair done today! Ive gone from Blonde to Brunette and its such a nice change! Has really made me feel like this is a new beginning:) I also tried wedding dresses on today amazing experience with my mum!

Ohh thats terrible about the bug you caught, but good news that lil bean doesnt seem to have been affected by that:thumbup: goodluck with ur nt scan on friday how are u feeling about that? Will be thinking of you from all the way over here:hugs:

Amanda I hope you are all feeling better now! Been ill when you are pregnant it awful, I had suspected swine flu when I was about 24 weeks with Oliver - I felt so ill and I was really worried, esp as swine flu was in the news all the time at that point. Luckily I was feeling regular movements by then so that was very reassuring. I'm sure your little bump will be fine :)

Kate I'm glad everything went well at the hospital! And YAY for your hair!! I went from blonde to brunette a few years ago, I'm naturally brunette and been blonde is SUCH hard work, I felt I was forever in the salon getting it done and its so expensive! I actually much prefer to be brunette, though I think Steve likes it blonde lol!!! Men!!! :haha:

Symptom wise I used to have a lot of symptoms in my head :haha: but for me from about four to five weeks (so two to three weeks after ov) I get sore boobs and by 12 weeks I had gone up a cup size with Oliver! I also had morning sickness from 6 to 12 weeks which I think wasn't helped by been so worried and tired!

Hope everyone is well!! X

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