Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Just over 7 weeks till the wedding! How exciting! Things are going well just starting to confirm numbers so this is when all the bills start rolling in!

How excting you have another scan! How many will you have do you know? Im hoping thst when i get my bfp that the hosp will give me regular scans! It is very tiring and i should think getting a cold on top of that is hard work! Bring on the weekend!

Tung - you know what is best to do for you so if you feel you should say then say. Defo have everything crossed for our BFP this month! Come on Lotte we can do it!

It's been a long two weeks, but I am updating for those who remember my situation. To summarize: Broken condom day before ovulation the same month I got my first negative blood test. I took a test this morning and it is very negative. It was exciting to think that I would have another baby on the way without the crazy long wait, but I am actually relieved more than anything. I will talk to you ladies (hopefully you are all preggo with your healthy rainbow babies) next summer.
Jkburns, glad it worked out for you. Hope you continue to get your negative results.

Mummy2Corban, oooh exciting times! Will be nice to celebrate your wedding with family and friends and only 7 weeks to go xx

I will have had a scan at 5.5 weeks, 8 weeks and have them booked in for 10 weeks, 12 weeks and then for every 4 weeks until we are all confident everything is normal. Bonus is that both doctors I see have scanning facilities so every appointment I will be able to see our bub grow. We decided against the downs testing because we are going ahead with it either way and i didn't want any additional stress. Just a personal thing. So we will miss out on that scan.
Jacky - i hope all the scans continue to go well for you!

Mummy2Corban - you must be super excited!!!

So I told my boss yesterday that I was pregnant. To my surprise, she seemed happy for me and she said that we would work around it. So I feel much better!

This week I've been feeling nauseous. I found that eating a popcicle really helped me! Weird - I know... popcicle at 7 in the morning... And then throughout the day I feel really bloated and gassy...

How is everybody else feeling?
I have been on such a good stretch with not getting sick, but got over confident today and brushed my teeth before work (normally I can't do that in the morning without throwing up)--and that made me sick, and then I got sick waiting for dinner to cook in the oven because I was lazy and didn't have a snack during my drive home--I try my best not to get "too" hungry otherwise it makes me throw up also. My weekend starts tomorrow--YAY!! Blake and I are meeting Blakes Auntie and cousin @ the pool tomorrow are we are suppose to have GREAT weather!!!
Tung - So pleases that your boss was ok about it! Must be a weight off your shoulders. He he ice pole for breakfast?? Aslong as it helps you honey thats all that matters.

Tina - its always the way isnt it! You think its over then it rears its head again. Hope your feeling a little better! Is your birthday tomorrow?

Jacky - Im excited to be sharing my day with lots of people i love specially because my dads not going to be there! Ill have to add you ladies on facebook soon so you will be able to see the wedding pictures.

Lotte - How are you lovely? Hope your ok.

Dano - how is the wait going?

Megan and Rachel how are bumps doing?

My sister just had her 20 week scan and found out she is haing a girl so im just a tiny little bit excited about that! CD6 so countdown to O!! AF easing off so BD will commence in the next few between decorating and putting the kitchen in!!! Hehe!!!

O and Lotte my concieve + came!!! Gonna start SMEP CD8 on saturday! WOOO! Fingers crossed

Laura - bump is doing well, I can feel it now but you can't see that I have a bump yet (I'm a little too chubby!:haha:) can't believe how quickly it seems to be going now. I can't wait to see your wedding pictures, I'm so excited for you! Good Luck with the SMEP, FX'd you get that eggy!

Tung - So glad your boss was pleased for you!

Tina - Sorry your feeling bad again, sickness has hit me just a couple of days after I'd said to my mum how pleased I was I hadn't had any :dohh:

Lotte - Hows are you doing? Revision going well?

Dano - Hows the waiting, how many dpo are you now?

I'm meeting up with my best friend tonight and finally get to tell him I'm pregnant! He's been away recently and I wanted to tell him in person, also means we can tell all our other friends once he knows :happydance: Then I'm off on my cousins hen do this weekend, she's chosen to go for a picnic and then to see Twelth Night in Stratford and I'm really looking forward to it!

What does everyone else have planned?
Laura- i'm ok. Trying to stay positive that this is my month! Got another blood test on sunday. I am hoping for 4 but i took a hpt on sunday before af came that there is definately a faint line. How sensitive are these things! Wish life was simple sometimes.

Also got some interesting stuff from cx on errors in the tests and also why 4 is negative. At this level there is an error of like 20%! that means that it could be 7 but it could also be between 5.6 and 8.4! crazy stuff!

Can't believe its only 7 weeks till you get married. You must be so excited! Glad the conceive plus turned up. Its nearly time to dtd!

Megan glad bubba is well! When's next scan?

Jacky - look forwrd to news of next scan!

Tina- sorry for the sickness. I hope it stops soon, at least for your birthday!

Tung- so glad your boss was happy for you. It must be such a relief

Dan-o have you poas yet! Hot you get your bfp!

Hope you have a good day.

Love you all lots
I also forgot to say im now on urine samples only! Im so excited about that as it hurts so much when they take my veins are covered in teeny tiny scars!

Things we talk about on here is funny! But at least you ladies all understand!

Thats brilliant Laura!

It will be so much easier! Do you just post the box yourself? I wondered about this cause i said to dh about it and he laughed at me and said of course it doesn't go in with normal mail!

Tung - So pleases that your boss was ok about it! Must be a weight off your shoulders. He he ice pole for breakfast?? Aslong as it helps you honey thats all that matters.

Tina - its always the way isnt it! You think its over then it rears its head again. Hope your feeling a little better! Is your birthday tomorrow?

Jacky - Im excited to be sharing my day with lots of people i love specially because my dads not going to be there! Ill have to add you ladies on facebook soon so you will be able to see the wedding pictures.

Lotte - How are you lovely? Hope your ok.

Dano - how is the wait going?

Megan and Rachel how are bumps doing?

My sister just had her 20 week scan and found out she is haing a girl so im just a tiny little bit excited about that! CD6 so countdown to O!! AF easing off so BD will commence in the next few between decorating and putting the kitchen in!!! Hehe!!!


Yes Birthday tomorrow!! My good friend's Birthday is today and she is just 1 year and 1 day older than I am so I asked her how 27 was since this is my last day @ 26--and she said 27 was an awesome year (She just had her little boy a week before my due date with my molar--we were suppose to be bump buddies!!) Since 21 each Birthday has made me feel older and I just wish I could pause and stay in my twenties LOL but I think 27 will be a year to look forward to with a rainbow on the way. My friend sent me a text to ask if we've been able to try again as she didn't want to ask on facebook and I got to tell her I'm actually 17 weeks---Yay 17 weeks already!! I also asked about one of our mutual friends who has really been trying for a while and been so supportive as we have all fallen pregnant and I'm pretty certain she has a baby on the way. Not sure how far along that friend is but we will all try getting together soon--can't wait to get the details!!

Laura that is so exciting to have a little niece on the way!! Even if I don't have a baby girl--I have two beautiful nieces I can spoil to get a little bit of the pink and ruffles fever out of my system LOL
Lotte - Wee in the tube and seal up the box then pop it in the post box! Hehe! On urine for life now!

Tina - I spent my birthday which i turned 27 in hospital bleeding from the molar so it wasnt the best start but its not been to bad! Im 28 this like to maybe be 23-24 again! Hope you have a lovely birthday weekend lovely. I cant believe your 17 weeks! How amazing is that....27 will be good for you a gorgeous boy and your rainbow! Im over the moon about having a niece! Same here if i have another boy ill at least have some pink as OH sister has 3 boys! She is due a weeks before Corbans birthday!


This is from my thread *not up to date will update at bottom*:

So DH and I found we were expecting on March 11,2012 we had just gotten home from my cousins birthday party and I was bored and had a test laying around, and I said what the heck even tho I was only 9DPO *We tried the SMEP + Preseed for the first time that cycle so we were pretty hopeful* and sure enough there was the faintest of line :O I was in shock and quickly showed DH who could even see it so I knew I wasnt crazy! But I dunno I wasnt as excited as I thought I should b? He wanted to call and tell everyone and for some reason I just didn't want to, he finally won the next day and we told our families and I still just didn't feel right. We went to our first Dr. app that following week and were confirmed pregnant I was slightly relieved but still just didn't feel right! DH was starting to get frustrated bc I "wasn't as excited as I should b" and I have no explanation as to why. My mom went and put a crib on layaway andd everyone kept askin me how I felt and I felt oddly "normal" and that worried me :/ At 6 weeks I went to the restroom after going to dinner with my brother and his wife and when I wiped there was bright red blood, not alot but enough to get my hear pounding, I pulled my sister in law to the side and told her about it as she has two children and she said she had spotting with both and sometimes it normal, after that there was no more blood so I just shrugged it off and said ok no big deal, then at 8 weeks I had brown spotting on and off very light but I decided to call my Dr. who said this is normal and as long as its not bright red and alot plus cramps no big deal, I didn't have cramps but just an uncomfortable feeling? I dunno if that makes since? so I was like ok I have an app on friday Ill wait it out unless it gets worse, when I woke up the next morning the bleeding was alil more and appeared to b getting more red, so I decided to call Dr. again , he wanted me to come in that afternoon and we would listen for heart beat but since I was only 8 and a half weeks we would prob have to do an ultrasound. I had to wait until 3 pm and it was agony! I got to the Dr he had me hop up on the table and got the doppler out, I was terrified! I should b excited! As expected we didn't hear anything but my own heartbeat so he had me so over for a vaginal ultrasound, the nurse was super nice and very talkative, I have never been pregnant before therefore have never had an ultrasound, but as I was watching the screen and listening to the silence from the nurse I knew something wasn't right. She left the room and I struggled to relax and convince myself maybe I just didn't know what I was looking for, but when the Dr. came in and I saw his face I was gutted. Oddly tho I didn't cry, it was like I was already prepared for this. He told me there was no baby and that he was almost 100% sure it was a molar pregnancy which I never even heard of! Once he described it to me I was horrified! CANCER?! Im only 23 I should b in here holding pictures on my lil baby not hearing that what was inside me was a tumor and had to b removed! And that this condition could cause CANCER! Not finding out I have to wait 6 months to a YEAR to try again!!!! He wanted to test my HCG levels to see if they were dropping or going up *which is what happens in molar pregnancies* So I went and got my blood drawn and got a call the next day that they were 69,000 two days later they were 82,000 I was scared, we scheduled my D&C and the procedure went fine, he even let me watch as he did another ultrasound right before the put me to sleep just to ease my mind, and sure enough it looked just like what I had Googled at home This was the 1st of May, he told me that it would take 2-3 days to get the report back so I waited already knowing but just wanting to hear that confirmation and to get the process started! I waited and waited and waited finally I got tired of waiting for them to call so I called them and they said well we have the report the Dr just hasnt read it yet, call back on Wed. if we dont call you. Do I call Wed. before they close bc they have yet to call me and same answer " he hasn't looked at it yet"! COME ON THIS COULD B LIFE THREATENING AND YOU HAVENT LOOKED AT IT YET!!! Finally Thursday they call and say that it was INCONCLUSIVE and has to b run again!!!! SERIOUSLY I WANT ANSWERS NOW!! I had an app on monday and FINALLY got the confirmation that yes it was a complete molar pregnancy and started my weekly blood work and they would call me Tuesday with my numbers, well yet again I had to call THEM and get my numbers which were down to 232!!! Woohoo Righ?! Well now he wants me to repeat them today. No explanation as to why as I was suppose to do them weekly? The only thing I can figure is he wants to make sure they didn't go to Zero already and are on there way back up? Who knows. But atleast now I kno and feel better about that. Everyone is constantly asking how are you doing and yes Im about it but, like I said from the beginning I just KNEW something wasn't right, and I believe that was God preparing me for what was to come, I know God has a reasoning for everything and although at this moment I has no clue what it is, I know that I am stronger bc of this and that when I do get my little blessing from him to hold in my arms Ill be even more grateful. I am so blessed to have my Lord to cover me with such a peace about everything that has happened and that I know my turn will come just in HIS time not MINE <3


So from when I posted this thread I finally received my 5 aka "0" on 6/11! So Now Im on monthly draws for 6 months. Im pretty much ok with this as I want to get healthy and prepare myself for trying again. Tomorrow tho I know I will b sad as I was today bc I would b 18 weeks tomorrow and I just keep thinking how exciting tomorrow was suppose to be! I should of been finding out if it was a boy or girl. The thought just guts me :( it seems like everyone I know if pregnant/having babies and its really becomin hard seeing them all post on FB. I know its not there fault but gosh it makes me so angry! Anymore I just try to stay away from it bc the heartache is too much
Sorry about your loss memebrown

How is everyone? Hope you had a nice birthday Tina! dan-o how bout you. Did you test this weekend? Hoping for a bfp for you

I am ok, had bloods taken today, should get results on weds. Hopefully its less than 7! Cd 7 for me, i am going to start bding tomorrow night, alternate nights to start. Fx'd i catch the eggy! Laura i hope you do too!

Dh has the football on- hopefully we will win. I secretly hope spain win since i got them in the sweepstake hehehe!

Love o you all

Memebrown- Im so sorry to hear your story but your levels have dropped quickly which is really positive. We all have the same feelings at times its totally normal after all this. I had my cmp in August last year and i still have odd days were i feel jealous when i see/hear pregnancy or new borns. How are you feeling?

Lotte - We started BD last night (cd8) we too are doing every other day!! Gonna start conceive plus tomorrow (cd10) Fingers and toes crossed this is our month lovely! Also have everything crossed that your results are under 7!!!

Tina - how was your birthday? Your have looks gorgeous by the way!

Everyone else how are you all? Good weekend?

As for me ive been super busy!!!!!!!! My mumma had corban yesterday and today so we ould get on with painting the kitchen and dining room! Slowly getting there with it all. I have my make up/hair trial for the wedding a week monday so im super excited about that! Woo!

Biggest excitement of the weekend was the new hair. I know a few of you have seen it via facebook, but here is a pic as well. We got family pics back from the family get together last weekend and I so wish I would have had my new hair-do for those. It was out of control for these photos...


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Memebrown, sorry for your loss. The ladies here are wonderful support and everyone truely understands how you are feeling! Your levels are very good, congratulations! Step 1 achieved - negative bloods!

Love the new hair Blakesmom! You look so happy in your photos. Hope you had a wonderful birthday weekend.

Lotte and Mummy2Corban, have heaps of fun and good luck for this month! Fingers crossed! Lotte hope you get less than 7 Wednesday. Would be a perfect start before moving onto the next part of your journey towards your rainbow bub!

Dano, how'd your test go? Hoping for a positive!

Tung, MrsWag, how are your going? Tung so glad work were so positive with your news!

I had my appointment this morning and we saw our little bub. All notmal. Measured spot on to 1 day difference and heard another strong heart beat! It was moving around heaps and even moved its arm around like it was waving! Yay, so excited! I,ll put a pic up tonight when i get home.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and is well.

Lots of love xx

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