Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

O so happy cathy! So glad baby is ok. Hope its help put your mind at rest. xxx

So had a 2nd postive opk (i always have 2 days when opk is positive) gonna BD tonight and hopefully tomorrow then maybe skip a day then bd again! Its tiring as we are going to bed past 12 cause of working on the house so BD is hard work at the mo! Still both willing to do it in hope of that BFP!!!

Cathy - glad all was good at your scan!

Saw my midwife today (a lovely one who I've seen before with my other pregnancies) and she was great. Listened to a lovely strong heartbeat (of about 136bpm I think it was). It was great to actually hear it rather than just seeing it on the scan! To reassure me, she's booked me in for a fortnight just so I can hear the heartbeat again which is great. I think it's finally beginning to sink that there is actually a healthy baby in there!

OH is away tonight with work (and every Wednesday for the forseeable future - boo) but at leat I get the bed to myself and don't have to listen to his incessant snoring at about 2000 decibels!! He woke Conall up this morning when he was plodding around at 5 o'clock so it's been a long day already today! Early nights all round I think!
Lotte - Good luck on the exam!!

Laura - keep on baby dancing! *fingers crossed**

How is everyone else feeling?

Have anybody ever had a 3D ultrasound done? What are your thoughts?

Doing much better with the nausea/vomitting. Down to 1x/week ish @ random times. Had a KILLER headache after work today--glad I have tomorrow off, but we have 2 long sedation dental surgeries scheduled for Friday so I will be busy that day.

I had a few scans with Blake were they flipped over to 3-D. (they did this time also but didn't save any for me). Early on they can get baby all into 1 shot, but they are so skinny they aren't very cute. The one I had 2 days before I had Blake was kinda smushy as he was getting big, but it was practically a photograph of him--he looked JUST like the u/s pic. My sis in law had one around 26 weeks and that seemed to be a nice time.
I found out 4 weeks prior that I had a blighted ovum and they wanted to recheck u/s a week later. Then after that they gave me 10-12 days to m/c on my own and I didn't. So I got a 3rd u/s then scheduled the d&c. I had mild cramps till Monday and Monday I felt fine but Tuesday woke up in a lot of pain. So I went to Dr. And saw a new Dr. She told me as e were finishing the appointment that I had a cmp. So I asked what it means about cancer. (i have only seen the name a time or 2) and she said that basically I will be tested more often and that they say to wait six months to a year to ttc again. I was devastated because when we thought it was a bo I only had to wait 2 cycles. She didn't tell me much more because it was a last minute appointment and she wanted me to talk more with my own Dr. (who I have known for 9+ years now.) Ny Dr wasn't planning on testing it after I m/c from home since I have 6 healthy kids. But since it was a d&c they automatevly test it.

So know I am waiting till my follow up on July 9th to find out how often blood tests and how long it should take for it to go down. And what my chances.are for it to return.

What were your stats on how long it took to go down. How long did you have to wait ttc. Anybody get to try sooner then 6 months. And what happens if it happens before the ok. Dies my risk of m.c. go up?

I just have these questions and have to wait another week and a half.

I am also in a hard spot because I want my time to go fast and get over with. But my dad has ALS and its been progressing faster then it is suppose to so I can't wish my time away because I don't know if he will be alive in another 6 months to year and I will feel
horrible if he isn't because I just can't get that wish out of my head. In Aug. I return to school and I know time will go faster then.

I just have to many emotions and I feel guilty because I had 4 weeks to greuve the mudcarrsige and want it over with that the only thing I greive now is not being able to try again sooner.

Does the wait get easier?

Hey honey, im so sorry to read your story but its good you have found us. I had a CMP too which i found out at my dating scan last year. Ive done so much research about molars it suggests that once your levels hit normal that they dont go back up. As for being monitored it depends on your hospital. Im with charring cross and i had treatment so ill be tested for life (My doctors told me this is because they dont know enough about molars so they just keep an eye) As for levels that 2 varies from lady to lady sometimes it takes a few weeks others take a few months. As for the emotions its does ease in time and some of the ladies here a preggo with there rainbows and even though that seems so far out of reach right now it shows there is light at the end of this tunnel. Im meant to wait a year after treatment end but me and my partner have decided to wait 6 months so we are now ttc. I hope the ladies here can offer you some support you need we can all help you in someway or another.


So sorry to read your story Vicki. I hope you can get the support and some answers here. Everyone is such good support and I don't think I would have got to the point I am at without their support and friendship. It is nice to talk to people that truly understand.

I had a pmp and found out quite late into things but my levels dropped within 7 weeks to negative. I was told that once negative it is less likely t o go back up. My doctor wanted me to wait until I had 3 negative monthly results before ttc and i had a wonderful surprise 2 weeks after my 3rd negative,5 months after my d and c. I'm now almost 11 weeks with my rainbow. Partials are slightly different as they usually don't end up needing treatment but everyone is different and everyone's body reacts differently. My mum had a cmp before having me 30 years ago and she went on to have 3 children.

I hope you can get something out of this group and can see that great things can happen at the other side of this sad experience. Big hugs xxx
How are you ladies?

Ive been sooooo busy trying to get the kitchen and dining room finished!!! Ok just to fill you in on BD!! cd 8, 10,11,12 (+opk cd11,12) didnt BD last night cause just to tired! I hope we have done enough this month. 2 dpo so im now in the horrible 2ww!!!

Yep, got my levels, they are at 8 this week :cry: i am waiting for prof seckl to ring me to discuss this. Not sure whats happening. They may except that this is my normal and change blood tests to monthly. I'm not sure. Feeling a bit low, i will be back later when hopefully i feel better.

On a more positive note, i passed my exam and now have some more letters after my name! I am now offivially Dr Charlotte Morton BSC PhD CIMA Cert BA

Oh wow congratulations Lotte! Did you do your PhD in the same area! Wow so impressive! You should be so proud. I couldn't face more study after my PhD so I have to take my hat off to you for going back and doing more!

So sorry your results didn't drop. Maybe 7-8 is your negative level? Hope the doctor can shed some light on the results. Thinmking of you and big hugs!

Cathy so glad your scan went well. Hope this helps you relax a bit more about it all. When do you have another one?

Laura, sounds like you were very busy. Hope you caught the egg and good luck for the 2ww. Hope it goes quickly for you xx
Oh and Eleanor, so glad you heard a strong heart beat. That is excellent. And even better thatg the midwife understands and is seeing you more frequently. Sounds like it is all going well. Hope you can get lots of rest this weekend xx
It will basically be my ob Dr who watches my numbers. The other Dr made it seem that way. But I am in the states too. Thanks for response I posted on other boards before I found this. I don't know. I am thinking your right about the three months because now that you say tgat. I was thinking maybe 6 months of 0 but they fonts expect you to get to 0 right away. That gives me a little hope.

We were not ttc with this one but np either. I have had 3 ntnp status and this was my biggest fear of m.c. one if them because my dh wouldn't want to try again. I have been wanting to try since my 2 year old was 16 months but I was breast feeding and my cycles were not normal yet.

I told my dh that as soon as I get the o.k. he has to be in boared because we were talking about it when we thought it was just a b.o. and he said he doesn't want that pressure. I wanted another one before my dad passes and praying I will still get that chance. But even if I do he can't hold it or anything because he basically lost arm control these last few months.

My dh said that he wants to make sure I am ok and I don't end up needing any other treatment before we start talking about it. I told him no let's talk but not let it happen till we get the ok. I don't want to wait till last minute to hear you say no I am not ready. The thought of having another one is what got me thru this and I told him that from the very first u/s. And these past few days have been a lot harder on me because I learned I had to wait. 2 nights not sleeping and 1 night I did just because it was my first 7 hour shift in 8 years and I was sore. (just got a n evening part time ob as I was finding this out other side I have been a stay at home mom for the last 8 years and a full time student for over 2 years with 3 quarters off when i had my daughter).

Any way in a week I will find out more from Dr. I will keep you updated. I may get something over the counter to help me sleep at nights when I need it.

Vicki, I hope you get some sleep. The doctors will be able to suggest the best options. Be open and discuss it with them as every region has a slightly different approach. I hope your levels drop quickly and you get a negative soon xx
My phd was in mathematics so a little bit of a different area! I do really enjoy studying and it has kept me busy the last six months! Whats your phd in Becky?

Just spoke to my consultant. I have great news! He thinks that 7-8 is my normal and it will not drop anymore. He wants to continue to monitor it monthly unless i get pregnant which i am now totally free to do. He said if i did get pregnant it would be wonderful news! So now just need to ovulate cd 12 for me so need to wait a few more days!

Laura - Wow you have been busy! Not sure which is worse waiting to test or waiting to ovulate! Sending lots of baby dust your way

Vicki i am so sorry for your loss. I hope your levels fall quickly. Make use of us girls here, they have been my lifeline.

Oh that is the best news I have heard today! Congratulations Lotte!

And wow, PhD is maths! I'm even more impressed! I did mine in chemistry, mainly analytical and biological. Interesting but was really glad to see the end of it. Don't think I am cut out to work as an academic. Was good to get into manufacturing, I think i'm more suited for that environment.

You have had a great day of news. Enjoy the weekend and celebrate your news and successes! Xx
Oh that is the best news I have heard today! Congratulations Lotte!

And wow, PhD is maths! I'm even more impressed! I did mine in chemistry, mainly analytical and biological. Interesting but was really glad to see the end of it. Don't think I am cut out to work as an academic. Was good to get into manufacturing, I think i'm more suited for that environment.

You have had a great day of news. Enjoy the weekend and celebrate your news and successes! Xx

Wow! Chemistry! I am also impressed! I know what you mean about it being over! I was definately not suited to academia!

hello! I went to get the ultrasound report yesterday. It turns out I have a marginal placenta previa. Which means the placenta is lying low near the cervix. That explains the spotting. The doc said that he suspects the placenta will likely move and grow upwards as the baby grows. It's still so early. I now have to be monitored. Ultrasounds every 2-3 weeks until things are normal again.

It's kinda scary... because they always tell you worse case scenerio... which in this situation would be that the placenta does not rise and I lose it, which in turn I lose the baby....

Trying to stay positive still because doc is very hopeful things will get better. And.. he told me to rest as much as I could, but this doesn't mean "bed rest". Just to limit my activities.
Lotte - Congrats on passing your exam!!!! I"m so happy you got the go ahead from the consultant!!! I think 2ww is worse than waiting to ovulate hahaha...

Laura - when are you planning on testing? 10-11 dpo?

Tina - our diagnostic ultrasounds here in Canada don't do 3D... But I think I will pay to get one done!

Eleanor - I'm glad you heard the heart beat! it's always so reassuring!!

I forgot to mention in my last post above - the heartbeat was at 180 bpm... which i thought was too fast. But the doc said it was fine. The last ultrasound it was at 150 bpm. I'm still measureing 2-3 days behind. Doc said its not completely accurate at this point.
Vicki - Im sorry for your loss. I hope that your levels will become normal quickly. I was recommended to wait 6 months after the first negative blood test. I ended up trying 2 months early and got pregnant 1 month before the 6 month mark.

It does and it will get better with time..... You've found a very good support group!
I am just anxious to know what my levels are at. I don't know if they took them before my d&c with other blood work so we may only have 2 weeks prior to d&c to compare them to. They were 28,000 then. But have to wait till the 9th for the tests and 10 for the results. (hopefully)

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