Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Hi ladies:)
well its Monday! And no AF!!! YAYYYYYY!! testing in the morning.....:cloud9:

How exciting!!!!! I cant wait to hear and I am hoping, praying and crossing everything I can possibly cross for you! It's funny, I feel like its me! Good luck!
I just got my BFP:happydance:

here comes the scared/nervous/excited emotions!!!!!!
I just got my BFP:happydance:

here comes the scared/nervous/excited emotions!!!!!!

OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!! Wow, congratulations! How exciting! I am so happy for you! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

I know its easy for me to say, but just relax and try to be positive. ALl will go great, I just know it!
I just got my BFP:happydance:

here comes the scared/nervous/excited emotions!!!!!!




Oh my Kate I could not be happier - I could cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh well done you two!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Scared / Nervous / excited is completely normal. I thought of if as if been scared, nervous, worried etc got me a baby, then it was SO worth it, and obviously it was :cloud9:

Oh you've just SO made my night!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
:hugs:Thankyou so so much ladies, im on :cloud9:! Thankyou for such beautiful words you all just made me twice as excited lol...
I honestly cant believe it try and all:haha: Im so blessed.
I will definately take your advice, and try to relax and be positive:thumbup: I am going to Drs tomorrow and I will be asking for a blood test to check if my HCG levels are normal for how far along I am (5 weeks, 1 day!) This is something that wasnt done last time, and I feel if they had just checked my bloods they might have noticed my levels way too high. What do you think?
PRAYING this is our precious Rainbow baby...:happydance:

How is everyone else doing???
Love you all:hugs:
Kate you are doing so well!! I'm so proud :haha: And I'm SO excited for you!!! So when are you due?!?!

Def ask about the bloods, and also about a scan - I had my first scan at six weeks to make sure everything looked okay and that the heartbeat was there etc.

When are you moving? No lifting boxes for you lady!!!

HUGE love and hugs to you!!!!
:hugs:Thankyou so so much ladies, im on :cloud9:! Thankyou for such beautiful words you all just made me twice as excited lol...
I honestly cant believe it try and all:haha: Im so blessed.
I will definately take your advice, and try to relax and be positive:thumbup: I am going to Drs tomorrow and I will be asking for a blood test to check if my HCG levels are normal for how far along I am (5 weeks, 1 day!) This is something that wasnt done last time, and I feel if they had just checked my bloods they might have noticed my levels way too high. What do you think?
PRAYING this is our precious Rainbow baby...:happydance:

How is everyone else doing???
Love you all:hugs:

You're so very welcome! My Dr didnt even really consider pm happening again when I asked him about it. I am interested in hearing what kind of precaution or tests they do on you. I had my first ultrasound at 7 weeks to look for the HB. I look forward to hearing about your pregnancy as it progresses! We are only 9 weeks apart!

I am doing well, just trying to get to the next Drs appt. I do so well for about a week after an appt when I get confirmation that the baby is still alive in there, then after that I start to worry again. Did this happen to you ladies who were/are pregnant? I am hoping the Dr will be able to use the doppler on me on Monday. I'm not thin, so I am worrying that he wont be able to find it. I guess in that case we'll just do another ultrasound to confirm things are ok. Hey, maybe if he had to do one he could peek at the gender?

Which brings me to another point I wanted to ask you guys. I see lots of the ladies on the regular first and second trimester boards buy or rent dopplers for home use. Have any of you done that? I am so, so tempted, but know if I cant find the HB on any given day I will freak out. It would be so great to just hear it any time I want and a good way for Luc to connect with "our new baby" as he calls it.

Hope everyone is doing well. Clo, you must be getting so, so excited. Dan, the wedding is soon, no? How did things work out with the dress? Kate, big smiles and hug for you and your little new bean! Sarah, is everyone healthy by now? Hope so!

Bye for now!
Hi ladies! Thankyou! Again! lol..
Sarah I think I am due 21st November! Amanda WOW 9 wks behind you thats so exciting!!!:happydance:But ill let you know for sure after I see doctor today! I will write back to you all this afternoon, so that then I can let you know how I went at the dr's! Bit nervous i must say! Talk to you all this afternoon!:hugs:
Hi again! Back from the docs! She was a lovely dr, and ordered bloods which I have just been and got done, and will know the hcg results in a few days:) We are moving April 2nd, in which I wont quite be 7 weeks, so I have been getting in contact with the fetal medicine unit that looked after me with Jamari, and hopefully they can refer me to the fetal unit in Perth, the week we get there to have a dating scan once im 7 weeks. They said they would call back yesterday, but didnt! I have tried twice today and still waiting to hear back. They must be very busy as they usually are very good.
The dr told oh and I that baby is due November 21! She took my blood pressure and said it was perfect. Im a bit nervous about the blood results, did you ladies have these at this stage too?
Oh Sarah, what a journey it has been! It brings a tear to my eye to think how far we are all coming, after what we have all been through, and I can honestly say to every lady here you are the only people that I can really open up to and you pour so much support from your heart..I was telling my oh how amazing you are and how far away from each other we are and that Id probs never get the chance to meet you in person:cry: but he said, 'someday you just might bub' that made me smile. How amazing would that be!!!
Amanda I think the doppler idea is a great one, although I have heard that you cant always find the hb so they tend to freak you out more..but I guess if you feel it would give you peace of mind honey you go for it! This is something Ive started thinking about also:hugs: I know what you mean about :hugs:about feeling anxious, I got nauseous the other day and afterwards a cried a little bit as it made me think of Jamari and how I felt with him..which leads me to ask you all, with your pregnancies following you pmp's, did you feel different>were your symptoms the same/at the same level etc? Ive been peeing alot:haha: hungry, tired and bit nauseous now and again..I also woke up with a bit of heartburn last night and was hungry! Do/have your pregnancies woken you up with things like this? I hope this is normal!
Well im off to do some more packing now:wacko: really loving the whole moving thing:haha: love you all:hugs:
Oh my goodness, I had such a long reply written and it timed out. All was lost! Grr. I'll try to regroup here.

Kate, I am so glad your Dr appt went well and you liked the Dr! I did have blood work done at my first visit and I'm pretty sure its standard for everyone. Did the Dr say if they can test for anything specific for you regarding the pmp?

As for symptoms, I didnt have too many with Luc. Just he normal tiredness, hungry and moody in the beginning. My boobs didnt change at all during my entire pregnancy, even. With my pmp, I realize in hindsight that really didnt have any. I think that is because my baby stopped developing very early. I believe shortly after I got my bfp and that is the reason my hcg levels werent super high. This time all best are off! I believe it now when people say that every pregnancy is different. This time I am hungry all the time, have food and smell aversions, I'm moody and ready to drop by the late afternoon, good lord I am peeing ALL THE TIME and my boobs are very, very sore and have already gone up a full cup size. I had a really hard time with breastfeeding with Luc and really had my heart set on it for a full year. It was a huge mental blow for me at the time and I felt that my body had failed me. I am very hopeful that things will be different since they have already gone through some changes. I am also having some heartburn and queasiness.

I am so glad you are excited about moving! What a great time for a new start! My die date is is 9/21, so we are exactly 2 months apart! I am excited to go through this with you and I just know everything will go just perfectly!

I can totally relate to how you feel you can open up to the ladies on this board easier about what you've been through. Its been such a good thing for me to be in contact with you ladies! What we have all been through is so much different than other miscarriages. Not that any other miscarriages are any less traumatic or heartbreaking, but its just different. Not very many people have ever hear of what we have been through, hell even some Dr's have never heard of it! I feel so connected to you woman and I so thankful to have found this support system when I did. I really needed it and still do! From the bottom of my heart, thank you to all of you! I feel like we are all survivors!
:hugs:Amanda thanks for a great post!WOW how strange that we are exactly 2 months apart! how exciting!:happydance: Thats interesting about your pmp not having symptoms, but I guess when you said your baby stopped developing early that could be why. I was the opposite, very very sick girl, drs said another 2 weeks my organs would have shut down, thats how awful i was feeling:cry: so every lil twinge or bout of nausea scares me, I just pray with all my heart this is our rainbow bubba, I must say hearing that it is a different pregnancy all together does give me alot of hope:)
It seems we are having much the same symptoms lol..heartburn tired hungry even wake up in the night STARVING. Yes the move will be great (i hope!) just feeling a little anxious hoping that I get well looked after over there with bubby. The dr didnt mention how they will test for pmp etc but said my blood results will be a good indication of how things are going. Your dr has ruled out this pregnancy as a pmp is that right? What other tests have you had? Im sorry if you have told us before, Im having 'baby brain' the last few days! I have heard that heartburn is a sign our lil ones are going to have alot of hair! :haha::hugs:
Kate I'm so glad that everything went well at the Drs!! I never got bloods taken . . . now I know that you ladies did I might have asked :haha: You're right that a lot of Dr's, and even consultants, have never heard of PMP / MP. It gives me goosebumps to think of you ladies and the journeys we are on together. Even though I have my rainbow baby, this thread has really helped me to deal with my PMP, and has brought something positive from it, if youi know what I mean? I feel such a connection with you all too :hugs:

With regards to dopplers . . . I didn't have one with Oliver. I knew that if I couldn't find the heart beat I would be absolutely freaked out, and I also thought that maybe I would get a bit obsessed with it. As far as I know. at home dopplers work from about 15 weeks? And from about 18 / 20 weeks you'll start feeling movements. I found that from when I felt movements I relaxed SO much, esp when I could give him a poke and make him wriggle :haha: Naughty mummy! :rofl: I know a few ladies who have used dopplers though and who swear by them.

Symptom wise, I had really sore boobs and went up a cup size before 12 weeks both times. By the time Oliver was born I was three cup sizes bigger than pre-pregnancy!! I also had horrible sickness, though I think that with Oliver, the worry actually made that a lot worse, if that makes sense? I was also SO tired, and grumpy :haha: I got to 13 weeks though and felt like a new woman. Second Tri I absolutely loved, I felt fantastic! Third tri was amazing, but hard work :haha:

Kate I hope the move goes well! Your hubby plays football then? How exciting!! Do you move often with his job? We've lived here for 6 years and will probably move in the next coupld of years to somewhere bigger. Just thinking of moving and all the packing makes me feel tired :haha:

Love to you all!!

Sarah, OMG! Dont tell me three cup sizes by the time you gave birth! I was an overflowing C (but the bra style I chose worked for me) to begin with and am now a DD! When I went and got measured I was shocked!!! They cant really get that much bigger can they???

I'm already obsessing about the doppler and I don't even have one! I think you're right though, at this point I am 14 weeks and I think I've felt the baby twice now. Not any regular movement, just a pop a couple of times. I've also heard it gets harder to find the HB as they get bigger. Not sure if this is true, but I'd love to hear the HB right this minute!

You know, I'm not really sure we have done anything to rule out pmp other than the normal tests. I've had three ultrasounds and blood drawn three times as well. My Dr is of the belief that if your baby appears normal on the ultrasound and your blood levels are normal then the baby is probably normal. I'm not sure what they can do other than that to rule it out. Maybe Sarah, Clo or Dan can give insight as to that. At the very first appt with this pregnancy my Dr said I had a 7% chance of the pmp reoccurring. Which chose to look at as a 93% chance that I would not have a reoccurrence. Bright side and all, you know?

And the HB wives tale about hair? I had so much HB with Luc towards the end that I joked we need to buy stock in TUMS (do you guys have TUMS there or is it some other antacid?). Well, Luc indeed came out with a very full head of hair and needed his first haircut at 3 months old!!! I didnt want to cut it, but he lost a lot on the sides and back and the top was one big swoop of hair. Twice someone commented that it looked like a comb over, so off to the childrens salon we went and he has had that coarse big boy hair ever since. I was so sad to lose the baby fine hair! If I have a girl she will probably take after me a be bald for the first year and a half!

So happy the board is active lately! I love chatting with you ladies!
Thankyou everyone:hugs:
And yes Sarah, Trumaine plays Rugby League! but no dont usually move often with it..this is the first time! we will be back in six months tho which will be good becoz i wanna be near my mum when i have baby!
Well i got bloods taken yesterday and am calling up for the results tomorrow...please keep your fingers crossed for me! Im so scared`already...
I just feel so bloated and my tummy is bloated and thats worrying me! Because with the pmp I was quite bloated, and i thought maybe that was because of all the extra fluid and enlarged placenta? grr i know im looking into things too much already, but its soooo hard to know what is normal and what is not, like today ive only been tired and tummy pains, no nausea at all! What has it been like for you ladies in the first tri' with ur rainbow babies? my boobs are getting bigger:happydance: but not sore at all! its funny how we are all different:flower:
Please God please dont let this be another PMP!
Hope im still on :cloud9: in 3 months time...
Kate I was JUST the same with Oliver at your stage :hugs: All perfectly normal :)

Oooohhhh Rugby League! I used to go out with an Aussie who played Rubgy League but that was a LONG time ago :haha: I don't think he was pro though, but I think he had done pretty well in Oz before he came over to the UK. I used to watch him play and get stressed when he injured himself :haha:. We used to go and watch Australia play whenever they were over here which was good fun! Always supporting Australia of course! We have a lot of Rugby League clubs around here, I've organised more rugby weddings than enough lol! A couple of the grooms have played for England too, though quite often I have no idea who they are until I see them on TV :haha:
OMG Kate! I haven't been on here in a few days and ive just seen u got ur bfp!!! Yaaaaaaaaay! That's just made my day! Soooooo pleased for u! xxx
Really Sarah thats so interesting you dated an auzzie footballer! lol..Trumaines not pro but it would be good if he could be! lol..
Im glad you felt the same way in the early stages and still went on to have your gorgeous boy! Thats inspiring!
Clo how are you going? Do you mind me asking how they ruled ur pregnancy out as a pmp? And what early testing you had?:hugs:

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