Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Meme- right now I wish I had my own lab at home... So I could just test my Hcg. So I understand. As lotte said they look like they are doubling I am not sure if it would double like that with a growth.

When did you have your molar. Was it cmp or pmp.


I found out I was pregnant March 11 which was 9 DPO, started spotting at 6 weeks dr. said it was normal and it went away, started spotting again around 8-9 weeks so I demanded and ultrasound bc something didnt feel right, was diagnosed with Molar pregnancy 4/25 had DnC May 1 and was confirmed CMP hit "0" at my june 11th blood work back up to 43 July 14th
Oh, I am so confused with mine. I think lane messed up. I had no signs of a cmp. There was 1 spot on u/s that he said looked questionable but my highest number before d&c was 28000. My numbers went from 2 weeks after d&c 37000 to a week later down to 8. So basically in 3 weeks it wad almost normal. Which every where I read takes 8 weeks or longer..this is just so untextbooked of a cmp that I don't know why I keep questioning myself weather to listen to Dr or not.

At this point I say as soon as this sang depo shot wears off I am done preventing. The main reason I am only giving myself 2 months of trying is cause I will have to have a c-sec and I don't want to be in the middle of a semester when due. But that might change fast.

my number before surgery was 82,000 and only took 6 weeks to hit "0"
Ok I broke down and called Dr. For one more lab before we go to monthly so I will get it done tomorrow. I am so relievedrihht now. But hated to ask only because I don't want my de thinking I don't trust him.

If it is under 5 I think it will be safe to assume it will stay there.

Why is this so hard for me? I assume my levels are down below negative (if they are in a month I will assume there were by tomorrow). But why is the thought of trying again sooner then my Dr.s advice bugging me so much. Even the Dr. G from Boston told me 3 weeks and 3 months even with cmp is his advice. But even when I think I made up my mind to try for 2 months I always question it. It's not like it has 100 percent will happen. But this is bugging me. I know its my body my choice and I really don't want to wait a year. My daughter will about 3.5 years. I know I am going to have some tough times coming (dont know when) but I can imagine my dad being alive by the end of next year. And I would live to have one more before he goes. With a picture of him and all (7) kids right after the 7th is born. I would live to include my stepson in that picture as well. I really want 2 more but I can't imagine my dad being here when the last one is born but really want 1 more before he goes.

The decision sucks. The choice is hard. Listen to your Dr. Or listen to what you've read. (and been told ny top specialist) without even meeting him. Listen to your heart or your head. (if conflicting.) I know mentally and emotionally I am ready.

The main thing that got me through my miscarriage was knowing I could try again in 2 months. But that had to be blown down from lab results.

I think I am going to leave it in the lords hands. I know I didn't want to be due in the middle of a semester but if the lord thinks that is the right time then its his choice. I am hoping for Oct. Nov. But it still hurts me mentally knowing I M going against my drs. Wishes.

I think that is the main thing that bugs me is going against my Dr.s orders.


You're thoughts echo mine EXACTLY!!! Just started AF this week and this is the first cycle I've seriously been thinking we should ttc. But I talk myself in and out of trying constantly, feeling like I owe this doctor (that I don't like) the full wait. Even though research says I'd be fine.... I will have had 3 months of negatives, not 3 months + 3 weeks. Do you guys think those 3 weeks extra are essential?
I kind of like the idea of getting pregnant this cycle because I'd be due on my birthday (April 27th) which would be fun. Though it's unlikely I'd have the baby on the due date...

MeMe- I'm praying for you, hope you get answers soon. Seems like numbers are just numbers and you really need and ultrasound for some answers.
No I bet those 3 weeks ate not that big of deal. This Dr has delivered 5 of my babies and I know he gives a lot if speaches but I am 35 and that is as old as his research paper on molars. That why I am questioning him. His partner (who joined the office in the last 2 years.) Has a normal answer of 6-12 months unlike his of 1 year flat.

Thanks raffle. That helps me feel better about thinking Bout trying again. Oct would be 3 months from neg. So Nov 4 months so it would be 4-5 months from d&c. And he just said a year from d&c.

But I will still make it sound like an accident if it happens. Just cause I don't want him to know I disregaurded his advice.

so results from yesterday were 579 which isnt doubled so now I dunno, the nurse said my Dr. wants me to see a specialist but he didnt put down who, and of course he is in surgery all day today, so now I STILL have to wait!! UGH
Oh meme, I still have hope for you that maybe it is still a pregnancy. Maybe your taking a little over a day and a half but shorter then 2 days to double.

Keep us posted

Praying for you

I got my lab done, now just wait for tomorrow for results. With this issue it just seems WAY too much waiting is involved. I hate waiting.

Now I just started my period?! I'm at a total loss? I just wish my dr would hurry up!
Oh meme. Maybe it was another miscarriage. I know that would suck too but better then going through the molar growing back. I am so sorry. I am at a loss with you.

You did say your numbers were down to 5 and then started going back up?

I would call them back and tell them your bleeding and ask them what the chances ate that this is a new miscarraige. Hopefully if it is the mole maybe they can do a second d&c and all will be ok.

My Dr. Said that would be the first step of mine went up.

Well I hope they can give you some answers honey! Try sort this out for you xxx
of course he has yet to come up from surgeries yet, so I will probably not know anything until tomorrow, which is so frustrating bc I am leaving Friday evening for KY to my family reunion so this doesnt leave me much time to try to get an appointment with this new dr. asap! the bleeding has now trickled off, which is similar to what was happening for me when I had the mole
ok just got a call back from the nurse she paged him for me :) he said he talked to a drs. nurse in Indy, *bc conveniently he wasnt in today either* and should call me back tomorrow afternoon, he said he wants to see what they would do, and go from there, but basically what she told me was more testing?! I was like COME ON no more testing give me an ultrasound and wont it be clear????? seriously Im at my witts end. I dont want to tell my mom yet bc she just has so much going on without havin to worry about this but its all getting too much, my husband just shrugs when I tell him bc he just doesnt understand. and there this is such a complicated thing that no one knows what I talkin about oy!
I don't even know where to begin. I got my first BFP on 5/24/12; I know because it was exactly one month after the first day of my LMP. I was really nervous when it was positive I had only been at my new job for 1 month. When I showed the EPT to my husband he was so excited "take a picture of it" he yelled...we did on our iphones. Anyway, we got a little too excited and ended up telling our family and close friends. I had all of the normal pregnancy signs and symptoms; everything seemed to be going well. This pregnancy, although a surprise, was such a delight and motivation for both my husband and I; at times, I thought he was more excited than I was:happydance: During the next few weeks we read our pregnancy books, looked at photos week by week, and planned our lives around having a baby. The day finally came for my first doppler app. I'm a Registered Nurse and wanted an ultra sound first to make sure everything was ok; just the paranoia that comes with being a healthcare professional. I knew right away by looking at the screen that I'd had a miscarriage. There was a sac but nothing there; what the doctor called a "blighted Ovum" She sent me over to have another ultrasound just to make sure where a small mass was found. The doctor thought it may be a partial molar or, very unlikely, an early pregnancy. Which I knew was not correct, I had been tracking my period very closely. She made me wait 1 week before scheduling my D and C. Again, I was reminded that I'd had a miscarriage when no growth had taken place after 1 week. I had my D and C that Friday, only 4 days ago; I would have been 12 weeks. My doc said everything went well and that it looked like a regular blighted ovum miscarriage. Unfortunately, I got more bad news today. My doctor is pretty positive it was a partial molar pregnancy. Tests say suggestive but are not conclusive. More testing needs to be done. Either way, she said it was not a normal straightforward miscarriage. Now, I don't know what to do. I'm trying to be positive about this whole thing but I feel like I'm still grieving the loss of the miscarriage and now have to deal with not controlling when we TTC again. I have to have 3 negative HCG levels then wait 2-4 months to TTC; that's if everything goes as planned. I feel like I have no control over anything and my emotions are all over the place; thanks to the hormone shift. I'm trying to focus my attention elsewhere but I feel so angry that I'm only 27 and have to deal with this rare random thing. I'm a nurse but am still confused about exactly how a partial molar forms and the risks. I've read a lot online but it's still hard to comprehend. I feel that my husband was so excited as well and this tire experience has made everthing having to do with pregnancy and babies negative. Just a few weeks ago we were both a very happy healthy couple ready to have a baby in the next 9 months. I feel hollow, sad, angry, and alone. My husband has been great but men tend to want to fix things and move on, or focus attention on something else. I feel alone because this is so rare and I feel that I have no one to talk to about it who has experienced this. Does anyone who has gone through this have some advice on how to cope and move on. I know I will be okay but right now it's hard to imagine feeling happy or positive anytime soon.

Please respond WTCRN
Hi WTCRN--So sorry to hear about your loss. I have my D&C September of last year and I remember going thru everything just like it was yesterday!! I also had a hard time with how quickly my husband was able to move past it when months later I was feeling so lost and empty. The ladies on here are the BEST, and everyones stories are slightly different and we're all in different places in the process of recovery, or WTT, or TTC or expecting, and a few of the ladies already have their post molar babies to hold. For me I made a New Years Resolution to get physically more fit and shed a few pounds before Family portraits we had scheduled for May, so instead of having a growing baby like I should have, I started working out to give myself a distraction while WWT. I also started reading more to pass the time, and turned to this site, and also I found a few pages on facebook to connect with people who understood what I was going thru which helped a ton when no one in real life knew about molar pregnancies, or wanted to really hear about the emotional roller coaster I was on after getting that diagnosis. Lets face it miscarriage is an uncomfortable topic to bring up around the break room!! Let us know if we can help in anyway possible. :flower:

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