Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Hi ladies I am absolutely freaking out right now- I called drs to get results n they said the dr wants me to come in for a followup on Monday I asked them if the dr could call me as I am worried and they said on my results it says they are normal. The reason I am worried is at one stage with my appointment the other day the dr said if I don't hear from her everything fine, then at the end she said I can call up for my results so im so confused and upset waiting her dr to call me back today:cry:
Hi ladies I am absolutely freaking out right now- I called drs to get results n they said the dr wants me to come in for a followup on Monday I asked them if the dr could call me as I am worried and they said on my results it says they are normal. The reason I am worried is at one stage with my appointment the other day the dr said if I don't hear from her everything fine, then at the end she said I can call up for my results so im so confused and upset waiting her dr to call me back today:cry:

I can totally understand why you're freaking out, but the Dr may just want to do an ultrasound or something. She didn't do one on your last visit, right? Maybe she thought about you after you left and had wished she had done one or something along those lines. Probably would have been nice if she called you or had a nurse do it rather than wait for you to call in, but I think they just dont think about how scary a pregnancy after a mc (especially a pmp) is. If your blood work came back normal the chances are everything is ok. I know its tough as you will have to wait all weekend, but please try to be calm and think positive. :hugs:
Thanks Amanda! The dr called & said my bloods were NORMAL:happydance: and that the reason she wants to see me again is because after I left the other day she realized she had forgotten to give me the normal pregnancy talk, what to eat, what not to do etc!! I cannot explain how relieved I am, gosh I was so shaken earlier. I'm at work too so that doesn't help! She said at this stage my levels should be between 50-500 & mine were 263,- so that's good right? Girls do u think if it was a pmp these early results would not be normal, or do u think it's too early to tell? Thankyou :hugs:
Kate honey I think everything is absolutely fine - so far things are looking just perfect and those bloods are spot on! I really feel for you because I know how worrying it is but honestly honey the odds are stacked SO much in your favour :hugs: Try to focus on the fact that so far, everything has been great and actually couldn't have been better :hugs:

Oliver and I just woke up, so we're still in bed :haha: He's crawling about and just came over and gave me a kiss, which is cute but Oliver for some reason kisses with his mouth wide open so it was a bit sloppy, haha!!
:hugs:Sarah u always make me feel better, thankyou! It is such a scary time becoz I don't feel as tho I have any idea yet as to wether this bubby is okay or not... I'm thinking I'll ask the doc on Monday to send me for more bloods to see how the levels are increasing.. May I ask do u ladies have private or public healthcare? Becoz the fetal med unit that looked after me with Jamari reccommened this dr in Perth that's in private practice & he will cost an absolute fortune we can't afford, so thinking I will have to go through the fetal med unit in the public hospital over there, it's so complex organizing it all. I need 3 referrals from my gp on Monday- 1 for a dating scan,1 for first trimester screening,& 1 for obstetrics care. Wow. Thanku for helping me ladies, it's good to have u there with an outside perspective but very much still an inside perspective as u have been there yourself. I was handling things so well until these doctors shook me up today due to their miscommunication. I just wish I had a magic wand to just wave at my tummy and guarantee this babys health! Gee now I am sounding crazy! Off to get some rest- and Sarah little olly with his sloppy kisses! Lol so so precious! What a special little man who loves his mummy very much! Xoxo
Kate all my care was public / national health service. We do have private medical but I was happy not to use it. I paid for one private scan, at nine weeks, everything else was NHS.

It is hard when you're in those early days, just keep in mind that it honestly does get easier. I think it would be a really good idea to have your bloods done again and just make sure that your levels are increasing nicely. Not because I think anything is wrong, but because it might help you to relax a little.

Big hugs to you and some sloppy Oliver kisses :kiss: :haha:
What a relief! I knew it was something silly like that. I am so glad the Dr called you back and eased your mind! I agree, getting bloods drawn again is a great idea. Your current results are perfect. Pregnancy is the best time to be perfectly average! I was thinking about tests to confirm weather a pregnancy is or isnt a pmp while trying to fall asleep last night and I think the only one that can, with all certainty is a CVS. Honestly, with chances of pmp happening again being so very low I'm not sure I'd want to take that risk. I also agree with Sarah, odds are stacked in your favor.

I'm sure you all know how messed up our health care system is here. All my care has been private. Public care is not the way to go in the US, but I know its not any comparison to public care in your countries. So, I cant really speak to that. I'm sure you'll do fine with public care there.

Oliver's sloppy kisses, so sweet! I remember those big, open mouth kisses! I miss them! Sarah, you are at such a fun age with Oliver right now! I was watching videos with Luc of him as a baby recently and got so excited to have another snuggley, squealing baby! Luc used to scream so much when he was excited. Enjoy these times, the terrible twos will come so fast! They are still super cute at this age and lots of fun, but a good amount of grief, too! Still, I wouldn't change it for anything in the world!

I have my next Dr appt on Monday, yay! Lat night I had a dream that I went to my appt and the Dr was going to give me an ultrasound and would probably be able to determine the sex. Just as he was about to out the probe on my belly...I woke up!!! Ugh, I was mad!

Hugs to all!
Oh, I forgot to tell you ladies...when I am laying in bed on my left side for a while and roll over to my right side, I think I can feel the baby move! SO exciting! Just through I'd share. : )

btw, for some reason I dont have the little smiles on the right side. I cant insert smiles or hugs. : ( I'm stuck with those for now. Sometimes their there, sometimes their now. Odd.
Sarah yes I def will ask for more bloods! And I cant wait til it does get easier, I think wen I have a scan and know bub is growing at the right rate I will feel better coz with Jamari he was always behind he was small for his gestation. The last few days my appetite has been really low, don't feel like eating I have to make myself and when I do I don't have much, is that normal coz it certainly didn't happen with Jamari! Lol. Amanda that is so great about you feeling bub move!!!!:) what a milestone and great great thing, I'm sure it will bring u both comfort and excitement! Can't wait to be where u are!:hugs:
Amanda thats so great that you felt movements!! I thought I had felt something when I was about 16 weeks but wasn't sure, but looking back I'm certain it was movements :) You're so right, Oliver is at a great age :) He's just so fun! I feel so lucky that I'm not going back to work, I don't want to miss a single moment with him! He's just so adorable and funny! I think he's going to be a handful when he gets older though, he is already a very determind little boy :haha: Maybe when the terrible twos hit I will WANT to go back to work :rofl:

Kate yes I completely went off food in the first tri! And tea and coffee, I normally LOVE tea but just thinking about it made me feel ill. I think the worry makes it worse too :hugs: Just remember to drink lots of fluids, take your vitamins (esp folic acid of course) and eat what ever yoiu fancy, even if it's not really all that healthy :haha: If you want it, have it. Except the things pregnant ladies can't have :dohh:

Just to give you an idea, my first tri (from about 6/7 weeks to 13 weeks) days went like this:

5.30am - get up, put on the comfiest things I could find :haha: I was really bloated so none of my jeans fitted and I couldn't stand anything tight around my belly, my work doesn't have a dress code luckily so I went from been quite smart (jeans / trousers and a shirt or top) to wearing Gap sweatpants and Ugg boots :rofl: Try to eat breakfast and fail, put on makeup to make me look my face look grey / green :haha:

6.15am - drive to work, hoping I didn't have to stop to be sick

7.00am - start work

7.00am - 11.30am - alternate between trying to do some work and been sick / sitting in the loo feeling sick

11.30am - feel a bit better, eat something (what ever I fancied - maybe a banana, maybe a Snickers bar :haha:)

12.30pm - lunch - feeling okay, eat a sandwich / some soup on lunch break

1.00pm - start afternoon work, feeling okay

2.00pm - start feeling tired

4.30pm - finish work, feeling SO tired. Call home and tell Steve if there was anything I fancied eating

5.oopm - get home, hopefully Steve had cooked what ever I wanted to eat. If not, I'd normally gone off the idea by the time it was ready :rofl:

6.00pm fall asleep on the sofa

8.00pm wake up, talk to Steve while he got ready for work (he works nights)

9.00pm go to bed

This was my normal 'working day' - on my days off I would get up at about midday, and do some housework, and still be in bed for 9pm :rofl:

I have no idea how I would cope if we had another baby, though as with everything, you just get on with it I guess!
Amanda thats so great that you felt movements!! I thought I had felt something when I was about 16 weeks but wasn't sure, but looking back I'm certain it was movements :) You're so right, Oliver is at a great age :) He's just so fun! I feel so lucky that I'm not going back to work, I don't want to miss a single moment with him! He's just so adorable and funny! I think he's going to be a handful when he gets older though, he is already a very determind little boy :haha: Maybe when the terrible twos hit I will WANT to go back to work :rofl:

Sometimes I wish I had a work to go to, but it doesn't last long! I too, feel very fortunate to be at home raising Luc. I'm a bit nervous about caring for two, but Luc will be a few months past 3 when the next one comes, so I think he'll be able to help out some. At least, I hope so!
Sarah thanku so much for sharing! it was great to read about how you coped during your early pregnancy days..I highly enjoyed it!!:thumbup:I think I will record in my diary each day how I feel, :dohh:Im starting to get a bit nervous..It wasnt til I was 9 weeks along with Jamari that the severe nausea etc set in..Ill be six weeks tomorrow and going to see doc again in morning to get all these referrals organised..I sooo wish I could fall asleep for the next 10 weeks and wake up when I know bubby is ok and I can enjoy being pregnant:) Im feeling pretty good atm tho, apart from the tiredness:sleep:

That would be fantastic being home with your little boys ladies:cloud9: watching them learn and grow! I too aim to be a stay at home mummy!
We are moving in 6 days! and the trip will be 4 days worth of driving!!:wacko: i hope its not going to be too rough on little bean, any travelling advice? lol..

love you all ladies! thankyou so much for being a part of my life, i LOVE this forum:hugs:
I think its a great idea to record how you are feeling each day. Its kind of strange, but for me its difficult to remember what I felt exactly when. Especially after Luc was born. My sister had a baby a year and a half after me and she was always asking when he did this or that and I couldn't remember! I almost think your body and brain spare you from reliving the difficult first few months of having a newborn. It was hard for me, but she did much better than I did.

I cant believe you are moving in 6 days! How exciting! Good for you for getting everything ready so quickly! The only travel advice I have is bring lots and lots of water, plan on lots of bathroom breaks, wear comfy clothes and bring a pillow and blanket. Try to rest, you'll be busy once you get there!

Good luck with your appt today!
Yes I agree Amanda:) I think I will start recording in my diary from today, as I am 6 weeks today:happydance:
Drs appointment went well, altho its very complicated organising things with the Perth hospital, VERY complex Im trying not to let it stress me and just taking things one step at a time for now..
I dont get my first (dating) scan until April 14, in which I will be 8 weeks 3 days! I really wanted one before then, but my dr here said they wont see much on ultrasound at the moment, and Perth said they dont do them until 8 weeks, even if it a pregnancy following a loss. So fingers crossed this is okay...I feel like im walking into the unknown at the moment and its so scary, I keep saying to little bean, you hang on in there little one and please be safe and sound for mummy!...I havent been feeling sick or anything at the mo just tired! first it was the frustration of waiting to ttc and now its the frustration of waiting for that scan...counting down..17 days to go! :wacko:

Hows everyone else going?:hugs:
Yes I agree Amanda:) I think I will start recording in my diary from today, as I am 6 weeks today:happydance:
Drs appointment went well, altho its very complicated organising things with the Perth hospital, VERY complex Im trying not to let it stress me and just taking things one step at a time for now..
I dont get my first (dating) scan until April 14, in which I will be 8 weeks 3 days! I really wanted one before then, but my dr here said they wont see much on ultrasound at the moment, and Perth said they dont do them until 8 weeks, even if it a pregnancy following a loss. So fingers crossed this is okay...I feel like im walking into the unknown at the moment and its so scary, I keep saying to little bean, you hang on in there little one and please be safe and sound for mummy!...I havent been feeling sick or anything at the mo just tired! first it was the frustration of waiting to ttc and now its the frustration of waiting for that scan...counting down..17 days to go! :wacko:

Hows everyone else going?:hugs:

Well, you're doing great! And yay for six weeks! :happydance: Are you feeling bloated? I was super bloated and have even seen it referred to the six week bloat.

Glad your appt went well! You will be so busy in the next two weeks that your appt will be here before you know it! I am off to my appt now.

Hope everyone has a great day! :hugs:
Amanda I hope your appointment goes well! I had the six week bloat too :haha: I'm not sure it ever left after that :rofl: :rofl:

Kate you're doing great!! 17 days isn't long to wait :) Some hospitals over here have the same policy and don't scan before 8 weeks, I think I was just really lucky. Just hang on in there honey - its a tough time but you're going to get there!!!

You should SO start a journal! I really wish I had :dohh: All the time I was pregnant I kept thinking I should, and then when Oliver was born, and even now, but I have never actually done it and like Amanda, I struggle to remember at what point the milestones were at, I have two of those baby record books you can buy and I still haven't filled them in, I really must before he's one :haha:
Sarah, I did the same thing with the baby book! It's all blank! I feel guilty about it, but its so hard to get anything done in the beginning.

My appt went very well! The Dr couldn't find the HB on the doppler, but wasn't concerned at all. I was freaking, tears in my eyes! He did an ultrasound and, of course, there was the little heart beating away! He kept reassuring me that a miscarriage without bleeding at this stage is very rare and I now have his opinion to STOP WORRYING. I'm not sure that is possible for me!

I also got the date for my big anatomy ultrasound with gender determination (if baby cooperates). Its on May 3rd in five weeks. I am super excited! In fact, when the Dr said we'll put off my next appt for five weeks so we can do an ultrasound as well, I got all excited and blurted out "For sex?!?" He paused for a moment and I realized how it sounded and said "Gender, I mean." I felt silly, but kind of funny. This is the first male gynecologist I have ever been to and have been really comfortable with him, but that was just weird.
Amanda you made me laugh so hard when you said ' for sex?':haha: that would have been quite an awkward moment! lol...thats GREAT you got to have an ultrasound, im sure it must have been very scary when dr couldnt find hb on doppler!:hugs: I bet you lost your breath there for a sec, great that doc wasnt worried tho sounds like you have a good dr! And yes I have been bloated...but moreso around the 5 week mark..not so much now! in fact the only sypmtom ive been having is tiredness! No sore boobs, no nausea past 3-4 days...I got my 2nd lot of bloods back yesterday and they were 2820 at 6 weeks along, and 263 the wednesday before. So i know beans growing! Dr called me and said this is normal for how far along I am. I hope to hear alot more of that word in the months to come, have never loved a word so much-'normal'.
And yes all the packing is coming along nicely...2 days of work left..then 4 huggggee days of driving..we are driving literally from one side of the country to the other, the dr said to keep my feet moving in the car, stretch them out and write the alphabet on the car floor every hr or so to keep my circulation going. Plenty of stops and food and water! We are driving over a desert so thats a bit scary! lol..
Yes Sarah you are right-17 days isnt so bad!:thumbup: cannot wait to see this little bubby on the screen, I keep visualising the dr telling us that everything is perfect, and there is no sign of a pmp. I feel this positive thinking helped me to fall pregnant so quickly too, imagining I would be and preparing myself to be etc..I dont know if it really helps but I guess its what gets us through in the end.
Glad to give you a laugh! I had a good laugh myself after I got over my embarrassment!

Glad your blood work results are right on track! I agree, this the best time to be perfectly average! Good luck on the drive, make sure that car gets checked before you leave. We'll miss you for four days! I've gotten so used to connecting with you ladies so often!
Yes trumaines uncle is a mechanic so we have a spare fan belt packed and all:haha: oh don't worry I'll still be on the forum lol thank god for iPhones!

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