Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

I'm going to test on the 11th, that's when AF is due. I'm going to get my blood test tomorrow. I feel so sneaky! I keep having all these 0 hcg tests, but still breaking the rules by TTC. The doctor has no idea!

It sounds like you all have had nice doctors, but the lady I'm dealing with I doubt would be so kind. Lol, who cares now, I've practically done my whole wait. I'm supposed to wait till Nov to start TTC, and here we are in October already!
Raff I had a mean angry nurse when I got my monthly hcg blood work back showing a rise--she wasn't happy and made me go for an ultrasound STAT--I didn't return to that office but have continues my prenatal care with my midwives LOL

Lotte GD is stupid!! I can't remember if I posted here or not that I got in trouble on Thursday because I cut my carbs too much. So now rather than meals and snacks I'm trying 6 mini meals per day with testing after each one to get to a goal of 120-150 carbs per day while still keeping my numbers low without needing the insulin injections. my midwives said if I'm not well controlled come my 34 week appointment they will most likely make me have an appt with a OBGYN--which would be back to the practice with the mean angry nurse--I hope I don't have to do that!!

Here is my latest bump pic!! End of this month for #8 and then hopefully I don't go over due and can be holding a baby instead of a #9 for the last one LOL


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Blakesmom-cute cute!
I'm pretty sure I can go to my old clinic when I'm pregnant. I think ill just outright refuse them if they try to suggest I go back to the Dr at this high risk clinic.
Tina bump is super cute! Starting to get big! Fingers crossed no.9 your holding bubba xxx

Raff just try remember its your choice so the drs can only advise! As far as they know it could just have been a mistake!! And your wait is so nearly over! Fingers crossed AF doesn't arrive on the 11th xxx
Tina - that sounds awful! Is it well controlled at the moment or is that what you are trying to achieve? Bump looks good!
I took mine this morning, will upload when i am on my proper computer and not the tablet.

Raff- i did that with my blood test, time them so i knew that if i was lucky enough to fall that cycle then they would never know! I am sure we all do it!

Laura you will feel normal in no time! When is next scan btw?

I am just about to have a bath before i go to bed (and not even nine o'clovk! ) working from home tomorrow too, so hopefully a more relaxed day. Ohh and its dh's birthday tomorrow too!

Oh man I really hope I'm pregnant. I just hung out with a friend of mine and bawled my eyes out about this whole year....really would love to chalk it up to early pregnancy symptoms!

Nothing else notable so far...I don't think implantation could even have happened at 5 dpo.
Lotte I last saw them the day I got the insulin--I feel like I'm well controlled with this new "mini" meal approach--Have to e-mail my glucose readings and meal journal to the dietician/nutritionist tomorrow and then will see the midwives again on Friday--so I guess I will know if everyone is happy at that appointment. I did have 1 slightly high number yesterday 133 when the goal is under 130--but it wasn't too bad. Happy Birthday to your DH tomorrow!! Enjoy working from home tomorrow too!! I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be very productive working here with Blake running around but I have thrown that idea around work a few times--getting remote access and making calls from home. I spend most of my day confirming patient appointments for our practice.

Raff--I'm certain hormones are cranking even before implantation--I hope your cry was a relief to your heart and a symptom to put down in the baby book!!
Ok, so i will not be getting into school next semester. My grade from first and second test were the exact same i needed a good 2-3% higher. So it sucks but i was thinking going that route anyway. I am just thinking now IF i can get preg by nov. I wont have to go to school preg. So we will see. I am hoping tharpt is gods plan for me. But now i have to get ready and study that whole semester pkus i will apply at 1 other school. We just have to wait....


P.S. Did i ever mention that i am really impatient. So i want this baby now. I know many of you can relate.
So I totally spaced getting my bloodwork yesterday morning, and then my daughter slept past 4, so by the time she was up the labs would be closed. I'm going to try for it again today after nap....But now my silly brain is starting to think maybe I should wait a couple days and then if I had hCG I would know I was pregnant even earlier than a pregnancy test. I'm so tempted!!! What should I do???
Vicki-Sorry about the test results. But I think you're right, if you get preggo by Nov I think you won't regret not being school. Sounds really exhausting to me, especially with 6 kiddos and working! You must be superwoman!
Lotte my next scan is next Thursday at 9am! Fingers crossed that bubba has grown! Look forward to seeing bump Lovely! How was oh birthday??

Tina Goodluck with the midwife! I hope there happy with things! Have you got everything ready for bubba? Hospital bag packed??

Raff I think it depends if you want them to tell you you could be pregnant? I think I would wanna find out myself rather than they tell me but its up to you. How are you feeling? Any more signs???

Vicki sorry you didn't get into your school but like you say if you fall in November you might not wanna be at school. I felt very impatient but your time will come found.

Dr gave me some tablets for the morning sickness but I'm not sure they worked! We will see today!!!

Laura - Hope the tablets are working for you! Morning sickness is horrid :hugs:

Lotte - Did you have a good day for your OH's birthday? Hows bump doing?

Raff - How are you feeling? Personaly I would want to find out first, but you need to do what you think is best :flower:

Viki - Sorry you didn't get into school, FX'd you'll get your BFP soon and like you say won't mind so much.

Tina - Good luck with the Midwife, your so close to having baby now!

Afm - I'm doing ok, missed my 28w midwifes appointment on tuesday because the Student Mideife I saw last time wrote down the wrong date on my notes :dohh: luckly my regular midwife is lovely and I'm re-booked in for next tuesday.
Work has been very stressful lately and I'm thinking of going on Maternity leave earlier than I origionally planned, those of you who have had kids when did you go on Maternity leave and those who are expecting when are you planning too? I just don't want to harm myself or baby by getting so stressed all the time!
Laura - bet you can't wait till next Thursday! Hope the tablets the doc gave you start working for you soon!

Raff - fingers crossed for you this month!

Vicki - hope it happens for you soon too.

All the pregnant ladies - it's so exciting that there are all these rainbow babies due soon. I know there are a few of us due in December or thereabouts - can't believe I'm 30 weeks today!
To all those trying/waiting - I hope it happens for you soon - now that I am pregnant, looking back, the wait, although very difficult at the time, now doesn't seem that it was that long at all (I was 9 months after my mole before I was pregnant again which at the time I found waiting devastating).

Lotte - will be nice to see a bump picture! My Oh took one of me the other day so I'll try and upload it when I get a chance!

Tina - you always look so radiant in your bump pictures - pregnancy obviously suits you!

MrsWag - with my first pregnancy I went on leave 3 weeks before my due date (I'm a primary teacher - well one on a 'career break!) which I found quite hard as I was on my feet all day- I ended up having a week off as Ava came early!). With my second I left at the Christmas and G was due early Feb - I would have stayed longer I think but we were moving out of the area soon after). With C I wasn't working anymore.

Glad it's nearly the weekend again! Been a long week - little man is recovering well from his op although he's still quite sore! But it's definitely worked so it's back to potty training! My OH is also booked in for an op on his nose/sinuses etc in a couple of weeks which will hopefully help him breathe easier and best of all there's a good chance it will cure his snoring!! 6 years I have suffered through sleepless nights - hee hee! It's quite a big op I think and he's being signed off work for two weeks to recover - when he starts milking it I'll tell him it can't be as bad as a c-section!!!

Laura--Just a week to go for your scan Yippee!!

Megan I missed my 28 week appt too. But for me it was my fault. I was running late because I booked an afternoon so DH could go and of course that was the one day he was working about an hour from home in another state---grrrr. So it was right in the middle of nap time for Blake so I was hard to get him up and going and then I got stuck in traffic in 2 different school zones. I called at 5 minutes past my appt time to say I was another 5 minutes away and they said they couldn't see me because they had a staff meeting scheduled--grrr so they pushed me out 2 weeks, but then I was on every 2 weeks for appointments after that so its not like I missed anything--would have been nice to hear LO that extra time since I don't have a doppler, but I went and made a baby registry instead so I was at least surrounded with Baby stuff for the afternoon. I planned to work right up to my due date with Blake and then got put on bedrest 7 weeks before my due date---totally not what I had planned!! This week I plan on working until the Tuesday before my due date, as we have a short work week that week, but I told everyone--if I go early again don't hate me!! I'm only planning on 8 weeks off which really doesn't sound like a lot : (

Eleanor glad that the operation was successful for C and you can continue potty training. Blake's potty training got delayed when he broke his leg last year--such a bummer but you have to do what you have to do--hopefully he catches on quickly!! Can't wait to see your bump pic!! Good luck to DH with his surgery--I have watched a few surgeries in the sinus/nasal passages on tv and that seems like a very unpleasant place to have work done!!

Lotte--how are things with you?? Next appointments coming up when...??
Laura - i am sure baby will have grown loads! How are you feeling now? I hope the tablets take the edge of things.

Eleanor- glad c's op went well. This week has been a long one for me too! I don't even know why! I think i did too much last weekend! Such a lightweight! Would love to see your bump picture. I will load mine, i use my tablet most of the time though, so need to boot up my pc at home.

Megan sorry work is stressful. May i ask what you do? I can't offer you advice on when to start mat leave. I can't believe you are 28 weeks already- doesn't time fly!

Tina hope your next midwife appt goes well and that the gd is under control.

Vicki i hope you fall pregnant soon. Sorry about not getting into school but perhaps things happened for a reason?

Raff any more symptoms? They sound promising so far.

Afm, so next appt is mon afternoon at 6 when i have a scan! I am excited but also scared. I had a midwife appt last week (14 weeks) which went well. We heard heartbeat and ahe measured me and said i was measuring fine which is good. I have my next one in 2 weeks (17 weeks). I am looking forward to feeling baby, but not sure when that will be...... I think at least a few more weeks!

Hope evryone is well. Love you all

Oh and i forgot! Oh's birthday was nice, didn't do too much, but he relaxed a bit and he got a few nice presies!

Thanks for asking

Yay for an upcoming scan Lotte!! I thought it was getting close!! I felt Blake probably around 18 weeks, just didn't know he was what I was feeling until at the 20 week scan they would say--feel that--he is kicking. This time it was probably closer to 16 weeks I would say--they were very obvious by 18 weeks. It's so reassuring to feel baby--I hope you get those "flutters" soon!! Right now my LO has the hiccups <3
I've been weepy all day! Today is my pmp due date. :(

I still haven't done my bloodwork. You gals are right tho I don't. Want to get the pregnancy news from a disapproving nurse! I'm too booked today but hopefully first thing tomorrow!
:hug: Thinking of you on your angels due date.
Hugs for you raff. Hope the day is not to tough on you. We're all here for you xxx

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