Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

You have time for him to turn, fingers crossed that he does! My sister's daughter was born breech. She was a frank breech (bottom down with legs up), one one of the more difficult to turn in positions. Will Dr's there allow you to attempt a vaginal birth or is it a definite c-section? Not sure I'd attempt it, just curious. Good luck!

Hmm they think peanut is frank breech too. It hasn't really been discussed wot my options are yet. My mw is going to check whether he is still breech at 36 weeks and if he is I will see the consultant to discuss my options then. I really hope he turns, i don't fancy having a cesarian if I can help it! xxx
It is wonderful to have been directed to this group and so encouraging to read your success stories. Firstly I wanted to say I'm so sorry for your losses, thankyou for sharing your stories.

I won't bore you all with my long story, but please read on my journal if you have time, I am recently diagnosed as having a Pmp, just had first my first bloods bk at 151, it's been nearly 40 days since erpc.
I'm hoping for some support through this horrible time.

Welcome cornish *hugs* so sorry for your loss xxxx I hope u find lots of support here, the ladies are all so lovely xxx
Kate I'm so glad u found somewhere else to stay. So sorry u had to go through that horrible experience first tho *hugs*

Sarah, u did find me on Facebook :) xxx
Thank you all for the warm welcome, you are all so far ahead of me! I'm still waiting for results from second blood test, to make things worse they think blood has been lost in post so I'll be waiting longer! Just want to know if they're going up or down. So how long did you ladies wait before ttc? I was hoping to start after I had a few zeros.
To top things off I've started bleeding again, only been 14 days since last af so epu want me to go bk to the doctor- I'm tired if doctors!!!x
Thank you all for the warm welcome, you are all so far ahead of me! I'm still waiting for results from second blood test, to make things worse they think blood has been lost in post so I'll be waiting longer! Just want to know if they're going up or down. So how long did you ladies wait before ttc? I was hoping to start after I had a few zeros.
To top things off I've started bleeding again, only been 14 days since last af so epu want me to go bk to the doctor- I'm tired if doctors!!!x

Oh, I hope you get down to zero very soon! How frustrating to think your blood had been lost!

I think the length of time you are told to wait depends on your situation and your Dr. I was only told to wait two cycles (which my Dr tells anyone who miscarries for any reason) to try again, but I know the ladies here were each told differently. I'm not sure if its because I am in the US. I think Drs in other countries treat pmp differently.

I'll allow the other ladies to respond on their situations. I know in my case, my levels returned to 0 very quickly, I think due to my mmc happening so early. Even waiting two cycles was torture for me! The highest my levels got was only in the 24,000 or so. Not very high, which is uncommon with pmp.

Please update us when you get your results back. It really wasnt that long ago I was in your position. I wish I would have found this group then. Better late than never though!:hugs:
You have time for him to turn, fingers crossed that he does! My sister's daughter was born breech. She was a frank breech (bottom down with legs up), one one of the more difficult to turn in positions. Will Dr's there allow you to attempt a vaginal birth or is it a definite c-section? Not sure I'd attempt it, just curious. Good luck!

Hmm they think peanut is frank breech too. It hasn't really been discussed wot my options are yet. My mw is going to check whether he is still breech at 36 weeks and if he is I will see the consultant to discuss my options then. I really hope he turns, i don't fancy having a cesarian if I can help it! xxx

I hope he does too! A c-section is my worst fear! This may sound like a totally ignorant and silly question, but do you have chiropractors there? Supposedly they can really help turn the baby gently. My sister refused having her OB try to turn the baby, I guess the technique can be very painful and stressful for the baby. I do think you have time though. Is he moving around much or are you just getting mostly kicks and jabs? Stay positive!
You have time for him to turn, fingers crossed that he does! My sister's daughter was born breech. She was a frank breech (bottom down with legs up), one one of the more difficult to turn in positions. Will Dr's there allow you to attempt a vaginal birth or is it a definite c-section? Not sure I'd attempt it, just curious. Good luck!

Hmm they think peanut is frank breech too. It hasn't really been discussed wot my options are yet. My mw is going to check whether he is still breech at 36 weeks and if he is I will see the consultant to discuss my options then. I really hope he turns, i don't fancy having a cesarian if I can help it! xxx

I hope he does too! A c-section is my worst fear! This may sound like a totally ignorant and silly question, but do you have chiropractors there? Supposedly they can really help turn the baby gently. My sister refused having her OB try to turn the baby, I guess the technique can be very painful and stressful for the baby. I do think you have time though. Is he moving around much or are you just getting mostly kicks and jabs? Stay positive!

I'm really scared of the thought of a c-section too! We do have chiropractor here but I'm not sure I could afford one! He doesn't seem to have much room in there now, I mostly feel him pushing out or wiggling, don't think he's got room to kick anymore, let alone turn :-( xxx
You have time for him to turn, fingers crossed that he does! My sister's daughter was born breech. She was a frank breech (bottom down with legs up), one one of the more difficult to turn in positions. Will Dr's there allow you to attempt a vaginal birth or is it a definite c-section? Not sure I'd attempt it, just curious. Good luck!

Hmm they think peanut is frank breech too. It hasn't really been discussed wot my options are yet. My mw is going to check whether he is still breech at 36 weeks and if he is I will see the consultant to discuss my options then. I really hope he turns, i don't fancy having a cesarian if I can help it! xxx

I hope he does too! A c-section is my worst fear! This may sound like a totally ignorant and silly question, but do you have chiropractors there? Supposedly they can really help turn the baby gently. My sister refused having her OB try to turn the baby, I guess the technique can be very painful and stressful for the baby. I do think you have time though. Is he moving around much or are you just getting mostly kicks and jabs? Stay positive!

I'm really scared of the thought of a c-section too! We do have chiropractor here but I'm not sure I could afford one! He doesn't seem to have much room in there now, I mostly feel him pushing out or wiggling, don't think he's got room to kick anymore, let alone turn :-( xxx

Well, if you must have one, it wont be the end of the world. Many women have them and your be so enamored with your little one you wont mind when all is said and done. My sister now says it really wasn't that bad, just not her first choice. Maybe try looking up things you can do to encourage him to turn online. There are certain yoga positions you can do to give him a little more room.

Whatever end up happening, you'll do great!:thumbup:
Hi Cornish! I hope you find the group helpful, and I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs: :hugs: I waited the full six months before TTC again but we were ntnp during the followup so had I fallen pregnant it wouldn't have been the end of the world, iykwim :)

Clo there is time yet for peanut the turn! Don't worry! And if you have to have a c section you will be fine, don't worry :hugs: :hugs:

Kate I hope you settle well into your new place!! And that the morning sickness isn't too horrible :hugs: Not long now until your scan!!

Well what gorgeous weather we have today!!!! I had to go and buy baby sun cream!!
Thankyou all for being so kind and welcoming, I wish you all luck and happiness with your little ones. I'm going to try and find some ladies who are recently diagnosed. Thanks again.x
Cornish there is a full forum for mp / pmp ladies, did your hospital give you the details? PM me if you would like the info and I will send it over for you. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: And don't forget that though we may be furher along our journeys, we still remember how truely heartbreaking those early days are, and we are all here for you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Thankyou all for being so kind and welcoming, I wish you all luck and happiness with your little ones. I'm going to try and find some ladies who are recently diagnosed. Thanks again.x[/QU

I understand. I know its hard, but know we have all felt the pain you are feeling right now. Please keep us up to date on what happens with you if you are able to.:hugs:
Hi ladies! Oh Sarah the morning sickness is all over the place, today I'm mainly very very tired! How was everyone else around this stage? 7-8 weeks? And yes not long until we get to see little one!!! I just keep imagining them telling us that baby is measuring correctly and all looks well, trying to conjour up every bit of positivity I can! :thumbup: Sarah did u try adding me again on facebook? Clo thinking of u!! I'm sure whatever happens the drs will take good care of you and ur lil one, and just think u have an angel watching over to keep u safe:hugs:
Kate your symptoms sound very normal for your stage :) How are you settling in?

Clo how are you doing?

Amanda when do you get to find out the gender? It's 20 weeks over here, is it the same there?
My appt for the "big" ultrasound is on May 3rd. Yes, it is at 20 weeks here. I'll by just shy of it. I go in on Tuesday to get the 2nd tri blood draw. Its combined with the 1st tri results and the NT scan to give me better results regarding the trisomys. I think its the same as your Quad screen or something similar. While I am very nervous (I'm sure my anxiety will increase as the days close in on May 3rd) I am so excited to fin out what is in there!

You how I told you guys I was beginning to feel movement, small twitches and pokes? Well, they were so sporadic (sometimes a full week in between twitches) and I was so certain after feeling them that it was baby, but an hour or two after I'd begin to question my sanity. Well, yesterday I had what totally felt like full blown kick! I am closing in on 17 weeks and baby should be somewhere around 6-7 inches long AND I have been consistently measuring a week ahead, so many a touch bigger? They say you feel a second baby sooner. Am I crazy? Could I possibly be getting this excited over gas?

Kate, your appt is at 8w3d, right? So what, 2 days now? Its so hard for me to keep track of the exact day with the time difference! And I thought it was bad remembering the time difference with my family being on the east coast and us on the west!

I agree, I think your symptoms sound totally normal. I was lucky to not have any ms, just a small bit of queasiness in my throat. Smells (usually foods I used to love) would totally turn me off, my tastes were off, I was super fatigued and bloated at 7-8 weeks.

Sarah, any special plans for Oliver's first birthday? We are planning a construction themed party for Luc's 3rd. He is so, so into construction vehicles these days! Such a boy! It has always amazed me how greatly gender roles are programed into them this young! Before having him I always thought well if you put a truck in a boys hands and a doll in a girls hands they grow into that. That gender roles were more nurtured, but after seeing little boys and girls from a very young age and how different they are, I know better now. Its so much more nature!

Clo, when is you next appt again? Hope you're feeling lots of action in there!

Enjoy your week ladies!
Amanda you are so right about boys been boys!! Oliver is just the same, even at thing age! He loves anything that he can bang about and make a noise! He's sooooo noisy!! And he has absolutely no interest in all the cute cuddly toys I buy for him :haha:

We're a little unsure about what to do for his birthday, we are completely making over our garden at the moment (to make it more Oliver friendly :)) so it should be finished before May, and so if the weather is good we could have a little gathering in the garden. But if the weather was bad, I'm not sure that we would want everyone in the house :haha: Steve has a big family with lots of children at the 5-10 age range so anything where they all come tends to get pretty crazy. So I'm not sure, we really need to give it some thought!!!
Amanda you are so right about boys been boys!! Oliver is just the same, even at thing age! He loves anything that he can bang about and make a noise! He's sooooo noisy!! And he has absolutely no interest in all the cute cuddly toys I buy for him :haha:

We're a little unsure about what to do for his birthday, we are completely making over our garden at the moment (to make it more Oliver friendly :)) so it should be finished before May, and so if the weather is good we could have a little gathering in the garden. But if the weather was bad, I'm not sure that we would want everyone in the house :haha: Steve has a big family with lots of children at the 5-10 age range so anything where they all come tends to get pretty crazy. So I'm not sure, we really need to give it some thought!!!

Well, here's hoping you have good weather! I would probably go a little nutty with all those kids running around, screaming like kids do! I belong to a playgroup and occasionally host five or six 2-3 yr olds and their mommies at my house. My goodness, they make such a mess! Its like a hurricane blew through by the time they leave!

On the other hand, its so nice that you have family close and Oliver has lots of cousins to grow up with. We recently moved across the country and have absolutely no family closer that 3000 miles. Its expensive for people to fly out here and the thought of traveling that far with a 2 yr old terrifies me! We are planning on a trip at Christmas. Luc will be three and a half and the baby will be 3 months old. That really is the best time to travel with them!
Ohh I hope ur right, I'm so sick:( waking up to pee in the night I notice is when I feel the worst! Sick on the tummy. I'm carrying around plastic bags in my handbag in case I'm out and I get sick!! Poor trumaine has been making me toast in bed of a morning as I feel to unwell to get up. My eyes and skin look terrible as i feel so Yukky. I have no energy at all, just finding it hard to believe that anyone would feel this sick at this stage? And yes Amanda scan on Thursday,3 days away,& I'm 8 weeks today so u did well with the time difference!:)
Hi ladies, just wanted to report in. I went to emergency this afternoon after I ended up in tears about the morning sickness, I was so worried as I felt so sick!!!:( happy to report dr did an ultrasound, found a strong heartbeat and was very confident it is a normal pregnancy! Only thing that worried me was by my dates I should be 8 wks, but dr said baby is 6 wks 2 days, I told him that worried me and what does he think about that and he wasn't concerned just said I most likely ovulated later? Anyways, it has been such an emotional afternoon, I broke down when the triage nurse asked me what was wrong and trumaine had to explain to her everything. Anyways I still have the dating scan Thursday so we will see how that goes. Something else I wanted to share is that dr says he sees approximately 1 molar pregnancy/week!!! So I feel relieved knowing he should know what he's looking at! Even said the pregnancy looks fabulous!! How's everyone doing?? Xo

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