Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Kate I think what Amanda means is that if having another scan will help you feel better, then you should do whatever it takes to get one - but for your peace of mind and not because in any way there might be something wrong! I'm sure that's what she means honey :hugs: I think its completely logical and possible that your dates were a bit out, it happens to lots of ladies, and like Clo said its not all that acurate at this stage. Over here the dating scan is at 12 weeks and its then for a reason - because before then babies vary in size, and after that they do too, but at 12 weeks they tend to be pretty similar. It would be soooo easy for your dates to be a week out, and then say the measurement was a bit out (which is possible, your little bubs might be at a funny angle or something). Everything else looks sooooooo good - growth rate was spot on etc, so I'm sure everything will be fine - BUT if it makes YOU feel better (and as Mummy you are obviously extremely important!!) To get a scan then I agree with Amanda - do what you need to do to get one. I paid for my second scan privately (it was about seventy quid over here) and it made me feel better, so it was worth every penny.
Thanks Sarah:) yes I knew that is what Amanda meant, it just made me question how I am feeling and that maybe I'll be too anxious to wait til 12 weeks, just trying to be brave and positive that all is ok but not really sure if that is how I really feel-if u know what I mean?:wacko: at what stage did you get your second scan? Was it before 12 weeks? & that's so interesting about later dating scans over there! That gave me peace of mind! Lol thankyou!!:hugs:
Oh, no! I wasnt meaning you should get another one because something could be wrong at all! I just think ist so much better for you and baby not to be worrying. My Dr gave me another one at my second appt since I was too early to hear the HB w/ the doppler, but I didnt know he was going to. I had rehearsed my plea to him several times in my head because I knew I needed to see the baby to reassure myself. I'm so sorry if I gave you and reason to worry!

I agree with Sarah, the growth rate was perfect between scans. I also agree that the measurements can be off. When I got my first ultrasound this time it dated the baby 7w 6d plus or minus 2 days. On the second one, it said 10w 6d plus or minus 4 days, meaning it can be off that number of days in either direction. In actuality, I was a week less along both times.

I also hear about due dates getting changed around 12 weeks so often. Babies grow at their own rates. I really dont think you have any reason to worry!
Well, I was meaning that since it was your first month of really paying attention to your cycle and trying to conceive maybe things were a bit off. Were you using an OPK (or some other method to detect your ovulation) or just counting the days of what your cycle normally is?

I would think its possible that in the six months that you weren't allowed to try that the stress of trying is not on you and your cycles would be fairly regular (if you're the regular cycle type), then the first month you are trying and wanting and hoping to get pregnant could potentially put stress on you (your body) and possible throw your cycle off a bit.

Whatever the reason, I am so glad that your baby is right on schedule! That is all that matters. When is your next appt?

On another note, I have been having a rough time lately and I dont remember going through this when I was pregnant with Luc. Up until last week, I have been hungry all the time and any and all foods have been so delicious to me. Luckily, I've only gained 3 lbs, but I sure have had an voracious appetite! I've been in great spirits and aside from having a constant worry in the back of my head about something going wrong, I've been doing really good.

Well, on Monday I got sick. Kind of another stomach bug thing, but not nearly as bad as last time. Lots of nausea (which I dont think is pregnancy related as I have never had morning sickness) and belly issues, but more than anything I felt very weak and when I tried to blow dry my hair after a shower I felt like I was going to faint. Also had a fever and this continued the same on Tuesday. On Wednesday, I was feeling better and JP didnt have to stay home to help with Luc, but I am still nauseous have absolutely no appetite. Food is REALLY turning me off and I've lost a few pounds. I kind of feel really sad, too and cant shake the feeling that something is wrong.

I was able to get my Drs office to schedule an appt for me for tomorrow (mostly by playing up the pains I was having, I'm sorry to say). I really just want to get checked out. I kind of feel like all the symptoms I had have gone away, which I know happens during the second tri, but it seems like they have been replaced by first tri symptoms. I thought my hormones were supposed to level out now? I just feel like an emotional wreck! I thought I was supposed to have more energy now?

Like I said, I dont remember going through this when I was pregnant with Luc, but then again I dont really remember any of the negative stuff. Have any of you gone through this? What the heck is wrong with me?

Ohh Amanda I can totally relate! this is exactly how I was feeling when I ended up in emergency on Monday, I was so distressed they even asked me about depression! I said I have lost a baby not even twelve months ago and I am pregnant again, I think thats okay to be a bit upset about! I think when we feel ill we get down, well i know thats what Im like..I have trouble getting ready in the mornings at the moment because I feel so sick! I think you are doing so well, and just keep thinking positive thats so so true what Sarah said Im starting to think I need to learn myself to enjoy it while this pregnancy lasts, I dont want baby to arrive and wish I had enjoyed my time while they were still in tummy!!! Hang in There!:hugs:

Thanks, it does help to hear that I'm not the only one feeling like this. I was totally beginning to question depression, I just couldnt understand why I was feeling like I was feeling. I think your right, I do think we get down emotionally when we're sick. Maybe its even magnified while pregnant?

I feel much better about things now though, thankfully. Now I just wish these daily headaches would leave me alone! I'm really trying to make an effort to do what Sarah was saying and be positive and enjoy this time. I think its working, too!
Oh I know you didnt mean it like that Amanda:hugs:that hadnt even crossed my mind actually! lol...I was just worried because I was thinking I should wait til my 12 weeks scan and then wen you suggested another scan to ease my worry I thought, maybe I do need another scan...trying to put on a brave face and be positive doesnt mean I cant eleviate some worries I think I have! Does that make sense?
But yes Im still deciding...have drs appointment tomorrow so perhaps Ill have a chat to him about it then...thats also very intesresting about your dates! I feel much better knowing I am not the only one and things can turn out fine from off dates! Hope the headaches arent causing you any more dramas, and YES i so believe emotions are magnified in pregnancy, sometimes I feel i could cry at the drop of a hat, dont know whether its because Im so far away from family atm or because of the anxiety of this preg. Sooo looking forward to second tri, m/s is driving me nutty! Ive lost my appetite again, and feeling so yukky today, staying in bed all day long while oh is out doing football stuff! Sarah hows that gorgeous lil man going?
:hugs: to all
Kate :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: sorry I misunderstood you there :hugs: :hugs: I think if you feel a scan would help you, then get one, because really there are no prizes for not having an extra one, if you get me? I had my first scan an six weeks, then a private scan at nine weeks, then my normal scan at twelve weeks - and it was soooooo worth it :)

Oliver is fab, I can't believe he's one in three weeks!!!
:hugs:Oh Sarah no need to apologise at all!!!!:hugs:
Great, I was thinking a 9 week scan would be perfect, & I will be asking for a referral for one tomorrow! Yes I totally know what you mean, better off having one and having peace of mind then not and guessing! WOW your little man is nearly one, what a milestone! Are you guys doing anything special as a family or having a birthday party for little man? You must be so so proud:hugs:
Kate I think for his birthday we are going to have a bit of an open house and put some party food on, get lots of balloons etc and just tell people to pop in whenever. Hopefully that way we won't get everyone at once which would get a bit crazy! Hopefully this way will be more informal and less stressful! fingers crossed the weather will be good and we will be able to go out into the garden!
That sounds like a beautiful idea Sarah! I hope you all have a great day celebrating:happydance:

Well the throwing up started yesterday:wacko:
Awww Kate you are having a tough time - it won't be like this for nine months though honey, you just have to get through the next few weeks and then you'll start feeling SO much better :hugs: :hugs:
Awww Kate you are having a tough time - it won't be like this for nine months though honey, you just have to get through the next few weeks and then you'll start feeling SO much better :hugs: :hugs:

I hope so! I'm so horribly sick I just wanna die sometimes! I know that's dramatic & I am so grateful to even be pregnant I'm just so sick of being sick! I didn't leave bed today and I just wish I could close my eyes and wake up after 12 weeks and know all is well and feel good! Do u remember when u started feeling better Sarah? Xoxo
Hi All
I am currently of work due to the fact that last week on the tuesday 12th April 2011- My partner and I were due to have our 12 week scan and looking forward to this fantastic picture of our baby - only they couldn't see anything on the scan and after a few atempts to find it said that we had suffered a molar pregnancy and we had the partial one where we did have a small fetus but as explained it will not grow to a normal baby and that we would need a termination - so i had blood tests and on the thursday I went into have a D& C. I came out on friday and still coming to terms with what is happening and what happens next - I cannot get out of my head the picture of not seeing my baby and just seeing a black hole - this i think for me is the worst bit of it , although am not sure what the next process is - I am just waiting on the results of the D&C and how high my hormones are to how long we have to wait before trying again

This was our first baby but will not be the last -
can you advise how to handle loss or what happens next with the tests
Thanks for listening-
That sounds like a beautiful idea Sarah! I hope you all have a great day celebrating:happydance:

Well the throwing up started yesterday:wacko:

Oh no! Well, sounds about just on time. I hope it doesnt last long. Are you able to keep anything down? Poor girl, you need a break!:hugs:
Hi All
I am currently of work due to the fact that last week on the tuesday 12th April 2011- My partner and I were due to have our 12 week scan and looking forward to this fantastic picture of our baby - only they couldn't see anything on the scan and after a few atempts to find it said that we had suffered a molar pregnancy and we had the partial one where we did have a small fetus but as explained it will not grow to a normal baby and that we would need a termination - so i had blood tests and on the thursday I went into have a D& C. I came out on friday and still coming to terms with what is happening and what happens next - I cannot get out of my head the picture of not seeing my baby and just seeing a black hole - this i think for me is the worst bit of it , although am not sure what the next process is - I am just waiting on the results of the D&C and how high my hormones are to how long we have to wait before trying again

This was our first baby but will not be the last -
can you advise how to handle loss or what happens next with the tests
Thanks for listening-

Hello Newby. I am so very sorry for your loss. Your experience sounds much like what I went through when I went in for my 8 week visit and saw nothing on the screen. It wasn't my first pregnancy, so I knew what I was searching for on the screen and as I panicked, I asked the Dr about why there wasnt anything on the screen before she said a word. I was devastated.

In my case, since my loss was early my hormone levels went down very quickly. I was only advised to wait two cycles after my D&C. I am in the US though. Where are you located? It seems the advice differs in different countries. Due to my age (I'm 36) I was also urged to try again as soon as I was emotionally ready.

As far as coping with the loss, I think you just need to take time to grieve. I found it not very helpful when people said things like "Maybe it just wasnt meant to be" and so on. Its almost like some people think a loss in early pregnancy isnt the same as losing one later on. It is! Take time to honor the little life you carried and I promise, in time, it will get easier. :hugs:

Again, I am so sorry for what you are going through.
Kate I started feeling better by about 13 weeks but I kind of got used to it before that! Just take it easy my lovely :hugs:

Newbie I am so, so sorry to hear about your loss :hugs: :hugs: I also found out at my 12 week scan that it was bad news :cry: Where abouts are you? The advice does differ from country to country but here in the UK if your bloods go back to normal nice and quickly they then but you onto weekly, and then two weekly, urine sample testing for six months. The important thing for you right now is to take it easy and be kind to yourself. I started writing a journal and poured my little heart out, it helped me soooooo much. We are all hear for you honey, lots of love xx
Hi All
I am currently of work due to the fact that last week on the tuesday 12th April 2011- My partner and I were due to have our 12 week scan and looking forward to this fantastic picture of our baby - only they couldn't see anything on the scan and after a few atempts to find it said that we had suffered a molar pregnancy and we had the partial one where we did have a small fetus but as explained it will not grow to a normal baby and that we would need a termination - so i had blood tests and on the thursday I went into have a D& C. I came out on friday and still coming to terms with what is happening and what happens next - I cannot get out of my head the picture of not seeing my baby and just seeing a black hole - this i think for me is the worst bit of it , although am not sure what the next process is - I am just waiting on the results of the D&C and how high my hormones are to how long we have to wait before trying again

This was our first baby but will not be the last -
can you advise how to handle loss or what happens next with the tests
Thanks for listening-

Hugs. Sorry that you've had to find yourself here.

I too had a molar pregnancy picked up at the 12 week scan at the end of January - in my case a complete molar - and I remember being devastated. I had a ERPC a couple of days later and it was officially diagnosed at the beginning of March (though part of this delay was due to my local hospital being rubbish and needing lots of chasing :growlmad:). My results have come down OK so far and have almost reached normal.

If you're based in the UK, follow up by a specialist unit will be by either Charing Cross (in London), Sheffied or Dundee. If you search google you should be able to find their websites which come with a wealth of information as to what happens next. There's also a molar pregnancy uk one (sorry, I can't post links because I've never posted anything before) which also has a forum with lots of people who've experience the same thing.

As to the loss, all I can say is that it hurts, a lot, but it will get better. I'm a couple of months down the road from where you are and feel more optimistic by the day. Reading stories from the girls on here about there post-molar pregnancies has helped this and I'm now focused on staying strong and healthy (both physically and emotionally) so when the time comes for me to TTC again I'll be ready.

Wishing you a speedy diagnosis and follow up :flower:
Thankyou for the replies they are very comforting and one minute I feel I can cope and the next it goes around in my head again, I am in Rochester Kent and am 40 so keep thinking my age is against me although I am a perfectly healthy person. I hope we get some answers before our holiday although a get away will be just what we need, getting back to work seems to be the hardest bit at the moment.
Newby2011 x
Newby I am so sorry to hear of ur loss:hugs: I hope we can be of some support to you here in the coming days, it sure doesn't feel like it at the time but things do get easier eventually.. Prayers are with you!

Sarah and amanda I need your help! I got blood tests back today that I had in emergency last week, when I was 6 wks 2 days it says my bloods were 87,500. I panicked wen I got that figure this morn and asked my gp about it and guess what he said? "definitely another molar pregnancy!!" he gave me a slip to get more bloods done tomorrow. Oh and I went straight to emergency as I was so worried, the dr there said although the levels are a but high the dating scan was great etc and I asked her to do a scan then to check on bub and bub measuring 7 wks 5 days which is spot on with growth from dating scan gestation and heartbeat still there but I'm SO scared from what my gp said and so worried as I have to wait til 12 weeks for first tri screening coz that's when they'll be able to tell if it is partial molar o not and coz I've been so sick too I can't help but worry :cry: feels like I am in a nightmare
Kate in my experience GP's, and even hospital consultants, are really pretty clueless when it comes to mp/pmp. I am really, really suprised that your doctor said that. Do you have any expert centres over there? Like here we have Sheffield and Charing Cross in London who are absolute experts in mp/pmp?

I don't really know much about blood levels, ie what they 'should' be for a normal pregnancy. I will have a look though. The only other thing I can think is if I give you the email address for the lady I dealt with in Sheffield and just see if she will give you some advice?

I'm so angry with your doctor :hugs:

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