Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Hi ladies, just wanted to report in. I went to emergency this afternoon after I ended up in tears about the morning sickness, I was so worried as I felt so sick!!!:( happy to report dr did an ultrasound, found a strong heartbeat and was very confident it is a normal pregnancy! Only thing that worried me was by my dates I should be 8 wks, but dr said baby is 6 wks 2 days, I told him that worried me and what does he think about that and he wasn't concerned just said I most likely ovulated later? Anyways, it has been such an emotional afternoon, I broke down when the triage nurse asked me what was wrong and trumaine had to explain to her everything. Anyways I still have the dating scan Thursday so we will see how that goes. Something else I wanted to share is that dr says he sees approximately 1 molar pregnancy/week!!! So I feel relieved knowing he should know what he's looking at! Even said the pregnancy looks fabulous!! How's everyone doing?? Xo

Oh my gosh, how scary! I am so sorry you are feeling sick, I hope they were able to give you something to help with it. Many women here take Zofran, I hope you can or did get it or something like it.

Wow, that surprises me how often the Dr sees mp! I guess its not as uncommon as we thought! You know, since it was your first cycle, maybe you did ovulate later than thought. I'm sure all is ok! Big, supportive hugs to you!:hugs:
Awww bless you Kate! Morning sickness is horrible and in my experience the more you worry the more sick you feel, its just horrible:( How are you feeling now? Fantastic news that you saw a good strong heartbeat!!! I'm sure your Dr is right about the dates - with this been your first ttc cycle its very possible that this happened. A heatbeat is such a wonderfully positive sign!!! Did you have your scheduled scan too? I hope you are okay sweetie :hugs: :hugs:
Thinking about you and your appt today, Kate. I hope all goes well! I'm pretty sure its today even though its Wednesday for me. Anyway, cant wait to hear about you seeing a nice HB again today! Good luck!
Hi again:)
I am feeling much better today thankyou, I have been prescribed maxalon and its really helping me out! Although this morning i havent needed to take any yet so fingers crossed! Gosh I cant describe to you how sick i have been! Trumaine thinks it might be the water here too, it tastes different to back home and the other day after footy training trumaine guzzled a heap of it then felt sick all night! we have had to buy spring water and i think thats helping! YES i have my dating scan today:happydance: anxious to see our little bubba again and hoping all is okay and that dr is right about everything! Its weird though because I actually thought I ov'ed early! turns out he thinks i did later! oh well...guess we will know more this afternoon so i will report back in as soon as i can.
Hows everyone else doing?
Reporting in from dating scan I am 6 weeks 6 days today and was told all looks beautiful!:) Saw that miracle little heartbeat again and couldnt be happier:) due december 2:)
Reporting in from dating scan I am 6 weeks 6 days today and was told all looks beautiful!:) Saw that miracle little heartbeat again and couldnt be happier:) due december 2:)

Yay, I am so happy all looked great and you got to see that little heart beating away again! You must be thrilled! So happy for you!:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Reporting in from dating scan I am 6 weeks 6 days today and was told all looks beautiful!:) Saw that miracle little heartbeat again and couldnt be happier:) due december 2:)

Yay!! :happydance::happydance: Thats such great news!! How are you feeling honey? I hope you're feeling good and settling in well :hugs: It sounds like you are getting great care from your new hospital which is great!!

Clo I saw your bump pics on Facebook - you have a GORGEOUS bump!!!!!
Thankyou:) I'm so relieved! I'm feeling ok sarah thankyou.. I'm great one moment and nearly throwing up the next! Still a tiny bit worried about my dates only becoz jamari's dates were off too, but on monday dr said I was 6wks 2 days and yesterday which was Thursday I was 6wks 6 days so at least I know baby is growing and is actually a day ahead! May I ask about what u ladies mean about ovulating later on my first ttc cycle? Excuse my ignorance lol. Well we have 2 more weeks living with our friends then we move into our own place! Yep sarah the hospital is great! Very good womens hospital. Ohh clo u would be about to burst!:happydance: sooo happy for you! :hugs: all round
Well, I was meaning that since it was your first month of really paying attention to your cycle and trying to conceive maybe things were a bit off. Were you using an OPK (or some other method to detect your ovulation) or just counting the days of what your cycle normally is?

I would think its possible that in the six months that you weren't allowed to try that the stress of trying is not on you and your cycles would be fairly regular (if you're the regular cycle type), then the first month you are trying and wanting and hoping to get pregnant could potentially put stress on you (your body) and possible throw your cycle off a bit.

Whatever the reason, I am so glad that your baby is right on schedule! That is all that matters. When is your next appt?

On another note, I have been having a rough time lately and I dont remember going through this when I was pregnant with Luc. Up until last week, I have been hungry all the time and any and all foods have been so delicious to me. Luckily, I've only gained 3 lbs, but I sure have had an voracious appetite! I've been in great spirits and aside from having a constant worry in the back of my head about something going wrong, I've been doing really good.

Well, on Monday I got sick. Kind of another stomach bug thing, but not nearly as bad as last time. Lots of nausea (which I dont think is pregnancy related as I have never had morning sickness) and belly issues, but more than anything I felt very weak and when I tried to blow dry my hair after a shower I felt like I was going to faint. Also had a fever and this continued the same on Tuesday. On Wednesday, I was feeling better and JP didnt have to stay home to help with Luc, but I am still nauseous have absolutely no appetite. Food is REALLY turning me off and I've lost a few pounds. I kind of feel really sad, too and cant shake the feeling that something is wrong.

I was able to get my Drs office to schedule an appt for me for tomorrow (mostly by playing up the pains I was having, I'm sorry to say). I really just want to get checked out. I kind of feel like all the symptoms I had have gone away, which I know happens during the second tri, but it seems like they have been replaced by first tri symptoms. I thought my hormones were supposed to level out now? I just feel like an emotional wreck! I thought I was supposed to have more energy now?

Like I said, I dont remember going through this when I was pregnant with Luc, but then again I dont really remember any of the negative stuff. Have any of you gone through this? What the heck is wrong with me?
Ohhh ok I understand now! Thankyou so much for explaining to me! Yes that's what I'm thinking the main thing is that bubby is growing at the right rate! My next appt isn't until my 12 week scan, which is 5 weeks away... I made a gp appointment Monday and thinking maybe I could ask dr if I can get another scan in the next few weeks to just check on things n keep me sane..
Kate I ment the same as Amanda lol! Its completely possible that that's what happened, a LOT of people find that there dates are off. It wouldn't hurt to ask for another scan, esp if you are worried, but I really think that if the Dr is happy you have nothing to worry about. Esp with baby growing perfectly between scans - you should take a lot of comfort from that because that, combined with a wonderful stromg heartbeat, is wonderful! Did you work your due date originally from the first date of your last period or from when you thought you ov'd?

Amanda :hugs: you poor thing, I don't blame you at all for doing whatever you had to to get another drs appointment etc. I'm sure everything will be fine but I SO understand your worry. It eats you up doesn't it? When ever I'm ill with stomach issues it always gets me down, I think its because its so easy to get a little dehydrated and then your mood can take a hit. Are you able to drink lots of fluids? I felt super emotional all the way the way through my pregnancy. Lots of :hugs: for you :hugs: :hugs:
Awww thanks Sarah!

Kate, I'm glad ur dating scan went well...u know ur doc could still be wrong bout ur dates tho! Peanut measured a week behind right up until my '12 week scan' where he measured 13 + 3 lol ... the docs were adamant from my scans that I had ovulated later than I thought, but i knew i hadn't cuz we hfad used OPK's and I was right lol!

I hope you stop feeling so sick soon x

*hugs* hope ur ok Amanda xx

I'm feeling so many different emotions at the moment im spending a lot of time in tears! Excited cuz peanuts due date is getting near but also worried something will go wrong and sad that he will never meet his big brother.

I'm also finding that my bump feels permanently bruised but I think that's got a lot to do with peanut being wedged up under my ribs! I've got a feeling that he's not gona turn round...he's obviously stubborn like his dad!

Thanks, ladies! I actually woke up feeling a little better today. I appreciate the support, I think that's exactly what I needed! Ugh, its so not fair that we have to go through our entire pregnancy with this feeling of what if and doom! I want to be happy and just enjoy it. I think I'll feel better once I begin to feel more regular movement, hopefully. But then again, I will probably still worry my heart out.

JP said I had the emotional bouts when I was pregnant with Luc, so maybe that's what is going on. Everything you read says hormones level out now and this is the feel good tri. I'm just waiting to "feel good"! Maybe I need to stop reading.

I'll report back in after my appt this afternoon! Have a good day/night everyone!
Ohhh ok I understand now! Thankyou so much for explaining to me! Yes that's what I'm thinking the main thing is that bubby is growing at the right rate! My next appt isn't until my 12 week scan, which is 5 weeks away... I made a gp appointment Monday and thinking maybe I could ask dr if I can get another scan in the next few weeks to just check on things n keep me sane..

I would ask for another scan. I'd beg for another, in fact! Anything you can do to put your mind at ease is worth it! I was at one of the baby superstores yesterday getting a gift for a friends new baby and saw a 3D ultrasound place next door. I was so tempted to just go in and get one!
Clo I was SO emotional in third tri, esp towards the end. I cried a LOT, and not always about anything in particular :dohh: I also cleaned liked an absolute demon, and slept at really wierd times towards the end. At 3am I was usually cleaning something!

Amanda I hope your appointment went well! I honestly did enjoy my pregnany with Oliver and after a while the excitement definetly overshadowed the worry. This may sound wierd, but I got to the point where I just refused to let the worry spoil my pregnancy. I thought I can worry for nine months, and maybe something will go wrong or maybe it won't - or I can allow myself to enjoy it, because if something goes wrong, nothing will make me feel worse - so it's not like I would have said to myself 'this has happened because I didn't worry'. Do you know what I mean? When I allowed myself not to worry it was much better - I think I was about 20 something weeks when that happened though.
Things went great today! HB was a nice strong 165 and today was the first time I got to hear it on the doppler! Playing up the pelvic pain earned me a cervix check, but it is reassuring to know that is good as well.

I told the Dr a bit about how I had been feeling and he thinks it was/is related to being sick. He wants me to be gentle on my belly with what I eat for a few more days, but said everything is great.

Thanks so much, Sarah, I think you are totally right! On the way home I was telling myself, you know I need to just relax and realize that this baby is ok and is most likely going to be ok. You're right, I need to enjoy the pregnancy and not allow my fear to rob me of this miraculous time. I will be so disappointed when its over if I dont allow myself to enjoy it. Thanks for the pep talk!
Amanda I'm glad you understood what I was getting at and that it helped, I didn't quite know how to say what I wanted to :haha: But you summed it up perfectly :) :hugs:
Well, I was meaning that since it was your first month of really paying attention to your cycle and trying to conceive maybe things were a bit off. Were you using an OPK (or some other method to detect your ovulation) or just counting the days of what your cycle normally is?

I would think its possible that in the six months that you weren't allowed to try that the stress of trying is not on you and your cycles would be fairly regular (if you're the regular cycle type), then the first month you are trying and wanting and hoping to get pregnant could potentially put stress on you (your body) and possible throw your cycle off a bit.

Whatever the reason, I am so glad that your baby is right on schedule! That is all that matters. When is your next appt?

On another note, I have been having a rough time lately and I dont remember going through this when I was pregnant with Luc. Up until last week, I have been hungry all the time and any and all foods have been so delicious to me. Luckily, I've only gained 3 lbs, but I sure have had an voracious appetite! I've been in great spirits and aside from having a constant worry in the back of my head about something going wrong, I've been doing really good.

Well, on Monday I got sick. Kind of another stomach bug thing, but not nearly as bad as last time. Lots of nausea (which I dont think is pregnancy related as I have never had morning sickness) and belly issues, but more than anything I felt very weak and when I tried to blow dry my hair after a shower I felt like I was going to faint. Also had a fever and this continued the same on Tuesday. On Wednesday, I was feeling better and JP didnt have to stay home to help with Luc, but I am still nauseous have absolutely no appetite. Food is REALLY turning me off and I've lost a few pounds. I kind of feel really sad, too and cant shake the feeling that something is wrong.

I was able to get my Drs office to schedule an appt for me for tomorrow (mostly by playing up the pains I was having, I'm sorry to say). I really just want to get checked out. I kind of feel like all the symptoms I had have gone away, which I know happens during the second tri, but it seems like they have been replaced by first tri symptoms. I thought my hormones were supposed to level out now? I just feel like an emotional wreck! I thought I was supposed to have more energy now?

Like I said, I dont remember going through this when I was pregnant with Luc, but then again I dont really remember any of the negative stuff. Have any of you gone through this? What the heck is wrong with me?

Ohh Amanda I can totally relate! this is exactly how I was feeling when I ended up in emergency on Monday, I was so distressed they even asked me about depression! I said I have lost a baby not even twelve months ago and I am pregnant again, I think thats okay to be a bit upset about! I think when we feel ill we get down, well i know thats what Im like..I have trouble getting ready in the mornings at the moment because I feel so sick! I think you are doing so well, and just keep thinking positive thats so so true what Sarah said Im starting to think I need to learn myself to enjoy it while this pregnancy lasts, I dont want baby to arrive and wish I had enjoyed my time while they were still in tummy!!! Hang in There!:hugs:
Ohhh ok I understand now! Thankyou so much for explaining to me! Yes that's what I'm thinking the main thing is that bubby is growing at the right rate! My next appt isn't until my 12 week scan, which is 5 weeks away... I made a gp appointment Monday and thinking maybe I could ask dr if I can get another scan in the next few weeks to just check on things n keep me sane..

I would ask for another scan. I'd beg for another, in fact! Anything you can do to put your mind at ease is worth it! I was at one of the baby superstores yesterday getting a gift for a friends new baby and saw a 3D ultrasound place next door. I was so tempted to just go in and get one!

Really? Now Im worried:dohh: I was starting to think i could wait it out but now im second guessing? Clo what scans did you have? Sarah what would you suggest?:coffee:

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