Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Honey look at the chart on this link:

At seven to eight weeks NORMAL levels are between 7, 650 - 229,000!! It doesn't automatically mean its another molar babe, really it doesn't! Yes high levels can be a sign of MP/PMP, but they can also be a sign of a multiple pregnancy, be completely normal, OR mean that you are further on than they think, which would tie in with your original dates! Maybe your original dates were right (which would make you about nine weeks right?) and the measurements were just a bit off - HONESTLY honey it's waaaay more likely to be nothing at all bad than another mp/pmp!!!!

I'm so mad at your GP!!!!!
Honey look at the chart on this link:

At seven to eight weeks NORMAL levels are between 7, 650 - 229,000!! It doesn't automatically mean its another molar babe, really it doesn't! Yes high levels can be a sign of MP/PMP, but they can also be a sign of a multiple pregnancy, be completely normal, OR mean that you are further on than they think, which would tie in with your original dates! Maybe your original dates were right (which would make you about nine weeks right?) and the measurements were just a bit off - HONESTLY honey it's waaaay more likely to be nothing at all bad than another mp/pmp!!!!

I'm so mad at your GP!!!!!

Hi Sarah thankyou.. But these levels were recorded at 6 wks 2 days..
I will take a look at the site, I'm trying my best to think positive but not knowing for sure is awful and yes that damn dr!! I did read somewhere it's better to take notice of scans as opposed to hcg levels too.. And yep I was thinkin the same thing bout my dates.. But surely 3 scans an 3 drs wouldn't Mis measure?
Maybe your little bean is just a little small? Its really, really common honey - loads of ladies get put back a bit at this stage and then by 12 weeks or so the baby has caught up. Also remember that we are taking tiny, tiny measurements - its easy to get it one mm out and that makes a big difference at this stage :hugs:

When do you get the next set of blood results back? Are they taking another one in 24 hours or anything like that, so see how quickly your levels are going up?
I don't know Sarah.. Maybe.. Um I'm going for bloods tomorrow they get sent to that gp and I see him next Wednesday after Easter.. Sooo hope ur right I'm such a mess ATM just so worried for lil bean:(!
Awww Kate I'm not suprised, I would be in bits too :(

Who dealt with your followup testing? Do you have a consultant back home that you could call just for some advice? I just don't get your gp, there s just no way that from one set of bloods he could know it was pmp, when there can be so many other factors!

I soooooo feel for you right now, argh its just awful to be left waiting like this! :hugs:
I was thinking of calling my midwife back home that helped me with all my followup bloods to see what she says but I'm scared I might worry more depending on what she says.. Argh it's so hard:( thanku so much for ur support sarah:hugs:U never cease to amaze me!
I wish I could help you more :hugs: :hugs:

I think you should ring your midwife from back home. Can you worry more than you are now? And she might be able to ease your worry a little :hugs: :hugs:

Oh I wish could do more :hugs:
Ok thankyou.. I will call her tomorrow.. Will keep u updated:) thanks for your strength and help again :hugs:
That's okay sweetie, I just wish I could do more :hugs: xx
Newby I am so sorry to hear of ur loss:hugs: I hope we can be of some support to you here in the coming days, it sure doesn't feel like it at the time but things do get easier eventually.. Prayers are with you!

Sarah and amanda I need your help! I got blood tests back today that I had in emergency last week, when I was 6 wks 2 days it says my bloods were 87,500. I panicked wen I got that figure this morn and asked my gp about it and guess what he said? "definitely another molar pregnancy!!" he gave me a slip to get more bloods done tomorrow. Oh and I went straight to emergency as I was so worried, the dr there said although the levels are a but high the dating scan was great etc and I asked her to do a scan then to check on bub and bub measuring 7 wks 5 days which is spot on with growth from dating scan gestation and heartbeat still there but I'm SO scared from what my gp said and so worried as I have to wait til 12 weeks for first tri screening coz that's when they'll be able to tell if it is partial molar o not and coz I've been so sick too I can't help but worry :cry: feels like I am in a nightmare

Wow, I am so surprised that a GP would assume to know enough to diagnose what apparently is something so foreign to even most OB/GYNs!!! You simply cannot diagnose mp/pmp simply with the level of your HCG! The fact that your baby is growing at exactly the correct rate is reassuring. I know you must be freaking out and I am so sorry that Dr was so insensitive!:hugs:

Did they say how long it will take to get results back this time? I know its so very hard to be, but please try to be calm until you get that back. I think your sickness sounds pretty normal to me. Also, please try to think about how stacked the odds are in your favor. The chances of lightning striking again are so, so slim.

How long until your 12 week appt? Can you call them and see if there is any way to get in at 10 weeks for another scan to check on baby's growth?

Ugh, I still cannot believe that Dr! :growlmad:
I won't get the results back til next Wednesday becoz of Easter yep trying to stay calm had a lil cry to myself last night but made myself stop for bubbie s sake. Yep I will ask the gp to get me in for an earlier scan to check on bubbie growth he made me so upset I will def be demanding whatever I feel I need on Wednesday !!! Thanks Amanda for ur support! :hugs:
You're welcome and good for you! He really had no right and I hope in a few weeks we are getting angry with him all over again for scaring you all for nothing, the big jerk!
Thank you for your support it does help but am very teary and then I read other peoples stories and I know I am not alone or suffered as much but we all help each other - I am sorry to read your news and its a shame your in oz so we could meet x x

Newby I am so sorry to hear of ur loss:hugs: I hope we can be of some support to you here in the coming days, it sure doesn't feel like it at the time but things do get easier eventually.. Prayers are with you!

Sarah and amanda I need your help! I got blood tests back today that I had in emergency last week, when I was 6 wks 2 days it says my bloods were 87,500. I panicked wen I got that figure this morn and asked my gp about it and guess what he said? "definitely another molar pregnancy!!" he gave me a slip to get more bloods done tomorrow. Oh and I went straight to emergency as I was so worried, the dr there said although the levels are a but high the dating scan was great etc and I asked her to do a scan then to check on bub and bub measuring 7 wks 5 days which is spot on with growth from dating scan gestation and heartbeat still there but I'm SO scared from what my gp said and so worried as I have to wait til 12 weeks for first tri screening coz that's when they'll be able to tell if it is partial molar o not and coz I've been so sick too I can't help but worry :cry: feels like I am in a nightmare
I feel for you hun:cry::hugs: i know exactly what its like my lil man made it to 16 weeks and because we were so far along i had to deliver etc it was like a nightmare at the time but now i look back and feel gracious that i got that time with him and special that i got to be a little angels sure changes your views on alot of things/people and life suddenly becomes a whole new world but i took comfort from other women who opened their hearts and showed me their strength from all the heartbreak they had been through with their little easy on yourself and just take each day one day at a time sweety!:hugs:
How is everyone doing? Kate I hope you are okay sweetie :hugs:

We are having such gorgeous weather at the moment! Its so nice, we are completely redoing our garden to make it more Oliver friendly, its not finished yet but we've still been able to sit our which is lovely! Instead of an Easter Egg the easter bunnies are bringing Oliver a paddling pool :)
Hello ladies! I am so happy to report that I have been doing great since my Dr appt in staying positive and not obsessing about something happening to the baby. I've even forced myself to stop checking the toilet paper every time I pee! I'm actually really proud of myself. Getting very impatient to find out the sex and my belly is growing, growing, growing!

Last night I got out the diary that I wrote to Luc in while I was pregnant with him. It was sweet to read about how I was feeling during that carefree pregnancy and nice to see the dates of when I began feeling him move and when JP could feel him move. Then I felt sad about the fact that I haven't done it for this baby and I realized that I didn't want to allow myself to get too attached before now. I know I can start now, but its just another reminder of how cautious I feel I have to be with my heart and that's unfortunate.

Sarah, a pool sound like a great idea! Luc loved splashing in the water at his age! Well, he still does actually. It gets VERY hot in the summer here in California, so we are planning on buying a pool big enough for all of us to get into. It makes me a little nervous to have it with Luc, but I know he cant get in the back yard without me. Nice that you're getting you yard in order as well. It always feel so good when your done and can enjoy all your hard work! We need to get outside and do some!

Kate, will you get blood results on Monday? Will you call in for them or do you have another Dr appt? I've been thinking about you a lot, I really pray all is ok in there.

Newbie, I hope you have been coping well the last week. I know the first couple of months are difficult. Have you gotten any blood results back, do you know if your levels are coming down? Big hugs to you!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Kate, I just saw you said Wednesday for the blood results. I hope you're doing ok waiting!
im doing ok, thanks. feeling alot more positive actually, and ill tell you why and let me know what ya'll think!
i was looking at that chart Sarah. at 6 weeks 2 days along i recorded a hcg level of 87,500. for 6 weeks lmp the maximum is 56,000 ish. Ive been thinking tho i was an extra two days along so that accounts for a higher level, right? BUT what I was also thinking, at 6 weeks 2 days (going by the scan date) it had been between 7-8 weeks since my last menstrual period, and this graph goes off lmp, not scans, right? So in that case 7-8 weeks= anywhere from7,650- 229,000! meaning the 87,500 would be okay! do you get my drift? And from 3 scans i have already had, bub is growing and 2 dr's and 1 sonographer say everything looks should be. Do you think if it was a pmp they could pick it up that early on> thats the one thing ive been thinking.
But trumaine and I have said that we will see how we go wednesday with the blood test results, and if they come back high again, i will request another scan, even just to check on bubbys growth, but if bloods come back ok, i think ill just wait till my 12 week scan, coz as the dr's said they cant really know everything until then anyway.
Well I hope that all made enough sense for ya'll to understand it!:wacko: if you get the time, let me know what you think, i would sure be very appreciative.

:hugs: thankyou
Kate that makes complete sense to me! I really think that its SO much more likely to be the case than it be another PMP :hugs:

I know some with some ladies it hasn't been picked up on in scans, but as far as I know a large majority are. To be honest I think that most PMP's never even get to the heartbeat stage - I'm sure that's what happened to me. You have the heartbeat and perfect growth, that's a great sign!!
Kate that makes complete sense to me! I really think that its SO much more likely to be the case than it be another PMP :hugs:

I know some with some ladies it hasn't been picked up on in scans, but as far as I know a large majority are. To be honest I think that most PMP's never even get to the heartbeat stage - I'm sure that's what happened to me. You have the heartbeat and perfect growth, that's a great sign!!

I hope so Sarah!:hugs:

I see what you are saying about the heartbeat, but i still worry as little mr Jamari had a perfect heartbeat up until the day i had him! But yes..a heartbeat is a good sign still and so is growth...

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