Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Hello everyone. Hope you are all ok. Sorry that I'm not mentioning people individually but I have been keeping track of you all on here over the last couple of weeks. Welcome to all the new ladies too. I can't believe how many rainbow babies are making an appearance this year and next.

Tina - Lukas is totally gorgeous and I can't believe that him and Orla share the same birthday!! As you said, they will always have a connection. I see them as two end of a rainbow spanning an ocean! x

As for me, I am truly, madly, deeply in love! For those of you not friends with me on Facebook my rainbow baby Orla Rae Liberty was born on Tuesday morning weighing 7lb 10oz compared to my others that's huge!!) (thanks for all your lovely messages) As is usual for my children she was unexpectedly early! I was booked in for a planned c-section this coming Monday. My OH was working away in London at the beginning of this week so on Monday night just after midnight when I lost my mucus plug and then my waters broke I was in a bit of a panic! I'd felt uncomfortable all evening and at about 11pm had felt an almighty kick and baby was bulging out to one side then it literally felt like an immense pressure down below. So I'd been pottering about unable to sleep. Anyway, I phoned the hospital which is about 40 minutes away and they said to come straight in. I managed to get hold of Marc but he was relaint on trains to get back home so I knew he wouldn't make it in time to be at the birth. So began me frantically calling people trying to wake them up. I tried my dad and was cursing him as I'd asked him to keep his mobile on and beside him 'just in case' while Marc was working away. He didn't asnwer so I tried my mum who I knew was working. She's a nurse at the local hospital (not the one I needed to go to) but she was on an ambulance transfer to Leicester. Arghh - I needed soemone to drive me in and someone to look after the children. Anyway, finally my dad phoned back and siad he was on his way. So then i tried my friend but as expected she was fast asllep so didn't answer. By this time my contractions had started and were already every 5 minutes and pretty painful. Not the way I had planned on it being this time! Them muy mum phoned!! The hospital had radioed the ambulance and passed my message on so she wasd getting here as soon as to drive me in. Luckily, I'd packed my hospital bag last week so I was just trying keep calm and breathe through my contractions. Finally we were on our way.......without any warning we came across a road closure!!! No diversion signs so we ended up driving down a winding countyry road full of pot holes which didn't help with my pain!! When we arrived at the hospital about 45 minutes later they said staright away that they were prepping me for surgery - they checked me and I was 2cm dilated. Someone was already in the theatre so I had to wait for it to be free. So, then I was in theatre with my mum (so gald I wasn't on my own - my mum and I don't have the closest of realtionships but I'm glad she was there and she actually showed her rare softer side!). I lost a lot of blood (about 1 litre) so I could hear them muttering about that and it seemed to take them an age to tidy me up this time round but my daughter was here safe and sound two and half weeks before her due date at 5.44am. There were a few tears believe me!! Marc finally arrived at about 9am after travelling through the night and being starned at 5am at Kings Cross waiting for a train connection!
She is so, so special and although it's been a long journey getting her I wouldn't have it any other way. She has such a shock of jet black hair! I'm so glad to be home! She's a little bit jaundiced and I'm still waiting for my milk to come in properly so am topping up with formula at the moment. I've had an allergic reaction to the lotion they 'paited' on me before the spinal which is annoying as the other rash had virtually gone but I am over the moon! Coanll can't quite say Orla and it sounds more like he's calling her 'Earl Grey' which is funny. Gabriella refers to her as 'the new baby' and on the way back from hospital asked 'are you having another baby tomorrow?' and Ava is just mother hen!!

Anyway, I'm off for more cuddles now. Take care everyone and thank you so much for being here for me over the last 18months - I couldn't have done it without you all and I look forward to hearing of many more rainbows in the near and distant future. xxxxxx:kiss::hugs:
Congrats avg.

I think its getting closer to start i am cramping a little now.

congrats avgabcon! So wonderful, though I think I'd be freaking out a bit in that situation. Glad she's here and beautiful of course.

AFM-I got a call from the doctor and I'm feeling pretty discouraged. The original hemorrhage remains unchanged...I suppose that's okay. But a second one has shown up, almost equally large. :( They are refering me back to the high risk clinic and I'll have consultation in two weeks with the doctor who did my dnc for the pmp. And she was not someone I liked very much. I'm so stressed and sad. It's hard to stay hopeful, I really wasn't expecting more bleeds.
avgbon5 and blakesmom, congratulations! such wonderful and hopeful news! enjoy this wonderful time.

raff - keeping my fingers crossed for you. did the doctor say anything else to give you more information/comfort or do you just have to wait until you see the specialist??

heard my levels are down to 625 today. getting there, slowly but surely. seems like a long way to go but feeling like things are getting more back to normal now. not obsessing as much about all this anymore. hoping that by after the holidays i will be close to negative but don't want to get my hopes up too much. anyone's doctor telling them they only have to wait 3 months after negative in PMP? that is what my doc is telling me but seems shorter than others have been told on here.
Raff- i am so sorry. Prayers for you. I was worried since she didnt tell you that it wasnt good news. Keep us updated.

Still nothing for me. Just light spotting here or there.

Eleanor! Thank you so much for sharing your story! What a stressful time! At least she is here safe. It's crazy to think how far you have come! She is one beautiful rainbow and her name is gorgeous! Well done you. I love you saying that orla and lukas are like the ends of the rainbow over the ocean! Be lovely for you to stay in contact and when your rainbows are older you can share your stories with them! Once again congratulations to you all! Enjoy xxxxx
Raff I'm sorry to hear of another bleed. I have every faith baby will keep growing big and strong. It must be a worry for you lovely. Sorry that you have the same dr as the pmp. I guess all the waiting doesn't help either. Always here for you lovely!

Becky that's awesome you can get your nails painted! We were never allowed either!!! We couldn't wear jewellery either. Woo! What is your due date again? Have you names at the ready?? Exciting! You and Megan next! It's just amazing!!!!!

Kabeth its still a drop so that's great news! I've read stories of a 3 month wait after a pmp. Once leaves dropped to negative its so very unlikely for them to rise again.

Vicki it all seems like a waiting game doesn't it! First waiting for negative then to try again, then the two week wait! I'm sure after the shot your body is just trying really hard to regulate itself. The witch is trying so hopefully she will arrive properly very soon.

Megan how are you lovely? Not long for you now!!!!! Eek! Have you names at the ready?

Happy 1st December ladies! Love Christmas!

Lovely to hear the new baby stories, congratulations.
I've just been told I can try after three months as I've reached negative. I did have to ask the coordinator though. The helpline still say six months.
I got my period this morning, I've never been so pleased to see it. It's exactly the same time as last month, unheard of for me. I was told this might happen and will make it easier when we can try again.
Bev a 3 month wait is great! I was happy to see my first AF after everything too! I spent my wait getting to know my fertile signs! Xxx
Well my spotting is turned into btight rrd now. I just need to wait till it actually starts flowinf to call it a period.

Kabeth, bevb - I got told a 3 month negative wait by my specialist. We got that in and fell straight away. That is good news that you both have been told this.

Thanks Laura. No jewellery either for me too. Little things like this just make it seem more exciting. Something to look forward to. Do you work in industry too? We have 2 boys and 2 girls names picked out but waiting to meet bubs to decide and tell people. Have you got names worked out?

I'm off to do my funrun today, I'm walking the short distance. 3km so hopefully stays cool :)
Mum still nothing started spotting thursday night. I 1 episode of bright redthe rest light pink. Hopefully being at work busy on my feet will kick somthing going, with that bright red i thought i would have started by now.

Becky I used to work at a factory. There main thing is to pack the pregnancy packs you take to the midwife and the new mum bags etc you receive. I used to deal with Sony competitions, jujube changing bag orders, help order work on the computers etc. It's nice to put rings in and keep them on! Or wear nail varnish and not have to take it off!!!! Haha!! We decided at the beginning of the molar that a girl would be called indigo (I know Kate called her bubba indigo so I hope she doesn't mind) and we like a few boys names. For Corban we had 2 of each name that we kept hush hush! Even though we always like Corban best! I'm so excited about hearing your news!! Eek!!! Goodluck on your run/walk! Take it easy!

Vicki I guess one good thing is your body is clearly trying! Hopefully it happens soon!

Bev I had chemo so my wait time should have been a year. With hours of research and talking to my team at charring cross we decided a six month wait. I finished my chemo dec9th last year so in a few days my wait is up but I'm 16 weeks pregnant.

Mummy2corban- thanks. I've spoken to Charing cross and they've given me the chances of the mole growing back for not waiting and for completing the follow up. It's so difficult, sometimes I'm confident about just getting on with it, other times it scares me. I keep thinking how long it took the first time and adding the waiting time to that is not appealing. Decisions, decisions
Yeah I had moments of panick thinking about it and the worry of more chemo but the more research I done the better I felt about my decision. Charring cross are great and they said they always understand why ladies try earlier but they have to advise you to wait. I miscarried in July but they were lovely through it and same with this pregnancy. No need to rush your decision lovely. Just take your time xxx
Bevb: Of course I've been thinking the same thing and it's only been four days since my d&c. I don't want to have to wait. It seems so unfair. If my levels go down quickly (and I hope they will since they started out so low) then why can't I try sooner? Just because I try doesn't mean I will fall pregnant right away. It took almost a year with this past pregnancy. Of course my dd only took one try, so who knows. I know we don't want our doctors mad at us, nor do we want to hurt our bodies, but knowing we have to wait not easy.

I found a blog the other day about a woman who had a partial molar pregnancy and got pregnant again almost right away. She has some interesting links to research on her blog as well. If you want to take a look here is the link to her blog:

Here is another blog that I also found informative about a woman who had a complete molar pregnancy: There is a blog entry where all sorts of women posted their falling hcg levels. It is interesting to see how long it took some women and that many looked like their levels were falling only to go back up again.
Bevb, it took 18 months to fall with the pmp but then this one was a month before we were going to start TTC. Bit of a surprise. I guess it gave my body time to reset and get itself sorted. Hopefully next time happens quicker for you too xx

Laura, I work in a cheese factory so nice not to wear the hair net everyday too! I love your girls name. If its a girl we will use my sisters name as a middle name which was also my great grandma's name - Isabel. If boy then the middle name will be either my hubby's middle name (also his opa's name) - gerrit (dutch name) or my grandpa's - hallem. Our first names are hush at the moment. I hope its a girl so you can use your name :)

Vicki, I hope af shows her face soon for you xx

I did my walk in good time considering. But slower rate than last year but then I wasn't heavily pregnant then (just 5 weeks with pmp). I also did the 10.4 km then too. We finished painting our nursery tonight. It's getting real now. My first day without an alarm tomorrow. Excited!
Vegasbaby, its unlikely that once you get negative results they will go back up. You have to be confident with your decision based on your research and doctors advice. The doctors will always recommend the safest option and most ideal but as we all know, things change a lot in the medical world so there might be new ideas and research that have been done. At the end of the day, you have to be confident in your choices but you dont have to have decided straight away, give its some time.

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