Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Jacky: How far along are you now? Are you on team yellow? I'm guessing so since you have a boy and girl name picked out. We were team yellow with my dd and I thought she was a boy until the second they announced otherwise. Love all your middle name choices. What does your nursery look like? It is so much fun preparing for a baby.

It is so great to read this thread and see that there are so many women who are either pregnant or getting ready to try again. While there are a few of us in the early days of this journey I find it really inspiring that life does go on and things can/will work out.

For those of you who have their rainbow babies on board, when were you confident that this was not a repeat CM/PMP? Seeing as we saw a heartbeat (156 bpm) at my eight week scan I was so sure everything was fine, not sure when the cysts started to show up. I will say I was concerned at the eight week scan as we measured a week behind and baby still had a yolk sac which I hadn't seen with my dd. I guess that was the start of the first cyst? Did you all get extra screening or do they make you wait like everyone else? I know I'm a million years away from needing to know all this, but I'm curious.
Girls I feel like you with this whole waiting thing. I had a CM and I go back this Friday to have an ultrasound since my d and c. I'm afraid they are going to tell me a year because they hear complete molar. My numbers started at 137,000 and thankfully I'm already at 53 three weeks post d and c, so I hope they take my falling numbers into consideration. I have also done a lot of research on molar pregnancy and it seems that 3 months is what alot of drs are saying for PM now and 6 months for CM (without needed treatment) but again it's different everywhere. Research also says that once hitting zero it's very unlikely to come back so then why all this waiting time? OBviously there must be cases where it grows back after zero or they would just let you try right away, but then what is the percentage that this happened? I feel like drs need to do more research and tell us these things! Then I think well maybe I could try earlier and not do all these of months of zero, but then how could I go against my drs orders? Ugh such a crappy situation I feel like no matter what i decide I'm going to be stressed...guess I'll wait until I get to zero and talk to the drs on fri to figure out that step. Any of you new ladies feel this way too?

How is everyone else doing? Has anyone continued taking prenatals during this process? I stopped i didn't want anything in my body during this time to get to zero, but once I hit zero I would like to start, is that what you ladies did?
Angel: Your numbers sounded really good from the start and they look like they are dropping really fast. My doctor said she would have been concerned if the numbers started out above 200,000 so you were a good deal below that mark (or course I'm sure every doctor is different). I decided to not only start taking my prenatals again (the cheap ones I took before I got my bfp, not the pricey ones my dr prescribed), but I also started taking 50mg of B6 again since my luteal phase was all screwed up before my bfp and the B6 was getting it back on track. I might also add some vitamin C back as I hear that is good for conception too (also it is cold season, so maybe I can use it to avoid a cold this winter too). I'm obviously not planning on trying again right away, but the fact that it was so hard to TTC this past one I want to make sure I get my system back in order as best I can.
Ok i was up like a million and one times last night to go pee. Jad some more bright red but she is not flowing. This is crazy 4 days of spotting without a flow.

Thanks all.
Vegasbaby - will take a look at those links, thank you.
I think I might just be less careful, start tracking my most fertile times and see what happens
Becky I had to wear hairnets too!!! Haha! So nice to have your hair! Lovely middle names too. We decided that our boy baby's will always have a John for the middle name as both our dads were called John and both passed of cancer. Love Isabel! My sisters new baby is hazel Isabella. Well done on doing your run! How exciting about your nursery what colour have you chosen?
Vegas always try remain positive even if its just a little. It is a struggle but I tried to tell myself I will get there and every second of it would have been worth it when you have your rainbow in your arms!!! I've had scans at 6, 8, and 12 weeks my consultant has just said everything looks good so fingers crossed. I have a scan on the 19th and see my consultant so hopefully all is still ok.

Angel my levels started at 255,000 so the fact your so low so soon seems great. The percentages of it growing back are very very small but I guess because it happens they have to inform you. Because of the chemo I am on life time bloods and urine as they basically said they don't know enough so they keep an eye on it. I was told no folic acid during treatment but started taking folic acid and vit D in march ready to start trying in the June. You have lotsa time to ask questions and decide. You kinda know when your ready.

Vicki boo to no flow! Maybe this is AF for this month?

Hi Ladies!

Wow lots of updates!!!

Big congrats to the new mummies - both babies are totally yummy!

Vicki hope your body levels out so you know where you are soon!

Well now i'm at HCG 2 I havent even spoken to Sheffield but I'm going to continue ntnp and then I'll give them a call in the new year to just double check what they say about fertility treatment in Feb...I guess their main worry is also i'll be having HCG injections to stimulate ovulation which will mess with their urine tests...January will be 6 months since ERPC.

Hope everyone else is well.

Lots oflove,

Aim x
Vicki, my first af after going off the pill years ago was similar. Maybe its your body trying ?

Vegasbaby, I'm 33 and half weeks so getting there. Definitely team yellow or green as we are going with. We had scans at 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20 weeks with the doc focusing on placenta appearance, position and development of bubs. With all the scans we wanted something to be a surprise so we didn't find out. Maybe next time?. I had never got past 7.5 weeks development due to some other problems so big relief when I got past 8 weeks. When my scan at 15 weeks was clear, we told family and started getting a little bit more relaxed but the 20 week scan was the moment for me.

Laura, john is a great middle name and will be one with great meaning. My grandfather who past away was john hallem so love that you will use that for a boy. I like to think the good qualities will pass onto someone through a name. And I love your nieces name. So pretty :) I can't wait to hear about your scan. I have everything crossed. Will be an early Christmas present seeing bubs wiggling in there :)
It's so lovely not dressing up for a factory. Nails, jewellery and hair. Did you find the hair net meant you had to wash your hair more often. They always made my hair get darker and knotted it up. And forget your fringe sitting nicely :) oh the other one - steel cap boots, definitely enjoying not wearing them!

We have painted a pale warm green (graced pears) feature wall and have these very cool wall stickers of giraffe, elephant and monkey (quite big and pale grey) to walk across it. We throught we'd go with the animal threme as I love elephant (good luck symbol) and have been giving some beautiful artwork. It's still very unisex too. When its all set up, ill take a pic but that won't be until Christmas though as I am spreading out everything so I stay busy now I'm on leave :)

Once again ladies, excellent drops in numbers happening xx
Aim, excellent results! Congratulations on negative. I have everything crossed that it happens naturally and if not that you get to start treatment in Feb. It will be something good to look forward to next year xx
Vegas- I got pregnant around 7 months post D&C, or 5 months after negative. But we did start trying a couple months before that, just didn't catch an egg.

As far as wondering if this is a repeat PMP, I don't think I felt confident that this was the real thing till this past week at my 11 week u/s. I've heard of women hearing the heartbeat up to week 10...but not usually past that. I suppose I'm still not 100% in the clear, but we saw a very normal healthy, perfect for dates baby at the last ultrasound, so I feel pretty reassured.
Aimze yay for 2!!!! That's great news. You will have a few months of negative when you reach feb so hopefully they will be fine with that! Fingers crossed lovely!

Becky i used to have to wash my hair loads as I'd end up with greasy greasy hair!!! Yuk! The hair nets where awful. It's lovely to feel free from it isn't it! Corban has John as a middle name too. Mine is Jane which is the female equivalent to John. 23rd dec will have been 4 years since I lost my dad. I'm very excited to hear about bubba when he or she arrives! Corbans room has monkeys etc too! As next bubba will eventually share so we thought jungle theme suits both! He has big leaves over him bed. A picture of the nursery would be lovely! It sounds lovely. I'm hoping bubba is still nice and healthy for our scan! We will probably share the news with more people's once we know all is ok.

Vicki chin up lovely. Sounds like this depo shot messes with your body alot. Are you still having pink? Maybe class this as the witch and see if you get a posit e opk in the next few weeks?

Raff I'm so sorry your feeling that way. It sounds like bubba is doing great even though you have these silly bleeds. Sounds like danos bleed is still there but bubba is still strong. It doesn't ease the worry though does it. Hugs for you raff! Thinking positive thoughts for both you and bubba.

Dano I believe its your scan today? Hope all goes well.

Tina and Eleanor hope your rainbows are both ok! Sends love both your ways!

As for me I'm going with my sis and niece for her newborn shoot! My sister in law is a newborn photographer so is taking pictures of the beautiful hazel today! Yay! And I get lotsa snuggles! Yay!!!!

Laura, corban's room sounds wonderful. Will be thinking of you during the Christmas time especially on the 23rd. It would be hard. All my love xx
Yeah hair nets are not nice. It's nice for my hair not to be so greasy all the time :) it shows up in blood hair more as you know!

Dano, hope your scan went well xx

Lotte, sending all my love xx
Yup, punk. Somtimes a little red. And i have been up the past 2 nights peeing like crazy. Driving me nuts.

Thanks Bev. Luckily I don't work (other than running around after my two year old). I'm going shopping today. I need to get out of this house.

I feel great today to be honest, almost no bleeding and no cramps. Sure, I've cried a little, but I'm a lot better. Already having a child makes this slightly less painful as she is a great distraction from all this and proof that I can have a healthy child. I also think knowing what happened and the fact this couldn't have been avoided makes this easier. There is no blame, no what ifs. What is going to hurt for a while is seeing my SIL who is five weeks ahead of where I was and my best friend in town who is two weeks ahead of where I was (using past tense is making me sad). I know seeing their pregnancies progress will be hard and meeting their babies will also be difficult. Part of me is praying that these hcg levels will go down super fast and my doctor will give me the all clear to start trying again. If I can perhaps be pregnant again by the time these babies arrive I think it would help. Is that crazy? Overly optimistic? Selfish? I don't know.

I had both my cosin and also a close friend due at the same time as my molar babe and it was a bit hard being around them and shopping for their baby showers gifts and hearing their birth announcements but as silly as it sounds I would tell myself when it's time for me to have my babe their babies aren't going to be the cute tiny ones any more. Occasionally I think about what milestones their babes are reaching and think WOW I would have had a babe doing those things but it does get easier!!
Laura, how did the cuddles with hazel go? The pics are lovely with corban xx
Vicki, i hope at showsup soon.

Another negative result... Just wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. Aimze will that mean you can start your stuff (sorry forgotten name) in jan?

Megan, how is your leave going?

Lotte, hope you are doing ok. Thinking of you xxx

Laura, its was more milder yesterday, only 30degC which is a bit easier. The next week will be even cooler so very releaved. Struggling with the swollen legs and feet. It makes me think it can't be healthy to be walking around with balloons for legs. Not long now though and I have started leave now so hopefully bubs appears just after Christmas. Fingers crossed.

Enjoying leave. To celebrate finishing work we went and saw my niece and nephews dance concert. Was excellent and makes me want to encourage dancing. It's suddenly cool for boys to dance too which is great. Today I'm going to try the gym and have a manicure as I can finally wear polish on my nail since I don't have to work. And then all the Christmas parties start. At least this time of year is busy!

Hope everyone has a great weekend xx

Oh almost forgot, sorry raff. Excellent news on your scan. I hope the bleed has decreased too. You have one determined bubs!

Sorry about the leg swelling that last month for me was so bad with the swelling I would say that was my worst pregnancy symptom of the whole 9 months. I'm sure the heat plays into yours some too but I found little to no relief no mAttef what I did-- walking on the treadmill or elevating my feet at night changing socks it wasn't fun : (
Hello everyone. Hope you are all ok. Sorry that I'm not mentioning people individually but I have been keeping track of you all on here over the last couple of weeks. Welcome to all the new ladies too. I can't believe how many rainbow babies are making an appearance this year and next.

Tina - Lukas is totally gorgeous and I can't believe that him and Orla share the same birthday!! As you said, they will always have a connection. I see them as two end of a rainbow spanning an ocean! x

As for me, I am truly, madly, deeply in love! For those of you not friends with me on Facebook my rainbow baby Orla Rae Liberty was born on Tuesday morning weighing 7lb 10oz compared to my others that's huge!!) (thanks for all your lovely messages) As is usual for my children she was unexpectedly early! I was booked in for a planned c-section this coming Monday. My OH was working away in London at the beginning of this week so on Monday night just after midnight when I lost my mucus plug and then my waters broke I was in a bit of a panic! I'd felt uncomfortable all evening and at about 11pm had felt an almighty kick and baby was bulging out to one side then it literally felt like an immense pressure down below. So I'd been pottering about unable to sleep. Anyway, I phoned the hospital which is about 40 minutes away and they said to come straight in. I managed to get hold of Marc but he was relaint on trains to get back home so I knew he wouldn't make it in time to be at the birth. So began me frantically calling people trying to wake them up. I tried my dad and was cursing him as I'd asked him to keep his mobile on and beside him 'just in case' while Marc was working away. He didn't asnwer so I tried my mum who I knew was working. She's a nurse at the local hospital (not the one I needed to go to) but she was on an ambulance transfer to Leicester. Arghh - I needed soemone to drive me in and someone to look after the children. Anyway, finally my dad phoned back and siad he was on his way. So then i tried my friend but as expected she was fast asllep so didn't answer. By this time my contractions had started and were already every 5 minutes and pretty painful. Not the way I had planned on it being this time! Them muy mum phoned!! The hospital had radioed the ambulance and passed my message on so she wasd getting here as soon as to drive me in. Luckily, I'd packed my hospital bag last week so I was just trying keep calm and breathe through my contractions. Finally we were on our way.......without any warning we came across a road closure!!! No diversion signs so we ended up driving down a winding countyry road full of pot holes which didn't help with my pain!! When we arrived at the hospital about 45 minutes later they said staright away that they were prepping me for surgery - they checked me and I was 2cm dilated. Someone was already in the theatre so I had to wait for it to be free. So, then I was in theatre with my mum (so gald I wasn't on my own - my mum and I don't have the closest of realtionships but I'm glad she was there and she actually showed her rare softer side!). I lost a lot of blood (about 1 litre) so I could hear them muttering about that and it seemed to take them an age to tidy me up this time round but my daughter was here safe and sound two and half weeks before her due date at 5.44am. There were a few tears believe me!! Marc finally arrived at about 9am after travelling through the night and being starned at 5am at Kings Cross waiting for a train connection!
She is so, so special and although it's been a long journey getting her I wouldn't have it any other way. She has such a shock of jet black hair! I'm so glad to be home! She's a little bit jaundiced and I'm still waiting for my milk to come in properly so am topping up with formula at the moment. I've had an allergic reaction to the lotion they 'paited' on me before the spinal which is annoying as the other rash had virtually gone but I am over the moon! Coanll can't quite say Orla and it sounds more like he's calling her 'Earl Grey' which is funny. Gabriella refers to her as 'the new baby' and on the way back from hospital asked 'are you having another baby tomorrow?' and Ava is just mother hen!!

Anyway, I'm off for more cuddles now. Take care everyone and thank you so much for being here for me over the last 18months - I couldn't have done it without you all and I look forward to hearing of many more rainbows in the near and distant future. xxxxxx:kiss::hugs:

That is so funny about Gabriella!! My tummy is just about gone now but the morning after we came home Blake said " mom you tummy is so huge Re there more babies in there?" Gee thanks a lot kid -lol

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