Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

It totally makes sense to me as well! Good luck on Wednesday, I really do believe all will be ok. If they send you for more blood work ask to have another blood test done 48 hours after that one. I'm surprised they arent looking at blood work done between a 48 hour window to see how your levels are rising. Its my understanding that how quickly the hCG rises is more important than what the actual numbers are. I could be totally wrong, but maybe just ask

I also agree about the HB thing. I think your situation with Jamari was very unusual and I'd hesitate even more for that to happen twice to the same person. Do you know what I mean? My baby also never made it to the HB stage, in fact, a fetus was never actually seen. Just kind of a spot of something on my second ultrasound at almost 10 weeks.
I'm so happy to tell you I just seen the dr and got my blood results which he told me are 'well within the normal range' at 180,000!! I'm sooo relieved and happy!! & he said not to worry bout any more bloods just to wait for my 12 wk scan and see him a wk after that for results. I cannot explain how fortunate I feel. I just threw up AGAIN but don't mind as much if all is okay with bubby!
I'm so happy to tell you I just seen the dr and got my blood results which he told me are 'well within the normal range' at 180,000!! I'm sooo relieved and happy!! & he said not to worry bout any more bloods just to wait for my 12 wk scan and see him a wk after that for results. I cannot explain how fortunate I feel. I just threw up AGAIN but don't mind as much if all is okay with bubby!

YAY!:happydance: I am so happy you got good news today!:thumbup:
Is this the same Dr that said is was for sure another molar? Great to have proved him wrong! I am super happy for you, Kate! On to the 12 weeks appt!:hugs:
YAY! That's such great news! I'm so pleased Kate :hugs:
Yes Amanda same dr!:) I know so really things should be ok right? I'm just sooooo nervous for the 12 week scan!! Thanks ladies I feel much better about things now much more hope!
Yes Amanda same dr!:) I know so really things should be ok right? I'm just sooooo nervous for the 12 week scan!! Thanks ladies I feel much better about things now much more hope!

Nah, dont be worried! Everything will be great and it will be exciting to see how much bigger your little one has gotten! I hope this month goes by very quickly for you.

BTW, Happy early Birthday! Are you all ready to move into the new place? It must be very exciting!
Hi ladies, sorry I've been a bit slack & not been online much :dohh:

So pleased things are looking good jamaris mummy! Roll on scans!!

Amandalucs mom, how are you 19 weeks aready? Wow time is flying! :happydance:

Hi newbie, I'm so sorry to read about your loss. I hope your wait/follow up isn't too long hun :hugs:

Clo, you must be nearly fully baked by now! :yipee:

Sarahwoo, hope you and your LO are well :)

AFM, not much to report really. I'm kinda keeping a low profile & working on growing our baby, lol! Maybe a little too well, as I'm measuring ahead, so might be going for yet another scan & gestational diabetes test based on next weeks findings! Not really worried at all though, as big babies do run in both our families :)

Oh and we got married, can't remember if I said or not? The big day went well & I still fitted in my dress.. just! :haha::wedding:

Congratulations on your wedding Dan-O!!!!

I'm glad to hear that your pregnancy is going well! I had the test for GD when I was pregnant - its soooo boring so take a good book and something like a banana to eat in the car when you leave. Better still take someone to drive you home because I felt absolutely awful by the time I'd finished. I was shocked when my results were all normal because I felt so ill!
Hi ladies, sorry I've been a bit slack & not been online much :dohh:

So pleased things are looking good jamaris mummy! Roll on scans!!

Amandalucs mom, how are you 19 weeks aready? Wow time is flying! :happydance:

Hi newbie, I'm so sorry to read about your loss. I hope your wait/follow up isn't too long hun :hugs:

Clo, you must be nearly fully baked by now! :yipee:

Sarahwoo, hope you and your LO are well :)

AFM, not much to report really. I'm kinda keeping a low profile & working on growing our baby, lol! Maybe a little too well, as I'm measuring ahead, so might be going for yet another scan & gestational diabetes test based on next weeks findings! Not really worried at all though, as big babies do run in both our families :)

Oh and we got married, can't remember if I said or not? The big day went well & I still fitted in my dress.. just! :haha::wedding:


Congratulations on your wedding and I am so glad all worked out with the dress!

Yep, it does seem to be going by very quickly! We find out the gender (hopefully) next week. I cant believe you are 30 weeks along already! I really wonder about those measurements, it seems like almost everyone with boys measures big. Good luck with the test! Will you ahve to do the 3 hour one? Hope not!
Yes Amanda same dr!:) I know so really things should be ok right? I'm just sooooo nervous for the 12 week scan!! Thanks ladies I feel much better about things now much more hope!

Nah, dont be worried! Everything will be great and it will be exciting to see how much bigger your little one has gotten! I hope this month goes by very quickly for you.

BTW, Happy early Birthday! Are you all ready to move into the new place? It must be very exciting!

Aw, that msg made me so happy!:thumbup: thankyou! your positivity made my day! Thankyou! its my 24th birthday on Saturday! I cant believe it! And yes moving into our own place (but sharing with another couple so fx) on my birthday which will be loverly! how r you and bubby doing Amanda?
Dan-O so nice to hear from you and thankyou!:hugs: Congrats on your wedding how exciting!!!:happydance: also cant believe u r 30 weeks already thats amazing and very inspiring!:) all the best with the gd test! do you have names picked out for bubby? not long now! xox
Hello everyone,

As usual im on my phone so find it hard to read back through everyone's posts - so sorry if i miss anyone/anything!

Newbie im so sorry for your loss *hugs* I hate that we all had to go through this.

Kate, i can't believe that Dr said what he did but I'm so glad all seems to be ok :)

Amanda, hope all us going well with u.

Dan-o, congratulations on your wedding!! Don't worry too much about the GD test, I have GD and its not too bad to manage (tho so hard over Easter when I couldn't have Easter eggs!) hope ur test goes well anyway!

Sarah, hope you and your little man are well :)

I'm playing the waiting game at the moment. Don't know if I said but baby is still breech so ive been booked in for a c-section on 10 May. I'm starting to show signs of pre-eclampsia though and was in hospital due to my blood pressure on Tuesday though i am now back at home and on bp meds. They are going to check my bp and urine again on Sunday and if it goes up my c-section may be brought forward. If its ok on Sunday im seeing my consultant again on Wednesday for more checks!

Eek! Can't believe he will be here within 12 days! xx
Girls I hope I can get some advice.

I was told last week at an early scan that it looked like I could have a partial molar pregnancy as there was some areas on the endometrium that looked like that. There was just a yok sac that measured small for hcg level so they had me convinced this was what it was. I was told to come back in this week for an ultrasound which I did and there was a baby measuring 6 weeks 2 days with a strong heartbeat, I got so excited but then the doc said it still could be partial molar although the areas they had noticed on the last scan were not as prominent this time.

I don't know what to think- is it a good sign that the areas had gotten better? Is it good there was a heartbeat or is that normal with a partial. I have to go back in 2 weeks for a scan will they be able to tell for sure then? I am all over the place today.
Lyo :hugs: you poor thing, how worrying for you!! A heartbeat it a great sign - it doesn't rule pmp out but its a great sign :) And I would think that the improvements are a huge positive too! Have they taken your bloods to test the hcg levels and see how they are rising? Huge :hugs: for you!

Clo wow you will have your baby in your arms so soon!! I really hope your bp sorts itself out :hugs:
Thanks for the reply Sarah, They didn't take bloods today, they took them 4 weeks 5 days and they were 3000 and then they were 7000 at 5 weeks so they are a little on the high side too which is another worry.
Girls I hope I can get some advice.

I was told last week at an early scan that it looked like I could have a partial molar pregnancy as there was some areas on the endometrium that looked like that. There was just a yok sac that measured small for hcg level so they had me convinced this was what it was. I was told to come back in this week for an ultrasound which I did and there was a baby measuring 6 weeks 2 days with a strong heartbeat, I got so excited but then the doc said it still could be partial molar although the areas they had noticed on the last scan were not as prominent this time.

I don't know what to think- is it a good sign that the areas had gotten better? Is it good there was a heartbeat or is that normal with a partial. I have to go back in 2 weeks for a scan will they be able to tell for sure then? I am all over the place today.

Hello Lyo, congrats on your pregnancy! I am so sorry for what you are going through. I would say it's a very positive sign that you saw and HB and even more so that your baby seems to be measuring right on schedule. Most pmp cases don't appear to even get to the HB stage and its my understand that they usually measure small, especially at this very early stage.

It must be torture for you to wait two weeks to go back! Big hugs to you!:hugs: Please try to stay calm and remain positive about your growing little one. I hope all looks even better and that suspicious spot on the lining is gone this time. Please keep us updated!
Kate, have you met the other couple yet? I'm glad for you that it is another couple and that you will be able to get settled into the home you'll stay in for a bit now. Glad to have made your day!

I am doing pretty well this week. I have been having more and more round ligament pain lately. My goodness, that is painful! I am going a bit crazy waiting for next weeks anatomy ultrasound to make sure all is ok and to find out the gender. I have found myself referring to the baby as she frequently, I hope that's a sign! It would be so nice to have one of each. Dont get me wrong, a healthy baby is all that matters really.

Clo, wow, baby will be here very soon! 12 days or sooner! How high is your bp? Are you having any headaches? Swelling in your hands or face? My bp was always fine, but my Dr had me do a 24 hour urine collection with my first pregnancy (probably due to the fact that I was overweight). I took home this HUGE container and had to get every last drop in it for 24 hours. Well, me any my very active bladder filled that container up and I had to go back and pick up another one before the office closed! Everything turned out fine, but I look back at it now and find it a bit funny. Hope the next check is ok! You're going to have a little newborn very, very soon!
Thanks for the reply Sarah, They didn't take bloods today, they took them 4 weeks 5 days and they were 3000 and then they were 7000 at 5 weeks so they are a little on the high side too which is another worry.

By the way, according to the chart that Sarah posted your 5 week hCG isnt high. Maybe on the high end, but still within the normal range. I am always reading you need to pay more attention to how the numbers are increasing, not the actual numbers alone.

You can check out the webpage here (I hope I am able to post a url now, last time I got put on a 10 min time out for trying to do it!)...
Thanks ladies you are all so great to reply to me after I just barged in here with my worries. It is reassuring to hear that the heartbeat is a good sign and the fact it is measuring right on dates, I guess if the next ultrasound goes ok and no more areas are seen on the lining then maybe I can relax then. I just keeo reading stories of people who go to like 12-20 weeks with a partial and that scares me
You are not barging in at all! This is the reason that Sarah started the thread/group in the first place!

I think the reason a lot of pmp are found at 12 weeks is that is when most people get their first ultrasound. I really think a lot of pmp are never found due to natural mc happening very early.

When something happens in my life that I dont know much about, I research, research, research. Sometimes to a fault, I think. Then I get myself overly worried. Try to remember that most of what you read online are the the worse off scenarios. I have had to stop myself from reading online too much. I was so worried and positive things would go wrong again at the early stages of this pregnancy that my husband threatened to take my laptop away. I was reading about mc and pmp constantly, looking for anything I could find and analyzing the signs and symptoms.

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