Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Becky I'm pleased to hear they checked bubba and all is ok. Bit of a long day for you but worth it to hear all is well. Hopefully bubba will show his/her face soon..... I'm thinking boy?!?!

Scan is at 10 then I'll see the consultant after!

Thank Laura, was definitely a relief that they check it out. Not sure, I have thought girl all along but as o don't know I have a 50% chance of being wrong. Either way ad long as it is healthy then I am happy :)

Good luck for your scan, will be thinking of you and awaiting your news. Have you been feeling any wiggles?
I never had a clue what corban was!! Most peeps said boy as I was all bump. It's all so exciting. I think I'm feeling wiggles! Last few nights I'm sure it's baby dancing! Ill hopefully have some good news tomorrow xxx
Vicki- I'm so sorry, you are in my thoughts <3

M2C- Good luck on your scan! I know all will be perfect!!

Jacky- glad everything is going so well!

Vegas- glad you took some "me" time, we all should be doing that during this time!

Aimzee- I haven't heard about that being in relation to MP. But i do understand your thinking of it. Everytime I don't feel well I automatically link it to it growing back, hope these thoughts will subside soon.

AFM- Question for you ladies...I asked my dr today about the results of the gentic makeup..I had a CMP and I was under the impression that it meant an empty egg, which is stated in Dr G's email as well. However, my dr said there was nothing wrong with my egg, and that genetic testing showed it was a 46 xx chromosone, which also meant it would have been a girl (took that pretty hard today-although I asked him to tell me). He said the pathology showed no fetal tissue but the genetic results showed some fetal cells. He said the problem was with the placenta developing abnormally and that the genetics were normal. I am so confused??
Aimze when I was taken to charring cross they only gave me an X-ray to check my lungs so I think it's unlikely to get to your brain before going to your lungs. Maybe it's just all the hormones? If you are worried then talk to your dr for reassurance!

Tina so pleased Blake enjoyed his birthday. How is he finding bubba?

Eleanor how are you and your little ones?

Everyone else are you ok?

I have my scan tomorrow! I'm hoping all is well with this baby then we will share the news! Fingers crossed!

Can't wait to hear about your scan!! I'm sure everything will be perfect! Blake is doing great as a big brother the question everyone asks is if brother cries and he always answers with "only when he is hungry" he is pretty helpful too if I ask him to get something for me which is awesome!!
Angel: That is confusing as I was under the same impression about cmp. I wish I had some answers for you. Could you possibly e-mail Dr. G. again with this new information to see what he thinks? Also, I know it must have been difficult to hear the gender, I'm not sure if that was tested for with my pathology, and I've been afraid to ask.

Jacky: Glad you got to see you lo again. Just think you will soon be holding your baby. It is the best feeling in the world.

Mummy2Corban: Good luck today. Can't wait to hear how it went.

B&L: So great to hear that you have a little helper in Blake. So sweet!

AFM: I am getting ready to go for a walk with my friend who is 18 weeks pregnant (two weeks ahead of where I should have been). This is the first time I've seen her since everything happened and the first time I've been around a pregnant woman. All we used to talk about is being pregnant, our symptoms, and how our babies would get to grow up together. As of this morning it has been three weeks since my d&c and even though I'm no longer sad all day, I do still have moments where I just feel so disappointed that it is all over. I know I can't avoid pregnant people forever and I am super happy for her, but it is just going to be different for awhile. On another note, my hair looks fabulous. Super blonde (it's always blonde, just no roots now) and nicely cut. Just what I needed in time for all those photos that will be taken during the holidays.
Angel as far as I was aware cmp is caused by an empty egg? I've never been told different as that what charring cross have told me also?!?

Vegas it is hard being round pregnant ladies as its a reminder but it all comes with time. So glad to hear your happy with your hair! Yay!!!

Tina, Blake sounds great! Bless him for being a good older brother. How are you feeling?

So the scan went great! Everything measured as it should do and baby didn't wiggle to much which she said was perfect for her getting measurements! The consultant also signed me back to the midwife as his happy that everything is well. So relieved everything looks good!

Yay M2C-so glad you had a good scan! Was it hard to not find out pink or blue?

Vegas-Even being pregnant now I struggle with seeing women further along or with newborns! It's crazy, I've got to just stop being jealous but it's hard!

AFM-I had my scan this morning...mix of good and bad. The good news is the baby is doing great and the really large hemorrhage is half the size! The second hemorrhage was actually a misdiagnosis, and was a common "lake" in the newly forming placenta. It was completely gone!

The bad news is I have complete placenta previa, and the doctors said it is very unlikely to move. I'm destined for a C-section, likely a month before my due date. I'm okay with this, as in the end I'll still have a rainbow baby in my arms. Just not looking forward to a difficult 3rd trimester...
Raff I don't find it hard! I didn't with corban until the last few weeks! I'm excited I don't know! Such awesome news that its smaller! Go baby go! It's rubbish about the pp and c-section but it will be worth it. Your rainbow is one tough bubba! How many more scans will you get?

Excellent news on your great scan Laura! Yay! Basically half way...

Raff, so great to hear bubs is going even stronger and the bleed is being absorbed. Sorry to hear about pp and c section. At least the docs are not taking any risks in making sure you get to hold and have your rainbow. Will they continue to monitor you by scans? Oh and welcome to the second trimester!
Vegas, I hope your walk went well and didn't find it too hard. My really good friend was due a few days before my pmp. I found it hard when we spent time with our other friends together as they always focused on her pregnancy. She was so thoughtful and is wonderful now with help but at the time was very hard. I was 12 weeks by the time she had her little girl was I had something to focus on. I still look at New babies with envy but have to remind myself that I will be able to hold my rainbow soon and it will be the most special thing. Thinking of you xx

My best friend has just announced that she is 12 weeks with the,best thing being that she got pregnant the next cycle following her mc. She is so excited especially as she has been trying for a long time. I hope that next time around I can be as excited as she is and not think about any mole or risk. I know don't need to worry either about whether I will upset her if I ask her to be our bub's godmother.
Laura great news on your scan!

Raff when will you get your date or do you know it already. And fantastic news on the bleed decreasing :)

Afm I've done a couple of tests and they all seem to be very very faint positives. Dh can't see them lol but Carys has her 2nd jabs on Fri and it's with the same nurse who gave me the pill. She told me not to take it until I came on and if I didn't then to go back and get tested... that was 4weeks ago so I'll ask her to test me on Fri! I'm a bit nervous lol xxx
Laura I have been feeling great!! I have over done it a few times over the last few weeks but nothing a nap the next day couldn't cure!! Raff great news from your scan. A month early for the c section seems crazy to me but that is great they aren't going to risk making you go full term!!
Laura/Becky - glad everything was good at your scans.

Raff - good news about your bleed. I'm sorry to hear about the pp.

Rachel - any more news on your testing!! My middle 2 are only 10 1/2 months apart and I love the fact they are so close together (although at the moment they fight like cat and dog!)

Angelcutie - it's interesting what your doctor said about a CMP - I've not heard that either.

Vicki - how are you?

Tina - how is Lukas doing? I can't believe how much Orla has changed already. She'd put on over half a pound in a week when she was weighed on Tuesday! But she is bit of a guzzle-guts!

Vegasbaby/Aimze/DanO - hope you are ok.

Megan - hope you are well. Loving your cake pics on Facebook - very talented!

Lotte - hope you manage to have a peaceful Christmas and that 2013 brings you much happiness.

AFM - I feel great, I feel like 'me' again. I realise now just how much I struggled in the last few months and how yucky I felt as apart from feeling tired I feel better than I have done in ages! Orla is great although she slleps most of the day but then wakes every 2 1/2 hours or so in the night for a feed! A touch of night/day confusion going on there I think! The girls love being 'big sisterts' but Conall is a bit non-plussed and doesn't really take much notice of Orla except to cry 'Orla's hungry' every time she cries!!

Sorry if I've missed anyone out. Hope you all have a good break over Christmas. xx
Lukas is doing great!! I was staring at him yesterday thinking he had already gotten bigger! He has his next Dr appt the day after Christmas so I'm sure he will have a good report from the Dr. The nurse we had at his last appt was kind of an odd thing and said he weighted 7.15 when just the day before at the breast feeding clinic at the hospital he was 6.14 just at his birth weight which they said it was great since he was just 9 days old I highly doubt he gained a pound overnight! Lukas is most awake from 3:30- 5am lol but he does normally go 5 hours at night between feedings which is nice. Are you able to nap during the day until she gets her clock turned around??
Thanks everyone for the thoughts. :hugs:

I hope all is ok with everyone. i am loving all your pictures on facebook - all those with los' - they are all so yummy!

Laura greatnews on scan!

Its a bit of a hard time of year and I just want it to be January! Some good news - I have been discharged from CX! I will not need any more hcg blood tests unless I am concerned about something, even post partum!

Was not expecting it, but am happy as can be underthe circumstances.

Sorry this is brief - I am thining about you all lots

Hope everyone has a merry christmas - I am sure I will be here before - looking forward to a few days rest!

love you all

Great news lotte!

I just received the best Christmas gift! I am NEGATIVE!! 6 weeks post! They said <2, so excited!

Praying for all of your drops as well!!
Angel, wonderful news! Even better to end the year on it!

Lotte, it is great news on your discharge. I pray that 2013 is your year and brings you great joy and happiness. Think of you everyday xx

Eleanor, Rachel and Tina, loving your fb pics of those beautiful little ones xx

I hope everyone has a great Christmas xx
Rachieroo- I'm not sure when they'll schedule the C-section. I'm guessing end of May since the Dr. said 4 weeks early...I'm still just praying it moves away. I've read a lot of stories where it migrates away from the cervix, but my doctor didn't think this would be the case.

Angel-congrats on the negative!

I'm off visiting family for next four days, so sorry if you don't hear from me. Merry Christmas to everyone!

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