Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Thanks, that is another thing though, I had a miscarriage in February this year which they said was probably a blighted ovum , it happened naturally at home. I had been lighly bleeding brown blood for a few weeks before it happened, my hcg level was always quite low and slow to rise and even bounced around a bit and eventually miscarried at 10 weeks. There was nothing else found on the ultrasound that was abnormal other than a corpus luteum cyst which I have now aswell, so I am now worried that pregnancy could have been molar.

There is just so much to worry about right now and I wish I could sleep for the next few weeks until I know things ar ok!
I know exactly how you are feeling. It was such a roller coaster for me. I'd go for an US expecting the worst. Then we'd see something. Go back in a week spotting and again expecting the worst. Then the something grew a bit. Went back a week later, still no HB. I was just ready for it all to be over.

Low hCG doesnt really indicate pmp. Did the Dr mention it could be related this time? How long before you conceived again? The plus side is that you can conceive a baby. Thats half the battle!

I hope the wait goes fast for you!
*hugs* Lyo, it must be a scary time but I'm sure all will be ok as the improvements are a great sign.
There are people (like me) whose pmp wasnt picked up early on but it is very very very rare.

Amanda, my bp was 160/105 on Tuesday but went down to 142/85 so they put me on bp meds and sent me home. They checked my bp again yesterday and it was 142/92. My booking in bp was 118/85 tho so my bp is quite high anyway. I have slight swelling in my hands and major swelling in my feet but I don't have and protein in my urine which is good. I've apparently got borderline amounts of urates in my blood but not really sure what that means!

Sarah...huh? You ok? just kidding!

Clo, it does look high, huh? Well, at least you are so far along. Maybe sooner than 12 days! You must be so excited! Good luck!
Hi Amanda yes i would be nervous for anatomy scan too but if your 12 week one was fine im sure this one will be too:hugs:how funny that u think ur having a girl, i think the same!

Lylo im so sorry to hear about your distress, I know how terrifying it all is:hugs: I was 16 weeks along with my pmp, not to scare you but my baby boy had a perfect heartbeat til the end, but i was told this was very rare! AND he also never measured to size, was not growing etc! SO yep a heartbeat is a good sign in most cases and GREAT that you are measuring correctly!
I guess the only advice i could give would be to say to keep thinking positive, thats what will get you through everything, i think the fear i felt waiting for results prepared me for things to go either way, so the shock wasnt so horrendous if something did go wrong. Do you know what i mean? But i think that your improvements say alot and you have every chance of having a perfect little baby. Best of luck and keep us all posted, I will say a little prayer for you hun:hugs:
I know exactly how you are feeling. It was such a roller coaster for me. I'd go for an US expecting the worst. Then we'd see something. Go back in a week spotting and again expecting the worst. Then the something grew a bit. Went back a week later, still no HB. I was just ready for it all to be over.

Low hCG doesnt really indicate pmp. Did the Dr mention it could be related this time? How long before you conceived again? The plus side is that you can conceive a baby. Thats half the battle!

I hope the wait goes fast for you!

I am in the early pregnancy unit so see a diff doc each time. So none of them have mentioned my previous miscarriage and I haven't asked as of yet. It can be quite annoying as they are mostly foreign docs and because of that they often don't understand what I am asking so I don't get the answers I want. I hope next time I meet an Irish doc and at least they will fully understand what I am asking.

I am so anxious though. I so hope everything is ok but I am afraid to think it, I would prefer to be prepared if there is a chance it won't be ok. I got very bad last night, I started thinking if this is a molar and my last was an undiagnosed molar then I have a high chance of another one and maybe all my eggs are bad and I will never have a baby. I know I shouldn't think like that but it is so hard.

I am trying to convince myself that surely the cysts would have gotten worse over time and not better if it were molar and surely the baby wouldn't be measuring right. I feel so down right now. I picked myself up quickly after the last miscarriage but if this is another one I really don't know how I will cope.

Oh yeah and I conceived again 2 months after the misc. But I did a preg test 10 days after the mc and it was negative and did another one a few weeks later to see if I was pregnant and it was negative so I don't think that would have affected it?
Thanks everyone for listening.
Sorry for going on but another strange thing was at my first ultrasound, nothing was seen abdominally and she barely saw a sac internally. My hcg for that day was 3000. She also saw free fluid and subchoronic hematoma. As well as that I had a hemmoratic corpus luteum cyst. She mentioned these to me but said it could be all normal.

In the second ultrasound 2 days later the free fluid was gone. She saw internally a sac with yok sac. My hcg was 7000. They seemed worried that my hcg levels were that high and seeing that little. In my ultrasound yesterday I think the subchoric hematoma was gone as she didn't mention it in her notes. Are all these things normal things in early pregnancy? Is it weird to have high hcg but not see corresponding image on ultrasound. Sorry for all the questions.
Sorry I can't help more I don't know anything about the cysts you mentioned.. Or the fact of a high hcg with no image on scan? But just remember even if ur first pregnancy was molar doesn't mean this one is going to be.. Try to relax as much as u can it's such a stressful awful time thoughts are with u xo
I know exactly how you are feeling. It was such a roller coaster for me. I'd go for an US expecting the worst. Then we'd see something. Go back in a week spotting and again expecting the worst. Then the something grew a bit. Went back a week later, still no HB. I was just ready for it all to be over.

Low hCG doesnt really indicate pmp. Did the Dr mention it could be related this time? How long before you conceived again? The plus side is that you can conceive a baby. Thats half the battle!

I hope the wait goes fast for you!

I am in the early pregnancy unit so see a diff doc each time. So none of them have mentioned my previous miscarriage and I haven't asked as of yet. It can be quite annoying as they are mostly foreign docs and because of that they often don't understand what I am asking so I don't get the answers I want. I hope next time I meet an Irish doc and at least they will fully understand what I am asking.

I am so anxious though. I so hope everything is ok but I am afraid to think it, I would prefer to be prepared if there is a chance it won't be ok. I got very bad last night, I started thinking if this is a molar and my last was an undiagnosed molar then I have a high chance of another one and maybe all my eggs are bad and I will never have a baby. I know I shouldn't think like that but it is so hard.

I am trying to convince myself that surely the cysts would have gotten worse over time and not better if it were molar and surely the baby wouldn't be measuring right. I feel so down right now. I picked myself up quickly after the last miscarriage but if this is another one I really don't know how I will cope.

Oh yeah and I conceived again 2 months after the misc. But I did a preg test 10 days after the mc and it was negative and did another one a few weeks later to see if I was pregnant and it was negative so I don't think that would have affected it?
Thanks everyone for listening.

Yeah, I'm sure the Dr thing is frustrating. I am not good dealing with very thick accents. My son's pediatrician is Indian and she speaks very quickly, she is super nice, but I have such a hard time understanding her. I would hate dealing with a different Dr every time.

Here is my take on the cysts being molar related, keep in mind my knowledge is very limited, but I have tried to read everything I can find online. And I am certainly not trying to give you any false hope. I understand your feelings about wanting to emotionally prepare yourself if things dont go well. Anyway, here are my thoughts...having a fetus with a HB, yes could possibly be partial molar, but cysts are more consistent with complete molar. Something about it just doesnt make sense to me. Are the Drs giving you any other explanation to the cysts other than pmp?

With a complete molar, it is caused by a defect in the egg, no genetic code and no fetus ever develops. Just clusters of cysts. With a pmp, by some crazy luck two sperm get into the egg at the exact same nanosecond, resulting in too much genetic code. Do you see why this seems odd to me? One scenario I can come up with that would account for the cysts being molar, which would also account for your high hCG levels is a twin pregnancy one complete molar and one normal. I have no idea if this is even a possibility in your case or not. I'm just kind of sharing my thoughts.

I can relate to your comment about your eggs being to blame. I did that after only one m/c, especially considering my age. Bad eggs dont result in pmp though. I am active in a group for people pregnant with their rainbow babies due in Sept. 2011 (like I am) and I cant tell you how many ladies on there are having healthy pregnancies after multiple (like 7 and 8) m/c! I know how easy it is to be protective of yourself and not allow yourself to be 100% positive about this current pregnancy, but until you get an official diagnoses the odds are in your favor that this may not be pmp.

I dont really know anything about ovarian cysts. I know the ovary produces one when you ovulate, but I am assuming the one you are referring to is different. I do have a friend who had a cyst on her ovary rupture and she was in extreme pain and ended up in the emergency room. I know if they bleed when they rupture it can be life threatening. And come to think of it, I seem to remember at my NT screening the girl doing my ultrasound mentioned a small cyst and said they can be common during pregnancy. I actually just remembered that as I was typing. I really thought nothing of it and she certainly didnt make any big deal about it.

And another thing, your levels dropped low enough to test neg on a HPT very quickly. How far along were you with the last m/c again? Of all the stories of pmp that I have read, my levels dropped quicker than anyone I read about. My loss happened very, very early and I think that is why they fell so fast and it was more than 10 days after my D&C. You'll never know 100% for sure if the last one was or wasn't pmp, but honestly, I doubt it.

My apologies for the book!
Sorry for going on but another strange thing was at my first ultrasound, nothing was seen abdominally and she barely saw a sac internally. My hcg for that day was 3000. She also saw free fluid and subchoronic hematoma. As well as that I had a hemmoratic corpus luteum cyst. She mentioned these to me but said it could be all normal.

In the second ultrasound 2 days later the free fluid was gone. She saw internally a sac with yok sac. My hcg was 7000. They seemed worried that my hcg levels were that high and seeing that little. In my ultrasound yesterday I think the subchoric hematoma was gone as she didn't mention it in her notes. Are all these things normal things in early pregnancy? Is it weird to have high hcg but not see corresponding image on ultrasound. Sorry for all the questions.

Have you had a chance to take a look at the chart about hCG levels? Again, no Dr here, but your levels arent super high according to the chart. And if the two tests were two days apart your levels didnt do too much more than double. Have you had another blood draw yet? When do you go back to the Dr again? Sorry if you have already said so!
Amanda Thank you SO much for taking the time to give me so much information. It is so helpful. I had another sleepless night last night and I hope I don't have another 2 weeks of them.

To answer your question I was not given any other reason for what the cysts and bleeding might have been. That is one of the questions I asked the doctor, I asked her What else could they be apart from partial molar, She did not understand and started telling me the difference between molar and partial molar! So I am interested to know if they may be a normal finding too. The ultrasound technician did sound a bit more positive than the doctor but they really don't give much away.

I remember doing the clearblue tests and it went to 3+ weeks when I was only 4 weeks 3 days. I actually looked that up and it out the idea of molar in my head which lead to the early ultrasound, so then when I saw that she had written query partial molar tissue on her notes I thought my fears were true.

They didn't take any blood at the last scan and I thought nothing at the time but I kinda wish they had now. I think as they saw the baby they just want to keep going with scans only.

The last miscarriage happened at 10 weeks. Sorry for the tmi but I did pass something that seemed funny to me but I obviously didn't know what anything was supposed to look like, But I saw what I thought was the placenta and it was all bumpy looking. Looking back now I wonder could I have said it looked like grapes. Maybe so. I will never know but my hcg did drop straight away. I kinda wish I had gotten a d and c now as at least I would know.

Again thanks for your help. I have my ultrasound on 12th May and all I can hope for is that There is still a baby measuring right with a beating heart and that the dodgy stuff has disapeared. That would be the best case scenario.

Thanks for listening xx
Amanda Thank you SO much for taking the time to give me so much information. It is so helpful. I had another sleepless night last night and I hope I don't have another 2 weeks of them.

To answer your question I was not given any other reason for what the cysts and bleeding might have been. That is one of the questions I asked the doctor, I asked her What else could they be apart from partial molar, She did not understand and started telling me the difference between molar and partial molar! So I am interested to know if they may be a normal finding too. The ultrasound technician did sound a bit more positive than the doctor but they really don't give much away.

I remember doing the clearblue tests and it went to 3+ weeks when I was only 4 weeks 3 days. I actually looked that up and it out the idea of molar in my head which lead to the early ultrasound, so then when I saw that she had written query partial molar tissue on her notes I thought my fears were true.

They didn't take any blood at the last scan and I thought nothing at the time but I kinda wish they had now. I think as they saw the baby they just want to keep going with scans only.

The last miscarriage happened at 10 weeks. Sorry for the tmi but I did pass something that seemed funny to me but I obviously didn't know what anything was supposed to look like, But I saw what I thought was the placenta and it was all bumpy looking. Looking back now I wonder could I have said it looked like grapes. Maybe so. I will never know but my hcg did drop straight away. I kinda wish I had gotten a d and c now as at least I would know.

Again thanks for your help. I have my ultrasound on 12th May and all I can hope for is that There is still a baby measuring right with a beating heart and that the dodgy stuff has disapeared. That would be the best case scenario.

Thanks for listening xx

Well, fingers crossed for May 12 then! Please be positive and dont worry yourself sick! Baby needs you to be rested and healthy!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Lyo :hugs: for you, I so hope that all is well with your little bubs xx

Does everyone have Clo on Facebook? :)
i dont have clo on fb either...what is her name so i can add her?:)

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