Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Hi all hope everyone is doing well,

Amanda just saw you asked about me there, thanks. I have had a hellish couple of weeks but finally my scan is almost here. It is thursday morning first thing. I just want to have it now and hopefully find out what is going on. As far as I know nothing has changed in there. No bleeding at all, no pain. If it wasn't for my early scan I would now be blissfully unaware that anything might be wrong.

Anyway I have a bit of hope but not a lot as the doctor was fairly sure the last time. I will just have to wait and see. I will let you all know how it goes either way and thanks for being there for me during this crap time!
Hi all hope everyone is doing well,

Amanda just saw you asked about me there, thanks. I have had a hellish couple of weeks but finally my scan is almost here. It is thursday morning first thing. I just want to have it now and hopefully find out what is going on. As far as I know nothing has changed in there. No bleeding at all, no pain. If it wasn't for my early scan I would now be blissfully unaware that anything might be wrong.

Anyway I have a bit of hope but not a lot as the doctor was fairly sure the last time. I will just have to wait and see. I will let you all know how it goes either way and thanks for being there for me during this crap time!

*big hugs hun* i'll keep everything crossed for your scan on Thursday xxx
Hi all hope everyone is doing well,

Amanda just saw you asked about me there, thanks. I have had a hellish couple of weeks but finally my scan is almost here. It is thursday morning first thing. I just want to have it now and hopefully find out what is going on. As far as I know nothing has changed in there. No bleeding at all, no pain. If it wasn't for my early scan I would now be blissfully unaware that anything might be wrong.

Anyway I have a bit of hope but not a lot as the doctor was fairly sure the last time. I will just have to wait and see. I will let you all know how it goes either way and thanks for being there for me during this crap time!

I look forward to your update. I know how anguishing the wait can be. Big hugs to you!
Hey ladies, just a quick update while daddy is changing Connor's nappy. We are doing well so far and even managing to get some sleep at night!

Amanda - dads are entitled to 2 weeks paternity leave but you have to have been in the job for a certain length of time and my oh was 2 weeks short so he didn't qualify. He has taken 2 weeks holiday though so he is home with me until a week on Wednesday and giving me plenty of help!

I can't upload a photo onto here cuz my laptop is broken at the moment and can't figure out how to put photos on here from my fone, but if u pm me your Facebook username i'll add u cuz I've got photos on there!


So glad things are going well! That's stinks that your OH fell just short of the required time to have been on the job, but very glad he had the vacation time available to be home with you. Mine doesn't get any paid time that is mandatory, but we have planned for him to do the same. I remember being so scared for him to go back to work after Luc was born, but it was not a big deal at all and I did just fine on my own. Hearing about you is getting me more and more excited for our new little one.

I have exciting news, I am not starting to feel kicks from the outside! JP hasnt felt it yet as its mostly in the middle of the day while Luc is down for a nap. Its so reassuring to feel regular movement. Nothing super strong yet, but several times a day I feel kicks.
Lyo I'm so sorry you are going through all this - I have everything crossed for you for Thursday :hugs: :hugs:
Thinking of u lylo, anxious to hear how u go, all the very best Hun.... Xoxoxo:hugs:
Hi ladies:) I have a question regarding the 12 wk nt scan, even tho I had one with jamari I am still not sure about sOmething and since it's coming up and I'm sooo nervous, I thOught I wOuld ask u wat u know. Do u know if the monographer is allowed tO tell us how things are looking with bub during the scan? Say if I asked if it looked like a normal or Pmp would they be allowed to answer ? Or do I have to wait a week for results. Got early dating scan results today and gp looked at it and said everything's looking good and On track, but I'm still sick to my belly thinking abOut the nt scan. It's been 3+ weeks since my last scan and I just keep wondering how baby is in there! Argh this pregnancy is so very stressful. How's everyone else going? Hope u r all well lots of love :hugs:
Hi ladies:) I have a question regarding the 12 wk nt scan, even tho I had one with jamari I am still not sure about sOmething and since it's coming up and I'm sooo nervous, I thOught I wOuld ask u wat u know. Do u know if the monographer is allowed tO tell us how things are looking with bub during the scan? Say if I asked if it looked like a normal or Pmp would they be allowed to answer ? Or do I have to wait a week for results. Got early dating scan results today and gp looked at it and said everything's looking good and On track, but I'm still sick to my belly thinking abOut the nt scan. It's been 3+ weeks since my last scan and I just keep wondering how baby is in there! Argh this pregnancy is so very stressful. How's everyone else going? Hope u r all well lots of love :hugs:

Kate, we were sent to a perinatal ultrasound place since its a very specialized scan. We were given a report of our test results before leaving. Not sure if that will be the case for you, I hope so. Ask before she begins if you will receive results that day or if she can tell you. I'd explain to her about your last pregnancy being a pmp. Just pay attention to the numbers when she is measuring. I dont remember the exact range, but I believe under 3 mm is good. Please try to look that up though. They will also measure your baby. If the tech will not tell you anything, just watch the screen. Ask OH to watch as well in case you miss it.

Keep in mind that even an off result here can be a false positive and a lot of people dont even do the NT scan for that very reason. It appears to happen more than I thought. Just look through the first tri threads and I'm sure you'll find some. You may want to try posting this question in the first tri and specifically ask for anyone in Australia and if they had to wait for results.

Do you have to do blood work to go along with it? I had to have mine drawn at least a week prior to the test since they get combined with the measurement, mother's height and weight and weather the mother smokes or not.

I know how anxious you are feeling, I was right there not that long ago! I really think it will all be ok. Be positive!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi ladies:) I have a question regarding the 12 wk nt scan, even tho I had one with jamari I am still not sure about sOmething and since it's coming up and I'm sooo nervous, I thOught I wOuld ask u wat u know. Do u know if the monographer is allowed tO tell us how things are looking with bub during the scan? Say if I asked if it looked like a normal or Pmp would they be allowed to answer ? Or do I have to wait a week for results. Got early dating scan results today and gp looked at it and said everything's looking good and On track, but I'm still sick to my belly thinking abOut the nt scan. It's been 3+ weeks since my last scan and I just keep wondering how baby is in there! Argh this pregnancy is so very stressful. How's everyone else going? Hope u r all well lots of love :hugs:

Kate, we were sent to a perinatal ultrasound place since its a very specialized scan. We were given a report of our test results before leaving. Not sure if that will be the case for you, I hope so. Ask before she begins if you will receive results that day or if she can tell you. I'd explain to her about your last pregnancy being a pmp. Just pay attention to the numbers when she is measuring. I dont remember the exact range, but I believe under 3 mm is good. Please try to look that up though. They will also measure your baby. If the tech will not tell you anything, just watch the screen. Ask OH to watch as well in case you miss it.

Keep in mind that even an off result here can be a false positive and a lot of people dont even do the NT scan for that very reason. It appears to happen more than I thought. Just look through the first tri threads and I'm sure you'll find some. You may want to try posting this question in the first tri and specifically ask for anyone in Australia and if they had to wait for results.

Do you have to do blood work to go along with it? I had to have mine drawn at least a week prior to the test since they get combined with the measurement, mother's height and weight and weather the mother smokes or not.

I know how anxious you are feeling, I was right there not that long ago! I really think it will all be ok. Be positive!:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hi Amanda
thanks for your response!:hugs: I already know about results..I get them 1 week later after the scan, they are sent to my gp and i see him then for them. Have already been for the combined bloods yesterday, and scan is monday week..will def pay close attention to the screen, i feel though that if something is picked up on then it more then likely means something is not right..i remember last time everyone telling me about false positives and that mine was probs one of them but then im a little cautious about that. i refuse to research things atm coz i feel anxious enough as it is without worrying myself further. I think I will just ask the sonographer before the scan is performed if they can tell me anything or not...
Girls I wanted to update you on my scan. It was great news. All the areas they had seen that had made them suspect partial molar had gone. The baby measured 8 weeks 2 days and had a heartbeat. They were very confident if it was partial molar then the areas would have gotten worse so they told me to put partial molar out of my head.

One odd thing is that The sonographer gave me a couple of scan pictures. In one of them they was an area beside the sac that looked maybe like a bleed but on closer inspection it looks like a mishapen sac with something in it. I am really curious about it. The sonographer mentioned nothing about it, then I met the doctor and showed her and she said maybe a bleed but not to worry. I am convinced it is a sac though. I might try to scan it to pc for opinions.

Anyway thank you all so much for being there for me and hopefully everything will be ok now.
Hi ladies:) I have a question regarding the 12 wk nt scan, even tho I had one with jamari I am still not sure about sOmething and since it's coming up and I'm sooo nervous, I thOught I wOuld ask u wat u know. Do u know if the monographer is allowed tO tell us how things are looking with bub during the scan? Say if I asked if it looked like a normal or Pmp would they be allowed to answer ? Or do I have to wait a week for results. Got early dating scan results today and gp looked at it and said everything's looking good and On track, but I'm still sick to my belly thinking abOut the nt scan. It's been 3+ weeks since my last scan and I just keep wondering how baby is in there! Argh this pregnancy is so very stressful. How's everyone else going? Hope u r all well lots of love :hugs:

Kate, we were sent to a perinatal ultrasound place since its a very specialized scan. We were given a report of our test results before leaving. Not sure if that will be the case for you, I hope so. Ask before she begins if you will receive results that day or if she can tell you. I'd explain to her about your last pregnancy being a pmp. Just pay attention to the numbers when she is measuring. I dont remember the exact range, but I believe under 3 mm is good. Please try to look that up though. They will also measure your baby. If the tech will not tell you anything, just watch the screen. Ask OH to watch as well in case you miss it.

Keep in mind that even an off result here can be a false positive and a lot of people dont even do the NT scan for that very reason. It appears to happen more than I thought. Just look through the first tri threads and I'm sure you'll find some. You may want to try posting this question in the first tri and specifically ask for anyone in Australia and if they had to wait for results.

Do you have to do blood work to go along with it? I had to have mine drawn at least a week prior to the test since they get combined with the measurement, mother's height and weight and weather the mother smokes or not.

I know how anxious you are feeling, I was right there not that long ago! I really think it will all be ok. Be positive!:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hi Amanda
thanks for your response!:hugs: I already know about results..I get them 1 week later after the scan, they are sent to my gp and i see him then for them. Have already been for the combined bloods yesterday, and scan is monday week..will def pay close attention to the screen, i feel though that if something is picked up on then it more then likely means something is not right..i remember last time everyone telling me about false positives and that mine was probs one of them but then im a little cautious about that. i refuse to research things atm coz i feel anxious enough as it is without worrying myself further. I think I will just ask the sonographer before the scan is performed if they can tell me anything or not...

Kate, you are so right not to research! I'm glad you know about when you get the results and all that. I hadnt realized you got abnormal results the last time. Fingers crossed for you that all goes well!
Girls I wanted to update you on my scan. It was great news. All the areas they had seen that had made them suspect partial molar had gone. The baby measured 8 weeks 2 days and had a heartbeat. They were very confident if it was partial molar then the areas would have gotten worse so they told me to put partial molar out of my head.

One odd thing is that The sonographer gave me a couple of scan pictures. In one of them they was an area beside the sac that looked maybe like a bleed but on closer inspection it looks like a mishapen sac with something in it. I am really curious about it. The sonographer mentioned nothing about it, then I met the doctor and showed her and she said maybe a bleed but not to worry. I am convinced it is a sac though. I might try to scan it to pc for opinions.

Anyway thank you all so much for being there for me and hopefully everything will be ok now.

Such GREAT news!:happydance::happydance::happydance: I am so happy to read this! I know you must be so, so relieved!:cloud9: A second sac with a baby, even if not a viable one that didnt develop could be the cause of your previous slightly elevated hCG. Have they done blood work again?

Even though you dont have a pmp, please continue to pop in with updates. Good luck to you!
Lyo what great news!!!!! I'm so pleased for you - YAY!!! I second what Amanda has said, please keep popping in and letting us know how you are getting on!!

Hope you are all feeling well :hugs:
Thanks girls. After the elation of yesterday the worry has started to creep in again, I just can't believe how certain they were it was partial molar and now it's not. But I am going with what was said yesterday and I am sure everything is ok.

Amanda they haven't done any bloodwork since the heartbeat was there. Not sure why, I am tempted to pay for a private early scan next week but it would be such a waste of money as the hospital are giving me a scan in 2 weeks again for my reassurance so I will be just over 10 weeks then. I will hold out until then.

I really hope that everything is ok now and I do think that if it was a pmp then the baby might be measuring small or something would be off on this scan.

fingers crossed all will be ok!

I will let you know how I get on.

Thanks a million ladies x
Thanks girls. After the elation of yesterday the worry has started to creep in again, I just can't believe how certain they were it was partial molar and now it's not. But I am going with what was said yesterday and I am sure everything is ok.

Amanda they haven't done any bloodwork since the heartbeat was there. Not sure why, I am tempted to pay for a private early scan next week but it would be such a waste of money as the hospital are giving me a scan in 2 weeks again for my reassurance so I will be just over 10 weeks then. I will hold out until then.

I really hope that everything is ok now and I do think that if it was a pmp then the baby might be measuring small or something would be off on this scan.

fingers crossed all will be ok!

I will let you know how I get on.

Thanks a million ladies x

Lyo, the baby most likely would be measuring small if it were pmp. I seriously think you are in the clear, so be positive! Something didnt seem right to me the entire time. Obviously they saw something they were concerned with, but it just seemed so off from everything I have read as pmp. Cysts so often resolve themselves within the body. But I think with Drs getting more and more familiar with mp and pmp a cyst just raises a red flag, maybe.

I know its tough to wait, but I agree with you, wait for your 10 week scan. You and your little raspberry will do just fine!:thumbup:
hi ladies, i don't know where to post, hope you don't mind me intruding this thread.

i am almost 7 weeks and have on/off symptoms, mild nausea, heartburn, tiredness. mild AF type cramps but no spotting. i'd say the most noticeable thing is that i am extremely bloated.
i had a hCG done last week at (or just before) 6 weeks that came back at 41,500. the doc just called me to say he wants me to have an early scan as there is a chance it might be molar. :nope:

i was doing ok, but got very worried now. could you share your experience?
many many thanks
Kosh for your 6th week of pregnancy the normal ranges are up to 56000. So if it is purely the hcg your doc is going by I don't really understand as it seems to be exactly within range?
thanks Lyo. I was actually 5+6 when the bloods were taken. maybe that's why he is slightly concerned?

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