Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

:happydance: hi ladies!
Reporting in from my 12 wk scan, baby active with heartbeat of 146!!:thumbup: growing perfectly! Crl measurements say 13 wks when I thought I should be 12w3days today and Sonographer said to stay with those dates. She checked placenta and all baby's parts and said all is looking fine, and the nuchal measurement is 1.7, is that good?? Baby is absolutely beautiful I will try post a photo on here! Let me know what u think of these results! Oh and I've put on 2 kgs!:haha: I'm soo happy!! Get the results next Monday but lady said unless anything comes back funny in the bloods she thinks everything is perfect!!!:cloud9:
P.s Sarah I had Tiger picked out as a name for Jamari!:) lol
Oh Kate that's wonderful news!! I'm so pleased!

To add a photo scroll down a bit to 'manage attatchments' :)

I'm so made up for you, how wonderful!!!
Thanku so much Sarah.. I can't believe it myself! Can't thank u enough for all ur support. Still looking for manage attachments lol
Hi Ladies,

Naomi from Australia here - I hope you don't mind but I couldn't find a support group here!

I just found out that the miscarriage that I had 2 weeks ago was actually a partial molar pregnancy. I can't believe that I have to wait another year before TTC - if all is well. I am lucky to have one beautiful little boy but I still feel so sad and worried that I will have trouble getting pregnant in a year, that I might miscarriage again or that there will be a big gap between my first and the next one (if I'm lucky enough). I am almost 32 and worried about my age. Worry, worry, worry...

Please tell me I wont be too old, there wont be any problems falling pregnant and I wont have any more miscarriages! or that a 3+ year gap is not too big. I'm not normally this down and neg!


Hello Naomi, i am so very sorry for your loss and what you are going through. We all know all too well just how you are feeling.

I, personally, can tell you that in no way are you too old to get pregnant (even easily) again. I am currently 36 and almost 23 weeks pregnant with my second child. I was 33 when I got pregnant (in just one cycle) with my son (who will be 3 on June 12). I suffered my pmp loss June 2010 (I was 35). That time it took me 4 cycles to get pregnant. My loss was very early on and my levels dropped to zero in less than a month after my D&C. I was not told I had to wait any specific length of time due to pmp, but was asked by my OB to wait two cycles to allow my body to heal (as he tells any patient who miscarries). I waited the two cycles and started trying again, it took 6 months that time to conceive. I wont lie, I do think how long it took to get pregnant again had something to do with my age, but again, I am 36 years old.

And as for the age difference, I was right there as well. I was so disappointed, first in not getting pregnant super fast like the first time, then in losing the baby and losing all that time. I wanted my children to be as close in age as possible. My sister and I are 20 months apart and we were so close when we were young, even slept in the same bed until she was in 8th grade even though we had our own bedrooms! Od course, we fought a lot too. Today, she is my best friend and even though we live 3000 miles apart we speak on the phone at least once, if not three times a day.

I have to say though that now I realize this age gap is such a good thing! My little boy completely understands what is going on. He knows our (I always refer to it as our baby, not the new or Mommy's baby) baby is growing in Mommy's belly and is very excited to be a big brother. As of now and we'll see how it actually turns out, he understands that babies need a lot of attention and care. He gets it that babies cry and sleep a lot. And he is super excited to teach the baby how to play with all his old baby toys. One last plus? We are working on potty training, I have the possibility of only having one baby in diapers! How nice would that be? I think 3 years is a really good age difference now that I am dealing with it. In fact, I am happy that Luc will be almost 3 1/2 when our baby comes. I will have a little helper!

I also, cant tell you that you wont have another mc, but I agree with Sarah, the odds are on your side! I was told the chances of pmp reoccurring are 7%, which means you have a 93% chance that you will not experience another pmp. Early mc is very common, but I have read through every story on the 50 some pages of this thread and I haven't read of one person that experienced another one. In fact, every woman who is active on this board, who had a confirmed pmp or mp either is currently pregnant or has had a child since. How is that for good odds? We are woman from all over the globe, all receiving different care who all have been through exactly what you are going through and have come though it with very happy endings! You will too, I am confident of it.

I assume you had a D&C as well, can I ask how far along you were? Have you had blood work done and is you Dr following up with weekly blood draws until your hCG reaches zero? Did the Dr actually tell you that you must wait one year or is that information you found online? Most pmp are 6 mo and mp one year.

Big hugs to you, you will get through this!:hugs:
:happydance: hi ladies!
Reporting in from my 12 wk scan, baby active with heartbeat of 146!!:thumbup: growing perfectly! Crl measurements say 13 wks when I thought I should be 12w3days today and Sonographer said to stay with those dates. She checked placenta and all baby's parts and said all is looking fine, and the nuchal measurement is 1.7, is that good?? Baby is absolutely beautiful I will try post a photo on here! Let me know what u think of these results! Oh and I've put on 2 kgs!:haha: I'm soo happy!! Get the results next Monday but lady said unless anything comes back funny in the bloods she thinks everything is perfect!!!:cloud9:
P.s Sarah I had Tiger picked out as a name for Jamari!:) lol

:happydance::happydance::happydance:WOO HOO WOO HOO WOO HOO!!!! I am so, so happy for you and your big baby! That is such wonderful news! Yes, 1.7 is a great measurement! When I had mine done anything under 3 was in the normal range. It would appear that you are good to go! And hooray for the weight gain! Even with all that sickness you managed to put on weight! So happy for you, Kate! You deserve it!
Oh Sarah and Amanda,

Thank you for your lovely messages. After a night sleeping on it - I don't feel any better but have stopped bursting into tears! My husband also had to go to Sydney for work for the next couple of days so I have no support from him and my family live 4 hours away, I haven't told my friends yet - they either work or are pregnant (one due on the same date as my baby would have been)... so I can't tell you how wonderful your support and your stories are!

Amanda - your story has really helped. I love hearing the positives of a 3 year gap. My husband (who is a builder) has decided to use this time to renovate our home so I can have more space for MORE babies! and becasue I will be working for longer and earning more I have started looking for a better car.

My little boy Hamish is 18 months, he was incredible when I found out that my baby hadn't made it, he came over to me and stood and rubbed my arm while the Obst, explained it to me. My obstetrician said I need to be tested every month now and it is best to wait 12 months from now or 6 months after my levels are normal. I haven't been able to get a Drs apt for two more weeks, some of the stories have inspired me to push to see the Dr ASAP. I am so pleased to hear that I might be able to try earlier. In the UK how often do you have the tests? perhaps I should push to see my Dr fortnightly.

My Obst. also adviced me to go on the pill but my husband and I think it would be better not to use anything like that and try to let my body have some time off. What forms of contraception did you use?

Can exercise and diet help levels? (I know it will help with my health) I am very healthy already but I could exercise more!

Thank you again, this is so great for me!

Happy to help, Naomi! Your little boy sounds so sweet! I found great comfort in mine when I was going through my loss.

I was tested every week for dropping levels. Believe it or not, I have never been on the pill in my life. We just used condoms to prevent pregnancy before we had Luc and during the two months we needed to not get pregnant. its not the most intimate form of birth control, but I really didnt mind it. If I were you, I wouldnt want to go on the pill either. It could take a couple of months to get back on track when you are able to try again.
I also agree with Sarah, the time you need to take before trying again would be useful to get yourself in touch with your cycles and in perfect health for the next pregnancy. Take prenatals and folic acid and chart your cycles. That will help you so much when you try again!
Naomi I'm so glad we have been some help :hugs: :hugs:

Here in the UK they don't reccomend that you go on the pill until your levels are confirmed at zero. I didn't go on the pill at all - I charted my cycles and avoided any time that I thought I could be fertile. We took the opinion that if I did fall pregnant it wouldnt be so bad, nd it really helped me to get to know my cycle better. I also improved my diet, exercised more, and did lots of projects that were fun, and that were helpful when Oliver did come along - so I sold loads of stuff on ebay and saved the money :thumbup:

Testing over here is weekly urine until you get to zero, and then fortnightly until the end of the six months. The six months start from the date of your first normal result, or the date of your D&C if your levels are back to zero before six weeks. They only recommend longer followup if you need treatment to get your levels to drop.

Hamish sounds SO cute!!!! No wonder you can't wait to have some more :hugs:

Its great to have lots of plans, your husband sounds lovely and very supportive :)

...I forgot to answer your other question. I was 11 weeks when I found out I was going to miscarriage. I decided to have D&C when the results came back from that I found out that I had a partial molar.
Thanks again girls,

I have jotted all of your information to take to my Dr - and insist on the same treatment (I have never been a person to 'insist' but when better to become one!).

I have had a read of some of the other experiences, it is so lovely to hear about all the successful babies!

Naomi x
:happydance::happydance::happydance:WOO HOO WOO HOO WOO HOO!!!! I am so, so happy for you and your big baby! That is such wonderful news! Yes, 1.7 is a great measurement! When I had mine done anything under 3 was in the normal range. It would appear that you are good to go! And hooray for the weight gain! Even with all that sickness you managed to put on weight! So happy for you, Kate! You deserve it![/QUOTE]

Lol thankyou Amanda!! Oh that's great to hear the measurement is good I thought myself anything under 2.00 was good but 3 is even better!!!:happydance: I'm soooo soo happy and once I get the final results (I'm expecting to be good) I'll be the happiest god damn mama in the world!:haha: when she told us the hb was 146 I thought that a bit low but she said anything between 120-160 is great so we were in the middle!:) bring on Monday and the rest of the pregnancy! I'm trying to uPload the 3d pic of little one for u ladies to see! See hOw I go! :hugs:
Thanks again girls,

I have jotted all of your information to take to my Dr - and insist on the same treatment (I have never been a person to 'insist' but when better to become one!).

I have had a read of some of the other experiences, it is so lovely to hear about all the successful babies!

Naomi x

Hi Naomi!
What part of Australia are u from? I am currently in Perth but we are moving back to NSW in early october! We moved here from Tamworth for my partner and his football for six months! I was admitted to John hunter Hospital in Newcastle with my pmp, u might be familiar with it if u know Sydney:) feel free to contact me anytime. John Hunter strongly advised I don't go on the pill after the pmp as it can mess with ur levels while they are dropping, I had tests every week for 3 months and every month for the following 3 moths and so only had to wait six months to try again and fell pregnant again first go. I was 16 wks along with my pmp and am now nearly 13 wks with the 2nd bub and all is loOking great so far, I hope this brings u some comfort. All the best:hugs:
Hi Jamari's Mum,

What a small world, I live in Newcastle. I went through Newcastle Private - also located at the John Hunter. It is good to hear what they advised you as I was told differently - they said monthly tests. I am yet to see my GP and will see what she has to say. Did you get the tests done at your GP or at the hospital?

I can't tell you how happy I am to hear that you didn't have to wait a whole 12 months - and this advice was local! Also to hear another success story - how lovely that you are having a bubba - How are you feeling during this time? I think I will be so nervous until I have a baby in my arms! Has your morning sickness been okay this time?

Great to hear from you,

Oh my gosh I was born in Maitland and grew up in Dungog not far from Newy!:) Yes i remember one doctor saying i had to wait 12 months and i freaked out but then my specialist down there said no, 6 months with 3 negative hcg results which i eventually got and when we tried fell pregnant first go. My obstetrician in Tamworth gave me slips for my tests and i got them done at the pathology at the hospital:)
I must say so far this pregnancy has been very stresssful and at times overwhelming, mainly because i have had shocking morning sickness so much so that i havent been able to work since we moved here and my dr has given me a med certificate for bed rest until late June. Im stressed at the mo tho coz i want to be working and saving $$ for baby but cant coz im just not well enough, i think the nauseas improving and the throwing up has stopped but im still tired and as we speak have a terrible headache. But we had our 12 week scan yesterday and that was amazing and all is looking well, we get the final results next monday with the combined blood tests so as long as they are good we should be right! Its nerve racking as my pmp last year was picked up from the 12 week results! Im so sorry you have had to go through a pmp, it is such a difficult time but know there is a rainbow after the storm:hugs:
Gosh small world indeed! How amazing!

Naomi Kate was looked after so well by the hospital - both during followup and when she fell pregnant again, I am confident that you are in very, very good hands :hugs: :hugs:

Amanda after reading your post I'm completely sold on a three year gap :haha: which would mean us ttc in 12 - 18 months time, which sounds good to me :haha: I never wanted a big age gap but I love the idea that Oliver would really understand and be excited, so cute!
hi ladies, i don't know where to post, hope you don't mind me intruding this thread.

i am almost 7 weeks and have on/off symptoms, mild nausea, heartburn, tiredness. mild AF type cramps but no spotting. i'd say the most noticeable thing is that i am extremely bloated.
i had a hCG done last week at (or just before) 6 weeks that came back at 41,500. the doc just called me to say he wants me to have an early scan as there is a chance it might be molar. :nope:

i was doing ok, but got very worried now. could you share your experience?
many many thanks

Hello, Kosh and welcome to our thread, no intrusion at all! I agree with Lyo, your level is quite normal. 5w 6 d is only one day off from 6 weeks and a whole lot further away from 5 weeks! For 6 weeks the normal range goes up to 56,000. I understand your Dr telling you it is possibly a touch high, but I get angry when Dr's bring up molar to a newly, just barely pregnant, worried and hormonal Mom. Maybe he or she has reason to watch things, but you really dont need the stress! I know this is next to impossible, but please try not to worry too much. When will you get your scan and is he doing more blood work?

Unfortunately, the first Dr I saw didn't do blood work at my first appt, so I have no idea what my levels were then. I was well into 8 weeks and we only saw an empty sac on teh screen. Actually, I saw nothing and was thinking more blighted ovum as she never told me if or what she suspected, but only that she was 90% sure it wasn't a viable pregnancy. Then she was gone and that was that.

I began barely spotting that same day and saw a different Dr a week later who ran blood work that day and 48 hrs later. I was still having barely streaky spotting and this time we clearly saw a sac with a tiny something inside. He wasnt able to tell what the previous Dr saw according to the ultrasound pic she included in my chart. My levels were only in the twenty thousands, just barely what they should be for nine and a half week along. So either my levels were already dropping on their own or never went very high. We'll never know since the first Dr didnt really follow procedure by running bloodwork.

From there we rechecked again a week later and while things had grown a small bit, still no HB so we knew has enough confirmation that the pregnancy wasnt viable and scheduled a D&C. I would have never known it was pmp if it weren't for the D&C and the pathology report.

I'd say your symptoms are exactly perfect for the stage of pregnancy you are in. I'm so sorry you are going through this, but try to hold you head up and be positive. I hope this is a normal pregnancy for you. Just read Lyo's story! Please update as soon as you have any more info.:hugs:

hello all :flower:
i posted a week ago about my fears about a molar pregnancy.
well, just got back from my scan and everything is normal!!!!
thanks for your support!
and all the best to everyone :hugs:
Yay Kosh that's great news! I hope you have a happy, healthy pregnancy :hugs:

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