Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

hi ladies, i don't know where to post, hope you don't mind me intruding this thread.

i am almost 7 weeks and have on/off symptoms, mild nausea, heartburn, tiredness. mild AF type cramps but no spotting. i'd say the most noticeable thing is that i am extremely bloated.
i had a hCG done last week at (or just before) 6 weeks that came back at 41,500. the doc just called me to say he wants me to have an early scan as there is a chance it might be molar. :nope:

i was doing ok, but got very worried now. could you share your experience?
many many thanks

Hello, Kosh and welcome to our thread, no intrusion at all! I agree with Lyo, your level is quite normal. 5w 6 d is only one day off from 6 weeks and a whole lot further away from 5 weeks! For 6 weeks the normal range goes up to 56,000. I understand your Dr telling you it is possibly a touch high, but I get angry when Dr's bring up molar to a newly, just barely pregnant, worried and hormonal Mom. Maybe he or she has reason to watch things, but you really dont need the stress! I know this is next to impossible, but please try not to worry too much. When will you get your scan and is he doing more blood work?

Unfortunately, the first Dr I saw didn't do blood work at my first appt, so I have no idea what my levels were then. I was well into 8 weeks and we only saw an empty sac on teh screen. Actually, I saw nothing and was thinking more blighted ovum as she never told me if or what she suspected, but only that she was 90% sure it wasn't a viable pregnancy. Then she was gone and that was that.

I began barely spotting that same day and saw a different Dr a week later who ran blood work that day and 48 hrs later. I was still having barely streaky spotting and this time we clearly saw a sac with a tiny something inside. He wasnt able to tell what the previous Dr saw according to the ultrasound pic she included in my chart. My levels were only in the twenty thousands, just barely what they should be for nine and a half week along. So either my levels were already dropping on their own or never went very high. We'll never know since the first Dr didnt really follow procedure by running bloodwork.

From there we rechecked again a week later and while things had grown a small bit, still no HB so we knew has enough confirmation that the pregnancy wasnt viable and scheduled a D&C. I would have never known it was pmp if it weren't for the D&C and the pathology report.

I'd say your symptoms are exactly perfect for the stage of pregnancy you are in. I'm so sorry you are going through this, but try to hold you head up and be positive. I hope this is a normal pregnancy for you. Just read Lyo's story! Please update as soon as you have any more info.:hugs:
many thanks amanda for taking the time! and sorry about your pmp :hugs:

i will have my scan sometime next week so i guess that i'll have to try and be patient. i go from being really scared to having a more calm PMA approach...but it's difficult! i try to think there is nothing i can do about it, so better not stress myself sooo much.

I agree with you about the doc. He's generally ok, and in a weird way I do not think he said it to scared me (but could I not??)

I will keep you posted.
thanks again
Kosh as Amanda said you should ready my story.

Long story short I had early scan at 4w5d, hcg 2900. They wrote on that report that I had what looked like molar partial tissue. I had another scan 2 days later as I was flying later that week and they were still worried about ectopic too as only small sac seen.

That second scan was at 5 weeks and hcg 6900. They saw sac, yok sac but still suspected partial, I even had a senior doctor come in to talk to me about molar. I went on my hols came back and had an ultrasound at 6weeks. I had a baby measuring 6 weeks 2 days and heartbeat. Still saw cystic areas but not as pronounced. When I spoke to doctor that day She STILL seemed quite sure it was partial molar. I was scheduled for a scan exactly 2 weeks from that day. I spent those 2 weeks convinced I had a partial molar pregnancy and the baby would have died.

At my 8 week scan I measured 8week 2 day baby with heartbeat and no evidence of molar tissue.

Sorry that wasn't that cutting a long story short at all!! But I just wanted to reassure you that doctors can jump to conclusions and be wrong. As for you ALL they are going on is hcg which to me doesn't seem high. If mine had continued doubling it would have been 55000 at your stage.

I am a freak though- I booked a scan for tomorrow- a private one costing 120 euro as I am still worried due to all the stress of the first few weeks. I have a scan with the hospital thursday week so I am basically throwing money down the drain but I just need that reassurance right now!
Lyo, money well spent if you ask me! Peace of mind is priceless! Good luck and enjoy seeing your little one again!
many thanks lyo for taking the time too! :hugs:
sorry to hear you went through all that, but glad everything is ok now! :thumbup:
i totally understand you want to have an extra scan, i'd be the same!

i agree about doctors. and this one is not even a gyno/ob, is just my gp!
i'm trying my best to stay as calm as i can.

good luck with the scan tomorrow!!:flower:
Hi ladies how's everyone doing? Well I had a little scare today I went to the bathroom to pee and when I wiPed (Sorry) had a slight amOunt of light brown discharge, I'm guessing old blood? It scared me but I Put myself back tO bEd and decided just tO keep my eye on it and if it worsens go into the hospital then. Well that was about 3-5 hrs ago and I haven't had any since when I wipe so praying it's nothing. What do u think? Has anyone had this? It just frightened me a lil coz I had this is in the pmp .. I have my nt scan Monday so holding out for that!
Kate I had that with Oliver and it was nothing :) Keep an eye on it and take it easy but I'm sure you'll be fine :)
Oh that is a relief to hear thanku Sarah! I have kept an eye on things and haven't had any since so taking that as a great sign! :thumbup:Sarah how were u feeling before ur 12 wk scan with Oliver? I'm just finding it hard to imagine things being okay, although I'm praying they are! :hugs:
Kate that's great that there has been no more :thumbup:

I was terrible before my 12 week scan. At my private 9 week scan I sat in the waiting room and cried my eyes out, I was so sure that something was wrong. At my 12 week scan I was just so worried all over again, but as soon as I saw that everything was still okay it was such a relief!

I have everything crossed for you, I'm sure everything will be fine :)
I hope so.. I don't blame you I think lll cry too it's such a hard time I think if the scan is ok I'll be able to relax some but for now I'm feeling very anxious! I will post and let u know how I go:hugs:
Hi Kate, sorry I'm late in responding, but very glad to hear there hasn't been any more spotting. I'm sure it was nothing. Good luck tomorrow! I really hope all goes well for you! How are you feeling? Still sick?

My little one has been kicking up a storm in my belly! I went from feeling him once or twice in a day and then nothing for a week to regular active intervals several times a day almost immediately after my 20 week ultrasound. I am so loving this!

I hope everyone is doing well! Kosh, when do you go back to the Dr?
Amanda I found it so, so, so reassuring when I started feeling regular movements - I think that was when I really started to relax and enjoy my pregnancy :) Oliver was a pretty active little guy too :haha: He had quite a routine too, so he was always quiet in a morning when I was going to work, I would be starting to get a little worried and he'd wake up and start wriggling :haha:

Kate I hope your scan goes well! I can't work out the time difference but it's Sunday morning here, so I'll say I hope all goes well 'tomorrow' :hugs:
Oh, I find it very reassuring as well! And so fun! Every time I feel him, I put my hands on my belly to feel it even more. JP has felt him kick a few times, but I always ask him if he wants to feel and last night he said "You know, I don't have to feel him every time." Personally, I cant imagine why he wouldn't want to. I guess its different when the life is inside you. Maybe that's why a mother and child have that special bond. Luc has felt him a few times as well and that is very special. He is super excited and keeps talking about when our baby comes.

BTW, we've been kicking around the name Oliver. I love it and I think our only hurdle is that JP has a very close co-worker with a son named Oliver and he also works with an Olivier. We are having a very hard time with names. We did with Luc as well. I also really like Julien and Adrien, but he isnt too fond of either. Last nihgt I told him that if he cant come up with a name or two that he really likes then we will just have to go with one I really like. We are polar opposites, so I am not surprised we are having a difficult time.

Oh and I can never figure out the time difference. I know it takes 24 hours to get there from here.
Amanda Steve was the same with the kicks - it was ages before he felt it because I would feel a kick and say quick, put your hand there, and unless there was another kick really soon he'd get bored :dohh: I just don't think its the same for men, as much as they love and adore their babies. My friend at work was the opposite though - she would happily sit with her hand on my bump waiting for a kick all day :haha: The first kick she actually felt was when we were stood at the coffee machine and she was so excited, it was lovely!

Well I have to say I think Oliver is a great name :haha: What about Oscar? I liked Oscar too, but Steve preferred Oliver. Well he actually wanted to call him Obi (seriously!) because our surname is Wan :dohh: Thank goodness I won that fight :haha: I also liked Casper and Felix but Steve hated both those :haha: We had a terrible time choosing names, in the end we went for Oliver Tiger - the Tiger part is because Steve's father was Chinese and Oliver was born in the year of the Tiger, so it's a reminder of his Chinese family, since Steve's father is sadly no longer with us.

I'm trying to think of the other names we liked . . . . Maxwell (Max), Alex, Harry, Jack, James . . . .
Thanks for the suggestions! Boy, do I need them! I do like Max, but didnt like Maxamillion and hadn't thought of Maxwell. Maybe I'l run that one by him. We also like Alexandre (Alex) and Nicolas. I am partial to the French spellings for names since JP is French and we went with it for Luc. I am such a mish mash of cultures and JP's family is very strong in their heritage and I'd love to pass that along to our children.

Obi Wan, that is too funny! When Luc was born I seriously considered birth announcements that looked like Star Wars movie poster and said Luc, I am your father. I love that Tiger is his middle name! Imagine how cool it'll sounds when he is a teenager!
Thanks for the suggestions! Boy, do I need them! I do like Max, but didnt like Maxamillion and hadn't thought of Maxwell. Maybe I'l run that one by him. We also like Alexandre (Alex) and Nicolas. I am partial to the French spellings for names since JP is French and we went with it for Luc. I am such a mish mash of cultures and JP's family is very strong in their heritage and I'd love to pass that along to our children.

Obi Wan, that is too funny! When Luc was born I seriously considered birth announcements that looked like Star Wars movie poster and said Luc, I am your father. I love that Tiger is his middle name! Imagine how cool it'll sounds when he is a teenager!
I LOVE the poster idea :rofl: Steve would have SO done that if we'd called Oliver Luc :rofl: :rofl:

I really like the idea of giving the names a french spelling, its lovely to do something like that. My nephew is called Maximus which I think sounds a bit strange TBH, I like Maxwell though :thumbup:
Hi Ladies,

Naomi from Australia here - I hope you don't mind but I couldn't find a support group here!

I just found out that the miscarriage that I had 2 weeks ago was actually a partial molar pregnancy. I can't believe that I have to wait another year before TTC - if all is well. I am lucky to have one beautiful little boy but I still feel so sad and worried that I will have trouble getting pregnant in a year, that I might miscarriage again or that there will be a big gap between my first and the next one (if I'm lucky enough). I am almost 32 and worried about my age. Worry, worry, worry...

Please tell me I wont be too old, there wont be any problems falling pregnant and I wont have any more miscarriages! or that a 3+ year gap is not too big. I'm not normally this down and neg!

Hi Ladies,

Naomi from Australia here - I hope you don't mind but I couldn't find a support group here!

I just found out that the miscarriage that I had 2 weeks ago was actually a partial molar pregnancy. I can't believe that I have to wait another year before TTC - if all is well. I am lucky to have one beautiful little boy but I still feel so sad and worried that I will have trouble getting pregnant in a year, that I might miscarriage again or that there will be a big gap between my first and the next one (if I'm lucky enough). I am almost 32 and worried about my age. Worry, worry, worry...

Please tell me I wont be too old, there wont be any problems falling pregnant and I wont have any more miscarriages! or that a 3+ year gap is not too big. I'm not normally this down and neg!


Hi Naomi!

I'm so sorry to read what you are going through :hugs: :hugs:

Firstly - you absolutely won't be too old!!!! I'm 30 and I want to wait a year or so before we TTC our second baby. I think a three year age gap ould be lovely :hugs:

I can't say that you won't have more mc's BUT I can tell you that the odds are stacked in your favour :hugs: Just from 'talking' to the girls on here, a lot of us have used the follow up wait to get healthy, take our folic acid and pregnancy suppliments and get 'in touch' with their fertility and cycle, which has ment that its really very common to fall pregnant again quickly when the follow up ends :hugs:

Have you been told what happens from here? Are you having regular tests to monitor your HcG levels? If everything goes well (and treatment with drugs isn't required) we only wait six months over here . . . . it does seem to vary quite a bit depending on where you are.

Oh, and Jamari's Mummy is also in Australia!

How old is your little boy?


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