Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Gosh small world indeed! How amazing!

Naomi Kate was looked after so well by the hospital - both during followup and when she fell pregnant again, I am confident that you are in very, very good hands :hugs: :hugs:

Amanda after reading your post I'm completely sold on a three year gap :haha: which would mean us ttc in 12 - 18 months time, which sounds good to me :haha: I never wanted a big age gap but I love the idea that Oliver would really understand and be excited, so cute!

Wow Sarah I just got so excited about u ttc again! Lol even if it's not for a little while yet I'm sure we will all still be talking lol I think I'll be on this forum til I'm a lil old lady!!:haha:
Hi All
It has been a month since I had my D&C and am waiting on the results now they say that they have been sent off for testing but as yet I Have not heard and wander if it takes a while to get results, I have had a few bleeds which lasted 1 day and then had spotting which has been brown but not had proper period as yet is this normal please ? I seem to be in the dark and wander if you could advise what happens now please - glad to hear all the news and new babies being born congrats xx stacey
Kate - that all sounds bitter/sweet. How exciting that the pregnancy is going well, but how horrible to feel so sick. Have you found that it isn't as bad now that you have hit 12 weeks?

I still haven't been able to talk to my Dr and have to wait until Monday, I just want things to get moving so that it's closer to TTC again and to have my questions answered.

Stacey - that is such good news! I agree, why would your Dr put you through that before tests are done? I had a friend who was told during a scan that her baby had no tummy insides. So she spent a week sick with worry and her next scan showed a perfect bub!

Naomi x
Kate - that all sounds bitter/sweet. How exciting that the pregnancy is going well, but how horrible to feel so sick. Have you found that it isn't as bad now that you have hit 12 weeks?

I still haven't been able to talk to my Dr and have to wait until Monday, I just want things to get moving so that it's closer to TTC again and to have my questions answered.

It is bittersweet:) yes i feel so blessed to be pregnant again and that everything so far appears to be going well, altho i STILL find that hard to believe that theres a chance this baby is ok! It has been awful feeling so sick, I thought I was starting to feel better now im nearly in 2nd tri, but just this morning i couldnt keep my breakfast down and suffered with a headache all day:( hoping it leaves soon!
Oh and i know how you feel, I was so impatient to get the ball rolling, just ask Sarah I was forever wishing time away, but it did go fairly quickly looking back and i think i needed that time to grieve/prepare for the next one:hugs:
hi ladies,
here is the 3d scan of my little one from the nt scan, what do you think? boy or girl?:haha: lol, i may be bias but i think its just the cutest lil thing:cloud9:


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How cute!!!

Hmmmm . . . . . I guess girlie :)
hi ladies, i don't know where to post, hope you don't mind me intruding this thread.

i am almost 7 weeks and have on/off symptoms, mild nausea, heartburn, tiredness. mild AF type cramps but no spotting. i'd say the most noticeable thing is that i am extremely bloated.
i had a hCG done last week at (or just before) 6 weeks that came back at 41,500. the doc just called me to say he wants me to have an early scan as there is a chance it might be molar. :nope:

i was doing ok, but got very worried now. could you share your experience?
many many thanks

Hello, Kosh and welcome to our thread, no intrusion at all! I agree with Lyo, your level is quite normal. 5w 6 d is only one day off from 6 weeks and a whole lot further away from 5 weeks! For 6 weeks the normal range goes up to 56,000. I understand your Dr telling you it is possibly a touch high, but I get angry when Dr's bring up molar to a newly, just barely pregnant, worried and hormonal Mom. Maybe he or she has reason to watch things, but you really dont need the stress! I know this is next to impossible, but please try not to worry too much. When will you get your scan and is he doing more blood work?

Unfortunately, the first Dr I saw didn't do blood work at my first appt, so I have no idea what my levels were then. I was well into 8 weeks and we only saw an empty sac on teh screen. Actually, I saw nothing and was thinking more blighted ovum as she never told me if or what she suspected, but only that she was 90% sure it wasn't a viable pregnancy. Then she was gone and that was that.

I began barely spotting that same day and saw a different Dr a week later who ran blood work that day and 48 hrs later. I was still having barely streaky spotting and this time we clearly saw a sac with a tiny something inside. He wasnt able to tell what the previous Dr saw according to the ultrasound pic she included in my chart. My levels were only in the twenty thousands, just barely what they should be for nine and a half week along. So either my levels were already dropping on their own or never went very high. We'll never know since the first Dr didnt really follow procedure by running bloodwork.

From there we rechecked again a week later and while things had grown a small bit, still no HB so we knew has enough confirmation that the pregnancy wasnt viable and scheduled a D&C. I would have never known it was pmp if it weren't for the D&C and the pathology report.

I'd say your symptoms are exactly perfect for the stage of pregnancy you are in. I'm so sorry you are going through this, but try to hold you head up and be positive. I hope this is a normal pregnancy for you. Just read Lyo's story! Please update as soon as you have any more info.:hugs:

hello all :flower:
i posted a week ago about my fears about a molar pregnancy.
well, just got back from my scan and everything is normal!!!!
thanks for your support!
and all the best to everyone :hugs:

YAY! I am so happy for you! Now you go enjoy your pregnancy!
Thanks again girls,

I have jotted all of your information to take to my Dr - and insist on the same treatment (I have never been a person to 'insist' but when better to become one!).

I have had a read of some of the other experiences, it is so lovely to hear about all the successful babies!

Naomi x

You really must be your own advocate! Good luck with the Dr! Please let us know how it goes!
Gosh small world indeed! How amazing!

Naomi Kate was looked after so well by the hospital - both during followup and when she fell pregnant again, I am confident that you are in very, very good hands :hugs: :hugs:

Amanda after reading your post I'm completely sold on a three year gap :haha: which would mean us ttc in 12 - 18 months time, which sounds good to me :haha: I never wanted a big age gap but I love the idea that Oliver would really understand and be excited, so cute!

It really has been a good thing! Luc is always asking to feel our baby in my belly, running over and putting his little hands on it. He also enjoys kissing my belly, which is very sweet as well.

Oh, I'll be so excited for you to try for another! Maybe its my pregnancy hormones, but I am so happy to have met all you guys! I really feel a personal connection and kinship with all of you!
Gosh small world indeed! How amazing!

Naomi Kate was looked after so well by the hospital - both during followup and when she fell pregnant again, I am confident that you are in very, very good hands :hugs: :hugs:

Amanda after reading your post I'm completely sold on a three year gap :haha: which would mean us ttc in 12 - 18 months time, which sounds good to me :haha: I never wanted a big age gap but I love the idea that Oliver would really understand and be excited, so cute!

Wow Sarah I just got so excited about u ttc again! Lol even if it's not for a little while yet I'm sure we will all still be talking lol I think I'll be on this forum til I'm a lil old lady!!:haha:


Boy, I feel like I missed so much the last day or so! I am doing so much catching up. I never got the emial that a new post had been added.
Hi All
It has been a month since I had my D&C and am waiting on the results now they say that they have been sent off for testing but as yet I Have not heard and wander if it takes a while to get results, I have had a few bleeds which lasted 1 day and then had spotting which has been brown but not had proper period as yet is this normal please ? I seem to be in the dark and wander if you could advise what happens now please - glad to hear all the news and new babies being born congrats xx stacey

Hi Stacey, I got my pathology results at my 2 week post op appt. I think you are right to wonder what is taking so long. Possibly there is a back up of cases though.

I had irregular bleeding/spotting for the first 10 days or so, but got my normal period exactly 4 weeks after my D&C. Some people take a bit longer to get back on schedule though. I would think it depends on how far along you were and how quickly your hCG levels drop. Have you gotten those results yet? Is your Dr following with regular tests to a zero result?

BTW, even though I had stopped bleeding I still tested positive for pregnancy at my 2 week post op appt. If your Dr isnt testing blood regularly, you could try taking a HPT to see if you are still testing positive.

I'm so sorry you are in this limbo stage. I know its not easy and you probably just want things to get on with it. You'll get there, I promise! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
hi ladies,
here is the 3d scan of my little one from the nt scan, what do you think? boy or girl?:haha: lol, i may be bias but i think its just the cutest lil thing:cloud9:

Oh my gosh!!!! He is adorable! Did I just say he? He or she! May have been due to the old wives tale about the heart rate. Anyway, so, so cute! How awesome that they gave you a 3D pic! I have never seen on that early. What a cutie already! Congrats, Kate!
*everyone thinks baby is a boy! Yes I know I was so exceed about the 3d pics I want to get more now when I'm further along! :)
was anyones next pregnancy after partial molar closely monitored? I have bloodtests and scan every week and Im only 5 weeks today...
I have 3rd blood test and 3rd scan tomorrow
was anyones next pregnancy after partial molar closely monitored? I have bloodtests and scan every week and Im only 5 weeks today...
I have 3rd blood test and 3rd scan tomorrow

Misk, I got no special monitoring, though I did get 3 ultrasounds before 18 weeks, when we could finally find the HB with a doppler. One at almost 7 weeks (my first OB appt), one at almost 11 weeks (still too early to use dopper, just to make sure all was still well in there) and and one at almost 15 weeks when doppler is hit or miss.

We chose to also do the NT scan and first tri screening and i had the routine blood work done at my very first OB appt. Other than that no special monitoring, although I would have lOVED it!

Congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope all goes great for you!
*everyone thinks baby is a boy! Yes I know I was so exceed about the 3d pics I want to get more now when I'm further along! :)

I did 3D with Luc and am debating about doing it with this one. Of course, I'd love to, but just need to justify the cost. Need to make a decision quickly though. I was 28 weeks along with Luc and he was already squished right up against the placenta the entire time. We got a ton of face and hands pictures, but I would have liked more of his body and such.

Maybe I said boy because all our "our" post-pmp babies have been boys? Ah, who cares, you are having a baby!!! Yay!
was anyones next pregnancy after partial molar closely monitored? I have bloodtests and scan every week and Im only 5 weeks today...
I have 3rd blood test and 3rd scan tomorrow

By the way, there appears to be an issue with your ticker. There is a certain code you have to use. I believe there is a certain one for B&B. Sarah can clarify, its happened to several of us!:thumbup:
Misk its the BB code you need for your ticker :thumbup: I just got a reassurance scan at 6 weeks - but I thought that was normal then so never thought to request bloods etc. Looking back now, knowing that everything turned out perfect, I'm kind of glad that I didn't know what I know now as I would have been demanding loods and extra scans etc.

Amanda you are a sweetie :hugs: I find it amazing that we are able to help each other from so far away :hugs: even though you could say that my pmp journey had ended before I started this thread I really feel like it has helped me to deal with what happened and to make peace with it. Its just amazing that we can all help each other so much. And seeing so many rainbow babies coming along is just wonderful :)

Kate I think Amanda might be right - we do have a lot of boys in here!! Boys are so fab, when I was younger I always wanted a girl, possibly because I get on so well with my mum, but when I was about 7 weeks I just knew I was having a boy! And now, well, a little girl would be lovely but I would adore to have another boy! I'm not even a little bit broody though so I'm more than happy to wait!
Yes I guess ur right there are a few little rainbow boy babies about! Although one girl I know personally in Australia, her first pregnancy was a pmp, and baby was a boy, her rainbow baby was a girl, & what do u know I just found out she gave birth this morning to another little princess! So who knows.. Somedays I am certain it's a girl but others I think boy, oh and I will be thrilled with whatever we get, although I think oh secretly would adore another little boy after losing our lil Jamari Tre. 3 days til
I get nt and combined blood results! Eeek! Hoping that because all was beautiful with scan that bloods will be great! I am 13 wks today and what do u know threw up the past few days and whenever I go in the car I get sooo sick!! I'm praying the ms ends soon:(

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