Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Kate the ms should go any day :hugs: I really did just feel better one day!

Are you going to find out the sex at your 20 week scan?!?!

Yes I guess ur right there are a few little rainbow boy babies about! Although one girl I know personally in Australia, her first pregnancy was a pmp, and baby was a boy, her rainbow baby was a girl, & what do u know I just found out she gave birth this morning to another little princess! So who knows.. Somedays I am certain it's a girl but others I think boy, oh and I will be thrilled with whatever we get, although I think oh secretly would adore another little boy after losing our lil Jamari Tre. 3 days til
I get nt and combined blood results! Eeek! Hoping that because all was beautiful with scan that bloods will be great! I am 13 wks today and what do u know threw up the past few days and whenever I go in the car I get sooo sick!! I'm praying the ms ends soon:(

I'm sure they will come back great! If your ms doesn't end soon, you really should ask for some medication to help. If its causing you not to be able to work and you'd like to there really isnt any reason you cant take something.

Good luck, cant wait to hear!
was anyones next pregnancy after partial molar closely monitored? I have bloodtests and scan every week and Im only 5 weeks today...
I have 3rd blood test and 3rd scan tomorrow

hi misk
mine hasnt been only when i request things! but thats partly due to the fact i moved to the other side of the country, im sure if i had of stayed where i was i would have been more closely monitored which would have made this preg much less stressful!
goodluck with everything and congratulations on your pregnancy!
Hi sarah and amanda!:flower:
do you remember sarah when ur ms went away? today i felt ok and went to the beach with my flatmate then grocery shopping and when we got home i was just so exhausted from that i went for a lil nap, which didnt last long becoz i got so hungry i had to get up and eat something!:dohh:
and nope sarah we arent finding out babys gender! trumaine wants to keep it a suprise! i kinda want to know but also want the suprise so we have decided to wait:)
And yep Amanda i have meds for the morning sickness, but they dont do much! not enough for me to feel confident enough to find work yet, i seriously dont think id be reliable enough atm which id hate! (i managed a store last year and theres nothing worse then unreliable staff!)
Just praying it sudsides soon! its exhausting being sick all the time! Also ladies, i know its probably different in ur countries, but i have a anatomy scan booked for when im 19 wks +, i think its called an analomy scan in some countries, would u happen to know if this is the general 20 week scan or something different altogther? I lll have to ask my gp on monday. I am also having a small operation on my shoulder on monday in which ill be getting a local anaesthetic and im messing myself about it! not literally lol but almost:haha:
Kate my MS went at about 13 / 14 weeks, after that I would have the odd spell of sickness and I was still tired but I felt SO much better :thumbup:

Over here the 20 week scan is where they check that everything looks okay with baby - sounds like the same as yours. They check everything - arms, legs, fingers, toes, heart, all the organs etc, its really detailed! So clever what they can do now :) I think people kind of forget that the 20 week scan is about that and not just about finding out the sex :haha:
My anatomy ultrasound (also called a level 2 US here) was done at 19 weeks. I think they usually get scheduled somewhere between 18-22 weeks. They are amazing! It was kind of stressful as the tech wouldn't tell me if everything was ok or not and sometimes I would see what she was writing on the screen and sometimes not. We had an LCD TV high up on the wall for us to watch as well as the screen in front of the tech.

Sometimes due to baby's position the tech cant get all the pictures they need and you have to go back. This was the case at my scan, not a good look at the spine and face, so I get another peek on Tuesday. I had forgotten this, but try to eat or drink something a bit sugary so your baby is moving. My little boy slept through almost the entire thing and the tech kept jiggling my belly (and full bladder!) trying to get him to move.

Speaking of full bladder, they usually want you to have one so they can also measure your cervix and other things down below. Placenta position will also be checked.

Enjoy it, they are exciting! Good for you for waiting on the sex! I would never be able to, but delivery surprises are fun.
Oh that's good to hear Sarah well I'm 14 wks in 5 days so here's hoping! Ohh Amanda that scan sounds fun:) the sonOgrapher alsO had to jiggle my belly at the 12 wk scan I think bub fell asleep after a bit even tho I ate a few kookier before I went in hehe. At what point did u ladies start feeling bub move? My Sis in law is almost 20 wks and has started feeling kicks I am so jealous loli wish I was further along!:haha:
9 months today since my pmp ended and we said goodbye to our precious little angel baby... How time is passing. Thankyou to everyone for ur support thus far, it means everything to me xo
Time has gone by very fast! I am shocked every time I realize I am more than half way through this pregnancy. I also think about time and where I would be if I hadn't had my pmp. Mother's Day was especially difficult. Although I love the baby in my belly, I kept thinking I should be celebrating with an almost 4 month old in my arms as well as my almost 3 year old. It's kind of sad, we are changed forever, I think.

I felt a few twitches very early, at 14 weeks. My Dr didnt believe it was the baby and maybe it was, maybe it wasnt. I was sure it was at the time, but then I wouldn't feel anything for a week or so. You have to remember how low your uterus still is at that time. It is only just starting to rise out of the pelvic bone at 12 weeks, so anything you feel would be very low.

Almost exactly after my ultrasound at 19 weeks I was feeling movements for sure. Again, I would feel it, then nothing for a day or two, maybe three. So, when you do start feeling him or her, dont let that scare you. By 21 weeks I was feeling regular intervals of movement through out the day. They say you feel a second baby sooner, but I am overweight and they say that causes you to not feel movement as soon. You are pretty thin, so you will probalby feel that baby around your ultrasound as well!

Speaking of movement, I was doing so well with not worrying and freaking out about something being wrong with the baby, but it seems over the last week I have noticed a decrease in activity. I still feel him move several times throughout the day, but his kicks dont feel as strong as before. Several days ago I was even able to see my belly move, not it just seems not as strong. I'm sure all is ok, but if I go 6 hours w/o feeling him I began to worry. I hate worrying so much!

I hope everyone is doing well and have (or had in Kate's case, I think) a great weekend!
Hi ladies! I have some amazing news:happydance: got nt results bak today and they are low risk!!!!!:cloud9: I can't believe everything is ok and I can somewhat relax now! Wow.. What a feeling! Can't believe it.
And Amanda thanks for ur post, when u said it changes us forever, u r so right, my mum sent me a pic of a little outfit she's bought for this bub and the first thing I thought of was Jamari:cry: and what life would be like with a 3 month old! I know my lil guys looking down tho and helpin out his brother or sister, my blood pressure is a bit low also so I gotta take it extra easy if that's even possible! :blush:
what fantastic news you got low risk. NOW you can totally relax. So happy for you
Such great news! I am so happy for you!

Lyo, how are you feeling? Will you be doing the NT scan as well?

I am excited to get another peek of my little sweetie tomorrow! I really need to scan the pictures so I can share with all of you.
Hi Girls,

I have finally seen my Dr and had my questions answered, I had a blood test and my hCG levels are 11000 - that seems very high to me. It has been about 4 weeks since my D&C. What were your levels like at this stage?

Jamari's mum - that is really great news, perhaps now the anxiety might go so might the MS??

Naomi x
Hi Girls,

I have finally seen my Dr and had my questions answered, I had a blood test and my hCG levels are 11000 - that seems very high to me. It has been about 4 weeks since my D&C. What were your levels like at this stage?

Jamari's mum - that is really great news, perhaps now the anxiety might go so might the MS??

Naomi x

Hi Naomi! I cant remember exactly what mine were at that stage but to start with they were 430,000. I know as long as they are going down that is great, what were they like at 3 weeks gone? I wouldn't be concerned if they are dropping, only if they aren't. What did ur dr say? And thankyou! Yes I'm hoping I can start to enjoy this pregnancy now and already feel like the ms may be lessening! Here's hoping.
Oh Amanda u must be very excited for ur scan!!:) yes plz do share pics if u can, would love to see ur little boy:) have u decided on a name yet? Can't believe I will have a newborn for Christmas, better start thinking of names myself! It's crazy we are already 1/2 way thru this year!
Hi Girls,

I have finally seen my Dr and had my questions answered, I had a blood test and my hCG levels are 11000 - that seems very high to me. It has been about 4 weeks since my D&C. What were your levels like at this stage?

Jamari's mum - that is really great news, perhaps now the anxiety might go so might the MS??

Naomi x

Hi Naomi! I cant remember exactly what mine were at that stage but to start with they were 430,000. I know as long as they are going down that is great, what were they like at 3 weeks gone? I wouldn't be concerned if they are dropping, only if they aren't. What did ur dr say? And thankyou! Yes I'm hoping I can start to enjoy this pregnancy now and already feel like the ms may be lessening! Here's hoping.

Thanks! At about 4 weeks into the pregnancy they were 3800. I am having another test on Thu to see if they are dropping.
Naomi, I got my period 4 weeks post D&C, so they must have been at or close to zero. At 2 weeks post D&C I was still testing pos on an HPT though. My loss was very early though, so I believe that is why mine returned to normal so quickly. I agree with Kate, as long as your levels are dropping that is a good sign.

Kate, I am very excited, but getting myself all freaked out over the decrease in movement. I really hope everything is ok. Very nervous! I am telling myself that maybe he is turned in a face down position and that is why I dont feel as strong of kicks as I was feeling before. I have a Dr appt on Friday as well, so I will discuss with him for sure then, but as long as I see a strong HB tomorrow I will feel better.
Naomi I didn't find out it was pmp until about 12 weeks later :shock: so I'm not sure what my levels were to compare. At 12 weeks post DandC though my levels were still classed as above normal - even though I had my period back. As long as they are dropping that's great. Did you get more bloods taken? :hugs:

Kate what wonderful news! I'm so pleased for you! And I'm still angry at your gp for scaring you so badly! I think you will start to feel SO much better now you are feeling less worried, I'm absolutely sure that there is a xonection.

Amanda enjoy your scan! I'm sure baby has just moved which is why the movements seem less :hugs: Do you know the position of your placenta? Can't wait to see pics! Xxi
Such great news! I am so happy for you!

Lyo, how are you feeling? Will you be doing the NT scan as well?

I am excited to get another peek of my little sweetie tomorrow! I really need to scan the pictures so I can share with all of you.

Oh that's exciting Amanda , you must be looking forward to it.

I am feeling pretty good. Had scan Friday and baby was great and all looked normal. So they have told me it is a normal pregnancy.

I decided not to go for the NT scan. It will probably worry me either way. I will just go for normal scan which is going ot be at 14 weeks.

I am now a bit worried I might have an infection down there , not sure why but I have it in my head. Might go to doc but I know I am over reacting as there is no foul discharge or smell, just extra discharge. I will always find something to worry about!
Lyo I didn't have the NT scan either :hugs:

Extra discharge is very normal when you're pregnant, but do go to the drs if you are at all worried :hugs:

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