Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

hi again ladies,, needing ur opinion..i woke up this morning with a sharp achey feeling in my left groin, uncomfortable most when i lie down but also niggles at me when im walking, tonight it has progressed to the outside area of my left hip..i asked a fw ladies in the preg forums and some suggested round ligamant pain while i also read about spd..i have a clicking sound in my back also which i have had since about 8 weeks on...what do u think? has anyone else had this? not sure if i should go and get checked out or wait until friday when i see my midwife?:shrug:
It does sound like round ligament pain hun, it can be really painful too! I had SPD from about 30 weeks and it was horrible, I hope you don't get that!

If you are at all worried see you Dr honey, I'm sure its just everything moving about and stretching though :hugs:
Ugh, round ligament pain! I'm sure that is what it is as well. It hurts so badly it can be quite shocking. You are at exactly the right stage to be getting it. I always got it if I got up or turned too quickly. Sometimes it hurt so badly it took my breath away and I doubled over in pain. The good news is, its gone now. If you're worried call your Drs office.

Lyo, totally normal to have extra discharge and form what I read its normal for it to be watery or more like your normal cervical mucous. As long as there is no off smell or color all should be ok. I agree with Sarah though, if you're worried call the Drs office.

I think you're wise not to do the NT scan. If we didnt have any risk factors than I probalby wouldn't have done it either.

So, I feel kind of silly. Baby was moving and grooving like a champ last night and woke me up bright and early this morning. I think we all will just find a million reasons to worry all the time. I will try to get JP to scan those pics tonight. We have a really good side view from the anatomy ultrasound and also a good one of his hand waving hi to us. I hope to get more today!

Have a good week all!
BTW, I am 24 weeks today! Does this make today my V Day?

Oh and the placenta is where it should be was all I was told, so I guess no anterior placenta to cushion kicks? I was wondering if he could be all snuggled up at the top though.

And we do not have a name yet. I am a bit frustrated by it. Hubby just doesnt feel pressured enough yet!
So, all went well with the ultrasound today! Baby had a strong heartbeat at 148 bpm. Other than having an extremely full bladder and the tech jiggling my belly trying to get him to turn over it was great!

I dont have ultrasound pics scanned yet, but thought I'd share a belly pic!

I think it worked this time!


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:happydance:for your pic amanda you look great:thumbup: and yep i think it was ur v day, how wonderful!
thanks for ur info sarah and amanda..i was in the worst pain last night as i went to bed, i needed to lay on my left side for my hip but the stitches in my shoulder hurt like hell if i did that but if i layed on my right side my groin/hip area was excruciating..i awoke this morning and things seem like they are still there but not as full on as last night..altho i havent got out of bed yet, im laying here eating my breaky!
aw amanda ur bubas heart rate was similar to mine mine was 146 so maybe im having a boy too! yes names are so hard! my brother and his wife are 20 weeks along with their pregnancy and they already have names! Georgia Jane for a girl and Lawson Kenneth for a boy! My partner likes really different names being Aborginal so i hope we can come to an agreement on something not too wacky:wacko::haha:
Sarah.. may i ask what ur spd symptoms were?
I got so overwhelmed last night, finally feeling like the ms is subsiding then this hits me! argh!
Is the SPD the same as sciatica? I've been having pain in the left hip and was wondering if it was the sciatic nerve. Guess I should look it up.

Kate, I would give anything to have a name already picked out! It would be nice to be calling the baby by a name rather than asking him what his name will be. I had a few girls names picked out, those were easy, of course! Have you thought of any yet?
i know what u mean ..names are hard! I remember after we lost Jamari the nurses asked if we had a name picked out and we didnt and i was devastated we had nothing to write on his certificate! I did want to name him, and it took us about a week, but we finally came up with Jamari, meaning 'warrior', i felt this was so fitting as he put up such a fight our little man.
we have some names we like, but nothing definate! these are just names we found and made a note of as I liked the sound of them.. the girls names are Farrah, Ivy, and Ava and Trumaine likes Lyric for a boy but im not entirely sure...its his dream to name his baby boy Lyric he loves it so much but its just so unusual and would take some getting used to for me..boys names are terribly hard and because Trumaines name is so unusual i think everyones expecting us to choose something pretty crazy lol but im really going to start investigating names now that i know our little bean is safe n sound in there:cloud9:
You know, I'm not one for very unusual names, but I really do like Lyric! I bet it wouldnt take very long to get used to.

I absolutely loved the name Bridgette for a girl. I'm homing we still get to use it one day. Luc was hard enough for us to agree on and it was the only name we liked a lot. Now I am faced with do I pick a short name that goes well with Luc, because I cant really come up with a lot of those.

Ah, well I'm sure this baby will have a name some time. We may end up picking a couple (if we can come with with a couple) and see what he looks like when he is born.

By the way, today is party day for my little man. We have good friends who will be away on Luc's actual birthday, so since we dont have an family here I wanted to be sure his best buddy, Lauren could attend. We're doing a construction theme. I've been so busy with preparations that I am glad its finally here! Wish me luck!
Kate I'm not into unusual names either but Lyric is really nice! Where did Trumaine get the idea from? Its a lovely name! I adore Jamari's name too, so I'm sure you'll find something perfect :)

Amanda don't worry, we didn't decide 100% on Oliver until he arrived! Another name I really love is Toby, I'm not sure if I mentioned that one before?

SPD is different from Sciatica, I had that too :dohh: I had pretty mild SPD but it was horrible. It's a pain in our hips and right around to your pubic bone. Some days were worse than others, and sometimes it would go really bad. Like one day I was out shopping and it came on so bad, and I could barely walk. Getting out of bed hurt, I had to be really careful, and then silly things like standing on one leg - so things like getting dressed were really painful. I had to sit down to put my underwear on :haha: I had physio and had a big support belt thing which I had to strap around my hips to hold them firmly together. It was pretty uncomfy but really helped if I had to do more than a few minutes walking. When that stopped working I only had a few weeks left, so I just avoided doing too much and walking very far, because my physio said the next step was to have crutches to walk with :shock: and I really didn't want that. Ladies who have it bad, well I just don't know how they cope! On the plus side, I can honestly say that it pretty much dissapeared within a week of Oliver been born, and it was a lot better even the same day! I still have the odd pain if I do something wierd with my legs :haha: like I tried to move something the other day by pushing it forward with my foot and ouch, that hurt!
Well, fingers crossed that I dont get that! I did have tenosynovitis in my thumb. That was bad enough, cant imagine something similar in the hip! Cortisone shots really helped me.

Kate, I hope that isnt what's going on with you! Its too early to be getting something that you'll have a lot of pain with throughout the rest of your pregnancy!
:flower:hi ladies,
wow i was really shocked to hear you both liked Lyric so much! I guess i just didnt expect those reactions but that is good:) I personally like the name Finley, but Trumaine is horrified by it:dohh:
well i woke up yesterday and the pains i was having in my hip had completely gone, altho i have a feeling that they may return...i feel like im in the wars with this pregnancy...first morning sickness, then the hip, and then last night i think i fainted!:cry: ive never fainted before so thats why i say i think i fainted...well i have stitches in my shoulder after having a sunspot removed on monday..and i got out of the shower last night and trumaine came in and redressed it for me..i had a look at it coz ive never had stitches before and wanted to see what it looked like then a few minutes later as trumaine was applying the antibiotic cream to it i started feeling nauseous...i told him i think i was going to be sick, then i got dizzy, hot, and my pulse started thumping, i headed for the bed (we were in the ensuite) and layed down immediately but seriously felt like i was drunk and couldnt do anything but close my eyes and spin and then i couldnt speak properly and started crying coz my head felt all numbish and weird! i was so frightened becoz i didnt know what was going on..the gp said on monday my blood pressure has dropped and to take things very easy but i seriously do every day i get around like an old woman! Ive been so upset becoz i feel like i should be working and saving money but im just not confident to..dr gave me a med certificate til the end of month so i think ill just have to wait and see some more how igo..seeing midwife and dr tomorrow so maybe they can shed some light. Im sorry ladies, i feel like i am always complaining lately:nope: i just feel as tho i cant get a break its just one thing after the other!:dohh: trying to be positive but this being dizzy etc is a bit scary especially when out in public!
Amanda, how did your party go? I hope you are recovering well:)
Sarah ur SPD must have been frustrating, scary to think u nearly ended up on crutches, i would be the same tho and not want them. hoping im not in the early stages of developing this but if i am at least i have someone to talk to about it:thumbup:
thanks for listening ladies:hugs: pregnancy can be HARD. xo
Hi, New to this. Had a complete molar pregnancy last year after 3 normal pregnancies. I have subsequently had 2 miscarriages in April and May at 6 weeks and 4 weeks respectivly. They are unable to tell whether these would have been molar or not. Found out on Monday pregnant again. They will scan me at 7 weeks but seems such a long wait. They are taking my hcg levels twice a week, took 1st lot yesterday and should know level tomorrow. I am so nervous about miscarrying again, and even if I don't worried it will be another molar. Finding it so hard to stay calm and every day feels like a month. Every time I go to the loo worried I will see blood (miscarriage) or brown discharge (first symptom I had with my molar). Any advice on how to make it through these first few weeks?
Alwilan I'm so sorry to here of your losses :hugs:

The first few weeks are very hard - like you say ot only the worry of molar but also of a 'normal' m/c. I used to think that it would be so much better to go to sleep and wake up at 14 weeks. I think the only thing you can too is keep your mind busy as much as you can, and just try to stay calm - I know its sooooo not that easy though :hugs: I wish I could tell you something that would make it easier. But the days will pass, and I have everything crossed that this time will be 'the' time, and that you will get the ultimate reward :hugs:

I am sure the other girls will be more help having gone through this more recently. I hope we can all help you though :hugs:
Kate, it does sound like you had a little fainting spell there, low blood pressure can do that. I have low blood pressure too and it dropped even lower when I was pregnant, I had a lot of dizzy spells towards to end (I stopped driving when I stopped working because of it).

Talking to you ladies about this reminds me of how hard my third tri was lol! But I still have such fond memories of been pregnant. I had forgot it was such hard work :haha: I am going to get so broody when all your little babies start arriving :haha:
Thanks for your reply SarahWoo. Just read your story, so glad you got your baby. Molar pregnancies are such a nightmare. Since my molar I have yet to meet anyone who has been through the same thing. Having had 3 boys before my molar, I just wish I could have a 'normal' pregnancy again - one without the worry. The subsequent 2 miscarriages haven't helped my anxiety.

The frustrating thing is that my husband and I have been so desperate for this baby to complete our family. I have 2 older boys from a previous relationship and I have my little sweetheart who is 21 months. We thought it would be nice for the youngest to have a sibling and then my hubby was going to get the op! Having fallen pregnant at the drop of a hat, I thought this time would be easy, we tried to get pregnant as soon as the little one was born, but I was breastfeeding till 6 months. However it still didn't happen and when I did find out I was pregnant I was overjoyed, a couple of weeks in I said I didn't feel pregnant, but my Dad was seriously ill in hospital and everyone put it down to that. I had a scan at 6 weeks but they said too early. At 8 weeks another scan and I was told there was only the products of conception - such a horrid phrase - and told to go home and have a natural miscarriage. I didn't start bleeding for 2 more weeks, and started suffering terrible sickness - whenever I spoke to the hospital they told me "to get on with it". I was soaking through pads within 5 mins. After a week the hospital eventually decided to scan me and spotted a complete molar and my hcg was through the roof. I was booked in for a d&c the next day. It was such a heart breaking situation. Thankfully my hcg levels dropped back to normal very quickly and I didn't need any chemo or anything.
Oh goodness me its a good job you kept on at the hospital!!! How have they been with your care since? Did they test your hcg after your m/c's?

Its so hard isn't it? When I think back to those times it still hurts, even though I have Oliver now. But it's helped me so much to 'meet' other ladies in the same position on this thread. I've never met anyone in real life who even knew what mp/pmp was. I never really spoke about it to many people because its so awful having to explain.

how far along are you? How are you feeling? :hugs:

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