Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Vicki-so sorry you are in so much discomfort! I would think the doctor would be quite pleased with your baby's weight since she is so likely to be a premie. More meat on her bones!

AFM- this has been a crazy week for us. My grandmother passed away 2 days ago after a long, long downward spiral with Alzheimers. We are so thankful that she finally moved on to heaven, as she hasn't been herself for so long. However, the funeral is this Monday, so we're flying down to Texas tomorrow with both the girls till Wednesay. It is so last minute, a ton of money, and feels like a ton of work to travel (10 hours) with two little ones! Any travel tips welcome!!!
Sorry about your grandma raff. Well right now we not planning on going too early now. We ate on weekly apt with u.s. Cause my water was over 21 and they like it under 25 so it high normal. So they want to keep an eye out on that. Will have nst also weekly. But talking about doing amnio in 3 weeks to see if lungs areready. So if they are i could be having her the week before thanksgiving. All i can do is pray the lungs are ready cause i dont know how much longer i can stand this. I know it would only be 2-3 weeks longer but that is too much. I ready now.

Sorry raff send thoughts your way. My nan dies in January from Alzheimer's too. I was relieved as she could finally rest and be with my grandad. Have no tips for a flight. Hope the flight goes ok and the funeral isn't to hard on you.

Vicki you really sound like your having a bad time. I found the end very difficult because I just wanted baby here. Your so close so try hang in there lovely. Xxx
I have had a little more energy not taking naps for a few days even though i in pain. I want to go out and do something tonight BUT having a lot of painful pressure. I have no clue what we would do. Not like i can sit tgrough a movie or anything. But it sucks cause no matter how bad i want to get out of the house i cant cause it hurts. Heck even going to store right now is not reasonable.

Vicki was you the same with any of your other babies? Do you think she will be here soon with all the pressure you keep getting?

Yes had pressure with some. 1 water broke at 33 weeks, but not as much pressure with him. One laboer stated the day before induction at 36.6 weeks. Last 2 lots of pressure and no labor not start on its own. I just hoping with this ectra fluid water will break soon. But will be nice if i hold out till closer to 36 weeks and lungs are really ready.
Hi ladies,

Vicki - So sorry you're having a lot of discomfort. Hope her lungs are ready as soon as possible...

Raff - Sorry about your grandma. But I'm sure she's in peace now and happier than before. Hugs!

Bevb & Vegas - Hope you're both fine.

Rainbow mommies - I bet you are fine, as you're already able to hold and kiss your little ones ;)

AFM - I had my nt scan and the results seem quite ok. Down's risk is a little bit higher than the other two (1:3500); but I guess it is expected regarding my age. The calculation starts off from 1:170, can you believe?!!
Raff, so sorry to hear about your grandma. I hope the funeral has gone well and the traveling was good with 2 los xx

Ece, glad your scan went well. (In Australia your risk would be classed as low for Downs) :)

Vicki, how are you going?

I have been feeling very sick for a few days now. Everything was a bit much Friday and I was in tears heaps over stupid things. A friend joked that was I pregnant... It got me worried enough to come home and do a test. I saw a very very faint line. It got darker Saturday but the 2 tests Sunday were negative. So I thought I have gastro and tests were faulty (very interesting looking after a 10 month old on your own while sick as hubby was at a buck's show 5 hrs away). Still sick today so did another test - definitely a line and positive. I'm really worried as so sick already. I wouldn't be 4 weeks yet. I was like this at 7 weeks with Marcy. Worried if I'm definitely pregnant that its another mole given how sick I'm am. Going to test again tomorrow. Very scared.
Omg how exciting jacky! Congratulations!!! I had nausea right away (from about 7dpo!) with Vincent. And high hcg. (100,000 by 6w!!)

:hugs: I have 5 boys, does sound like you are getting close, hope LO can stay in just a wee bit longer.

Ece fab nt results, guessing you are the same age as me then? (36)

Raff- sending :hug:
Vicki how are things now?

Ece good news on your scan. Over 13 weeks.... Amazing. How are you feeling?

Raff how did things go?

Dano how are you? How are your boys?

Becky omg!!!! I so hope this is a new pregnancy! I'm sure it's not molar but I understand your worry. Have you got a picture of your test? I felt sick very early on and was so much worse than what I had/felt with the molar. Hugs for you lovely.

Vegas and bev how are you ladies? Bumps must be coming on now!

Lotte how are you my dear? Ella ok?

If your still about Tina hope you and your boys are well.

As for me we are still busy busy with the house! We nearly have the bathroom finished! Very excited about that. We put indie in her own room which makes me sad but it might help wean her off a night feed which I'll start doing soon once I have doe early nights and I not so tired. Corban starts playgroup tomorrow just two mornings a week I'll miss him lots but his soooo ready for it.

Hi ladies,
Vicki, hope things are getting a bit easier.
Raff, sorry to hear your news, hope it all went well.
Jackie b, congrats, how exciting. I know people that were sick very early and all was ok.
Ece, great news. My downs score was 1 in 1000, I was told that's low risk.

Afm, I have finally finished work!!! Was a lovely day, they decorated my desk, made me a nappy cake and someone even made me a diabetic cake :)
Had scan last week, all ok and he is still in the normal range if size. Still not putting me on insulin, thankfully. But the dietician told me I have reached my pregnancy weight and can't put on any more! So the next few weeks are going to be quite miserable food wise! Going back on the 19th for next scan.
I've made a complaint about one of my midwives as well. She told me I had to cut out all carbs and sugar, if I'd listened to her I could have been quite ill apparently. She also told me I was breech and engaged, would definitely be having a Caesarian. He isn't breech and what she was saying isn't possible. I just don't know who I should be listening to now!

Great news on finishing work bev. I'm sure everyone has said it but have some really lazy days! Lay ins! Films on the sofa etc! I think you should complain about midwives if there being rubbish! Mine never signed me off she came once after indie was born and that's it. I complained too. Well it sounds like everything is as good as it can be apart from the weight thing! Hehe! I'm sure you'll be fine xxx
I've got loads of stuff to watch, films and shows I've been saving. I'll do that until the nesting sets in. Hurts to do very much at the moment.
I felt terrible complaining but someone could be really affected if she keeps getting things wrong
Exactly! I think it could help somebody else. Nothing wrong with saying something is wrong. Oooooo enjoy your time off lovely! The day I went into labour with Corban I cleaned the whole house..... I was knackered bit when I came home it was all clean!! Hehe!!! Sooooo excited for you xxx
So exciting Bev! Congratulations on finishing work. This was my favourite time of being pregnant as I could focus on my bubs :) xx

Vicki, Vegas how are you both?

Thanks ladies. Still faint but then I would only be 4 weeks tomorrow I think. Ill get a pic in a week when clear (if all continues). will also put up a pic of Marcy too, its a bit over due :) I'm trying to focus on end prize, the bonus I havent got my af back and making sure Marcy gets attention. Its strange though, I'm looking after a friends dog who has sat at back door near me for the last 2 days and follows me everywhere. Its a bit protective :)

Dano, Tina, Laura, Raff, Vegas - how did you all cope with the sickness at the beginning and looking after your first? I cry everytime I think about it.
Oh Becky xxx make the most of napping when Marcy does! Corban was a similar age to Marcy when I had chemo.... That was like morning sickness.... I'd just nap with him. He has always played well on his own so at times that I felt awful he would happily play. He was older with sickness with indie so I could explain.... Hardwork but you will get there. I'd try all you can for sickness to see if anything works. All the hormones don't help with your emotions either! Here for you lovely. Another rainbow xxxxxxxxxx
Raff: so sorry your grandmother passed. Hope you are doing well.

Jacky: congrats! What a wonderful surprise! Luckily I don't get too sick in first tri, just nausea and lots of fatigue and headaches. The hardest part of first tri with a child was being tired and her still needing attention. Luckily dh played with her after work and that was helpful. Cooking was also difficult with the nausea, so dh did a bit of that and I'd make really easy and bland stuff. Third tri with a child is proving to be a lot more challenging!

Vicki: sorry you aren't feeling too much better. It won't be too much longer and you've already made it most of the way.

Bev: I'm jealous that you are done with work and will have some time to relax before baby arrives. Sorry you are having issues with one of the midwives. Have you really gained a lot of weight or are they just being cautious? It's hard not to gain at this point!

Afm: I'm waiting to see the doctor for my 34 week appointment. Somehow I gained seven pounds this weekend. My feet are really getting swollen. At night it's getting harder to sleep as my sternum has started to hurt. I think I'm stretched to my limit, yet baby isn't done growing. He/she has been moving a good bit, so that gives me some comfort, but I won't be content until I'm holding a healthy baby in my arms.

Hope all the other moms and soon-to-be moms are doing well!
I think I've gained about 2 stone, not nearly as much as most of my friends. I'm mainly bump so I'm happy with my weight gain, I wasn't overweight before so can't see the problem really. One of the things I'll ignore I think :)


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