Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Thanks for your reply SarahWoo. Just read your story, so glad you got your baby. Molar pregnancies are such a nightmare. Since my molar I have yet to meet anyone who has been through the same thing. Having had 3 boys before my molar, I just wish I could have a 'normal' pregnancy again - one without the worry. The subsequent 2 miscarriages haven't helped my anxiety.

The frustrating thing is that my husband and I have been so desperate for this baby to complete our family. I have 2 older boys from a previous relationship and I have my little sweetheart who is 21 months. We thought it would be nice for the youngest to have a sibling and then my hubby was going to get the op! Having fallen pregnant at the drop of a hat, I thought this time would be easy, we tried to get pregnant as soon as the little one was born, but I was breastfeeding till 6 months. However it still didn't happen and when I did find out I was pregnant I was overjoyed, a couple of weeks in I said I didn't feel pregnant, but my Dad was seriously ill in hospital and everyone put it down to that. I had a scan at 6 weeks but they said too early. At 8 weeks another scan and I was told there was only the products of conception - such a horrid phrase - and told to go home and have a natural miscarriage. I didn't start bleeding for 2 more weeks, and started suffering terrible sickness - whenever I spoke to the hospital they told me "to get on with it". I was soaking through pads within 5 mins. After a week the hospital eventually decided to scan me and spotted a complete molar and my hcg was through the roof. I was booked in for a d&c the next day. It was such a heart breaking situation. Thankfully my hcg levels dropped back to normal very quickly and I didn't need any chemo or anything.

Hello Alwilan. Welcome to our little support group. I am so very sorry for the experiences you've had and how difficult it was during your molar miscarriage. Thank goodness you had a rescan rather than letting you "get on with it" for much longer. When I had my loss noting was happening as far as a natural miscarriage and after a few weeks I just couldnt take it any more and went the D&C route. I'm very glad I did since that was how I found out my loss was due to pmp.

As for getting though these early weeks, I'm sorry to say I dont have very much to offer. They dragged along for me and I was worried everyday. I didnt stop looking for blood on the toilet paper until 18 weeks or so and I still occasionally have a peek. I actually have to make myself not look.

The only thing that got me through my loss was my little boy and focusing on him is the only thing that kept me from complete obsession with losing this baby. Everyday I expected something to be wrong and before every Dr appt I was (and am still) filled with such anxiety about something going wrong.

I think talking about your worries, just getting them out of your head, will help you to feel some relief. Unfortunately, people who haven't been through what you have been through sometimes think you are being irrational (at least this has been my experience). I still have worries if I don't feel the baby move in 6 or 8 hours and even my husband kind of rolled his eyes the other night when I told him I was worried, which of course, sent me flying up the stairs, tears in my eyes. People who haven't been through it just don't know the anguish you feel in your heart. All of us have felt it and can relate.

I'm sure you already know that worry and stress isnt doing you or your growing baby any good and I think they only thing you can do is to try to be positive. Tell yourself that the third time WILL be the charm and it WILL happen this time. I pray you get your rainbow baby this time. I know its been so hard for you and you deserve this!

When is your next appt?
Kate, how scary! I'm sure it is from the low BP, but make sure to mention it to the Dr or midwife. This pregnancy really hasnt been easy on you, has it? hopefully you'll be one of the people who have a great second tri with lots of energy!

Luc's party was great, thanks for asking! It totally wore me out, but he and his little friends had a blast!

I have a Dr appt tomorrow. Haven't seen my OB in 2 months! The last appt was with a nurse practitioner 4 weeks ago and the other day it was just an ultrasound. Actually, I havent seen him since before my level 2 ultrasound. It will be good to talk to him and hear form him that everything looked good. I am not looking forward to getting on the scale. As of my last appt 4 weeks ago I was up 6 lb, but I am fully expecting to add somewhere around 5 more to that tally. Yay.
Hi again,

I'm needing more advice - My levels have gone up slightly from 11000 to 12000 and I have had on and off bleeding for a week now - initially extreme then nothing for a day, then a bit and now more like my normal period. My Dr said to just wait and see what my levels are like next week. Did anyone find their levels doing this early on? I know a few of you said you can't remember or that you didn't find out until later.

Let me know any thoughts...

Naomi x
Oh, i am so sorry you are experience bleeding. I never did, but from what I have read plenty of healthy pregnancies do. Are you having any cramping? Has the Dr done and ultrasound to try to determine where the bleeding is originating from? I believe they can tell if its coming from.

Sorry I cant be of much help. My levels weren't monitored very closely. Are you worried that your levels arent going up enough? How far apart were the two readings taken? Please remind me how far along you are. Is it 7 weeks or so? Sorry, pregnancy brain at work here, I cant remember anything!
Hi, New to this. Had a complete molar pregnancy last year after 3 normal pregnancies. I have subsequently had 2 miscarriages in April and May at 6 weeks and 4 weeks respectivly. They are unable to tell whether these would have been molar or not. Found out on Monday pregnant again. They will scan me at 7 weeks but seems such a long wait. They are taking my hcg levels twice a week, took 1st lot yesterday and should know level tomorrow. I am so nervous about miscarrying again, and even if I don't worried it will be another molar. Finding it so hard to stay calm and every day feels like a month. Every time I go to the loo worried I will see blood (miscarriage) or brown discharge (first symptom I had with my molar). Any advice on how to make it through these first few weeks?

:hugs:to you! Im so sorry to hear of your losses, its such a horrible thing to experience.
Congratulations on your new pregnancy:happydance: i SO know how you are feeling, I am now 14 weeks and it has been a tough, tough, first trimester. I too would check the toilet paper constantly, i still do, sometimes! I had brown spotting one afternoon, and i freaked out, because this also was a symptom of my partial molar pregnancy. Turns out tho it was completely normal, my little bubby is going strong and it is not another partial molar pregnancy.i found the first few weeks to be the hardest...wishing each day away and looking for every clue. I even ended up in tears in emergency twice becoz my morning sickness was so horrid i was convinced it was another pmp. i was 6 wks and 2 days when a dr confirmed this was not the case. I guess the only advice i can give is to post on here whenever you feel like it, and we will help as much as we can. It must be difficult having a young family when you are going through this, but i guess also its great for you to have your children to cuddle, and allow them to comfort you. My partial molar pregnancy was my first pregnancy, so i had no other children and at times my arms felt so empty, i would have loved a little person to cuddle and distract me from my own thoughts. Other then that, its just staying strong and positive, let it all out to your oh and rely on the love of your family and friends to get you through. I wish you every single lucky star for this pregnancy, im sorry you've had to find us, but welcome to the group:hugs:
Kate, how scary! I'm sure it is from the low BP, but make sure to mention it to the Dr or midwife. This pregnancy really hasnt been easy on you, has it? hopefully you'll be one of the people who have a great second tri with lots of energy!

It was terribly frightening Amanda, i have never been one to pass out! I saw a midwife and dr yesterday. The midwife took my bp and its only 110/50, quite low:cry: all they said i can do is drink lots of water and take it easy. They also weighed me and said Im a little underweight, and that i need to eat as much as i can (which i do! Im ALWAYS eating!) i ve only put on a kilo and a half..but hopefully that changes this 2nd tri now the ms is fading! And no Amanda, this pregnancy has been very stressful..but im surviving:flower:
Kate, how scary! I'm sure it is from the low BP, but make sure to mention it to the Dr or midwife. This pregnancy really hasnt been easy on you, has it? hopefully you'll be one of the people who have a great second tri with lots of energy!

It was terribly frightening Amanda, i have never been one to pass out! I saw a midwife and dr yesterday. The midwife took my bp and its only 110/50, quite low:cry: all they said i can do is drink lots of water and take it easy. They also weighed me and said Im a little underweight, and that i need to eat as much as i can (which i do! Im ALWAYS eating!) i ve only put on a kilo and a half..but hopefully that changes this 2nd tri now the ms is fading! And no Amanda, this pregnancy has been very stressful..but im surviving:flower:

At least you haven't lost any weight! Are you feeling any better these days with the sickness? How's the hip? Did the midwife have anything to say about it? Sorry about the low BP. How do you get that up? Do they think it will get better as your pregnancy goes on? Mine was 118/68 and they werent concerned. I asked if it was low and was told no, its good.

I had my appt yesterday and baby looks good. I only added 3 lbs, so I was happy!:happydance: Baby's HR was 138, which seemed kind of low to me, but Dr said it was a great reading. I guess as they get bigger the HR slows a bit. He was also either sleeping or just hanging out so maybe thats why it was lower than the 148 last week when he was kicking up a storm during the US. My iron is a bit low, so I need to supplement that. Also, I am measuring big at 26 cm. Dr isnt concerned, but with Luc I always measured right on. Maybe its due to baby measuring a week and a few days ahead.

One last little funny pregnancy craving bit to share...I went to three different Starbucks yesterday in search of a blueberry scone! Why are they always out of them? I did get one at the third stop, thank goodness. The young guy at the drive thru at the first one couldn't understand why I wanted to cancel my green tea lemonade due to them not having the scone. I had to tell him, I'm pregnant and I really just want the scone. I'm trying a different Starbucks. He still looked confused as I drove away! Today I'd really like some blueberry pancakes! Guess I'm on a blueberry kick!
At least you haven't lost any weight! Are you feeling any better these days with the sickness? How's the hip? Did the midwife have anything to say about it? Sorry about the low BP. How do you get that up? Do they think it will get better as your pregnancy goes on? Mine was 118/68 and they werent concerned. I asked if it was low and was told no, its good.

I had my appt yesterday and baby looks good. I only added 3 lbs, so I was happy!:happydance: Baby's HR was 138, which seemed kind of low to me, but Dr said it was a great reading. I guess as they get bigger the HR slows a bit. He was also either sleeping or just hanging out so maybe thats why it was lower than the 148 last week when he was kicking up a storm during the US. My iron is a bit low, so I need to supplement that. Also, I am measuring big at 26 cm. Dr isnt concerned, but with Luc I always measured right on. Maybe its due to baby measuring a week and a few days ahead.

One last little funny pregnancy craving bit to share...I went to three different Starbucks yesterday in search of a blueberry scone! Why are they always out of them? I did get one at the third stop, thank goodness. The young guy at the drive thru at the first one couldn't understand why I wanted to cancel my green tea lemonade due to them not having the scone. I had to tell him, I'm pregnant and I really just want the scone. I'm trying a different Starbucks. He still looked confused as I drove away! Today I'd really like some blueberry pancakes! Guess I'm on a blueberry kick![/QUOTE]

lol that is such a funny story about the scone, you must really be craving!:) I do that too, you get that desperate feeling that you just have to have something...or else!!! lol..
well actually i have lost weight..:/ i had put on 2 kgs by my 12 week scan but have lost half a kilo since then..trying to eat as much as i can and get it back on! which is a good excuse to indulge lol but not overley. I have a wedding to be ready for the following year.My hip is much better, only had the pain that night which i totally did not expect, didnt mention it to the dr coz havent had trouble since..i dont think theres anything i can do to raise my bp they said its good its low and not high coz it means bubby has a good blood supply..but its a yucky feeling all the same. im not sure if it will continue throughout the pregnancy but some of the ladies in the 2nd tri forum have told me they had it at 14 weeks too and it has since improved:thumbup:
I hope you got your blueberry hit Amanda! today i cant wait to eat my marinated chicken wings on rice for lunch! lol...:happydance:
Well, I hope you are able to get the weight up and I really hope your BP comes back up. Glad the hip isn't bothering you any longer.

I did get my blueberry pancake fix yesterday! They were delicious, too! Its so nice when a craving actually gets satisfied!
Hi All
It has been a month since I had my D&C and am waiting on the results now they say that they have been sent off for testing but as yet I Have not heard and wander if it takes a while to get results, I have had a few bleeds which lasted 1 day and then had spotting which has been brown but not had proper period as yet is this normal please ? I seem to be in the dark and wander if you could advise what happens now please - glad to hear all the news and new babies being born congrats xx stacey

Hi Stacey, I got my pathology results at my 2 week post op appt. I think you are right to wonder what is taking so long. Possibly there is a back up of cases though.

I had irregular bleeding/spotting for the first 10 days or so, but got my normal period exactly 4 weeks after my D&C. Some people take a bit longer to get back on schedule though. I would think it depends on how far along you were and how quickly your hCG levels drop. Have you gotten those results yet? Is your Dr following with regular tests to a zero result?

BTW, even though I had stopped bleeding I still tested positive for pregnancy at my 2 week post op appt. If your Dr isnt testing blood regularly, you could try taking a HPT to see if you are still testing positive.

I'm so sorry you are in this limbo stage. I know its not easy and you probably just want things to get on with it. You'll get there, I promise! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thank you for your reply I have got an apt on the 13th June for the actuall test results so hope things are not really bad - are there any specific questions to ask as im not sure what to say - I still havent had a period and had my op in April ? thankyou for your advise
Stacey, my biggest questions would be how often will they be testing you until you reach a neg hCG and how log do they want you to wait after a neg result. I'm sure those questions are at the top of your list anyway. Good luck on the 13th. I hope those numbers are low or at zero!
Stacey, my biggest questions would be how often will they be testing you until you reach a neg hCG and how log do they want you to wait after a neg result. I'm sure those questions are at the top of your list anyway. Good luck on the 13th. I hope those numbers are low or at zero!

hi Amanda
what happens when you find out your levels do you have injections or pills or does it come down naturally i guess he will tell me that but its so rare this is the only place i am getting answers thank you stacey
Hi Stacey! Mine came down on their own and I believe that is the norm. Occasionally numbers will stabilize and then rise again which can mean that some tissue could have been left behind after the D&C. Here in the US, a repeat D&C is sometimes done. From what I have read, once in a while, when it is a complete molar there can be persistent molar tissue and treatment may be needed. I dont mean to scare you, in most cases the levels drop on their own. It appears at a different pace for each person.

I recently found a molar/partial molar group on babycenter(dot)com that has a lot of active members and lots of different situations. It can be found here

I agree, there really seems to be limited information out there. The more you can get the better, in my opinion anyways.
Thank you for your reply I have got an apt on the 13th June for the actuall test results so hope things are not really bad - are there any specific questions to ask as im not sure what to say - I still havent had a period and had my op in April ? thankyou for your advise[/QUOTE]

Hi, I had a complete mole, it took the hospital nearly 6 weeks to conifrm that it was a compete rather than partial. I went under the clinic at Dundee, and it was also about 6 weeks before they started sending me urine samples to collect also. I got so bothered I asked the GP to test my blood. They did and it was reassuring to know it had dropped. Thankfully my levels returned to <25 within 8 weeks, which is good for a complete mole. They actually said I could conceive 6 months from my d&c rather than reaching normal levels, but I think this depends on individual cases.

Good Luck
Thanks for all your replies, it is so reassuring hearing from you all.

I had actually sent a urine sample away last Monday to Dundee, following my miscarriage last month. I knew I was pregnant again and so just let them know. They phoned on Friday to say my HCG was 22 which fits with me being only about 4w5d today. I went to the doctor today and had my bloods taken getting result tomorrow, but she gave me my results from Wed blood test this was 119. This means my hcg has doubled in those first few days every 24 hours. I asked should I be concerned, but she was as much use as a chocolate teapot!

Will wait and see what they are tomorrow, before reading too much into it all.
Thanks for all your replies, it is so reassuring hearing from you all.

I had actually sent a urine sample away last Monday to Dundee, following my miscarriage last month. I knew I was pregnant again and so just let them know. They phoned on Friday to say my HCG was 22 which fits with me being only about 4w5d today. I went to the doctor today and had my bloods taken getting result tomorrow, but she gave me my results from Wed blood test this was 119. This means my hcg has doubled in those first few days every 24 hours. I asked should I be concerned, but she was as much use as a chocolate teapot!

Will wait and see what they are tomorrow, before reading too much into it all.

Congratulations on getting pregnant so soon! Honestly, I think you'd worry weather it happened right away or several months from now. Good luck, those levels sound about right!
Thanks for all your replies, it is so reassuring hearing from you all.

I had actually sent a urine sample away last Monday to Dundee, following my miscarriage last month. I knew I was pregnant again and so just let them know. They phoned on Friday to say my HCG was 22 which fits with me being only about 4w5d today. I went to the doctor today and had my bloods taken getting result tomorrow, but she gave me my results from Wed blood test this was 119. This means my hcg has doubled in those first few days every 24 hours. I asked should I be concerned, but she was as much use as a chocolate teapot!

Will wait and see what they are tomorrow, before reading too much into it all.

Congratulations on getting pregnant so soon! Honestly, I think you'd worry weather it happened right away or several months from now. Good luck, those levels sound about right!

wow that was quick for you getting pregnant were you not worried about your levels not being at zero then ? I would love to start trying properly but am worried that it may effect the pregnancy again and i couldn't go through that again. Congrats on the news tho x:baby:
I had been given the all clear from my molar pregnancy in the spring as that was last year. I have subsequently fell pregnant in April and May and lost them early. No one can confirm whether these miscarriages were molar pregnancies as they were early on and natural. After both these though my levels were under 10 a couple of days later. I maybe should have waited a month after them just to be sure, but it took so long to conceive, we'd been trying for a year, that I was becoming desperate to become pregnant.
I had been given the all clear from my molar pregnancy in the spring as that was last year. I have subsequently fell pregnant in April and May and lost them early. No one can confirm whether these miscarriages were molar pregnancies as they were early on and natural. After both these though my levels were under 10 a couple of days later. I maybe should have waited a month after them just to be sure, but it took so long to conceive, we'd been trying for a year, that I was becoming desperate to become pregnant.

You know what, I was thinking about your post while trying to take nap and remembered more details about your situation. Sorry about that, pregnancy brain, I guess. I agree with you about the quickness that your levels dropped, especially since complete molars can be persistent and don't usually mc naturally.

I feel you on the feeling desperate to become pregnant again! I felt the same when it was taking us several months to get pregnant after my pmp. We had even initiated infertility testing, with my husband going to do a semen analysis the day before I got my BFP! Life works in funny ways.

I look forward to your update tomorrow!
Alwilan I'm sure you will be fine :hugs: As Amanda said the artificially high levels with a molar / partial usually lead to a mmc - with your mc's been early and your levels dropping to zero so fast, it sounds like they were non molar related. Unfortunately early mc happens a lot - I have everything crossed that this time everything will gowell for you :hugs:

Amanda how are you doing? I'm glad Luc had a great birthday!

Kate how are you feeling? I hope the sickness has gone!!

I have been popping in everyday to see how you guys are getting on, I'm just so busy that I hardly get time to post properly! Oliver keeps me busy and running my own business too - its hard work! I'm trying to take Oliver to lots of groups and things too, so that he gets to socialise, since he doesn't go to nursery. I am starting a six week cooking course today, its only once a week for two hours, they put a creche on for the children and Oliver knows a few of the staff, so I'm sure he'll be fine :) plus I'm only in the next room if he needs me :)

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